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12874356 No.12874356 [Reply] [Original]

After a few months away from the cryptogram (Yes, there are other things in life than cryptos). I saw that 2 corners have made a good breakthrough: LTO network and TomoChain, are these climbs justified?

I saw that LTO was back by a few big institutions. It's still marketing or... ?

>> No.12874459

I know there are some good news like this :


>> No.12874463
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No sir. Team has been very active posting content to resolve FUD. Lots of info @ltoinfo on telegram

>> No.12874588

I know nothing about LTO. On the other hand Tomochain does a great work so yeah I think the climb is justified.

>> No.12874592
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>> No.12874623

One is literally named "Tomo" the other is dogshit. "Tomo" is ran by a chink, dont need to say much more.

LTO Has a 400million circluating supply of mainnet tokens and a 50 million supply of tradable tokens, Literally you need to get the token off an exchange, then pay to get a different token just to use the mainnet (bridge fee). Which is already fucking dumb, but then their gonna take away the bridge fee, so then you'll just have two fucking tokens for no reason. The Tokenomics are overly retarded and it's just there for marketing since "only" about those ERC 20 tokens are the ones that can ever be traded, people like the tout the number of mainnet tokens burnt like it means anything. But after you pay the dumbass fee (100 LTO) and get a new token for the token you already bought you can stake your LTO so it has one usecase. I would watch it on the sideline to see if they introduce anything else.

TDLR "Tomo" dogshit, "LTO" maybe.

>> No.12874627
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>> No.12874635


UBT is done, no need to spread FUD about LTO anymore

>> No.12874641

Do you even know what FUD means? Literally everything I said was true, the tokenomics are dogshit in that way but it still can be worth something which is why I said it's a maybe.

>> No.12874646

I want constructive feedback, on LTO is ok ? But why Tomochain is shit ? Go further in your feeds please.

From my first read I understand there is mainte with a new consensus, stacking option, next step is sharing ? it's good no ?

>> No.12874650


Sorry for my misspell i'm very tired

>> No.12874717

Basically with LTO the only tradable token is the ERC 20 token, which can't be used on the mainnet. Remember the only usecase these tokens have are staking and masternodes, so you literally have no usecases for the token you just bought. If you want to be able to use it you have to pay the bridge fee, basically you have to pay out more money to use the token. LTO is a good project this aspect is just overly retarded.

"Tomo" is just another cash grab, just look at it's name.

>> No.12874783

If we follow your reasoning, a lot of projects are cash grab, right? Uses and partnerships do not develop in one fell swoop.

In order to have a solid foundation, it is first necessary to work on the foundations of the project and to offer a technical infrastructure worthy of the name in order to gain the confidence of potential future users of the service.

>> No.12874847

>der to have a solid foundation, it is first necessary to work on the foundations of the project and to offer a technical infrastructure worthy of the name in order to gain the

Yes exactly, by my logic 99% of these projects are literally just crash grabs, which is exactly what they are.

Look for token usecases. You're buying the TOKEN nothing else, don't looking at "Sharding" or any other thing coming, I dont know a lick about Tomo but judging by it's dumbass name and the chinks that run it I couldn't careless.

What you need to do is go into Tomo's chat and ask them for usecases of their token. If they give you some then buy it, if they can't and only can tell you sharding is coming then it's a shitcoin.

the LTO erc20 token is a shitcoin aswell since you can only trade it, but the mainnet one which you have to pay to get has uitlity in staking.