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12871760 No.12871760 [Reply] [Original]

bros I really want to move to California or somewhere warm and relaxed, I can't take NYC anymore. All these niggers, the constant stinging wind or brutal humidity, the dirt and grime, the insane people. I need to move somewhere else. How the fuck do I find work/housing remotely?

>> No.12871782


>> No.12871806

Call up a recruiter in the area that you want to move to. Ask her to get you some interviews with local companies. When you get a job you can use part of your signing bonus as a security deposit on a rental.

Of course if you're working at 7-11 or something you probably won't need to do any of this anyways.

>> No.12871814

>he’s not a software engineer
>he doesn’t have recruiters and engineering managers calling him constantly and offering him $150k salaries to move to California
>he doesn’t have a 11/10 Asian gf sucking his dick right now while his roomba cleans his apartment
Sorry kid, some people like you were just never meant to make it. better luck in the next lifetime.

>> No.12871818

do Texas or Arizona. California is a crater.

>> No.12871822

Get a job with a big company and ask for a transfer after a year. Then wait for a spot to open and hope your weak ass is better than a new hire. Or just stop being a pussy, take your savings and bounce.

>> No.12871827

>I really want to move to California
Here's a tip: Don't

>> No.12871861

Save $5k. Find place you want to go. Go there and set up a ups box or mailbox ect. address. Buy/make fake paystubs for local company. Go to local apartments and get apartment. Put in applications everywhere. Buy drugs and lose it all after police stop. Live on the streets. Stand at the local 711 asking if random people can spare change.

>> No.12871893

Move to Washington state.
>Rain is a meme. It's actually quite pleasant most of the time. Rarely goes below freezing, rarely goes above 80 degrees.
>Fuck Seattle. Look further north...lots of small towns with reasonable employment/rent.
>Overwhelmingly white, in fact the pacific NW was billed as a white safe haven when it was first being populated.
It's beautiful, it's fun, and not as wildly left as people make it out to be.

>> No.12871906

A move to savannah would be best. One of the oldest cities in the U.S. The weather is pleasant too.

>> No.12871914

The only vestige of reality this larp has is the roomba cleaning your pecker

>> No.12871916

I used to live in California and now live in NYC. The weather is much better but everything else is worse in Cali. Dirt, grime, insane people, etc. Everywhere you look is Mexicans and homeless people. Go to Miami instead. It's all spics there too but at least there's no state tax and nice beaches.

>> No.12871932

Oh, and I forgot to mention bikini baristas if that's your thing. I've actually been served by some of the barista brappers often posted here. They used to flash you if you gave them tips but the state cracked down.

>> No.12871944

Moved out of NYC 3 years ago after living there all my life. Just fucking go. You’ll figure the rest out later. Pick your balls up off the floor and just leave. Best advice I can give you. NYC will eat your soul.

>> No.12871953

What about the asian girl population in California.

>> No.12871965
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been here 21 years now. can't fucking take it anymore.

pls no humid places I can't take it

any jobs there? I've got a history of logistics and warehouse management, as well as account management. Yes these are meme jobs but its a notch up from retail and fastfood.

i just have california idealized because of the palms and mountains and such bros. I get that there are a lot of mexicans there but i was thinking maybe if i moved closer to wine country or sacramento it would be more chill?

>> No.12871974
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>mfw wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.12871992

if you want hot asian girls, stay in SoCal. Irvine and LA are known to have the hottest asian-american girls. NorCal asian girls are average at best.

t. Asian-American from Norcal who went to school in SoCal

>> No.12872115

There are a lot of hot Asians in LA but I've found NYC to be pretty good for that too. I think 3 of the last 5 women I slept with were asian since I moved here.

>> No.12872118

If you’re white don’t move to California
You’ll hate it and be miserable even if you get a job
T. Glendale for 15 years and it’s gotten way worse

>> No.12872156
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It's only 50 degrees here in SoCal it's cold af bro it's a rip off. Florida has affordable houses and alligatorbros to befriend. You should go there instead

>> No.12872158

I live in NYC. You ever been to Cali? I just went for a week this past August, it sucks. I expected the weather to be nice like on TV but it's too cold. Summer day in San Fran feels like fall here, like 50 or 60 degrees. LA gets cold af at night, you basically always need a sweater even in July.
Don't fall for the California weather meme. I'm convinced nyc has better weather. The summer nights when it's 85 and you can walk around in a tank and basketball shorts, can't do that in LA

>> No.12872178

Pretty much this. I lived in LA for almost 10 years and it got noticeably worse during that time. LA county is majority Mexican except for a few beach towns and a few expensive neighborhoods like Westwood and Beverly Hills. If you make good money you can live in those gated areas but then you still have to deal with traffic, smog, and LA douchebags every day.

>> No.12872205
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>> No.12872253

Nowhere. I've been all around the world and anywhere with warm weather is packed to the brim with spics. If you're gonna move to LA stay in Manhattan beach or Malibu ($$$) otherwise you're stuck with Miami or NYC

>> No.12872336

I don't even care about warmth desu i just like dryness. I just hate how claustrophobic NYC feels. The homeless/insane problem has gotten really out of hand recently.

>> No.12872762

Don’t move to California, it’s a shithole.
t. lived there, it was horrible beyond belief

>> No.12872766

>The homeless/insane problem has gotten really out of hand recently.
It can’t be worse than SF.

>> No.12872793


come to Australia, one less nigger on the immigration list, plenty of work in Logistics if you have good history

>> No.12872814

Do not come to Australia we're full

>> No.12872839


>> No.12872844

Rural Alberta is white, high employment and dry weather. Cold as fuck 6 months out of the year though.

>> No.12873202

arizona, new mexico, florida-humid but it aint bad.

>> No.12873217

Been in LA for about 6 months now. Gonna stick around for a while for work but god damn if you're tryna avoid chimps n beans stay FAR away from here

>> No.12873447

If you want hot white chicks, they're all in Santa Monica or Simi Valley in SoCal.

Otherwise, move to Arizona. Most of the white porn stars I know are from that state.

>> No.12873454

Please do not move to LA, we are full, don’t care how much you hate traffic, and no your dreams will probably not come true here. thank you

>> No.12874280

I lived in NY last year. Just moved to the outskirts of Sac.
Still love NY though. If you're a racist, you should probably move to Eastern Nevada, lots of your type out there.

>> No.12874476

thank god Im a europoor you ameritards really have it rough these days lmao

>> No.12874501

>he isn’t a neet who can live anywhere because he bought eth early
Never going to make it if you keep wagecucking

>> No.12874691

I got a room in my apartment.
I live where weed and redwoods grow.

>> No.12875102


>wants to move to california

if only you knew how bad things really could be

>> No.12875109
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miami is a third world hellhole

>> No.12875119

except there's more chinks now than ever

>> No.12875130

For anyone trying to work in NYC, commuting from NJ is an absolute meme. Don't fall for it.

>> No.12875161


>> No.12875168

That word is not permissible here. Watch what you say as racism is strictly forbidden on /biz/

>> No.12875373


Miami's a shithole if you actually live there. Expensive with lots of crime. And unless you're making 100k a year you can't even enjoy it.

>> No.12875425


>> No.12875459

Please do NOT move to Arizona. We are FULL

>> No.12875460

Try south coastal oregon, like bandon and southwards. Weather is like san diego, but without commiefornia's fucked up laws. People are pretty rough/tumble and more redpilled than you'd expect for the region.

>> No.12875466

Move to Cape Town, South Africa. Like palo alto but 100x cheaper.

>> No.12875525

this comment is true to form and sums up SoCal fags... bunch of fucking pussies.....bro.
you don't know what cold is. quit complaining about every damn thing.

>> No.12875603

NYC still has based areas if you move to one of the old school outer borough Irish/Italian neighborhoods.

>> No.12875872


>> No.12875919


>> No.12876058

Leave mutt land Cali was so 2000

>> No.12876217


>> No.12876235

>Simi Valley
Aka Chernobyl lite

>> No.12876296

p sure you want to be in phoenix.

>> No.12876594

Can you tell me more? Yank here with a half-decade of logistics experience and have been looking into work in NZ/AUS but it doesn't really seem in demand at all - I was under the impression that I would be told >>12872814

>> No.12876755

>I really want to move to California
Fuck off

>> No.12877087

Certain areas are. Not if you're in a $2M condo in south beach.

>> No.12877106

californian here. I am surrounded by niggers beaners and bums and feminists. Come here if you like niggers beaners and bums and feminists

>> No.12877114

We have too many people in California. Please go elsewhere.

>> No.12877391

Where in nyc are you bro we could hang out?

>> No.12877443

> never mentions Denver

Wow this board is dumber than I ever imagined.

>> No.12877462

It's horrible here don't do it

>> No.12877659

I got into berkeely but didn't go solely cuz of ugly ass bitches. Went to UCLA which had good talent.