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12869366 No.12869366 [Reply] [Original]

Will you get further ahead being lazy and using politics or by being a hard working wagie?

>> No.12869375


>> No.12869405


Best approach is medium work effort and politics.

No politics and you'll never get ahead, no raises, shit promotions.

Too little work effort and you'll be fired. Too much work effort and your peers will resent you, especially older coworkers.

Medium work effort and medium politics will take you far. Never underestimate the power of getting drunk with the boss outside of work.

>> No.12869478

Man those pancake-faced zips really got nice tits!

>> No.12869509

>Will you get further ahead being lazy and using politics

That will just drag everyone else down to your level. Technically, you're getting ahead.

>> No.12869522


>> No.12869558

The former.

I'm a hard worker // good performer and all that does is get more work piled in front of you without any chance to work on something that actually gets you ahead.

This fucking sucks. I'm honestly about to quit.

>> No.12869602
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trigger warning

>> No.12869678
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>> No.12869749

Imagine the smell of that thing. I've had yellow fever lately.

>> No.12869777

id pay good money to fuck these sluts

>> No.12869788


>> No.12869867

Based and hitlerpilled

>> No.12869955
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I am a boss who likes getting drunk and just want to say this anon is 100% correct.

>> No.12870052


It's the Jav tag you retard

>> No.12870301

I too endorse this statement

>> No.12870311

they some skanky looking hos tho

>> No.12870327

why are asian porns so long

>> No.12870355

What about if your boss and colleagues are a mix of women and men. What do?how to get drunk and remain socially acceptable ?

>> No.12870372

i was waiting for them to shit or vomit in the soup bowl tbqh. anyways don't play politics, you're probably not smart enough for it. just be the guy that everyone wants to have a beer with combined with working hard and willingness to be flexible and help others

>> No.12870401

Did you even look at the dubs he got?

>> No.12870441

Are you nervous about getting drunk with female coworkers?

>> No.12870447


Wrong fucking answer, motherfucker. If you are in an office and want to get ahead play the office politics dicksucking game. It isnt hard to dicksuck your boss just smile, be agreeable, and never ask for help. Doing what you mentioned will result in your coworkers liking you but your bosses being jelly as fuck underminding you behind your back because you look like a threat. Do NOT listen to this anon, OP.


Save your money and start a business. Once you are willing to put forth more than medium effort towards work its time to move on.

>> No.12870510

why are asian women, especially japanese so beautiful? Even these obvious whores have such alluring faces I want to unironically marry them.

>> No.12870600

Yes. The last thing I’d want is for one to say I sexually harrased them and lose my job

>> No.12870645

japanese and slavic women are basically the best looking females on earth.

>> No.12870686

I guess that makes sense. all other races and even anglo women look like shit compared to asians and slavs. Especially asians though.

>> No.12870760

most of it it's on dvd format and comes with multiple scenes

>> No.12870770

I'd say both, everyone has/will taste penis

>> No.12870772

its actually due to gender disparities. In the soviet union for example there was a significant low male:female ratio, so it was a pussy paradise, so men could take their pic of only the hottest women. And the result we see today, hot girls in these countries because they were selected for beauty.

>> No.12870793


>> No.12870801

I just based my statement on the two hottest milfs on earth being japanese/russian super models. both are 40+, both have daughters that are 20 or 30+, and both look younger and hotter than their daughters. I forget their names tho.

>> No.12871254
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ok now hand over the sauce

>> No.12871264

from order of appearance: aimi yoshikawa, mizuno asahi, erika kitagawa, and last one i can't identify.

>> No.12871443

I don't even care about the topic, that video OP posted is some of the hottest non-hentai shit I've seen.

>> No.12871558
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>> No.12871576
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Put down the gun, you old hag.

>> No.12871579


>> No.12871619
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stop pointing that gun at my grandma

>> No.12872045


>> No.12872070

I'm on my phone someone post a full vid of the asian bitches in this webm

>> No.12872109
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>> No.12872113

Imagine having to vote to force people to treat you as more valuable lmao

>> No.12872168

Exotic appeal

>> No.12872176

That is heaven for me

>> No.12872217
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BRAP PFFFFfffffftttttttttttt

>> No.12872301

Yeah, this was basically me at my old job.

I spent 5 years being a total wageslave, getting great performance reviews but working consistent 50 hour weeks, receiving terrible raises (like 4% a year) and only getting a single promotion. I basically doomed myself in my second year by earning a reputation as a pushover who would do whatever was asked of him. So when I started pushing back and asking for more, refusing to clean up other peoples' mess and refusing to do shit projects, it was too late. Instead of acknowledging that I was capable of more than the dick with 2 years' work experience who was on track to be my senior by next year, my bosses arranged a meeting with HR and told me how they had become "concerned" about my "rebellious and insubordinate behaviour". When I pointed out that I was doing the same thing as Dick, and how I was working on projects way below my skill level, they just froze and defaulted back to the "just keep your head down and don't make us fire you". As chance would have it I was contacted by a headhunter about a month later, and ended up landing a job with a much larger company that paid almost 60% more than I had been making. I left my old company in the middle of a major project and never looked back (don't ever go to management with a competing offer and ask them to match it; if they weren't going to give it to you when you asked in the first place, they didn't value you before and they never will). Been with my current company for 3 years now and it's so much better. Partially because of the culture, but also because I value myself now. I negotiated my job offer. I don't take on work that's below me if someone else at a more appropriate level has capacity to handle it. I ensure my work is competent and complete. I engaged in the medium work/medium politics game, like >>12869405 suggested.

Also this. They're just standard sluts that you would normally have no respect for, but NOVELTY

>> No.12872308

work hard and use politics

>> No.12872338
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>> No.12873169

wut dis?