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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12866227 No.12866227 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink wont start on Windows
And Linkies think MN is soon.

>> No.12866248

> knowing this little about code
Your posts aren't even leddit tier. They're myspace boomer tier. Go the fuck back.

>> No.12866272

>staking and running a node on a virus plagued system. Kek

>> No.12866288

Linktards will defend this.

>> No.12866318
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You ok fren?

>> No.12866341

It's sad enough believing in it when nothing was delivered but still believing after they tried and failed is just... Christ almighty.

>> No.12866404

If anything, this is bullish because it means it's finished and they are now porting it to Windows for mass adoption from normans.

>> No.12866720

The fact that they're even bothering with Windows is bullish. It means they're trying to lower the barrier for entry as a node operator.

>> No.12866734

Why would they even fucking bother with a windows version? What servers run windows for any reason?

>> No.12866738

Why would they even try to make Windows a viable option for a chainlink node?

>> No.12866970

(You) need help

>> No.12866983

>running serious shit on windows

Get linux nigga

>> No.12867876

Both is even better.

>> No.12867981
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1536, 1523305529683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody here forgets that Steve & co are building the fucking INDUSTRY STANDARD on blockchain API middleware and that means that chainlink must run/build when underwater, when your CPU is bursting flames, when there is no more power and yes, even on windows.

The whole thing that is beautiful with chainlink is if you haven't worked at big companies in data/cloud/BI/devops or whatever and comprehend how this shit will unlock blockchain registry potential for businesses you can't see the difference between Chainlink and another shitcoin.

God speed anons, and remember, buy mobius

>> No.12868002

what's a myspace?

>> No.12868052

Rather they focus on relevant shit

>> No.12868063
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Who the fuck runs Windows for something that needs uptime?
This is literally nothing.
Only brainlets would try this shit

>> No.12868190

usually big corps use windows server

>> No.12868237


U know nothing.
Now go stand in the corner , your on a time out kid.

>> No.12868256
File: 53 KB, 457x495, 1547376567996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually big corps use windows server

>> No.12868275

It’s literally the exact opposite. Small corps use windows server, big corps use big boy OS’s like CentOS

>> No.12868280

The winserver anon is right you fucktards, doesnt mean its good, but its true

>> No.12868292

Fucking cringe.

>> No.12868298

It's the exact opposite.

>> No.12868303

Dont matter because LINK is vaporware and if its successful then its a Security. Either way Biz is assfucked

>> No.12868315

I'll let them know how you feel.

>> No.12868442

>t. Americuck

>> No.12868514
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Big corps usually use both for different purposes. It's not often that you search for tech that fits the server OS, but server OS that fits the tech. Get what I mean? Regardless, for an up and coming project it's best that it works on as many systems as possible to make it appealing to devs.

>> No.12868519
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>> No.12868534

>Why would they even try to make Windows a viable option for a chainlink node?

for normies to stake the 1 LINK they bought for $500 on their laptops