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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12864626 No.12864626 [Reply] [Original]

>he didn't buy REQ when it was .01
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .02
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .05
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .10
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .15
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .20
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .25
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .30
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .35
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .40
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .45
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .50
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .70
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $1
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $5

>> No.12864632

this thread makes people sell, you realise?

>> No.12864650

>selling REQ after rebrand and v2 alpha launch
be my guest. more time to accumulate

>> No.12864825

i sold 2 years ago, your stuck holding the most worthless shitcoin you can buy on the market right now.

>> No.12864841

If you read OP from down and up, and replace buy with sell, this makes sense!

>> No.12864847

>working mainnet
>v2 alpha
>slick rebrand
>industry leading team
yea youre right guess ill gamble on some ICO coin with a whitepaper and /biz/ memes instead

>> No.12864854

Diamond solid support at 2 cents

>> No.12864866

>slick rebrand
pajeet confirmed

>> No.12864897


"some ICO coin with a whitepaper and /biz/ memes" made me 24k from 10k in bear market.

REQT made My 10k go to 800 fucking bucks

Wish I had more in meme coin and not in fuking usless REQ
Pls die bagholder....

>> No.12864912

>working mainnet
its a shitty ERC20 on ETH, you don't even know what a main net is tard.
>v2 alpha
I am el tardo I have no single clue, I buy the REQT
>slick rebrand
A fucking website, they delivered, in 2 years, a fucking website, no btc integration no nothing, erased all the cool shit from their roadmap and delivered a website, in 2 years, 30 million they raised in the ico. 30 million for a website in 2 years.
they seem to partner anyone cause they can't get anything done on their own.
>industry leading team
worst team that had to hire a bunch of pajeets to get some proof of concepts off the ground.

REQ holders are the most delusinoal dumb fuck tards ever. even worse than fucking vergins.

>> No.12864941
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>> No.12865059

posting this just shows how much of a tarderino you are.

>> No.12865067

back to the bottom of the pyramid i see

>> No.12865360
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FUDsters rekt in a reqt thread

>> No.12865435

there's nothing much else to do, if you can't even see how shit the REQ project is, you are a retard and the only thing you deserve is name calling.