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12862468 No.12862468 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on this?

>> No.12862477

The "women are here to take over a male started, male dominated endeavor" meme is almost post-ironic at this point

>> No.12862482

the crypto "industry" does seem to be bringing back the comfort woman

>> No.12862483 [DELETED] 
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another incel thread

fuck off to pol with the rest of the helpless virgins

>> No.12862484

WymynxLQ is the future
Deal with it

>> No.12862486

>we took enough dudes money, lets take some females money too

>> No.12862500

Not a chance

There's a reason there are literally no women traders

>> No.12862505


>reddit spacing
>/pol/ boogeyman

you need to go back fag

>> No.12862531



>> No.12862540

all the things she said all the things she said runnin through my head runnin thru my head runnin thru muh head

>> No.12862543

I think it's hilarious - what such an asinine headline

>> No.12862547

>asks an honest question
>must be a nazi
why are you like this?

>> No.12862559

Why do NPCs do this

>> No.12862560

Haven't you heard? Literally all racists are dumb as rocks, have never had sex, have never made money, cannot treat woman humanely, cannot be physically attractive or else it would break peoples world view.

>> No.12862562


Leftists are all the same. They cannot succeed without a controlled platform, their first comeback is telling you to stop or to go away.

Any place that allows for free and open discourse is curiously more right wing. Then totalitarian zones like reddit become leftist with time and deliberate moderation/vote rigging/de-platforming of dissenting views.

>> No.12862570

Why do NPCs do this

>> No.12862578

Just sold my bags thanks OP

>> No.12862580

anyone who replies to this thread is everything wrong with /biz/

>no archive link to actual article
>just a bait thread /pol/-style

ezpz replies, hope you're enjoying your upcummies OP

>> No.12862600
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you replied to it
you are everything wrong with /biz/

>> No.12862604

>a vagina makes a person specially qualified to talk about this issue
>if I didn't have a vagina, I would have zero qualifications in this space
>but I have a vagina, thus muh vagina makes me specially qualified to talk about this issue
>please notice muh vagina

>> No.12862614


>> No.12862662

I tend to think it is not correct.

>> No.12862691

>pissing in a sea of piss

>> No.12862712
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bitch needs some lotion that's what

>> No.12862767
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it's muh "ancient mystery schools secret doctrine of all ages" telling us this yuga is about to end because we enter in the aquarian zodiac sign of the equinox precession. And since aquarius is related to the womb (primordial water gestating life) we therefore have a matriarchal society.
I wish i was making this shit up but this is the kind of bullshit our (((masters))) really believe in thanks to the theosophic society, lucis trust and other new age faggotry pretending being old who got popularized in estoric circles by annie besant, arthur powell and helena blavatsky.

Even a tl;dr would take me hours to explain this kikery but basically they adapted the themes of the vedic texts like the baghavad gita, kiu-té or the kalachakra tantra, added some nohaide talmudic precepts, kabbalah crap, sumerian and egyptian myths and Voila.. you have now a doctrine preaching about what they call 'root races' (7 in total : aryan, abrahamic, toltec etc..) who must be ""evolved"" (ie race mixing) to supposedly develop psychic abilities (extra-intuition, remote viewing, astral projection) to be able to reach the "next level of consciousness". Since the dawn of ages we are supposedly accompagned to reach successives consciousness steps thanks to what they call Masters (or Guides) and their adepts : the brotherhood of the Snake. They are basically reptilians-like being coming from another dimension and genetically engineered us to be the perfect crucible for the reincarnation cycle for this galaxy (something very close to the gnostic apocryphs teaching of the Nag Hammadi they found in egypt in 1945). I don't have the time to speak more on this, and it will probably bore you, but basically all the matriarchy, race mixing, transhumanism, no-border bullshit the powerful are pushing so hard are because of these 'teaching'. Of course the only real winners are the kikes since they totally adapted all this crap to fit their agenda so it's just propaganda for the very rich goyim.

>> No.12862775

Won't the reg regus come and wipe them out if they truly believe that?

>> No.12862801
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Dear God please please send in the hordes of wymyns and minorities to buy my bags. There is nothing in this world I want more than every woman on earth to spend half their paycheck on literally anything at coinmarketcap. I assure you, nobody here will stand in their way.

>> No.12862818
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what the fuck pls post some more anon

>> No.12862829

Audio book about the Nazi who got killed for writing a book is on youtube. Then read some micheal serrano and Julius evola.

>> No.12862841

Stupid. Women cant even do math.

>> No.12862947

Surely not all the rich goyim are retarded enough to fall for this crap.

>> No.12862951


>> No.12862956


I mean....no one is stopping them? They just don't give a fuck about crypto lol. Crypto is computer science and finance basically, two fields women don't give a fuck about lol.

>> No.12862962
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>schizophrenia: the post

>> No.12862973
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thoughts on this?

>> No.12862975

There is so much wrong with this post I'm not even going to bother going over it. Clearly you have knowledge of the esoteric, why are you meme'ing about 50% of nonesense?

>> No.12862981
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>William Cooper: the post


>> No.12863023
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>Bitcoin is sexist because women are too stupid to figure out how to buy it.

>> No.12863058


looked into "root races" a little more. There are some inconsistencies but a single theme keeps popping out again and again

you see it in religion, you see it in scientific theories, you see it in myths (i.e. Hopi Tribes/ Nordic legends) - there were worlds or epochs before the current global civilization, some of them were very advanced and all were wiped out by either volcanic activities, polar shifts or great floods

and most of the time there are references to ayys

>> No.12863064
File: 206 KB, 765x960, baphomet from french templar castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They believe Jesus was one of these ascended Master here to help us reach a new level of consciousness. Of course the kikes have an hardron for this theory since it deny the deity of Jesus and just make him a mortal man, just "improved". And literally any important figure become a master : Confucius, Buddha and so on, it's so easy right?

The subject is so vast anon-kun. They mixed up so much stuff together to try to create the new world religion every kind of goiym could identify in.. But they have big recurring themes they really like to talk about to the others initiate, like the lost continent of Mu, Agartha and Atlantis. The generative hermaphrodite (the word come from Hermes-Aphrodite) deity Sophia, Lucifer being the man's best fren...
For example Baphomet, in the exoteric doctrine (for the non-initiated), it represent the devil trying to corrupt the soul. But in the esoteric doctrine it represent the ascended man enlightened by the Luciferian knowledge. Who is both female and male (erected phallus and boobs), who can keep his animal materiality yet reach enlightenment by opening his third eye (the lucifer's torch over the head) and awakening his kundalini (the two serpent helix over the erected penis) using sexual tantric technics. The goat head represent the capricorn in the zoadiac, which is ruled over by Saturn. Saturn represent the gate of initiation and is the co-ruler of Aquarius, so is guiding us toward our next step in enlightenment. On his right arm pointing toward the sky you can read solve (dissolve) and his left arm coagula (coagulate/solidify). It's the basic alchemical principles.
In short, (((they))) want every one of us to become this baphomet, both male and female entity following the luciferian precepts. The first step is the hermaphrodism : pushing transgender agenda and homosexuality all the time. But it's also about reversing the duality : transforming men into women (soiboi) and women into men (le strong wymyn).

>> No.12863142

>wimmin make 80% of purchasing decisions
>wymxn use their men's money to buy my bags and finance a lifetime of neethood
>literally become the bull as roasties financially cuck their husbands and boyfriends
sounds good to me

>> No.12863191

fyi 'root races' is a big category and doesn't mean our perception of race. Our current age - the 'Aryan root race' - will span from stone age to space age. The term 'Aryan' originates from sanskrit/ buddhism and simply means people of virtue/ spiritually sincere

>> No.12863435

I want women to take over everything. Very erotic.

>> No.12863478

what's goin on big guy

>> No.12863512

Most based post on biz ever

>> No.12863554


>> No.12863596


first thing that came to mind



they killed him over this

>> No.12863612

We need more women in crypto.

To be more specific, we need their money. Used to be only men had the smarts, foresight and balls to invest in crypto but women stood on the sidelines putting all their savings into Fidelity or some bullshit. There are few demographics left untapped, but women are still there. We NEED them to invest in our bags and cut loose before all hell breaks loose.

After women come the boomers. We need to convince them to insist that their pensions diversify into crypto. After that, there won't be anyone left to bleed.

>> No.12863723

hot af

>> No.12863787
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I don't know what you're smoking senpai but I want some.

>> No.12863811
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It could be that Anon,
But it could also be that you and many others are just reading too many clickbait articles design to enrage one side while rallying the other, all the while raking in clicks for money

>hurr it's a big conspiratorial paradigm shift happening right now because I'm so special and my time is so special and there must be a huge thing happening because I'm around and I'm the center of the universe, right?
What do you think happens during the boring parts of history? You think everyone during those times thinks "yup, this is just a normal time, nothing going on right now, no sir"
You faggots grip so tightly to straws

>> No.12864454

>comes in here and instantly talks about sex, as if it is relevant to the tech-related (or business-related) question at hand
no surprise your sex-centered gender won't ever innovate anything substantial, if you immediately default to reducing yourself to your vagina

>> No.12864465

Wow check out Lil’ Shlomo over here

>> No.12864778

Shit anon-sama, I'm gonna need some videos/books/articles to read to reach this level of blackpilling until link moons

>> No.12864817
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>> No.12864833

They will be fomo buying my bags at the top yes.
We need them, just not yet.

>> No.12864838


it you don't hate women at least a little, you are the virgin, fucking beta white-knight

>> No.12864876

i think nothing is stopping them to buy it. a truly egalitarian world crypto is.

>> No.12864927

>Any place that allows for free and open discourse is curiously more right wing.
not really, this is specifically true of 4chan / gab / etc, because people would otherwise lose their careers/reputations arguing for socially regressive viewpoints.

to give an extremely obvious counterpoint, all the democratic socialists you guys claim to hate are persona non grata in the US democratic party and media. the rise of the left of the anglosphere is directly attributable to people having free and open platforms to discuss ideas that were previously mocked or not covered at all by gatekeepers to open discussion.

>> No.12864938

instead of shill it, sell (You)r pussy and buy more Bitcoins
shuped non azian slut

>> No.12864963

It's not waifu Wednesday, s a d m i n.

>> No.12865030

Women getting into any space means its on the cusp of mass adoption. There is more genetic diversity in men. Therefore we are always the ones who find the next big thing. Women follow once it becomes socially acceptable/enforced.

The good news is, white males own most of the crypto. You should be glad that you will be dumping bags on spics, niggers and women. Women probably won't flood into crypto until they make more normie friendly ways to manage it though.

>> No.12865574

this is the real meaning of the headline

>> No.12865595

This. The "dumb money" segment in males is all tapped out. I predict that some woman who is smart money will use the claims of feminism to dump her bags on gullible females.

>> No.12865616
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>> No.12865774

>thoughts on this?
Look at Tiffany Hayden, get a girl & watch the tards white knight for her & shill your shitcoin.
Don't know if she started parroting this but
>Did Satashi create BTC to fund Ripple?
Just say something that doesn't have a basis in reality & get the white knights to NPC the phrase!

TL:DR when girls enter we get more white knight bag hodlers & of course some Wymen also.

>> No.12865785

>Women probably won't flood into crypto until they make more normie friendly ways to manage it though.
Thats going to take a while luckily!