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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12861858 No.12861858 [Reply] [Original]

>We are showcasing our work at the Intel 5G booth at Mobile World Congress
>The use case demos how a 5G connected future, combined with iExec blockchain technology and @intel Trusted Execution, can provide decentralized and autonomous solutions for smart cities.

>5G connected future
>decentralized and autonomous solutions for smart cities

is this a bunch of OMG style unicorn prasma hype or is there substance behind the claims?
unless I'm being deceived, this seems like one of the most important and promising projects in crypto

>> No.12861909

Smart cities are an inevitability. iExec is the best tool for that job.

>> No.12861941

We're just a few steps away from actual killer iexecubots roaming our streets.
Kind of scary if you think about it.

>> No.12862046
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>Please transfer 1000 RLC or be iexecuted.

>> No.12862155
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>> No.12862224

Pump is back on the menu

>> No.12862343

amd and consensys going to eat their lunch

>> No.12862401

Gonna dump back to 5000 sats. Always does.

>> No.12862845

Not this time. It’s done being a stable coin. If you forgot what ETH style gains are, you’ll soon remember thanks to RLC. Strap the fuck in, there’s no crypto project out there poised for the future as much as RLC.

>> No.12862858

5G is the Antichrist

>> No.12862985

iexec is vaporware with no real world uses and just theoretical ideas in a "smart" city that doesnt even exist
chainlink will make it obsolete after mainnet anyways

>> No.12863114

You link faggots are actual cancer. Why does everything have to be about your faggot scam coin. Sucks to see crypto projects like RLC actually doing something huh? And you’ve been in a scamcoin like Link for over a year and it’s done nothing except produce low quality memes and ugly posts with sirgay’s fatfuck lazy eyed face. I get it. But hold off buying RLC. You don’t deserve the gains. Faggot noose yourself.

>> No.12863167

LINKfags are getting scared

>> No.12863183

I want to put 150K USD in RLC but it will take few days for me to receive the mullah.

>> No.12863188

Holy shit >>12862985 absolutely btfo by >>12863114
I agree though the link cancer has made /biz/ worse by a significant margin. I am pumped to see what RLC is doing, the little robots may not look like much, but it’s a huge step towards the future. And Intel wouldn’t just let any crypto slap their logo next to them. It’s good news for RLC.

>> No.12863210

150k in an alt coin? post proof or larp

>> No.12863223
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I have 20k USD in RLC and I'm technically a poorfag, not unheard of for someone richer to put more money into promising coins.

If I was to bet my life on a coin it'd be RLC.

>> No.12863246

>Spare 20K in a highly speculative investment/gamble

>> No.12863411

20k is about more than half of my entire life savings, so yes im a poorfag

>> No.12863431

Threadly reminder that this coin is nothing but a marketing vehicle for intel's broken technology


>> No.12863447

That was patched loooooong ago. Nice try retard!

>> No.12863455

>patching hardware

>> No.12863467


>> No.12863481

That's a completely unrelated other sgx bug in the windows installer. But nice reading comprehension faglet

>> No.12863518

It'll get patched or there will be a workaround to prevent any malicious stuff from being possible. Guaranteed. Intel is aware of it already and probably has a fix coming.

Also, funny how I never see you LINKfags posting this shit tier SGX fud in LINK threads.

>> No.12863525

also what is that, a shit tier blog website?

Googling "intel sgx hack" brings up nothing recent.

>> No.12863591

I know the people shilling this trash are notirious bottom of the barrel retards but I kinda expected you to be capable of googling


>> No.12863622

Yeah, chances are this means nothing considering Intel is already aware of it. It's probably going to get patched within a month.

If it was that big of an issue both LINK and RLC would crash to 0

>> No.12863638

Its still a hardware issue no matter how hard you claim they'll patch it sperglord

>> No.12863655
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>I'm smarter than Intel!

>> No.12863678

Excellent argument. Tell me again how that spectre and meltdown software fixes went

>> No.12864003
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, e6faf40d6ea82ceaab56d7d460018d46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... faggots

edge computing fkin look it up will be your next fkin ai cloud computing but on a whole new level, it will be another fkin google

fk off

rlc 60 usd by 2021

>> No.12864009


Spend some time on /g/ you retarded newfuck. Intel is a total shambles. Intel is dumb.

>> No.12864029

/g is testestorone deficient reddit tier board