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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12860006 No.12860006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i atain this lifestyle?

>> No.12860035

Inherit 8 figures and have your father launder it through you

>> No.12860036

Have rich parents.
Otherwise, either win the lottery/crypto, or work your ass off to start a business over the next 5 years.

>> No.12860039

You could probably start by using correct fucking spelling you cock sucker.

>> No.12860041

Have rich parents and be chad.

>> No.12860047

okay so explain this to me?
why are these hot women there? even if he is rich is he literally just paying them like whores? because if so you could just go get a whore.
how are they profiting from this?

>> No.12860048

>Build a business that within 5 years brings you 8-9 figures of wealth
Audible KEK. That's literally like a 1 in a billion chance. Much better odds to just play the lottery.

>> No.12860051

spending my days with mindless thots, couldn't imagine a better life

>> No.12860057

Yes he's paying them as if they were whores. He pays them in fancy vacations and places to stay and good food, etc. They live a rich lifestyle at no cost, just to sit around naked and probably get fucked from time to time.

>> No.12860062

he literally pays people to hang out with him and make him look popular

>> No.12860070

Guy with to much money living an empty shell of a life paying woman to take these hedonistic pictures with him to get some kind of affirmation that he's actually ''somebody'' on social media.

>> No.12860073

This is gross.

>> No.12860080

>even if he is rich is he literally just paying them like whores?
No, they are doing charity...

>> No.12860093

You gotta go back to instagram normie.

>> No.12860100

He says he doesn't pay them and they come over because it helps with their career and instagram follower count

>> No.12860101

>5'7" manlet with weak jaw who trims his beard to hide it

Pick one

>> No.12860104

You don't need 8-9 figures of wealth to attain OP's picture. Just do it in a second-world country.

>> No.12860125

>work your ass off to start a business over the next 5 years.
That's impossible in m*ttland

>> No.12860175

Probably gay desu. Chads don’t pay people to be popular.

This is the boomer equivalent of buying an expensive sports car because your life is shit because you never developed a healthy social life.

Aka, he’s trying to hard. Elon could pay whores for this, but he’s out building rockets and shit like a man. Bilzerian is a man-child who gets off on the same social media dopamine kick these women seek. He should raise a family.

>> No.12860203

Realistic version: get involved in stock trading on robinhood and when your ready options trading. Spend years trading your own money, reading WSJ/FT news daily, and reading books on fundamental analysis. Get enough money to quit your day job with a large portion of your income coming from quarterly dividends/premiums rather than trading. Move to southern california. Work out for a few years. Contact a model agency and photographer for some insta posts. Note: its probably a lot cheaper to just take a trip overseas and do the pics with their women than pay american whore prices.

>> No.12860227


Ive been to one of his parties, heres how these women think.

1) Who doesnt like a free party with men gawking all over you and treating you like a princess/whore (whichever they prefer)?

2) All the men are vetted before even getting an invite, most are well to do in some aspect of their career/life. This ups the chance of these girls finding a successful mate.

3) He treats most of them with respect and the the ones like pic related are happy to flaunt themselves in photos with him.

4) He doesnt pay any of them, its an honor to get to hang with him (for a specific type of woman)

5) The parties are really fun in general.

>> No.12860249

lol go back Dan

>> No.12860259

Dan Bilzerian had 2 heart attacks by his mid 30s. Despite all that pretend wealth and glamor, he couldn't find anyone reliable enough to drive him to the hospital, so he drove himself. Is that the kind of life you crave?

>> No.12860260

He's not necessarily paying them, I'm sure thots hang around him for Instgram clout as well. But yeah he most likely pays most of them.

>> No.12860271

howd you get invited?

>> No.12860279

I'd like to be able to afford to fuck off and not have to rely on other people. He has the means to do that even though he doesn't. I crave the means he has.

>> No.12860284


Lol you are talking as if he would have someone to drive him to the hospital if he were poor

If i had an heart attack im pretty sure my bedridden father couldn't drive me to the hospital

>> No.12860294

Some people think getting a woman to suck their dick instead of jerking it themselves will make them happier.

>> No.12860318

Cope. This lifestyle is great, Elon also dates a hot singer

>> No.12860365

Don't get me wrong she's a really good artist but come on bro

>> No.12860378
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>being a sad, lonely loser that has never experienced someone truly loving them
I pity you

>> No.12860400


Have an Armenian father who is a celebrity lawyer and money launderer.

>> No.12860411
File: 104 KB, 800x450, 52473556-1C15-4288-A0D5-308445F44767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this useless douchebag? also I (unironically) cannot wait until all influencers are thrown into gulags.

>> No.12860412

Based and danpilled

>> No.12860427

>why are these hot women there?

Mostly for the photo shoots. This guy is desperately in need of direction in his life and has no credibility himself since he earned nothing.

I imagine it gets pretty awkward with so many strangers around, unless you're constantly making noise with your voice, which this guy might since he's a meat head.

>> No.12860428

That grape isn’t even peeled. What a pleb.

>> No.12860501

Love that is contingent on your social status, wealth, or looks cannot be true love by definition.
Anyhow, I'm pretty happy myself, thank you. You can worry about yourself.

>> No.12860543

So, money will change nothing in your life with regards to finding a strong circle of support.

>> No.12860565

Absolutely not. The second you lose it, the support you gained will be gone as quickly as it came.
One of the best ways to find like-minded people is to express yourself through art, and share it.

>> No.12860586

Get 3 heart attacks.

>> No.12860613

lookit all that smog in the air

>> No.12860620

Lots of coping bitter virgin faggots in this thread talking shit on Dan. we all would want to fuck the finest girls this planet has to offer. He started flaunting his lifestyle on the early days of IG and he took off as that guy. Tons of celebs have lived hedonistic lifestyles and made it public. This is nothing new.

He doesn’t pay those women directly but he has money and shows them a good time. Sure some hot women don’t want that but at the same time a lot of hot women want a rich famous guy spending money on them or treating them to a good time.
Let me put this in crypto terms, if vitalik was offering to fly you around and pay for everything, would you turn it down? No. Because aside from the fun, you may learn something new or get insider tips about ETH.

Well same for these hot women. Instead of insider tips it’s exppsure. Exposure for them, their IG, and other high quality people. They get exposed to higher value men and thus high value men and women get to fuck each other. (High value women being looks, and high value men being wealth/status)

Anyways, Dan is the man and I sure wouldn’t mind being rich and fucking tons of hot women. But you fags can keep jerking to your anime trap porn.

>> No.12860708

>dan is the man
youre indeed a faggot manlet

>> No.12860745

t. brainlet who can't comprehend how far women will go to fuck Chad

>> No.12860746
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you know what they say, can't spell grape without rape

>> No.12860774

work out and hire high price prostitutes to take photos with you

>> No.12860879

Dan paid him to suck his dick

>> No.12860892

not only that the man is a hardcore narssicist obsessed with himself and how ppl think of him
imagine being so insecure of yourself that you actually give a shit about what ppl think of u

social media is why ppl have this mental disorder
and it isnt up for debate

>> No.12860900

>pay prostitutes to feed you grapes
>get someone to take a photo of it
It's not that hard really

>> No.12860904

My cousin had sex with Dan Bilzerian.
And I'm still pissed off about it.

>> No.12860916

Did she get paid?

>> No.12860938

No, you are insecure after seeing a photo of this cool dude

>> No.12860973

Hahaha what a stupid whore

And what does she have to show for it? Did he even do anything for her? How long did she hang out with him after?

>> No.12860993

Lol is this true?

>> No.12861009

I remember you already posted this. You said she was underage and this happened in Canada.

>> No.12861061

Yeah alberta.
Still pissed.

>> No.12861069

In my experience these girls smell like cheese when you go nearer to them.

>> No.12861072

She didn't get paid but she has a fuckton of Instagram followers and he threw her handle on his instagram thing and she got a bunch more overnight which I guess to her was worth it because she does like marketing and promotions for different companies (like $1000/post and like story promotions and stuff).
Still pissed.

>> No.12861078

That sucks dude, but women can do whatever they want. No one forced her to go and party with Dan Bilzerian.

>> No.12861079

My Chad friend lives a happily married life with a girl that loves him.

He looked at me one day and said that if he died tommorow, eventually she would be out there looking for someone else to marry and "love" in return for financial support

Once you've internalisedvthis truth you can go out and live your life for you instead of trying to find love

Learn to love yourself and always put yourself first

>> No.12861101

With jungle monkeys, yay, what a life...

>> No.12861110

She was technically a child brother.
I'm honestly the absolute last person to get jealous over gf/protective macho bullshit, but .. i mean wouldn't you be pissed about THIS being the dude?

>> No.12861140

>always put yourself first
Sounds pretty Jewish but okay

>> No.12861174

Nah he has a point.
Can't love anybody else if you're an insecure beta cuck that likes to blame everyone else for everything.
Get Alpha, then go find a lady to take care of.
Keep in mind the contract goes both ways you keep her safe, keep her kids safe and earn a decent income and the boat shouldn't be rocking.
At least, that's the way the contract used to be.

The funny thing is people complain there aren't old fashioned girls like this anymore but they are way easier to identify than before.
bless the internet for counterculture.

>> No.12861198

How does bilzerian have such an internet defense force? Is DBIDF on full damage control mode? I'd like to see the true friends that would actually stand by his side if he lost all his wealth and status. That must be the weirdest feeling, that these "friends" are only around because of the good times. How many "friends" and "women" are genuinely there for Dan, as a person. They'd truly be by his side if he were a no one, born into poverty. Probably zero, and that's fucked up. Very fucked up indeed.

>> No.12861221

Sell your soul

>> No.12861225

who needs friends anyway?

>> No.12861229

not that I'm saying this is a good idea, just that's how you do it

>> No.12861321

yes lmao he looks like a rodent with no beard

>> No.12861458
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>be extravagantly rich turbo-chad
>still have to literally pay people to hang out with you
What did he mean by this?

He actually pays people to do PR for him online. When he was at the Vegas shooting he paid some random youtube channel to upload a video saying he's a total badass when all he did was annoy some cop and beg him to give him a gun.

>> No.12861471

Well if she was on his Insta then post it here. Or I'll just go find it myself

>> No.12861537

If I had his wealth I would just find a good woman and have 10 kids. Am I the only one?

>> No.12861556

No and in 50 years, degenerate genes will have aborted, birth controlled and raced mixed themselves out of existence.

>> No.12861576

Did you have the temerity to say what you just said and think nobody would check you like I'm doing right now?

>> No.12861669


roastie detected

>> No.12861746
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>> No.12861812

He's a distinguished shitposter

>> No.12861833

How progressive

>> No.12861857

Bilzerian is such a posturing choch. I would love to have a harem of bitches on speed dial as well but I wouldn't have any use for all of this teenage boy tier insta posting and showboating, it reeks of latent insecurity even as he can get anything he wants, most of it anyway.

My dream life is billions, and a rotation of 3-4 super hot women I could both enjoy in a sexual and companionship manner, and maybe even raise some kids with. And of course a big yacht stocked to the brim with booze.

>> No.12861861

How old was she? 16 isn't underage in Canada

>> No.12862056

you just jealous of my boy Danny B getting all the pusy. Modern day ceasar

>> No.12862078

>Elon also dates a hot singer
elon dates the diametric opposite of a instagram bimbo
he dates a slightly average art hoe with independant wealth of her own merit

>> No.12862110

Cope if I ever saw it.

>> No.12862148

Do 3 steps forward, one step to the left, 2 to the right, a Shoryuken motion, medium punch.


>> No.12862186

He pays them, just like he PAID to be in a movie. Pathetic chadlett, kek

>> No.12862283

Fuck off Dan

>> No.12862286

>t. formerly hot roastie

>> No.12862320
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>> No.12862381

>Love that is contingent on your social status, wealth, or looks cannot be true love by definition.

I would argue that you could never find someone to love who doesn't care about any of those three things. everyone has at least one they're hung up on

>> No.12862427


Basically Dan either:
> pays them
> offers to help them get their Instagram numbers up by showing up on his insta
> gives them a free trip, free food, free gifts, etc. to be in his company

These women get paid one way or another.

The act of the great playboy is to make it seem like these women just come to him

>> No.12862441


Yep. The idea of some kind of pure spiritual/soul connection is false on its face. I'll admit that even if I think good love is possible.

We are hardwired to our core to need something from someone, be it their looks or their things or even their personality if it is that rich, which is still an asset.

>> No.12862513


he's literally suicidal despite his lifestyle

>> No.12862514

If you have anything bad to say about that photo and not inspired to emulate this life, there's something unironically wrong with you, like low test or onions indoctrination

>> No.12862631

this is true, problem of many rich people, not knowing if they are real or not. good thing i dont have this problem cause my niggas are my niggas they know me well.
i knew them when i was poor, all they did was get motivated from my success

>> No.12862688

>We are hardwired to our core to need something from someone

That's why most religions call desire as something evil

>> No.12862698


And yet religion is merely servicing and placating the human desire to mitigate their fear of death/the unknown and serve as a fill in daddy role. God has to do something for them, answer their prayers, give them a blissful eternity in heaven.

>> No.12862708

>coke and whores is what matter in life, period.

>> No.12862719

For non-whites and Jews maybe.

>> No.12862816


i was taking pictures of Steve Aoki on stage, happen to be in the right place at the right time with people who I was definitely not qualified to be hanging out with, got in a car with some random dudes who though I was a part of the whole crew and just kinda floated on in. DESU i left early because when people asked me who I was I wasnt prepared to BS so shit and started creeping people out as it was becoming more and more obvious I didnt belong there.

>> No.12862854


Maybe in modern christianity, but orthodox and early christianity was more concerned with the omniscience of god, and the justice that an all knowing god could bring, even if it could go against your own wishes, it's actually a far more explainable viewpoint considering how advanced some beings could be, a sufficient all-knowing advanced being would be no different as god if given ominiscience and complete historicity of all universe

Modern protestant christianity is paganism at this point, asking for money doing rituals and other vain shit, it has literally 0 concern with sin other than legalistic reasons

>> No.12862886
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Not surprised. He has everything anyone could ever want. It is a curse, you realize none of it makes you happy, and all the goyim on Earth pursue it relentlessly, living in a fantasy world where there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

>> No.12863702

Thot, chad will never love you.

>> No.12863715


This. Seriously how many grapes until you're like damn I'm not that into grapes.

How many times can you play with that ass and titties before you get bored.

It's an illusion.

>> No.12863763

Imagine having a fuckin photograph team around you for your ego lol

>> No.12863840
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Damn son, and I thought I had seen everything.

>> No.12863891

Did she died?

>> No.12863910

t. Dan

>> No.12863936

This world is a fucking joke. Take the buddhapill and create a temple in your mind through meditation, building the qualities of peace, love and equanimity to all beings. Only then will you be free of this fucking disease.

>> No.12863990



>> No.12864090
File: 71 KB, 600x622, 1516488351777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did. You come full circle. take the truth pill
>pic related

>> No.12864314

recommend some guides

>> No.12864362

take steroids and be given money by daddy to waste on whores

>> No.12864365

hold chx for 2-3 years to make it

>> No.12864607

Improve your head game and he might let you feed him grapes.

>> No.12864886

Dan calm down go back to ig

>> No.12865000

Why is the slut covering her tits? Pretty late for modesty

>> No.12865029

Literally a picture of devils with goat feet and horns sticking out

>> No.12865135

Blonde's name?

>> No.12865149

Hello shlomo

>> No.12865156


>> No.12865158

Jenna Tull

>> No.12865172

Suck 100,000 dicks for $100 each

>> No.12865193

Hot. How do I find girls to do this?

>> No.12865211

Sounds like you were very vetted indeed

>> No.12865214

be born rich

>> No.12865220

kys kike

>> No.12865227
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>> No.12865230

Your mangled dick shows

>> No.12865372

So you want to live like a rich Middle Eastern oil baron

>> No.12865477
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>> No.12865536

>but women can do whatever they want.
Imagine being ok with this

>> No.12865570
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Buy #Quant or cry salt tears forever $QNT

>> No.12865651
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literal random white women in their 20-30 are times better for sex than the best of the girl he shows in his pictures

and if you work on your looks, wallet and hobbies, you will unironically have any women like this that you want, because you'll be so far ahead of others she knows

nothing hard for /biz/

>> No.12865670

I think he means if you have people who actually love and care for you and not a fake life, they will drive you to the hospital. Sorry about your father, anon. But I'm sure he would drive you to the hospital if he were able to, because he would care about his son, right?

>> No.12865683

Become a porn start, obviously.

>> No.12865699

>and if you work on your looks, wallet and hobbies, you will unironically have any women like this that you want
Why would you come here and lie?

>> No.12865736

it's the truth, you know that ugly fucks can fuck nice women, and you're pissed about it and you didn't thought about it first, then you understood and then started to take my words more seriously

>> No.12866119

sauce on the one with the milkies?

>> No.12866138

that's not a random white woman you stupid fuck random white women are flat

>> No.12866219
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Dan, we know this false veneer of success you staged on social media is just a cry for help.

Call me.

>> No.12866472

I also want to know

>> No.12866545

saw this piece of shit on joe rogan. He gets by on hormone replacement therapy and is a massive coke head. hope his dick rots the fuck off.

>> No.12866610

me too

>> No.12867533

This, nice cope fags

>> No.12867743
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>> No.12867815

He;s a fucking normie looking for normie gratificcation
If I ever make it, first, I will pop dozen of kids
and then go full degenerate fucking grannies and the ugliest bitches imaginable not some normie run off the mill models

>> No.12867859


>> No.12867920

Mariah Bevacqua