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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12857012 No.12857012 [Reply] [Original]

After you make it how will you ensure your gf doesn't try to steal your wealth?

>> No.12857027

Brainwashing. I think mine is already too far gone to even attempt something like this.

>> No.12857033

>make it

Not gonna make it bro

>> No.12857217

>gf doesn't try to steal your wealth?
She will. Or, she will assume it's hers to spend. Just know that this is true about all of them, don't kid yourself and think you found a unicorn, and proceed accordingly.

>> No.12857234

Thats a 9+

Jaws might be photoshopped

>> No.12857261


>> No.12857322

>too much belly fat

>> No.12857351


>fat belly
>no definition
>sickly moles all over her body
>Ears are shaped weirdly
>Nose is too sharp and droops downwards
>Freckles on the nose
>Fake eye brows.

I'd pay her money to leave me alone.

>> No.12857370


>> No.12857759

>caterpillar eyebrows
literally unfuckable. makes me want to vomit

>> No.12857871

> not being able to outsmart an eternal child
Maybe it'd be best if you didn't have a gf

>> No.12857887

get a gf before you make it, dummy
she shouldn't necessarily love you while you're poor (a man needs to provide)
but she should be horny for you before you make any money
else, you're fucked

>> No.12857899

My ugliness of body and personality is sufficient to prevent such an outcome.

>> No.12857900

>implying you could get at that anyways

Cope much?

>> No.12857909

I tell her I’m investing in crypto, but I’m the only one with private keys and login info.

>> No.12858221

>not getting rich TOGETHER with your gf

Cuz of me she's already well on her way to becoming financially independent.

Couples who get rich together, stay together :))))

>> No.12858244

until you get reported to IRS or she gets her new foreign chad friends to ambush + torture private keys out of you :)

>> No.12858289
File: 69 KB, 634x779, swimsuit-model-fake-tits-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon why don't we get married ? Don't you love me ?
>Anon, I've been thinking about having kids...
>Anon I don't feel the same way I used to about our relationship, you don't pay attention to me.. I want a divorce and half of everything you own.

>> No.12858790


Saudi Billionaire Sheikh Walid Juffali wanted to upgrade to a newer model, but his supermodel wife didn't like the idea of being second, so she divorced his ass. Only there was a catch! Before she could finalise the papers, he had obtained a diplomatic post with the sovereign nation of St. Lucia. This gave him diplomatic immunity, shielding him from any and all court judgements and enforcements.
Unfortunately, due to a legal technicality, the court claimed that he was technically a British citizen before he became a diplomat.
Fortunately for us, it means that if you're rich enough you can get away with anything from divorce to genocide, so long as you become a diplomat before you reside (either literally or tangentially) in the country wherein you wish to commit your crime.
All you have to do is a) be super rich, b) find a country corrupt or desperate enough, and c) convince them to make you a diplomat

>> No.12859719

fucking faggot
go back playing starwars with your penis

>> No.12859794

> t. virgin (wizard level over 9000)

>> No.12859795


>> No.12859810

She's too fat

>> No.12859811

If you didn't budget for the inevitable -50% then I'm sorry to say that you are not gonna make it

>> No.12860187

Putting everything in a company over which you have the hand over.
If you get divorce raped, all that stuff doesn't really belong to you so she can't take it.

Is that working?

>> No.12860816
File: 56 KB, 800x600, shadow-spawn gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not dating humans.
Summon a demon gf or wait for until you can buy robot ones.

>> No.12860825
File: 60 KB, 1150x1084, 1546534773453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time i had girlfriend it was year 2012. i haven't get laid for 7 years

>> No.12860891

I just looked it up. He still had to pay 75 mil. pound to his ex-wife in the end. Take-home message: never ever marry.

>> No.12860903

poor bobo... now try 25 years

>> No.12860910

based and shadowpilled

>> No.12860926
File: 1.99 MB, 311x362, 1496888914320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, never knew fat ugly girls browsed this board.

Oink oink piggy.

>> No.12860934
File: 11 KB, 316x160, apu frens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren, same year as me.

>> No.12860943

>marry robot gf
>robotic revolution happens and robots gain the same rights as humans
>robot wife leaves you
>takes half your money

no way to win anon

>> No.12860955

Honestly, I wouldn't tell her about it. Would just say I work from home.
If she ever broke up with me due to finances, it wouldn't matter that much - I can see it coming, and I can just get another one.

>> No.12861043

Pump for 3 months, then dump. Repeat. The DiCaprio method.

>> No.12861077

You can't even live with a woman for an extended period of time in many places or she can take your shit due to common-law. Life is a scam.

>> No.12861117

I came here to say this!

>> No.12861129

Just remember if she doesn't come for your money, her family will and they'll use her as their battering ram.