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12855289 No.12855289 [Reply] [Original]

fucking hell why does eating healthy have to be so expensive?

>> No.12855296

bad goy go and get some fasfood

>> No.12855299
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>mfw I work for a seafood company
>mfw I get to take come free fish

>> No.12855303

I’m an a neet in Maine. You’ve never had seafood. Just sea trash

>> No.12855319
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shut the fuck up welfare loser, you eat shit from a can

>> No.12855330

Those scallops are cheap as fuck
Throw them in a pan for a quick sear with butter and thyme, maybe pair with some rice pilaf

>> No.12855344

Do you work for Seafood Commons by any chance?

>> No.12855345


thats EACH not per Kilogram

Thing is oP, this is expensive because its sashimi grade. you could eat it right out of the bag lol

normal seafood, fresh, is far far cheaper.

cooked yellowfin tuna (as photographed) comes in tins and costs ~$5 per kg

prawns cost $10 per kg , even less frozen.

>> No.12855364

That's legit cheap for sashimi grade.
Also pork is healthier and poorfag-friendly so you have no excuse.
Slow cook pork knuckles into fatty pulled pork and make some guac from time to time to go with it. Boom, $200/month 10/10 healthy diet, electricity costs included.
And if you need variety just have some beef/fish from time to time and bump it up to $300/month.

>> No.12855367

>paying someone to prepare your food.
>why does eating healthy have to be so expensive?

because you're a brainlet

>> No.12855372


>> No.12855373

Eating ocean animals causes dementia and depression.

>> No.12855383

REAL food has always been expensive. Mass production sacrifices quality for quantity. What is sold in the supermarket today is the equilvalent of developers selling cardboard mcmansions to unsuspecting boomers

Fresh seafood is one of those things that is harder to mass produce so their prices indicate how much good food should really cost

>> No.12855387

Just grow chickens in your spare room

>> No.12855392

Do people still eat red meat?

lmao enjoy your clogged up arteries

>> No.12855401
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the only perk of smelling of fish your whole life

>> No.12855456

lmao enjoy dying due to exhaustion on your way to the bathroom

>> No.12855475

>Do people still have gay sex?
>lmao enjoy your aids

>> No.12855481
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Nah I have a comfy job in the office.

>> No.12855532


>Stamina is only possible with red meats!

lmao at your life

>> No.12855580 [DELETED] 

Of course it's expensive if you want expensive cuts of expensive fish. We already had this thread. All you really need for a healthy diet is chicken (or other white meat) and veggies. If you can afford it, you can add a bit of red meat, some cheap fish/shrimp, some fruit, nuts etc. But those things aren't neccesary.

Most fat westerners could save a lot of money by just eating a simple healthy diet consisting of mainly chicken and veggies. Also, they'd increase their life expectancy by several years (if not decades) and significantly improve their quality of life.

>> No.12855603

As someone that works in seafood industry I would strongly caution against eating cheap seafood. A lot of the cheap shrimp you buy comes straight from China raised in waters heavy in led and plastics, shrimp soak all of that shit up while they grow up and you get to ingest it.

>> No.12855613

Of course it's expensive if you want expensive cuts of expensive fish. We already had this thread. All you really need for a healthy diet is chicken (or other white meats) and veggies. If you can afford it, you can add a bit of red meat, some cheap fish/shrimp, some fruit, nuts etc. But those things aren't neccesary.

Most fat westerners could save a lot of money by just eating a simple healthy diet consisting of mainly chicken and veggies. Improving your diet is one of the easiest and best investments you can make. You will most likely end up saving money (especially after you lose weight), your quality of life will improve, you will look better, you will age slower, your life expectancy will increase, you will have more energy etc.

>> No.12855643

I edited my post. Idk about other countries, but most of the cheap shrimp in my country comes from nothern Europe which tends to have high food safety standards. We have almost no foods from China here.

>> No.12855654
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i spend £80~ a month on food and eat like a peasant, but it's all really good natural stuff.
usually skip breakfast or eat bowl of porridge on workout days with lo guo han sweetener
either 2 eggs/bacon or scrambled 3 eggs w/ tin tuna or sardine for lunch and a sliced tomato
dinner with fried cabbage + minced beef and some broccoli/spinach with an apple or a handful of grapes
iv'e dropped from 11 stone to 10 since christmas

i'm taking a similar diet to abbos before they met the huwhite people, they used to look like pic related, all muscle and zero fat
nowadays they look like american slobs

>> No.12855661

>red meat is healthy
By that logic so is smoking.

>> No.12855664
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Yeah but how bad is it for you though? Has to be so miniscule amounts that it has zero effect, probably 1000 times worse health-wise to just walk next to a car traffic road on any day.

>> No.12855677

Meat is expensive, add some beans to your plate if you like beans. Organic lentils are cheap af

>> No.12855678

population control
or man up and go hunt

>> No.12855694

One meal won’t do anything but if you’re eating it throughout your life it will have compounding effects, your chances for sterility, cancer, and autoimmune diseases will increase considerably.

>> No.12855711

>eating healthy

>> No.12855771

Ironically because no one wants to.

>> No.12855788
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I don't think there's anything to worry about, if I increase my chance of getting cancer by 1% from eating sea food during 50 years I'm close to die from a heart attack anyway. And by that logic 50 years of car exhaust have probably done way much more harm. No point in living in fear, health inspections and such in western countries does a good enough job, just eat what you want to eat.

>> No.12855878

Tuna and other larger fish, that are predators aren't as healthy as one would believe. They are full of mercury and microplastic, I would go for sardines, fresh ones if I were you. Eggs and free range chicken from your local farmer also.

And start growing your own veggies

>> No.12855885

Its not that hard to go on a healthy diet, just package 4 days of meals at a time and youre good to go. A large plus is if you plan out your meals you will throw out 0% of what you buy.

The harder part about healthy food that any bodybuilder will tell you is actually eating it. Healthy food is not as calorie dense as processed & fatty shit.

>> No.12856156

reply to wrong post?

>> No.12856175

oooohhh canadaaaaa

>> No.12856202
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>> No.12857391

We've trashed the ocean.
There will be no seafood next century.

>> No.12857480

this. Also it's fucking sashimi go to the market and buy a whole fish, cut it up etc.

>> No.12857529

Jesus disagrees

>> No.12857530

>decaying fish carcass

>> No.12857711
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>> No.12858457
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>> No.12858499

Most people will probably be eating lab fish and lab meat next century. Unironically. It's already very close to being comercially viable.

>> No.12858535

Pork ain't good for you maine

>> No.12858549

What is good for you to eat is not mass-produced in a factory. Hence, less product, higher cost.

>> No.12858550

Prove to us you're from Maine, show us that you can easily stick 2 cans of Moxie in your asshole, sideways