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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12853910 No.12853910 [Reply] [Original]

Why is mental illness prevevalent among women?

And how do we profit from this, friends?

>> No.12853920

get the fuck out of my board you fucks

>> No.12853921


They have abandoned motherhood aka their one true purpose

>> No.12853988

Women are highly volatile. Even the normal ones have a period they explode/overreact

>> No.12853997

It has to do with their periods and the hormone changes that come with it

>> No.12854005
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It's just how mammals work. Go up to any female and see what happens when you try to touch it

>> No.12854008

the cure is knocking them up when they are young, everything else is chaos for them

>> No.12854018

women and mental illness ? no way !


>> No.12854034

Women are susceptible to bullshit because they're dumb and mentally weak, so they're quick to accept and then project whichever mental illness they favour. A self fulfilling prophecy. Maybe this is a mental illness in and of itself!

>> No.12854049

it's called being privileged syndrome. They wanted more and just recently realized they had more. Now they are salty as fuck and made men aware how fucked up they were.

Now no sane men wants stacy with 1000 cock stare with a child from jamal. But they still think they are entitled to marriage and money.

in 5~10 years they'll realize they need to actually work, so abuse them. Give them min wage and make them work in the shittiest jobs.

>> No.12854050
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Divorced boomers, gen x spinsters, millennials are starting to fall off the fertility cliff. Therapists around here command $150/hr. After a few months digging the dirt give them your expert opinion of antidepressants. Then it's another few months as they "acclimate." Very important they not stop sessions during this time.

>> No.12854116

mental illness seems prevalent in the modern age, regardless of gender. Look at all the basedboys and trannies.

>> No.12854124

because their modern cultural identity is incongruent with their nature as women. So when they aren't all fourtune 500 CEOs and "future presidents" and "just as good as the boys" they feel bad. And then our culture tells them (and the rest of us) that its WRONG to feel bad, and then they become depressed.... because they are depressed. It creates a negative self reinforcing loop that they cant break out of as long as they believe that it is wrong to feel bad (and that they should be the same as men).

>> No.12854141

It isn't any more than it is in men, but I'll entertain your question.

In legitimate instances it's often the result of copper toxicity caused by poor detox mechanisms exacerbated by the presence of excessive amounts of estrogen in many foods and drugs such as birth control.

>> No.12854162

Always blows my mind. When I get horny, especially after sleeping and my brain not yet being fully awake, I tend to get turned on by things such as rape or women being sluts. But then you sober up... and you are generally capable of making the distinction between fiction and reality. Because you aren't a mere animal. To a degree that sluttiness could even start turning you off, with it's opposite (virginity etc) becoming a turn-on. But then you have these very women who do actually go around and suck thousands of cocks... and they seem unable to make this distinction. Nor do they ever "sober up." Instead they are constantly in this state in which I find myself in only momentarily, post-sleep.

I suppose marrying a roastie/slut is logically the same as marrying a rapist. It's not safe, Anon. She's too easily manipulated. By her own lack of reason and 3rd party propaganda. Unless you are the one doing all the manipulation pre-emptively. In which case you can slowly mold her into whatever kind of slave you want. I am sure once she sees you as a god, she will do literally anything without questioning it.

Scary then it is to think how these women, whose mind is more representative of that of an animal, rather than that of a human, today go around calling people "incels." And for them to be allowed to vote. And lobby. Etc...

>> No.12854195

Involuntarily celibate detected.

>> No.12854204

ironic because the entire point is that those people choose to not waste time playing those games

>> No.12854404

You sound bitter

>> No.12854503

>narcissistic men projecting their mental illness
literally typical

>> No.12854521

that's just women

>> No.12855581


>> No.12855699

t. roasties

>> No.12855712


>social media and tindr already did it
>all anonymous gossip boards closed

>> No.12855751

it's not that women are more mentally ill
it's that men are actively discouraged from expressing any emotion or distress whatsoever, so they bottle it all up until and don't get diagnosed
as for taking advantage of mentally ill people, work on your social skills and become a psychic, literally the easiest shit to squeeze money out of dumb fucks and the mentally ill

>> No.12855864

The problem is that they are encouraged to be little bitches now, so it's the opposite. In most 'young man transitional' ceremonies in primitive tribes boys are shown what true distress is for them to stop caring about stupid petty shit they would otherwise care about.
There is a severe lack in an equivalent process in first world countries. Women require men of such caliber, and can't find any as most of them are manchildren caring about petty bullshit. This makes them unhappy with the current state of men.

>> No.12856060

4chan fags like to trash talk women at any chance. It's funny. No wonder the west is dead. You can profit from women by finding a good young woman and putting your penis inside her. That's the way anons. Have babies and your drive to acquire wealth in the world will follow. Otherwise your lineage will starve.

>> No.12856073

Or I could just clone myself 1000 times. Have fun putting your shitty children up against my clone and droid armies

>> No.12856079

>Women require
giving women agency was a mistake

>> No.12856100

Women require men not to be manchildren, who wouldn't be able to head a family even if they tried. How is that a mistake?
Manchildren are literally a cultural mistake. A cancer that needs to be operated upon as soon as possible.

>> No.12856146

cuck mentality

Anyone who doesn't want to be a woman's mule is branded a "manchild" by cucks like this

>> No.12856172


women rebelled against their sole function and thus will never know happiness. Only the cockcarousel, SSRI's, and eventually suicide.

>> No.12856230

>shifting the blame on women, while telling them to be passive
Manchildren are mentally ill.
>leading a family
>be a womans mule
If you consider this to be equivalent, you are literally requiring a woman to lead the family you would spawn. This makes you a cuck supreme.

A woman naturally submits to a man. If she isn't submitting to you, she doesn't consider you a man - it's that simple.

>> No.12856239

Naw dude, they’ll see the evil of their ways and decide to start pumping out little downies in their late 30s with whatever beta will still have them. They’ll then drive the beta to suicide and live off the state.

>> No.12856258

>>shifting the blame on women, while telling them to be passive
>Manchildren are mentally ill.
women are naturally passive and devoid of initiative. They are herd animals.

Also I am a married father of four and not a "man-child".

>Naw dude, they’ll see the evil of their ways and decide to start pumping out little downies in their late 30s with whatever beta will still have them. They’ll then drive the beta to suicide and live off the state.
I work in healthcare and am seeing women who are 45 STARTING ivf cycles.

Doesn't end well.

>> No.12856262

post more kylie

>> No.12856273

Sell them random shiny trinkets, and never hire them.
Don't forget to shame your competitors into hiring women.

>> No.12856277

>>leading a family
>In today's America

In today's America, your female partner is given extrordinary legal rights over you, to the point where she can
>Get prenups invalidated, because lol women can't be forced to obey contracts right?
>Take majority or full custody of your kids, because...well women are better parents right?
>Force you to pay for their bullshit even after you've ended the marriage, which you got a prenup for, because "she's got to take care of the kids" - a domino effect of undesirable decisions

>le just find the right womyn who will submit
They're all like this anon, deep down inside. Once you have children with them, they will stop submitting. It will be slight at first, but it will become more and more prevalent once they realize you actually care about your kids. They will then turn your kids against you if you don't go along with the bullshit. Then comes divorce court where you'll get financially ruined and won't even get to take care of your own kids with your own money

>> No.12856285
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>Why is mental illness prevevalent among women?

This is so fucking true. My last two exes were both mentally ill. The first one was a Russian chick who was medicated for horrible depression and became a cutter later on in our relationship. The second one has a Korean girl with depression and the worst anxiety I've ever seen. Always threw a tantrum when I went out and felt worried about me cheating on her.

Now I'm dating a regular white girl and now she is letting it's becoming ever more obvious that she has anxiety. She even used to be medicated for it.

Why the FUCK does every girl have a mental disorder? I am getting beyond JUST'd in the dating world.

>> No.12856288

My cousin is one of those psycho bitches with ivf at 40+. Thankfully it didn’t work.

>> No.12856303

Nice FUD.

>> No.12856308

they get their consolation prize of the trauma of 3 miscarriages and being tens of thousands of dollars poorer at least.

Hope "muh career" was worth it.

>> No.12856313

Kylie? Got any more info than that anon..second name please

>> No.12856315

women will go insane when they dont have a strong chad to slap them around/impregnate them
also, birth control

>> No.12856326

She’s a stupid cunt with no meaningful career and she spent her daddy’s money on the ivf. I feel really sorry for my uncle, he just wants grandkids.

>> No.12856346

>>shifting the blame on women
Literal söyboy.

>> No.12856358

ah my mistake usually it's the career ones who go down the road of IVF.

>> No.12856363

Women naturally submit if they encounter a person they consider a man, and not in a fake, temporary way. Would you debate this?

>> No.12856368

>And how do we profit from this, friends?
Invest in pharmaceuticals?

>> No.12856403

>le naturalistic fallacy

>> No.12856407
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This right here. The chance of failure is so high, it's a no-brainer to avoid. 50% chance of divorce, plus how many of the remainder are just sticking it out to avoid divorce? Easily 75% failure rate, at least if success is defined as avoiding a literal lifetime of misery. If it were 15%, it would be far too high, but at 75% marriage is just a meme. "Just pick the right girl bruh, hold frame" by getting married you are saying you can choose better than every guy who has ever gotten divorced. Right.

>> No.12856412

Amazing, a thread full of mentally ill incels.

>> No.12856422


>> No.12856427

Most men are mentally ill, too. It's because we've abandoned our ancestral primitive way of living. Humans have been hunterers and gatherers for millions of years. We killed animals and ate their fresh meat. We lived in tight-knit tribes and not these multicultural megacity shitholes we live in today. Our air, food, and water wasn't as polluted. The problem is modern civilization. Anarcho primitivism is the only thing that will save us all.

>> No.12856434


>> No.12856456
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Don’t worry, I’m sure there’ll be improvements in ivf by the time you’re ready to settle down.

>> No.12856466

The average male have a psychopath ratio of 2-3 if I'm not wrong, while females have in average a rating of 4-6 in average.

Psycopath is Cluster B ramification

>> No.12856470

>Anarcho primitivism is the only thing that will save us all.

What interface did you use to get your message presumably sent via smoke signal to appear on a Cambodian cat fancier forum on the Internet?

>> No.12856481

Wow, bitter incel cucks. Disgusting, eww

>> No.12856483

I am working my way towards living a life where I don't have to use technology. It's not that easy.

>> No.12856487
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Yeah, /biz/ is the new home of the ugly, racist, mentally ill virgin. These ones are worse than the ones on /pol/ because they took out loans to "invest" in shitcoins and think they're already rich.

>> No.12856499

>I am working my way towards living a life where I don't have to use technology. It's not that easy.

I'm just fucking with you, good luck and Godspeed, it's a noble goal.

>> No.12856510

Welcome to 4chan, you need to go back.

>> No.12856559

What I do know is that when I enhance myself with some testosterone in pill form (prohormones) women tend to magically become attracted to myself and I can naturally 'vibe' with them with little problems.

When not, they despise me. The global drop in testosterone levels is not anything that anyone would consider a controversial observation.

All the current gender related problems might be that simple to correct. Manchildren prefer to wreck their hormonal systems with pornography instead.

>> No.12856577

Nice shill for testosterone pills.

>> No.12856581

These have been banned in the states for a long time. Can you sauce me s new vendor?

>> No.12856590

Nice shill for the pornography industry

>> No.12856605

This is genuinely a fun comment, thanks man. Have a (You) too!

>> No.12856628
