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File: 74 KB, 283x337, Screenshot 2019-02-24 at 4.35.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12851387 No.12851387 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12851401

sorry sir, I can't do that.

>> No.12851414


>> No.12851521


With whiny bitch emotions like that, you deserve to be poor.

>> No.12851534

you're an idiot. it hasn't been sinking at all. it's been stable as fuck in a pretty tight range. we are all waiting for the next leg up.

>> No.12851557

He can take chx up the next leg with just one announcement. I just don’t understand why he would say it in the meetup but not to the public

>> No.12851565

Holy shit that volume drop off is brutal.

>> No.12851568

Because he's not a faggot moonboy.

>> No.12851594

Why is this the one coin that has dedicated fudding threads in biz that appear almost simultaneously? Almost as if it was coordinated...no ownies for you faggot.

>> No.12851754

Hotbit volume was fake. everyone knew this. Now you are seeing the true volume. which isn't bad for something you can pretty much only buy on idex/bancor.

>> No.12851989

i know what the unnannounced strategic partnerships are and they are just as huge as the one they already announced. i won't say what they are because i'm a long term holder of chx and it's best to let chx announce them. i'm all in chx and buying more with fiat as soon as i get it.

>> No.12852008


Scyther and his pump crew will be back at it tmw. No worries. Pump will be coordinated with the annoucement

>> No.12852012

I think you know why.

>> No.12852023

I'm sure the team will dump some other tokens and buy another partnership. Give it time..when $2

Make sure you buy $FTX as will. It's scyther pump crew next project. Notice volume steady rising. It will be 4th place on idex soon

>> No.12852025


*sigh* Not this stupid faggot again...

>> No.12852034

Buy $ftx..they have AMA coming up on February 26th...you know what that means...PUMP PUMP PUMP

Scyther scyther pumpkin eater

>> No.12852059

You the fucking faggot that doesn't See what's right before your EYES. You think scyther is shitcoin warren buffet. Oracle of crypto. Fuck you!

Cant handle the truth you bitch

Buy $FTX !!!!

>> No.12852085

ignore the ftx fag. that shitcoin is way the fuck down. over 5000 holders who are deep in the red on this token. it's not going to pump ever. no volume dead shitcoin.

>> No.12852107

What the fuck isit

>> No.12852116


K thanks for the tipoff on the next 20x.

>> No.12852131

Ignore that dump broke idiot. Scyther help pump chx...and he will pump $FTX too. Who the fuck is Sascha? What the fuck as chx done to warrant such a pump? They are actually behind other projects that already have several partnerships and launch stos. The truth is demand for STOs is not there yet. Tzeros volume is pathetically low. Your being sold a bag of bullshit buy a charismatic CEO and his pump group. At least I am in touch with reality so I know what to expect. Buy $ftx...last warning...holla at your favorite Nigerian scammer scyther who is admin

>> No.12852160

what was ICO price of FTX? .50? kek. it's a large community of bagholders...it's not going to pump. there is 0 volume on this coin. it's dead.

>> No.12852175

Volume dying on it's ASS right at the top of a pump is... concerning....

>> No.12852178

This is why you sheep missed the 20x on chx. YOU could of bought it for the low low price of .016 when it was Chainium. But no, you would rather buy after its already top 2 on idex. FTX volume has been increasing steady....same playbook like chx. I'm sure that AMA will be magically. Might pump to .07 cents.

Scyther scyther pumpkin eater



>> No.12852197


You just revealed how unintelligent and how little research you have done. The whole concept of STOs could fail tomorrow and Own could still be a widely used blockchain by the fact that institutions have and will tokenize their assets on it. The only reason this hasn't pumped to over a billion in marketcap is because most people are dumb and are followers. They are too stupid to use their brains and think about how big this could be and the opportunity to own a piece of the blockchain. Marketcap and price is just a scale of the smartest people getting in early and the dumbest getting in at the top.

>> No.12852205

Fucking spastic retard.

>> No.12852210


The same thing was said about CHX and it had $60 daily volume when I was buying.

>> No.12852226

FTX is exactly what Chainium was before the rebrand and HYPE. Do some research on projects before you buy it sheep. People laughed at Chainium, it was failing and had plenty of ico bag holders. You guys are such

>> No.12852228

CHX has a good team and a legit use case though. FTX is a shitcoin. the connection being made is one hell of a stretch. so some TG fag named Scyther has been bullish on CHX...now he's an admin for FTX. wow.

>> No.12852232

>Scyther scyther pumpkin eater
Also this doesn't rhyme. Now fuck off.

>> No.12852249

Your precious Chainium would be no where without scyther and his crew. You will be a life long bag holder because you have NO CLUE what's going on with these projects. Who the main players are. You obviously recently bought. I can't wait till you buy my FTX bags too :)

>> No.12852258
File: 184 KB, 659x609, 23j4hoiuwfhw33e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12852279

Yeah, FTX is a shitcoin lmfao. I might take losses and gtfo. CHX ftw tho.

>> No.12852302


But that shitcoin LTO pumped hard, so maybe FTX will do something similar.

>> No.12852318

hotbit fake volume accounted for over 80% of what you saw on CMC. The true volume hasn't dropped much

>> No.12852343
File: 24 KB, 563x127, Screenshot 2019-02-24 at 6.56.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUKING SASCHA the lazy cunt, the community has to do all his work for him

>> No.12852604

nice. bitmax is the next binance

>> No.12852618

>You just revealed how unintelligent and how little research you have done. The whole concept of STOs could fail tomorrow and Own could still be a widely used blockchain by the fact that institutions have and will tokenize their assets on it. The only reason this hasn't pumped to over a billion in marketcap is because most people are dumb and are followers. They are too stupid to use their brains and think about how big this could be and the opportunity to own a piece of the blockchain. Marketcap and price is just a scale of the smartest people getting in early and the dumbest getting in at the top.
good post

>> No.12852626

>This is why you sheep missed the 20x on chx. YOU could of bought it for the low low price of .016 when it was Chainium. But no, you would rather buy after its already top 2 on idex. FTX volume has been increasing steady....same playbook like chx. I'm sure that AMA will be magically. Might pump to .07 cents.
>Scyther scyther pumpkin eater
you sound like a screetching autist

>> No.12852644

It's not his job to pump his coin for you, it's to develop the Own platform. He isn't Justin Fucking Sun, and that's a damn good thing, moonboy.

>> No.12852671

REEEEE all he has to do is drop 1 more partnership

>> No.12852988

If you want quick pumps then go ride flavor-of-the-week shitcoins, just don't come crying when you get burned. CHX is basically an investment class crypto; steady growth that will just keep going up because it's not getting overbought and then dumped.

>> No.12853160


Very intelligent Anon right here. Props brOwnie.

>> No.12853169
File: 132 KB, 936x442, 1551069417688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a life where you have never had money, never felt the urge to DYOR, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was good at making money, and wanted to imitate and ultimately make it like him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space, pass the time, and lose money. You're an Indian. You're bored, as usual, in telegram chatting about your fucking shitcoin bags and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be poor and stupid and petty. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, disgusting, and boring. You spent the last six hours watching youtube videos about cryptoniggers who lost their ass buying shitcoins or some stupid bullshit that you don't really understand since you can barely comprehend english. You're just sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a pain in your gut that guarantees you'll have to run out and take a shit in the street very soon. And then you see it. White men, over in some corner of the internet, making money. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of bagholding and complaining to the "developers" of a scam shitcoin, they are imbuing their conscious energy into making memes and discussing the qualities of legitimate projects. All the bitterness and stupidity you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who bought high and sold low. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found gains. And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid fucking Indian with shitcoin bags on some obscure low volume exchange... So you get up, you walk over there, and you shill your shitcoin to them. Just shitpost and beg all over their whole fucking image board. The 2 rupee bump your tiny bags get will be worth destroying it. Because you're an Indian.

>> No.12853213

Yea but fucking chx is sinking every fucking day

>> No.12853226

>1 post by this ID
Imagine this being your only contribution to the thread.

>> No.12853230

If you don't recognize an accumulation pattern then you aren't going to make it.

>> No.12853245


That's why these fags who shit on TA always get rekt.

>> No.12853269

Yeah, I do trust TA little less with low Mcap/volume stuff though. It's more of a seat-of-the-pants kind of thing in this case.

>> No.12853299
File: 120 KB, 716x716, 20190224_214307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, they even tried to paint a H&S here to make people sell, but she ain't going down. Bags are getting filled.

>> No.12853323

There are no huge buy orders how tf are they accumulating

>> No.12853345

Sniping little market buys, over and over again. Big buys make it go up, which is not what they are going for; sideways for accumulation.

>> No.12853507

Name one crypto that has a legit "partnership." Oh you can't because no real company wants to be associated with scam coins.

>> No.12853717


>> No.12853738

Why don't you make a separate threas for your fucking shitcoin. Oh wait, you'll be talking to yourself, because no one is interested while chx has real buzz. Fuck off.

>> No.12853976

I can't wait to see the pink wojacks from non chx'ers when this goes top 10..

>> No.12854735

It will be a good day