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12851177 No.12851177 [Reply] [Original]

Precious metals are literally the only asset class on the planet that aren't at or near their all time highs.
Only exception is crypto thanks to its recent bubble popping.
Why haven't you built your own shiny stack yet?

>> No.12851217

Every single silver coin that has been in my possession has been up my ass. I call them buttcoins, because I have to dig them out of my butt to get them back. Sometimes I don't wash them unless they are visibly tainted. I just put them back into their rolls or wrappers and sell them at spot price.

Over 2000 various pieces of silver have been up my ass, and I have sold off almost all of them. If you are a silver stacking boomer there is a greater chance than 0% that you have handled one of my buttcoins.

A MUCH greater chance than zero if you live anywhere near Kansas City.

For the thrill and joy of knowing that gay boomers are holding my buttcoins. It's that simple.

>> No.12851223

>Why haven't you built your own shiny stack yet?
i want to.
ive no money though

>> No.12851232

Um... Yuck. Get out of here poorboy

>> No.12851237

Just ordered my first 10 oz bar. I've also got a couple rolls of 40% kennedy halves. About 20 1oz bars. Some dimes, some sterling jewelry, a silver quarter, a morgan, and about half a roll of 90% halves along with a couple 1/10th oz gold coins.

>> No.12851247

Despite the fact you're clearly retarded, I like your style.

You gotta fix that.

Nice, no greater feeling than knowing you've got a real paycheck on the way.

>> No.12851259

I used to have a lot more in my early 20s but I was young and dumb and sold a lot of it for pot money.

>> No.12851282

Nice ass pennies rework you faggot

>> No.12851287

That's unfortunate. At least you no longer have your head up your ass. That's what counts.

>> No.12851301

I'm 27 going on 28 now. When you start approaching 30 you realize the importance of financial security. I just wish I had started building a portfolio at an earlier age.

>> No.12851412

Ass penny copypasta was my inspiration to begin doing it for real bit I don't want t kids to be exposed so I stick to silver only since it is the domain of boomers and retards.

>> No.12851441
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I get a guaranteed return on my bonds. Keep your rock scam though, it makes me laugh

>> No.12851449

This retard thinks Biz is a rich mans club. Lol, you get lost. Most of us are poor and only can invest like $100-500 each month.

>> No.12851467


Government has this thing where they get bigger and bigger.

>> No.12851471

I don't see where the demand will ever come from. young people are never going to fomo into metals

>> No.12851488

Don't need demand because supply is fixed. Guns and butter anon.

>> No.12851697

Big wealth will.

>> No.12851811

Fucking noob

>> No.12851984

if precious metals were worth so much, then why does everybody want to sell precious metals? if it was so valuable, they would just hoard it and it would be almost impossible to buy gold or silver. precious metal market is just as worthless and manipulated as diamond market. and if you use muh government collapse its still not going to work. in a collapse people will value food, guns, bullets, canned food, unperishables, over bullshit precious metals

>> No.12851994

Dear god... Is... is Silver the actual true utlimate buttfuck coin?

Is this the end of ICX's reign of assfucking?

>> No.12851997

Central banks stack gold, silver has many industrial uses and supply won’t be able to keep up with demand eventually

>> No.12852017

I've got a bunch of 1971 Eisenhower Silver Dollar sets that were gifted to me a long time ago. They're all encased in protective shells (never been removed/circulated) and they come with American Mint certificates. I also have a few other American mint pieces that were gifted to me. As far as I can tell they don't actually have silver in them so I'd like to sell and reinvest in some previous metals. What's the easiest way to go about offloading these for a decent value?

>> No.12852094

Because the crypto bubble popped

>> No.12852106

Precious metals are hoarded. What you buy is new mine supply.

>> No.12852123

i want to generate value not store it. maybe when i have money i'll buy some rounds

>> No.12852146

I guess they are 40%
why do people choose rounds over coins?

>> No.12852189

idk i already have a coin collection that i have no idea what it's worth. boxes and boxes of coins. figured rounds would be easier

>> No.12852292

Based, redpilled, patrician, and fpbp.

>> No.12853146

I've just started researching this. Silver should explode, gold too.

I'm a little scared dumping a lot of money into something I know little about but think I may pull the trigger here soon. I may re-listen to my audiobook then purchase some

>> No.12853168

If you're scared put less.

>> No.12853176

They dont fucking do anything besides sit there and look nice.

>> No.12853181

>I've just started researching this. Silver should explode, gold too.
Random guess
You should own silver as an inflation hedge though

>> No.12853183

1/2 ounce is like 700 doll hairs bro

>> No.12853189

if the book I read is correct, then they'll explode, bigly. but again, i'm taking what I believe to be an experts word, until I have comprehensioin i'll be a little skeptic always