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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 500x522, rich people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12850523 No.12850523 [Reply] [Original]

What is /biz/'s rebuttal to this image?

>> No.12850535

Wtf I love poor people now

>> No.12850552

Working with your mind vs working with your body... Which one has proven more valuable throughout history?

>> No.12850557

None, that's how it works If you can't deal with it be grateful that God gave us a suicide option and not only that, he now even lets us just kill a bunch of people for a final high before we go out.

>> No.12850561
File: 15 KB, 644x800, soy wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm richer than you because I work harder with my mind.

>> No.12850565

>implying rich people work hard with their mind

>> No.12850592
File: 144 KB, 248x450, 1503165418475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah... the disgustingly obese non-working single mom who lives next door collecting government checks and child support for her 3 illegitimate children as well as Section 8 and SNAP doesn't exist anymore!

>> No.12850633

Better vote for more socialism and open borders!

>> No.12850666

>i let everyone do my work for me with daddy's money

>> No.12850677

Rich people are using their brain. You should be rewarded if you use your brain nowadays, not how strong you are. We are long past the Grug age

>> No.12850683

and keep defunding the schools!
It's a waste of money!
I wouldn't want them to ever learn how to code.
it's much better when they're stay fat cash cows for Apple, Coca-Cola, and Nike to milk on a regular basis.

>> No.12850696

Rich people became rich by working hard and worked their way up the ladder. In between, they were there at the right time and right opportunities paved the way.

>“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

>> No.12851168

it's called productivity. 3rd worlders aren't as productive as 1st worlders.

>> No.12851176

then why do grugs get all the bitches

>> No.12851199

Black students get more attention and gov funding than white or asian students and they still suck at reading and math. Unironic waste of money funding public schools

>> No.12851250

so now no kids deserve education?
Do you think most white kids can afford private schools? Perhaps so but then again

>> No.12851278
File: 61 KB, 620x513, 1486501366153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The "throwing more money at fat useless education bureaucracies makes students learn better" may may

You are wrong on every single issue and front you espouse. Think about that. Every single one.

>> No.12851279

Work smarter not harder.

>> No.12851291


It isn't about the schooling you colossal niggerbrain. It's about their awful communities and culture fostering a consistent system of single moms, deadbeat dads, and criminality/vice over virtues like studiousness and work ethic. The kind of shit liberals think is entertaining and emulatable.

>> No.12851295

This is unironically correct. I get paid $160k/year to type a few lines of code each day while monitoring our servers. Most of my time is spent doing whatever on the internet while I drink tea

>> No.12851303

They are both rich with life
Look into the soul
You will

>> No.12851304
File: 194 KB, 941x387, 1548278065114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itt: white privilege

>> No.12851320

power v force.
I have a computer which will complete thousands of calculations a second. Only a fool would use an abacus in its place.

>> No.12851343

Wtf i love Jews now

>> No.12851349

To be rich, you have to maintain it, if you don’t you’ll lose it all. There’s a reason 70% of lottery winners lose every in a short period of time, they can’t handle having any, because most poor (in the US at least) will blow any savings they have on brand new $300 sneakers or something else absurd. Back when I was poor myself, when I informed people that I save I’d get two responses either, saying I’m smart or “why save? It’s not like you can bury it with you”. It isn’t too hard but most don’t care

>> No.12851368

is it worth it?

>> No.12851378
File: 737 KB, 1676x1050, 32116A64-C87C-4780-A344-2E0859DF0467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12851392

lynn is shit though.
Just because they have arab genes doesn't make them dumb. Maybe they have the arab genes that code or regulate for high IQ

>> No.12851402

Maybe their IQ doesn't matter and they're disgusting nation wreckers that should be thrown into a pit of spikes

>> No.12851409

>argue with an image macro

Ok I'll bite. If you paid the labourers a load of money they wouldn't be labourers. The world is a pyramid scheme which you can only rise up on by using your mind. If you never rise then you should embrace your place in society. It needs to be this way. I like it this way.

>> No.12851424

I just inherited money and live off a fraction of some dividends.

>> No.12851425
File: 40 KB, 320x320, backtoreddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not how smart you are, it's how hard you work.
Imagine actually being raised by subhumans who repeat this lie to you so much you become a fatalistic piece of shit, vote for Bernie and then pass on the same dead-end metaphysics to your own spawn.
On behalf of Mr. Sheckelberg, thank you for providing us with more meat for the meatgrinder, goy!

>> No.12851429

Yes, totally worth it to save, say something goes out like a fridge or your car, most people would be fucked, but for me it’s not a huge deal because I can cover the costs and it won’t bankrupt me

>> No.12851443

What is there to rebut? It's obvious that the people at the top aren't working hard, and the people at the bottom aren't lazy. But what does that have to do with being rich or poor?

>> No.12851463

This is all lies

>> No.12851474

Maybe you are fucking delusional

>> No.12851476

It’s annoying, can’t believe how many think I’m a genius because I think buying a $300 pair of Jordan’s is stupid when you still live in the hood and claim to struggle. If most cared more about finances than what some rapper said today, poverty in America would mostly disappear

>> No.12851482

being a nation wrecker despite having a low IQ?
They're the coolest ever and I want to know how to be like them

>> No.12851483


You just proved the government is corrupt.

>> No.12851493
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>> No.12851500

tesla wasn't blond

>> No.12851502
File: 29 KB, 236x314, 5448ea0d749078ae98311135ba09a22b--political-memes-political-posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12851519

Tesla screwed himself over by ripping his contract that would've made him rich from royalties.

>> No.12851522
File: 53 KB, 513x591, 1080552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12851523

why bother lying so obviously people that go get a degree get better jobs and make more money thats obvious, you're just a loser

>> No.12851526
File: 239 KB, 460x288, amp-quot-capitalism-rewards-hard-work-amp-quot-yeah-right_o_2033411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12851527
File: 217 KB, 1275x1651, 1546759123905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why bother lying so obviously people that go get a degree get better jobs and make more money thats obvious

>> No.12851537


I know you commies lost your last brain cell a long time ago but how is someone like Paris Hilton different from like the sons of Fidel Castro or really any communist/socialist dictator for that matter?

The truth is that no matter what rules you establish to distribute wealth, there will always be wealthy people and there will always be the offspring of wealthy people. The difference is that in capitalism the poor can become rich and the rich can become poor.

>> No.12851542

With who?
Rockefeller.. he got screwed because well.. he wanted to help mankind for free.

>> No.12851571
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 1550663078942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12851587
File: 133 KB, 500x380, annvsbob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rebuttal is every single communist country which enacted free market ideals saw an increase in standard of living. Kill yourself commie shits

>> No.12851600

you cannot deny it.

>> No.12851640

what the fuck are you even doing on this board?

>> No.12851664

This is my thought process at McDonalds:
>flip the bun wagecuck
>no dont put too much too much lettuce!
>pull out the fries and pack em you worthless piece of shit!

i love being rich

>> No.12851691

How do i read this

>> No.12851700

Wrong, I’m a trademen and I have to use both so fuck you. The cunts in the office know nothing and is tradesmen have to fix their mistakes or somehow make the bullshit they have thought up in their little heads.

>> No.12851732


There's no rebuttal but the image is kinda silly desu. You won't get rich just drinking wine with your buddies all day

>> No.12851751

Smarter, not harder.

>> No.12851752

Woa u are a snowflake of shit with Chandon

>> No.12851765

>He thinks life is balanced like a video game

hahahahahaha kid you balance it yourself by being intelligent

>> No.12851767

because automation is designed to literally kill the poor, and reduce our population to sustainable levels, and automation of that scale simply isn't possible if it wasn't for us rich people funding it.

>> No.12851775

Oh shit a wojak edit you showed him put me in the screencap

>> No.12851785

lol at u poorfag xd

>> No.12851853


Imagine living in a fairytale land where wealth is somehow distributed to people based on how smart they are.

>> No.12851864


>two stock images
>an argument

Have you ever spent any time with poor people? They're borderline retarded, I would know, I grew up with a poor family in a poor neighbourhood.

Even the wealthy people who are just lucky byproducts of nepotism, dig deep into their personal life and you'll see it's the product of lots of small good decisions compounding.

>> No.12851886

yeah, the wealthy don't always deserve it, but the poor almost always deserve to be poor.

>> No.12851911

They get the trash bitches.

>> No.12851963
File: 47 KB, 670x565, 1549309726423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related assumes that:
>1. without laborers who provide the grunt work, nothing would ever get built
>2. laborers aren't able to afford material luxuries
>3. Therefore, the work of laborers are undervalued

1. laborers do not create value. They benefit from the value created by entrepreneurs and visionaries
2. most of the time there are no problems filling out vacancies when a laborer quits his job
3. Therefore, laborers are fairly paid

>> No.12852020

know why the commander gives commands and the grunts do what they are told?

>> No.12852026

>the poor almost always deserve to be poor
And why is that? I'm not arguing for socialism, communism, or anything like that, but thats a very ignorant statement.

>> No.12852043

To be fair the actual business owners (not just appointed ceos and middle management that doesnt give a shit) make decisions that impact them, their livelihood and also the livelihood of ALL of their employees, while for an employee, their decisions only/mostly impact their own life. So a wrong decision on the top can destroy the company very very quickly. The old story about the mechanic inspecting a machine, gently tapping it with a hammer and charging a few grand is true - you gotta know what and how to do something.

>> No.12852049

>1. laborers do not create value. They benefit from the value created by entrepreneurs and visionaries
Who cares about peasants anyways?
Some libertarians seem to put way too much focus on bosses, like they're perfectly enlightened beings that are never wrong and have absolute knowledge. I say that as someone is also a libertarian.

>> No.12852054


this but unironically. what a shit thread.

>> No.12852060


You now realize capitalism actually punishes altruism


>offshore the plant to China, and use 2% of the savings to increase my executive bonus this year

Wow so hard

>> No.12852099

Maybe if Nikola tesla had tits...

>> No.12852132

Altruism has nothing to do with any economic system. If you're helping people and expecting something in return, then you're doing it for the wrong reason.

Regardless, the main point was that Tesla made a stupid decision. When you make stupid decisions, you'll be punished in any system that's run by people.

>> No.12852145


Watch them actually try to defend this.

> lmao

>> No.12852155


>learn how to code
>In public school

Literally never. Even if the handful of computers the students had access to had code editors, there are no teachers that have a clue how to code. Hell, they barely know how to use Powerpoint.

>> No.12852156


Imagine actually thinking this is the problem.

> this enrages the poor white male, because it reminds him that he too is at the bottom of society.

>> No.12852176


Hmm, wonder how those communities ended up like that. Surely it wasnt...

> yt

>> No.12852187
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 0mfay069y0x01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot. A literal retard shifting rocks is not as important as a physicist making pioneering breakthroughs in the field of renewable energy. They should not be paid the same.

Pic related is you.

>> No.12852447

You may be surprised to learn that a top 10% tradesperson makes more than a top 10% physicist.

There's no money in creating information that wont be used until after the death of the sponsors.

>> No.12852503
File: 116 KB, 500x597, poor people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The workers in the hats doubtless live in a socialist or socialist-leaning country. If these workers are being abused by this arrangement why doesn't their all-powerful government protect them? Maybe they're being paid a fair market value for the rudimentary work they're performing in whatever country they're performing it in.

Being a CEO is a big responsibility, you have the performance of a very large organization under your influence and you are in turn under intense scrutiny; one wrong move could threaten the entire company and therefor imperil hundreds of thousands, if not millions of workers across multiple countries that both work for your company and the many third party organizations that assist your company in performing its stated function. A high-powered executive might make 10 million a year, but if he wasn't there the rest of the employees would usually be left with nothing but extra pocket change and a less efficient operation overall that might not be able to pay as much or hire as many.


>Capitalism makes sure only the best and brightest become rich and successful

Capitalism provides opportunity, not assurance or guarantees.

>> No.12852535

It isnt that the occupation requires you too be that much smarter than a relatively sharp labourer, it's the mental drive to continually seek more prosperous opportunities that puts mind over matter. Plenty of bright cunts slave away in shitty jobs just because they don't seek better opportunities on the regular. Plenty of dumb cunts get into lucrative positions by simply applying their way up a career path.

>> No.12852553

because the chance for anybody to become wealthy is very low to begin with, so its no surprise that very few poor people ever get out of poverty, and most of them are there because of poor decisions they or their parents made (including the decision of bringing a child into poverty).

>> No.12852617

it's just retarded leftist drivel. if having a high paying job was that easy, companies could fire their top earners, and replace them with minimum wage workers. Surely SOME company would have thought to try that before, and exploit the market inefficiency.
For example, do the math with the McDonald's CEO. If you confiscated ALL of their wages, and distributed them to all the workers, they would make only 4 cents an hour more. If you're whining that top earners are a problem you're just a retard who has no idea what they actually do in their job.

>> No.12852622

Her dad made hilton hotels and has created alot of value, tesla decided to be poor if you ever read up on him

>> No.12852634

Nothing, it's true. Most rich people got there through inherited wealth or connections. Everyone else is fucked for the most part, and it has to be that way, or else the rich wouldn't have anyone to profit off of.
There are some genuine rags-to-riches stories, but it's very rare.

>> No.12852651

Imagine being this much of a seething tradecuck

>> No.12852652
File: 701 KB, 722x622, f029023194630cb8bf9d22c0c8618b27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12852658


In terms of economics, work isn't a function of how much you are sweating or how much you are struggling. It is simply the amount of economic value you can provide.

>> No.12852683

imagine how much more you can make if you were a boss of many tradesmen

>> No.12852709

>laborers do not create value because there is a surplus of laborers
yeah and oxygen in the air isn't useful because there's so much of it

come on dude you're smarter than this

>> No.12852812
File: 266 KB, 800x537, jewsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of (((White))) people were included in that report.

>> No.12852980
File: 56 KB, 803x737, 1535227388208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are both lazy.
Thinking is free but the poor are too busy working to bother.
The rich are guilty of the same laziness but have the war to themselves and fellow men that trading for food and shelter ultimately is as their excuse.

>> No.12853006

Bugs.. easy

>> No.12853030

Struggling is also relative. People have varying tolerances for discomfort and hardship.

>> No.12853177

resources are limited and power dynamics exists

you're free to come up with an idea, execute it perfectly and grow your business for the next decade while making sure to pay your workers 30% above the market rate

>> No.12853207


I rented out an apartment today to a middle eastern couple. Owns two small deli/convenience store. They make about 200k a year and owns several Mercedes Benz. Couple is in their mid 30s.

Their work day starts at 5am and end at 6pm. They also have 2 small children to look after.

>> No.12853238

I worked really hard with my brain and made 500k from crypto last year :)

>> No.12853305
File: 408 KB, 960x640, 02_Japanese-House_JohnEllis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add:
You have an isolated view on value and see it 'as it is' - yes, work of a laborer, by itself, HAS 'value'. But in the context of a society POWER is value and wealth. If more people can do what you can, you have LESS power and thus LESS valuable because you are replaceable.

To realise this vision of yours where people with least power can obtain luxuries in life is possible, but only if we have enough REAL WEALTH and RESOURCES to support it (fiat is neither true wealth or resource).

Even if you, against all odds, do manage to become some of the most powerful individual and nullified all power dynamics that exists for the 'greater good' and give material luxuries for the powerless...

We'll still return to square one within a generation, because newborns will set their environments as the baseline and strive to compete to be better. What was luxurious for the parents becomes the norm for the child

No system will ever be perfect because it all boils down to power. What we have now is pretty good as there are multiple sides of different opinions to keep each other in check

>> No.12853339

All white

>> No.12853341

corruption goes bothways. we need decentralised governments

>> No.12853342

Switch the two pictures

>> No.12853348

Then make decentralized government. So far the best system we have is 3 branches of gevernment and representative democracy.

>> No.12853352

Alot of opinions on this board is that there is nothing wrong with centralizing wealth ownership. I disagree.

>> No.12853380

Mindlet detected

>> No.12853384

Slaves trying to find better slave jobs. Great logic chief.

>> No.12853454

fucking retard