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12848703 No.12848703 [Reply] [Original]

Why are europoors so weak?


>> No.12848726
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10 year stagnation!

>> No.12848733

Aging socialists gave their countries cancer in order to enjoy their retirement in luxury and comfort. The most selfish human beings born in the past millennia.

An invited invasion of foreign hostile culture and population is unprecedented in human history.

>> No.12848735

They know deep down they have no future as they had no children.

>> No.12848754

That's not exclusive to Europe, the same shit is happening in the US

>> No.12848755
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This, isn't going to get any better before it gets worse. The hard working and brilliant men who built them up to their current prominence are gone and dead, the present administration are full of lazy, entitled and profiteering statist boomers who are going to keep racking in more and more tax revenue while doing paltry measures to inspire further economic growth or innovation. People shit on the UK for ditching this arrangement early but they're really the canary in the coal mine.

>> No.12848804

The European model is very anti-business. It is almost impossible for the average person to start a business. Things we have in the United States, like success stories about one guy and his wife opening a small brewery startup that turns into a national chain, that doesn't really happen in the EU because of all the regulations that favor big corporations and lock out the little man.

What's sad about it is that European cultures have fostered this sort of dependency on government so that the people don't even WANT to do anything about it. Instead, they cheer on big government for these regulations because they think it's hurting big business, but all it's doing is hurting them and putting their economies at the mercy of foreign corporations.

>> No.12849001

Europe is a warning

>> No.12849002

Yes but in the US you have some economic freedom and don't give as much welfare to brown people.