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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12848178 No.12848178 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>working a trade show
>10 hour days talking with potential leads
>go to chat with the cuties in the booth across from me bc bored
>the owner of one of our direct competitors sneaks into my booth and takes a picture of my lead sheet
>confront him
>he tries to fight me
>I don’t want to cause a scene
>he comes back 30 min later with a goon trying to fight again

/biz/ I want revenge. I need creative ideas on revenge for a competitors business. How do I take them down?

>> No.12848262

Kill them. The family too.

>> No.12848485

Okay, I like the energy. Looking for other ideas though

>> No.12848523


find his car and shit on it.

>> No.12848540

What industry?

>> No.12848549

Slash his tires and stop letting women interfere with your business. Sounds like he paid them off to distract you.

>> No.12848568

Undercut him, if financially possible. Start giving deals he can't compete with untill he's gone. Then get things back to normal or raise prices. Idk if this makes sense with the industry you're in. You're going to have to take great financial risk. But if you succeed it will be well worth it.

>> No.12848583

Home improvement industry

>> No.12848614

Spread FUD that his products are a fire hazard and failed to get UL listing. Get him banned from the market.

>> No.12848631

call the ICE on his ass

>> No.12848649

You should send him a thank you note for teaching you a valuable lesson.

>> No.12848689

Unironically tell the trade show organizer what happened and get his ass banned from all future events. Good luck going back to the office and telling the boss you got the competitions leads but also got kicked out of all the future shows.

>> No.12848786


This is actually a good idea. You'll give him a reputation as a theif.

>> No.12848822
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Make sure you VPN up, but find somewhere online that will give a bunch of negative reviews on his yelp and such

>> No.12848861

Anything other than this would likely be illegal and this is actually the course of action you should be taking. If you want to go one up than find out where they have their tools and either steal them or deface their personal property.

>> No.12848880
File: 305 KB, 711x1000, The Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On second thought, probably just do nothing. He won the war the instant your pussy bitch self didn't throw the first punch while he was mid sentence asking for a fight.

>> No.12849274


>> No.12849296

probably stalking him and stabbing him in a dark park and deleting the pics off his phone.

>> No.12849515

I talked with the organizers, but they won’t do anything. I think they are worried about losing money.

>> No.12850327

There's only one option now:>>12848262, and don't forget the pets.