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12846133 No.12846133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you permanently cure depression?

>> No.12846144

sunshine :)

>> No.12846147


>> No.12846151

stop being a zoomer unironically

when you hit your mid 20's and above you stop wasting time on things like depression, not even meme'ing

>> No.12846159

unironically this
I took D vitamin for 2 month and felt a lot better despise my situation not changing

>> No.12846162

meditation, self-hypnosis, vitamin d supplementation, drink plenty of water a day, cut the processed shit. Once you start to feel good leave this place and seek a counselor.

>> No.12846164


go to a quiet place with positive energy. natures always good but being in a comfy room might be better for a first timer.

>> No.12846179

all extremely shitty advice (except from hydration), especially the counselor bit

neck yourself my man

>> No.12846190

What finally did it for me was when I last took acid and started having depressing thoughts and started realizing how ridiculous it all was.

>> No.12846191

The one true cure.

>> No.12846342

I know this sounds like meme advice but this seriously has helped me go from “life fucking sucks 24/7” to “life is alright sometimes but then sucks sometimes”. And even if that is a little better, fuck it I’ll take it. I’ll take being at 20% over 0%

-stop watching porn
- stop eating foods with sugar/flour
- do moderate exercise when you feel it(you don’t have to gym, but even walking around while listening to an audiobook is nice)

Again, this same advice is stated everywhere and I used to think it was a bunch of bulllshit and nobody understood my particular situation, but it unironically resets your brain and dopamine reward system so that just existing isn’t boring and completely dreadful. I still have times where I hate everything, but then I have times where I’m like meh life is alright

>> No.12846372

Same lol.
This too, but I realized this with weed and alcohol.

>> No.12846549
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It's not easy but here's the answer:
Wake up at 5am
No porn
Cold showers
Do all of the above every single day

>> No.12846580

So you have 9 needs that need to be met. If you’re not meeting them, you will not be happy. One of the best things you can do for yourself is take one minute and think about what is the best way you can take care of yourself right now.

Ultimately you just need to love yourself. Be self nurturing not self critical.

>> No.12846600

does no porn mean no fap? or just no porn

>> No.12846619

This but unironically.

I have taken 400 000 IU of liquid d3 over the course of a month. Feel MUCH better and I have done nothing different

>> No.12846648

this guys a jew

>> No.12846669

you HAVE to exercise. the human body wasn't designed to stagnate the way we do. even ten pushups or a walk is at least SOMETHING for today.

that plus meditation/mindfulness. sit with your depression instead of running from it. just allow it to be and study it/get to know it. you can learn to divorce yourself from the chatterbox that is your mind/ego. we all have one, but we don't need to listen to it. if you're talking your internal voice seriously, you're literally listening to damaged, inconsistent neurosis. stop it. the real you is the one observing, not the one making the noise.

and eat real food. little by little you'll come out the other side.

>> No.12846722

- go to bed before midnight
- don't fap everyday
- eat healthy (most important)
- only drink water
- go for a walk outside
- meditate for 5-10 minutes
- start working out (push ups / buy pull up bar)
- check out fasting (heal your gut, it's connected to your brain)
- after fasting, only eat clean. check out fermented foods
- stop cigs, alc, weed
- improve yourself: set goals, play the long term game.

>> No.12846852

exercise strenuously, like take up something like muay thai, boxing, or BJJ. It's an active way to cure depression. Eat Healthily, im serious, stop eating fast food, stop buying chips and soda, you don't need to go on an extreme diet, just be aware of what you put into your body. This will also help fuel your body for the first exercise portion. Finally you need to take a moderate dose of psilocybin once every 1-2 years. Doesn't have to be a huge dosage, but needs to be enough to hit that reset button on your brain. There is research being done that shows psilocybin helps cut out depression but without a solid foundation I fear you may fall back into prior modalities of thought. Don't do it, rise above, depression sucks majorly but you can win anon.

>> No.12846889

I'm convinced that depression comes out of fear.
You fear that you will waste away, never doing anything you want to do, never finding love or fulfilling your dreams. If in a rut and that's already been the case for awhile, it manifests itself as an ultimate inevitability in your head.

I'm convinced of this because of a relatable scenario where I've had migraines for 15 years. When I was young and got an aura (the visual blurring that "warns" of the coming migraine), it would immediately throw me into a state of anger, despair, and anxiety. The onset would have it instantly hijack my state of mind and mood. I feared what came. It absolutely intensified the migraines. I would have chills, fever, nausea, and vertigo while little gremlins were axing away at my brain.

Eventually, my response was to keep a journal and record when I got these things. The day, the time, what I ate that day, how much sleep I got, my activities for the day, etc etc. It led me to do what I could do within my control (adjusting my diet, getting better sleep). Over time, I realized that the state of mind greatly amplified them. If I get one now, I simply accept it. With that acceptance, the pain is considerably mild. I've had plenty of migraines over the years, but I haven't had a deathly one in a decade. It remains out of my control but I decided to not let it get me down and instead, be at peace and make the best of it. I either a.) work through it if I must or b.) turn the lights off and lay down.

I want to replicate this recordkeeping and consciousness with depression. Give up your mind, give up your mood, and the ailments will run wild with them and make it all more painful and dragged out..

>> No.12846894

>liquid d3

>> No.12846931

Watching Breath
Study Of The Living Word
Sitting with the pit in the stomach, the doubt in the head
Right Speech / Never Lying is how to know Grace

>> No.12846947

Exersice, at least walk everyday.
Sleep well.
Take sun.
Lsd microdosis.
Stop smoking pot everyday, same with coffee.
But most important solve your real issues, i.e. be rich.

>> No.12846963

I used this. One bottle is 200 000 IU


>> No.12846976

Remember to take K2 vitamin aswell. They work best together

>> No.12847177

this this and exercise

>> No.12847252

depression -> -low serotnin -> marker of low social hierarchy standing -> your body telling you you suck
Don't let yourself be pushed around by other people and this will cure your depression. Looking inwards for a cure will only exacerbate the problem. It's like you are telling yourself that you suck - just like your social hierarchy is doing.

>> No.12847399

no porn

>> No.12847415

Nofap + carnivore diet

>> No.12847425
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>> No.12847455


>> No.12847517


clean your room, Dr.Peterson

>> No.12847533

accepting reddit

>> No.12848020
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>> No.12848023

The lead-pill.

>> No.12848078


>> No.12848097

get a hobby and friends and start drinking desu
especially a hobby that feels like you're gaining something important like learning a language. stop wasting your life on video games and shit. pursue your interests instead of droning through life on the internet.

>> No.12848460

This and walking 2-3 times for 15 minutes a day. Take the stairs when you have a chance. Lay off the booze and get a good night's sleep

>> No.12848470


>> No.12848731
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>> No.12848812

The generalized euphoria stack:
- Stretch every day
- Light exercise 3 times a week; don't become gymbro
- If obese, lose weight by eating healthier, more bland foods
- Drink socially only; don't get drunk
- If in a toxic relationship, leave it
- Do a job you feel betters the world, regardless of pay
- With extra money buy your time, not material possessions
- MDMA 150mg every three months taken first thing in the morning then spend the day in bed reflecting on your life
- Ground mushrooms 2g in lemon juice every three months, exactly as above

Bonus: the things you thought would make you happy like
- A loving partner
- Lots of friends
- Financial success
Will generally follow from first making yourself a happy, positive person who takes action
Those things are the markers of someone who loves themselves and is an asset to others, not the cause of them

>> No.12849026

>improve yourself: set goals, play the long term game.
This should be number one. Also, if you have no social life, I recommend joining a program of some sort where you have to socialize. I did Conservation Corps, it's a paid volunteer job where you get put into groups(ranging from 4 to 25 other people) and go do outside jobs. Then at the end of the day you go back to a shared camp. You are forced to socialize and you will either sink of swim, but either way it's a reality check. Try that or tree planting, or construction

>> No.12849108

Magic mushrooms.

Also 5-htp and cbd oil.
worked for me.
Also be active and do sports.

>> No.12849142

magic mushrooms... they truly are magical

t. Terrence Mckenna

>> No.12849161

Jesus anon you're either a big guy (for me) or you need a new plug

>> No.12849234

unironically this + exercise

>> No.12849268

The irony is that if everyone took this advice, we would remain in exactly the same situation.
One man's pleasure is another man's suffering.

>> No.12849619

>How do you permanently cure depression?

Lets assume things have a happines score and a shittines score
The score of things is HappinesScore - ShittinesScore.
Then the score of all the actions and happenings are combined to create the FinalScore.

Assuming that depression don't get the final score and set it to a specific low value, and instead just have a huge ShitnessScore, the solution would be to use internet to find a hobby with an huge HappinesScore value to counter ShitnessScore of depression, must be one that you don't know yet (since if you knew it you would be already doing it and would be already countering the ShitnessScore of depression)

>> No.12849643

PS: The problem with that tactic is that the action of searching for it may have a for you ShitnessScore higher than its own HappinesScore, so you may end not searching for it, because the act of searching for those hobbies is a boring thing.

>> No.12849661

Serotonin is a marker of social hierarchy. If you want to raise your levels, you have to push back from the people who sap it from you currently. Looking for internal reasons will not help at all and will just deepen problems.
It's unavoidable.

>> No.12849686

Explain antisocial people then, such as hermits, eccentrics, schizotypals, heavily introverted people etc

>> No.12849702

unironically, more money

>> No.12849708

What is it there to explain?

>> No.12849760

hermits and co are asocial, anon, not anti-social. anti-social characters are roasties, single mothers, those who get wasted and beat up random strangers, and others who cause problems within society. granted how hermits and other asocial (but not anti-social) people might even want to refrain from participating in society simply because society as a whole is too anti-social for them. but confusing "asocial" and "anti-social" is something you see often on the internet. especially on 4chan.

>> No.12849820

Find the thing causing your depression and remove it from your life. Or find the lack in your life.
Ignore herp derp advice like muh exercise or muh sunlight. If that cures your depression guess what, you weren't depressed.

>> No.12849831

This is a big one. Vitamin D doesn't do the trick either, I've found tanning to be one of the most beneficial things for my feels.

That, coupled with exercise means soon you'll be slapping roastie tits around all the time because you'll look like a Greek god.
>Inb4 enjoy skin cancer XD
I'd take getting skin cancer over killing myself.

>> No.12849865

>Ignore herp derp advice like muh exercise or muh sunlight. If that cures your depression guess what, you weren't depressed.
you are a fucking retard and you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
bet you have never been depressed you fucking normie

>> No.12849894

no porn. Even the majority of the nofap community isnt against fapping without porn, once you have done the 90 day reset.

>> No.12849908
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you may be on to something there

>> No.12849911

>watching other men have sex

>> No.12849928

>Find the thing causing your depression and remove it from your life.
Even better, find the thing causing your depression and make it your bitch. Even just visualizing this will help you.

>> No.12849938

>i want to not be depressed, but i dont want to put any effort into it
First step is leaving this site.

>> No.12849943


>> No.12849975


>> No.12849993

Vitamin D is only part of the puzzle. Sunshine has many other known and yet-to-be-known benefits. Morning sunshine kick start our circadian cycle and activated hormonal systems. Sunshine also plays a role in elevating BDNF (look at selfhacked on that) which is key to reduce depression. BDNF has strong genetic component. So if you have a “reduced” version / SNP, look at increasing it - butyrate / FOS / curcumin / MgLT / krill-oil / lithium orotate (also needed for B12 transport).

On a larger scale, looking at your life in accordance to your authentic psychological profile is important. Not everyone is born with a “social butterfly” gene which is so popular now especially ESTJ like Dale Carnegie made it a “mandatory” skills to survive the corporate jungle. If you are not designed (psychologically and genetically) to withstand high level of stress and social dynamics, then look elsewhere for living. And this is where things get difficult as our whole society is conditioned to “corporate life is the only alternative”. It’s going to be difficult to find a living outside of corporate jungle, but if you plan ahead, it can be done. Humans are not designed to sit 9-5 in a blue light and tolerate constant artificial fight-or-flight stress. We cope as it’s being the easy way. But absolutely look elsewhere (psychologist / nutritionist / social worker / physics/math teacher / spiritual healer as stress management etc).

Family + Friend + Community is the key. No amount of supplements or cope can beat that. Find a loving family, friends and an engaging community that you can relate to (ex. People who Volunteerily work for forest preservation). Recently I’ve to an eco-village with a spiritual undertone. It was magical. With a 600 acre rural property a bunch of urban people is trying to create a sustainable village community anchored around a shared spiritual belief. It’s inspiring to know that some people have taken extreme steps to be happier.

>> No.12850006
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I do all of this since I'm 17, now after several years later shit still gets worse every year.

I guess it's a start when you don't have the basics down but it's surely not the final solution.

>> No.12850016

Yes. 100mg should be plenty for the inexperienced. No less though.

>> No.12850034

>stop cigs
Welp I guess I'm gonna be depressed forever.

>> No.12850090

Try some fighting sport. Anything that will allow you to experience overcoming of another human from time to time.

>> No.12850096

There are two causes of depression

The first is biological and is easy to treat. There's something wrong with the chemicals in your brain. I'm no doctor so I can't give you the best way to treat it but what I did was buy several supplements until the depression was gone. If you are interested, I can type it for you.

The second cause for depression is ideological. You have no purpose for being. It's up to you to find it.

Personally I pursue stoicism and the worship of aesthetics.

>> No.12850145

nope. Depressions is low serotonin is low social hierarchy. Raise in your social hierarchy to stop being depressed. Looking inward will make shit worse.

>> No.12850167

Fpbp & nice get. Good old fresh air, sunshine and exercise.

>> No.12850175

>MDMA 150mg every three months

Terrible idea, it is neurotoxic in any amount and habitual use, even 'just' 4x yearly is going to fry your shit eventually. MDMA should really be a one and done sort of experience. Or at least save it for very specific one-off uses, like using it to fix PTSD or -just once- to kickstart a new love for life or whatever.

Psychedelics which are just receptor agonists and potentially neurogenic, on the other hand, are much better suited for occasional habitual use, either at psychoactive doses (no more than once a month) or microdoses (once every third day). Also 2g shrooms is a waste of a dose, too low to be transformative and way too high to be a microdose. Do an eighth, at minimum.

>> No.12850177

are you 12?

>> No.12850198

>chemicals in your brain.
If that were true, proper diagnosis would included an MRI to demonstrate this in each case. It's a bullshit claim, they aren't "curing" anything any more than dropping a pill at a rave and feeling good is a "cure". It's just that it's a big industry with an interest in pathologising all personality traits & selling snake oil "cures" to profit from them.

>> No.12850202

How do you quit coffee? Shit is brutal, have mood swings for a month, then after the withdrawal I always relapse because I want the taste... there goes a month of being depressed and recovering.

>> No.12850218

Are you retarded?

>> No.12850222


They are fun and can be a useful tool but they will not permanently fix anything. I promise, I've tried doses as big as 13g of penis envy in a vain attempt to see if a wild enough trip could cure my depression for good. It never does (the trip was out of this world tho).

They can give you interesting insights that you can use as a catalyst to improve your life. But nobody should expect to eat an eighth and magically come out the other side a changed man.

>> No.12850252

This. MDMA has it's place, but good ol acid can't be beat as far as true beneficial long term changes go. It's a tool not a toy though, no just smashing it for lulz each day like a dirty hippie.

>> No.12850255

LISTEN to this anon. MDMA wrecks your brain.

>> No.12850265

u think competition is the solution?

I'm not so sure about that

I don't buy into the whole muuuh chemical imbalance excuse either, even though it's getting more and more valid thinking about how little enjoyment I get out of accomplishing HUGE milestones others go to Vegas for. One day afterward it's all back to normal.

Solid tradeoff to work 2 years in misery for 1 hour of joy.

>> No.12850273

I don't know how the brain works so I can't comment on that. All I know is that I've been able to get rid of the darkness that has permeated my existence for almost a decade by taking a shitton of supplements.
The difference to me is indescribable.
I feel reborn

>> No.12850294

Very Dark one

>> No.12850304
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its called anti-depressent medication, you spamming retard. Contact your doctor and find which one is right for you

>> No.12850310

Supplements are different to going to the shrink and getting on Zoloft or Prozac or something. Whole different think, filling a gap in your nutrition and using natural metabolic processes is fine. And anyone can learn how it works, the Internet is a thing anon! Glad you found something that worked anyway, just cautioning those that fall for the pharmajew because a government licensed drug dealer said something and filled out a prescription.

>> No.12850325

>t. Pharmajew
No. Take your garbage and fuck off. Outcomes for recovery from depression using your "method" are low af.

>> No.12850333
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>A brief yet good advice.
>digit get
>The yellow id pleasantly matching the comment
>oh my god, it even has a smiley face

>> No.12850334

I believe that depression is the direct result of being at the bottom of the social hierarchy. It's innately related to your standing in the peer group you identify with.
The more power you believe you have over others, the higher your serotonin. You don't need to exercise it in malicious ways, but you must be able to prove it is the case when push comes to shove in direct competition.
Looking for chemical imbalances isn't productive, as those causes are true in the vast minority of depression sufferers. One ought to first deal with regular reasons of low serotonin.

>> No.12850337


I would recommend a therapist. I don't have insurance and can't afford to go- so I'm watching Kati Morton videos on youtube. I never would have guessed I would relate so much.

>> No.12850346

Yes, you're right.
The pharma Jew is to be avoided.

What psychiatrists prescribe permanently gives you erectile disfunction.

>> No.12850347

will ~100ug doses of acid 5 times a month for 4 months fry my brain cus thats roughly what ive been doing

>> No.12850357



>> No.12850366
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stop being retarded and take medication. you people are like a cancer patient refusing to take pain meds because "muh pharma jew"

You idiots have a deficiency in serotonin or dopamine, so take your meds

>> No.12850369

>t. Peterson fan
Yeah, quite often it can be. Thing is, I literally have a friend in rehab for depression and alcoholism who has a multi-million dollar company, wife etc. In has case it's more "heavy lies the head that wears the crown", low status isn't the sole cause.

>> No.12850377

What naturally raises serotonine?

>> No.12850384
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Peterson is an absolute moron. Only people who are even more moronic than him would listen to him

>> No.12850385

they dont follow what you said. their brains dont run off social energy. you might call them mentally ill, but still

>> No.12850391

theres 5htp but thats not guarenteed to work. You should try zoloft first

>> No.12850393

It takes certain type of stupidity to even be able to talk and preach people like that. Petterson is a walking dunning kruger effect

>> No.12850399

You see him as high status. Perhaps he experiences reality in less glorious ways - having a company isn't equal to being a undivided ruler of a domain. It's more akin to having to continuously deal with people that try to shit on you all the time.
Which is akin to being low social hierarchy.

>> No.12850401
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>take your meds
I don't have depression though. Literally cured it 10 years ago with a heroic dose of acid, several weeks of micro dosing while listening to binaural beats, meditation and exercise, plus some. Basic supplements like fish oil. Never recurred. And have multiple friends who've done the same, the only people I know that never get better are normie retards that fall for "muh pharmajew". Now kys and go shill your snake oil elsewhere.

>> No.12850420

Yeah, become a zombie goy, it's the only solution.

>> No.12850421
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>just take acid bro
Stupid 19 year old. You never had real depression

>> No.12850428

>i don't like the talking style, therefore every single sentence he utters is incorrect
Every single person invoking 'dunning kruger effect' I've seen suffered from it himself. You included.

>> No.12850443
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Have an Asian 19 year old sit on your face at least once a week. If you still want to KYS while having teenage pussy to look forward to then it's definitely time to take the lead pill.

>> No.12850444


>You idiots have a deficiency in serotonin or dopamine, so take your meds

This. If a healthy lifestyle (exercise, healthy food, sleep, no addictions etc etc etc) doesn't fix it you probably should try the meds. Also focusing too much on serotonin is a meme, it's mostly about dopamine.

>> No.12850447
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39 actually, was perscibed a number of SSRI family drugs throughout my 20s. And did you miss the part where I mentioned other parts of the equation, or you just gonna kike-logic (ie pretend that wasn't mentioned)? Again, get in the oven Rabbi.

>> No.12850469

If you need to twist his situation that far to justify why you think that ALL depression is purely a result of social status then you might need to rethink your position.

>> No.12850473


>endorses a shitty jewish autistic kid doing psyops
>""""caucasian"""" neo-pol


>> No.12850481

No, I had real depression and zoloft cured it. I also love LSD, but you stupid kids think psychedelics magically fix your chemical deficiency when they dont? you probably think depression = being sad. lmao

>> No.12850506

Obvi you don’t. Learning to manage it (I don’t take meds but they are a good shortcut for some people) by realizing that when you are wading into it the deep end could literally be your very next footfall.

It helps me (after years of managing) the check myself on anything I might be doing, that I could change, that will help me back toward the shore.

A redpill in depression: sometimes you really don’t want to get better, and sometimes you do but your depression makes you feel like you don’t. Sounds simple, but recognizing your own unique mental garbage can really help

>> No.12850524

most depression is caused by lack of intelligence, talent and creativty, zoloft and supplements won't cure that

>> No.12850532

>when you hit your mid 20's and above you stop wasting time on things like depression

>> No.12850538

>You kids think a drug can cure depression? Haha how foolish
>A drug cured my depression
LSD works

>> No.12850541

Self awareness triggers depression in many. If you don’t think ignorance is bliss, you should really take some more glimpses into Normans’ social medias

>> No.12850559

Thought about the social hierarchy aspect as well, doubt it's that. I don't know anyone personally that's "above" me or can even compete. I never got handed anything and pay for myself since I turned 18, top tier education (even in European standards) and are currently self-employed working full time on my business I already started while going to University full-time.

A lot of successful business owners told me that I'm light-years ahead of my peers, and those were people whose opinions actually have value in comparison to your average NPC Joe.

I can't think of the last time I compared myself to people I know in real life, I try to compete with people online I know are where I want to be already.

So that theory goes out the window as well.

>> No.12850562

I'm not depressed, but I am a little listless these days.

I'm 30. I make over $100K a year. I save more than 50% of it. I have no real material wants. I have good sex 3ish times a week.

What's left? I like traveling, but I fear the day that even that stops being novel.

>> No.12850564

Nirmies evetually become self aware as they age and get depressed when tgey realize they arent that cool or happy

>> No.12850566

One cause of depression is the mind having cognitive dissonance and wanting to be in a low stimultion environment and be able to figure things out.

>> No.12850571

From my experience, LSD raises your serotonin. You certainly act like you have elevated levels of the hormone.

>> No.12850582

Depression can be cured by ephiphanies and changes in perspective. LSD can do this. I know from experience.

>> No.12850601

>twisting my words
unless you take lsd regularly you arent restoring chemicals you already cant naturally produce. Do you take a tab before you walk into work? Probably not.

>> No.12850615

>13g of penis envy
Mother of god, anon, what was it like visiting inferno and paradiso in the 7th dimension?

>> No.12850628

Those epiphanies, which I also had to some level, were just the things I harbored in me all the time but looked at with a perspective that had more certainty over it's control of it's environment.
Perhaps it gives one a glimpse as to how a high serotonin version of yourself would think, which helps you emulate that later on.
This was my major epiphany from my LSD trip basically.

>> No.12850638

>cant naturally produce
>can't naturally produce serotonin

>> No.12850655

Cringe and bluepilled. There are other ways to cure depression than the chemical imbalance meme. Not saying it doesn't work but you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12850669

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.12850742

Stop masturbating/Watching Porn
Stop smoking weed/drinking
Start getting up at 5am and going to bed at 10pm, every single day
Lose bodyfat, start lifting
Psychoanalyze yourself or go to a therapist

>> No.12850793

Extremely basedpilled

>> No.12850854

>permanent death

>> No.12850896

Take a break from masturbation, cellphone, abs internet for 30 days.

Strong evidence that alot of depression in young people is caused by addiction to one of the above. You're probably addicted and altering your brain chemistry without realising it.

>> No.12850924

reading this thread and seeing all the suggestions, let me add my own anecdote.
i eat right, i exercise seriously, im always around people in work, i slept at the right times, i meditate, i spend time outside, i dont smoke, i dont drink alcohol and i havent smoked weed or taken any other drugs in years. and im still depressed as fuck.
the ONLY thing that can ease my depression is the fleeting moments when i give myself a goal, even just the idea of something i can do with the future, otherwise i sink back into the same state ive been in for a very long time.

for 10 years ive been forcing myself to get out of bed every day, some days i fail and just lay there for 20+ hours, theres plenty of days i dont even eat even.
this past 3 years has seen my outlook on life tied directly the price of whatever bag of shitcoins i happen to be holding at any given time, without goals we are nothing

>> No.12850938

You become empathetic.

>> No.12851072

severely reduce consumption of meat works too (unless you grew the animals yourself). They're pumped full of chemicals it can't possibly be healthy

could use peanut butter and raw soaked almonds as protein source. Some root vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes wouldn't hurt either

Eggs are good but try to eat the expensive free range ones or buy your own chicken. Normal mass produced eggs are laid by modified chickens that look like they were prematurely born and their day/night cycle are artificially messed up to shit out eggs non stop - that can't be healthy

>> No.12851072,2 [INTERNAL] 

Work out, do things, listen good music, eat healthy food, have discipline and STOP COMPLAINING.

Your neurotransmitters controls your body and your brain, but not your attitudes.


>> No.12851072,3 [INTERNAL] 

Try EPA. No prescription needed. Worked for me.