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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 640x480, mugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1284232 No.1284232 [Reply] [Original]

You guys do know that there's only three ways to really "get it" don't you?

>Go to college for something useful
>Join the military
>Learn a good trade

I know that you're about to say.
>"m-muh business"
>"muh investing"

Assuming that you don't have a trust fund and don't have an interest free loan from mommy and daddy, where is that startup money going to come from? Investors? You think investors are going to loan money to someone with no experience or education? Maybe if your parents have rich friends, but that's not up to you. Creditors? What bank is going to loan you money without some sort of collateral? No bank I've ever heard of.

>> No.1284280

>where is that startup money going to come from?
selling drugs

>> No.1284343

>where is that startup money going to come from?

A normal dead end job

It requires leaving your basement to go to work, daily

>> No.1284348

>implying any dead-end job would hire a basement-dweller post-Obamacare

>> No.1284366

Two part time jobs then; dishwasher and landscaping - living the dream

>> No.1284390


Well alright there Jay Z.


Except you subsist on a normal, dead end job. You don't have enough income to amass your nest egg.

>> No.1284472

You're not building your nest egg from the dead end jobs. You're building a up capital to start a small business.

It can be accomplished by living well below your means for a relatively short period of time (6-12 months).

>> No.1284477


>live in shit apartment that charges you $600 per month for rent
>work two jobs that pay 12 and 22k per year
>thinking you're going to save up the 50k you need for your business plan in a reasonable amount of time

I think you've got an unrealistic idea of what a non-trade, non-union worker with only a high school diploma can expect to make even if they cut corners on personal expenditures. Your time frame is also totally unrealistic.

>> No.1284482

>OP has discovered how to work something other than minimum wage

>> No.1284509

>thinking you need $50,000 to start a business

Door to door with a lawn mower and some business cards - $250.

I'd agree it's unrealistic if I didn't do it myself. 9th grade dropout btw, never bothered going back. I hire people that 'get it' to do the hard work while I manage it.

>> No.1284566

Two words,

Web development.

No, not saying you should become a code monkey like pajeet that edits css and html.

Learn how to code and make a local website with online services that charges a few bucks. What service? Well get thinking. You won't earn much from ads, they pay a pathetic amount.

If you live in a big city (500k+) you have to get out and and give away fliers, all day, for a long time. Fliers and posters are the only way to get visitors if you have no money.

If your service is good, you should slowly start earning money, after a little while (half a year if you do a lot of fliers) 1k passive income is easy to achieve.

Now here comes the interesting part, you can either improve your website and advertisement campaign and try to get more visitors that pay more for better services or do the exact same website in another city, now that you earn 1k a month passively, you can pay some teenagers to give out fliers instead of doing it yourself.

Of course you have to be smart to pull this off and it's not easy.

>> No.1284605
File: 19 KB, 360x271, laughing_women_laughing_women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw OP is literally as stupid as the anime character.

>> No.1284607

What Anon said, only it's probably 6-12 years instead of months. But it can be done. I'm doing it. See you on the other side.

>> No.1285281
File: 46 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP isn't wrong but /biz/ can't accept it

>> No.1285522
File: 108 KB, 720x863, Jabba 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, good luck on your landscaping business.


>Web development
>Not a skilled trade or college field



>smug meme images

>> No.1285690

dont you talk shit about mugi

>> No.1285718
File: 91 KB, 628x555, 176762528293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Mugi for such low quality bait

>Disparaging the Mugi

Shame on all of you.

>> No.1285725

Just because you can't fathom how I've done it doesn't mean I haven't.

>> No.1285735

>You think investors are going to loan money to someone with no experience or education?

They did for me. I raised £100k investment for my first company when I was 19 years old.

>> No.1285761
File: 437 KB, 420x420, 1463499179839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start bait thread
>get bite
>give up

I have a feeling your professional life matches your limited trolling abilities. :^)

>> No.1285769


Have you now?


Oh? And who were your investors and what was your pitch?