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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12841128 No.12841128 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /biz/
I'm a developer for a new cryptocurrency, (will remain unnamed because this isn't an official PR thing, per se) ask me anything

>> No.12841132

Or, just call me a cucked jewish shill

>> No.12841151

>ask me anything
OK then, what is the nature of dark energy?

>> No.12841158

Imagine falling for the dark matter psyop

>> No.12841175

what's the point asking you anything if you can't even read?

>> No.12841183

Same thing mate, it's a big conspiracy, cant get too deep into it, this isn't /x/.

>> No.12841234

Is you coin just another bitcoin?

>what is "just another bitcoin" coins?
The coin has all those features
1-Proof of work
2-There is no max amount of coins or they will happen at very very far future.
3-You get coins by ICO or normal proof of work that give you the coins the moment you mine it.

>> No.12841244

What makes your coin different from all or most of the rest?

>> No.12841269

The coin does actually have a coin cap, I can't give too much away at this current time, but the other two apply to this coin, yes

>> No.12841282


can I have heaps of your shitcoin for free?

>> No.12841285

Does this coin cap happen after 100+ years? Just give that info

>> No.12841290

how big is your penis? :3

>> No.12841308

Honestly a difficult question to answer, without giving too much info away

>> No.12841311

You can not

>> No.12841315

Nope, a lot sooner than that, but hopefully not too soon

>> No.12841321

I'll answer this honestly, 6.5 inches UwU

>> No.12841322

>but hopefully not too soon
there is not to soon, because inflation sucks

>> No.12841337

Ok, well the cap is very low compared to the top coins on the market

>> No.12841339
File: 339 KB, 1242x2208, CD3CEDB8-2E6E-4D19-AC61-D2BDBFAED070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother? What are you hoping to achieve that BTC and ETH haven’t already?

>> No.12841341

>Ok, well the cap is very low compared to the top coins on the market
GOOD, if people wanted inflation they would continue with fiat

>> No.12841347

cut or uncut? owo

>> No.12841358

We're looking to improve on the trail that BTC and ETH blazed

>> No.12841366

Uncut, no kike zone

>> No.12841368

Improve how? What else needs improvement that ETH isn’t currently doing? What makes your coin better than them?

>> No.12841389
File: 45 KB, 317x293, 1496695391530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like em cut, just like my diamonds

>> No.12841405

Again, i'm not at liberty to say at this time, but I can give you something vague if you'd like? Such as, making it easier for the normies to understand, making everything public for the users to view, etc. We really value the users here.

>> No.12841406


>> No.12841414

go back to the banks Shekelstien

>> No.12841417

How big is your portion ie how many are you getting? Selling plan?

>> No.12841419

So will you be exit scamming after the ICO or will you wait on exchange listing and dump ?

>> No.12841426

do you get your bottom to lick under your foreskin when he gives you blowies?

>> No.12841434

kek *rubs hands*

>> No.12841447

I don't know how the boss feels, but I don't think that would be a wise move for us

>> No.12841455

No, but you can if you want owo

>> No.12841507

Not sure I can say right now, as we're not revealed to the public yet

>> No.12841527

*giggles* Anon! >///<

>> No.12841539


>> No.12841541

how hard is it to take the bitcoin or litecoin source code, edit it a little bit, create some bs PR and scam people?

i've been thinking about doing it lately

>> No.12841550

I'd assume pretty hard

>> No.12841573

To my knowledge, that's how Dogecoin started out

I'm sure by now they at least added something to it, but it started out as just Bitcoin with a meme name

>> No.12841587

Based and uncutpilled

>> No.12841614

>Based and uncutpilled
This is exactly what separates us from the other cryptos

>> No.12842074

me too actually, maybe some of us can band together and pull it off, I can do web dev

need some way for everyone to verify as non pajeet though, you can't pull this off if you can smell the curry and see the bad english

>> No.12842118

it worked for BAT though

>> No.12842169

we can pull together multiple scam techniques from shitcoins in the past. Also it can't be bitcoin or litecoin, has to fork something more fancy so we can throw buzz words and tps around.

>muh patents from xtrabytes
>muh cryptonote for privacy, retarded emission like Nerva, mine the absolute fuck out of the coin immediately after launching but spread it over dozens of wallets
or we can go the ezpz route with ERC20 but it's a lot harder to get attention there. Most other shitcoins get at least a couple sat valuations regardless of how much they stink of shit

>> No.12842653

let's do it

somebody set up an irc. we'll all get rich going full blown Pajeet coin

>> No.12842678

Pajeets are among the easiest to scam, so I'd think the best to way to go about doing it would be to make a coin that caters to them exclusively in one way or another

>> No.12842771

we can create a promotional discord or telegram that airdrops quantities worth about one square of toilet paper and that should attract hordes of them

then we make another real channel for the people who can't be bothered with collecting nothing and we avoid the spam

we can list on crex and airdrop there as well

what should we name it?

>> No.12842854

>what should we name it?
pajeet coin

>> No.12842871

So this will be the 3065th crypto in the market? Fucking retarded. You will never make it cause you will be in jail anytime soon.

>> No.12842925
File: 79 KB, 1842x640, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like this scam being shilled at multiple post on /biz/ right now. Anons report this scam to U.S. SEC and FINRA .