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File: 218 KB, 910x1281, 2950E65C-B564-4C9F-97CD-AE503A9BA89B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12839144 No.12839144 [Reply] [Original]

I have wave 0 Exclusive access and will be posting the exact bundles/day in a few hours ITT. Better buy now before I post and let me tell you. You will regret not buying

>> No.12839233

You are a troglodytic, lying faggot. Give me your private key then fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.12839239

Anons announcing that anon will make announcement. They should hire you

>> No.12839262

Stay poor

>> No.12839350

In exactly 5 hours and 57 minutes I will post the bundles. You have that much time to buy amb

>> No.12839655

Fuck off dumb cunt

>> No.12839719

Got a reminder set OP

>> No.12840414

Yes I do

>> No.12840430

nobody talks about AMB except /biz.

What is potential marketcap for this coin? possible $5 in 5 years?

>> No.12840461

Minimum $1 billion

>> No.12840476

It will pump soon
Any idea how high?

>> No.12840505

You will know once I post in 3 hours and 37 minutes. Move your coins to Amb

>> No.12840538

>in 3 hours and 37 minutes
Im already in AMB for quite a long time
And im goin to be sleeping at that time

>> No.12840551

what is good amount of AMB to hold? 10k enough to make it?

>> No.12840554

>AMBlet bagholds for an year while team never delivers on big partnerships
>trusts some AMB pajeet on biz for shitcoin calls
tell me what other shitcoins you were looking at so I can avoid them

>> No.12840916


>> No.12841142

2 more hours before the big reveal. Buy Amb NOW

>> No.12841204

Kek fuck off we all now your just pajeeting around like the entire amb team.

And yes I'm stil bitter about being booted of their telegram for fuckin nothing

>> No.12841264

What is going on? Been holding these fucking bags for a year now

>> No.12841719

Oh anonnnnnnn

>> No.12841855

19 minutes

>> No.12841917
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>> No.12842029
File: 65 KB, 792x1280, E50C27D4-F9AF-4261-BAD4-0D6B3C78DBC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. 13000 bundles a day!!!!

>> No.12842056

thank you Ranjesh, very cool

>> No.12842078
File: 83 KB, 550x543, r1zr3jm86ba11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'll admit, I'm a complete fucking brainlet who never really looked into amb but I'm curious. What is a bundle, how much are you paid for each, is it paid out in more amb or is this a neo/gas thing because I genuinely have no fucking clue.

>> No.12842104

A bundle is basically how many transactions. So let’s say 50000 transactions is one bundle of data.

Clients pay $12 per bundle of data and that money is used to market buy Amb in the exchange . Masternode holders get paid in AMB.

Since clients keep buying Amb, the price will rise so even if you get paid in amb you sell at a high price also

>> No.12842132

Post the link

>> No.12842138

It’s restricted to wave 0. You will need access

>> No.12842154

Wave 0 hasn't been onboarded yet.

>> No.12842177

Cool photoshop

>> No.12842230

Yes a handful are

>> No.12842441


>> No.12842587

So wait, am I a dipshit or are you saying that in a single day you made over a hundred grand. Or is that just the total amount the network processed? If the latter, how many bundles did you process yourself and how much AMB did you need to hold in order to get that?

>> No.12842614
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>> No.12842626

No I’m not making 100k. The entire Ambrosus network is and the profits are divided.

I have an omega node so you can calculate how much it is in a day by dividing the bundles to payout

I make $13K a year at current amount of bundles a day for a $5500 investment

>> No.12842941

Bruh.... I hope your not lying

>> No.12843122

For you, never

>> No.12843177

So if I get an omega bundle for ~$4k, I'll be making $10k / year?

>> No.12843225

You will only lose money. Be smart

>> No.12843260

Seems to good to be true kek

>> No.12843263

At current price and bundle numbers, yes

>> No.12843271

Where can I find this info though? I'm willing to buy AMB right now.

>> No.12843370

I’m giving it to you

>> No.12843408

Who are you?

>> No.12843421

how did you get an omega for only 5.5k and still get into wave 0? you would've had to bought recently to get one a 5.5, no? that would've put you late on the list
t. holding a ledger omega since august, no email yet

>> No.12843434

Bingo. Hes a fraud. The whole amb schtick is a fraud

>> No.12843466
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>> No.12843467

vechain higher in marketcap, more known that amb and the ROI is 2%, so all of this is a scam kek

>> No.12843479

What am I looking at here. >>12843421
This guy offered solid points. Amb is a fugazi. Nothing is there

>> No.12843543

That’s actually the biggest horse shit Amb has told you. There are other ways to get on top of the list

I have helped Ambrosus get a business client even if it’s a small company company. I got rewarded with being in the top spot

>> No.12843559

I considered that a possibility. Didn't suggest incase you were an 80 IQ jeet, didn't want to give you an acceptable answer

>> No.12843719

Thank now did I pass your test?

>> No.12843752

ambrosus is a scam like waltoncoin

>> No.12843753

Actually it’s not

>> No.12843763

they're both down 30x from ath

>> No.12843764

So is everything else

>> No.12844192

What does the 10305 Total refer to?

>> No.12844211

i mean i assume the pic is photoshopped since total entries/average entries don't even add up to 1 days worth of bundles, let alone all time. why do fellow amblets love to give us false hope?

>> No.12844581

Your math is wrong

>> No.12844651

care too elaborate? 673,410/65.3 = 10,312

so that doesn't even cover the 24h activity, and 'entries total' might mean to people that there is only 10,312 bundles total on the network, and you've just added in the daily figure.

also this

i want to believe anon, i have 100,000 amb but im not understanding...

>> No.12844657


MrBearWolf showed us the scam.

bizzers don't buy this.

>> No.12844683

reading it back now I see that i answered my own question. the total (10305) was the total entries (673,410) / avg entries per bundles (65.3).

However that still looks like the network is saying that it has processed 10,305 bundles ever and you may be fibbing about the daily bundles. If you have an argument that proves me wrong OP id love to hear it...

>> No.12844728

Let me ask angel for you I have his phone number

>> No.12844731

He says you will know the explanation on Wednesday update

>> No.12844740

i mean at this point you're trolling us right?

oh well we'll see wed i guess

>> No.12844755

Couldn't be clearer

>> No.12844767

is it not possible to screen shot other pages on the main net? spam us anon.

>> No.12845358

or not...

>> No.12845816

look at all these AMB bagholders so desperate that they feed OP and keep bumping obvious troll thread
face it. Angel scammed you while luring you in with LARPers like swissbro and kimchiwhale + NDAs that were supposed to be revealed LAST YEAR
topkek AMBlets will neck themselves while still holding AMB during upcoming golden bull run

>> No.12846056

There are no real advocates of AMB itt just retards spewing shit at each other in public