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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12835439 No.12835439 [Reply] [Original]

that sucks

>> No.12835533

*yawn* tell me when banks get on the level of cryptocurrency in terms of security. Then ill worry. Retard

>> No.12836327

Just hit the nuclear button and market sold everything! Thanks anon! Guess I'll go with a nice index fund.

>> No.12836328

talks about etc. talks about 51% attacks. wow this is breaking news stuff.

>> No.12836340

Blockchain is literally synonymous with unhackable. If you knew how it worked you’d understand. Who are these retards that fall for this?

>> No.12836352
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b-but muh decentralized o-oracle...

>> No.12836513
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainletttttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is quantum computing

>> No.12836538

a myth

>> No.12836551

>what are quantum computing mining rigs

>> No.12836559

banks have been in control of "hackers" since conception

>> No.12836561

but quantum computing would render all encryption hackable, it would be like a skeleton key for everything.

>> No.12836567

there is no quantum computing that works yet

>> No.12836570

>He doesn't know the first commercial quantum computer is already on the market


>> No.12836571
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>> No.12836578

stupid fuck
even if it worked all you have to do is change 1 parameter and it is defeated, but it does not work
it is a glorified microwave that needs to a single calculation 3000 times over to get simple output

it is worse than bitconnect

>> No.12836579

You know what can't be 51% attacked? XRP.

>> No.12836588

>implying a quantum computer wouldn't bring down fucking literally everything even precious metal prices

cmon nigga try harder

>> No.12836589

yeah boi
nobody has even a laboratory one done yet
d wave is just another way of doing computation, like optics is another way of having a cable

>> No.12836597

Come on now, play nice. Let the special kids keep their "immutable" blockchains.

>> No.12836613

believes the media... thats not a true qc

>> No.12836637


>> No.12836640

I did read this article. It was about the DAO hack and some people's losing keys. Really pointless bullish bullshit.

>> No.12836657

do you own a fucking quantum computer ? No ? Then stop talking as if you actually have any understanding of how a quantum computer actually operates, you actual fucking moron.

>> No.12836675
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>Literally the only positive advantage of shitcoins turns out to be bullshit

cant make this shit up

>> No.12836685

I have 2 you mongol
and what you do is you run a "run" may times over to get % of a result

>> No.12836736

you are an absolute moron. The whole point of quantum computing is that it can computate bits far faster than traditional computing, because the information is carried via light, you actual brainlet. That’s why encryption like sha256, ecliptic curve, etc becomes crackable, because it actually becomes feasible to dedicate massive amounts of computational power towards cracking them within a reasonable timeframe. Now, please, go back to playing make believe in the sand pit.

>> No.12836745

no you fuck
the idea is to have a buzzword that is equal to magic
photonic computers are faster but are still classical computers

>> No.12836752

nigga what the actual fuck are you on about ? I think the 4chan bots are getting short circuited guys.

>> No.12836767

quantum computing does not exist yet
that is all

>> No.12836775

and yet you have two quantum computers ? Like i said man, go back to playing make believe in the sand pit.

>> No.12836792
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For whoever is interested in actual info

>> No.12836806

I just program them, they are the companies.
Unironically they want to use them to translate some chicken scribble ancient language.

>> No.12837050

attacking with a quantum computer using kilowatts of power is less profitable than mining for the network
your sci fi schizo cope is already defeated out the fucking box lmfao

>> No.12837073


>> No.12837368

better sell goyim before bitcoin gets hacked!

>> No.12837385

and if there was there would be quantum computing encryption

crypto stays safe (as safe as it is now) unless P=NP

>> No.12837391

You forgot the complete lack of anonymity

>> No.12837399

is that actually true though ? Sounds pretty based if real.