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12834353 No.12834353 [Reply] [Original]

Do you live in a first world country that taxes you to death?
Are you tired of being enslaved to the central banker kikes who have seized control of your countries monetary system?
Would you like to retire early and be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life?

It's time you found out about Uruguay.
>banks in country have 10% interest rates on savings deposits
>after 183 days in country you become tax exempt internationally
>first 5 years in the country you are completely tax free
>cheap real estate
>all the advantages of a first world country
>majority white population
>low crime
>one of the safest countries in south america
>similar gun laws to america
>population of only 3.4 million
>Trade Free Zones for operating your own businesses completely tax free
>hot women with good christian values
>no islamic terrorism
>no muslims
>generally very nice people

>> No.12834369

>white latinos

Nice try Jose

>> No.12834380
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nice try pajeet but 95% of Uruguay is of European ancestry. all because youre a shitskin doesnt mean everyone else is.

>pic related

sauce: http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/uruguay-population/

>> No.12834400

If your bloodline isn't 100% from Anglo-Irish, Germanic or Slavic roots, you are not white.

Sorry, I'm not the one who wrote /biz/'s race purity laws but that's just the way it is.

>> No.12834405

>imagine being this geographically and culturally ignorant

i bet you lost all your money on Bitconnect
just get out.

>> No.12834443

>or Slavic roots,
>Thinks literal Slaves are white

Never gonna make it

>> No.12834453

>low crime

>> No.12834471

Live in the US, my mom was born in Uruguay. Tfw when I have citizenship, tfw when my uncle and grandparents have vacation homes in Uruguay. Thanks OP I know where I’m gonna cash out my 15k linkies

>> No.12834476

Also if you like BBQ it’s heaven.

>> No.12834481

But what about western slavs like Poles or Czechs? Anyways yes, I agree, Russians and Ukrainians are borderline due to their savage and Asiatic natures.

>> No.12834528
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the source you provided is not government statistics of national law enforcement
the site you linked to has statistics generated by users taking surveys on that same site
what you did was misleading and something a desperate shill would do to FUD something they themselves are currently buying

>pic related

>> No.12834558

I'm looking Saint Kitts and Nevis right now but this also looks good OP

How much do you have to pay to acquire Citizenship? Saint Kitts and Nevis is 150-200k plus no taxes for life.

The thing you have to be careful about now are the fact that there are international agreements now for banks to rat you out on the money you have if you have other citizenships. You probably want to get a shell company too.

>> No.12834559

Do professional white collar jobs get reimbursed well in said haven?

>> No.12834564

Im going to be a MD in 2 yrs looking for a place to live that I can make a good salary without being gouged by taxes

>> No.12834592


Doing it wrong. Earn money, pay tax, invest in crypto. When your crypto explodes cash some out to buy citizenship where there is no tax then cash remainder out there, ideally with a shell company to hide your name. Then buy commercial property in home country and pay off the loans slowly with crypto money from overseas.

>> No.12834618
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>No capital gains tax
>No tax on foreign income

>> No.12834640

Is this why there are a lot of ICOs based from singapore?

>> No.12834646

>look up Uruguay on google images
>good looking white-hispanic girls, and chads

Good looking people and beautiful country, I'm looking forward to meeting them soon. Probably need to learn taco first though huh

>> No.12834647
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You mentioned Thailand elsewhere. DO NOT cash out to Thailand. You never know which way the laws will go. One year you're welcome there, the next they change the requirements and you're forced out. Kiss goodbye whatever you'd invested in getting settled in.
Uruguay sounds based ah.

>> No.12834657

The only downside to it is you gotta be a tequila talker.
You can't get anything done without Spanish.
The upside is that spanish is really easy to learn.

>> No.12834664

The only problem is it looks like it'd be a little hard to get to. I wonder how many layovers that is?

>> No.12834677

But I have to do at least 3 years of residency training in the states making only 60k annually before finally making doctor money. Was planning on house hacking with my extra money once I begin residency if I do stay in the US. Thoughts on this?

>> No.12834696

You might be on to something there

>REQ baguettes evading taxes

>> No.12834707

Are there many faggots in uruguay? Seems like its the 'cool thing' now in california, can't imagine raising a family in this environment

>> No.12834809

its a christian dominated culture so faggotry is very low but it is spreading just like everywhere else

>> No.12835196

yes because it's called ur gay lol

>> No.12835243

If that's the case, white culture is nonexistent considering the most relevant white culture comes from Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Italy, France and Iberia.

>> No.12835877

Good info anon. I saw another thread about Puerto Rico being a tax haven. This shit looks way better.

>> No.12835881

>after 183 days in country you become tax exempt internationally


>> No.12835934

>or Slavic roots

Nice try, Ivan, but no.

>> No.12836029

To be a citizen of uraguey you need to show a steady source of decent foriegn income and speak spanish.

>> No.12836040

Slavs are white.

>> No.12836045

This is Jewish anti-White divide and conquer.

>> No.12836081

I will look into uruguay's genetics cause I've been looking for some place more homogeneous and closer to what I am than the average amerimutt. So far checking out Portugal and now this. Thanks OP

>> No.12836138
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As an EU citizen I've been thinking about moving to Portugal if I make it, live there for at least 183 days and then cash out at 0% tax rate since they don't tax crypto. Afterwards, I keep a portion of the money for myself while transferring the majority of the money into an LLC that I set up in something like the Cayman Islands and then use that company to continue investing while spending the money I kept on moving back to my country and buying a house. That way I can trade without taxes while also protecting my assets from any potential divorce, etc. Could also have my family inherit the company upon my death to avoid inheritence tax.

Obviously, I would consult a professional if I made it but I'm just brainstorming here. What do you guys think, does this sound like a good idea or am I just a massive brainlet?

>> No.12836151

I live there, are you in LINK or I'm the only one in the country who has some?

>> No.12836257
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>Wanting to live a shithole called UraGAY

>> No.12836270


>> No.12837203

>>after 183 days in country you become tax exempt internationally

this doesn't apply to Amerifats. To be free of (((American))) taxes you must renounce your citizenship.

>> No.12837329

>>cheap real estate
Uruguay is quite expensive tho, a 1br apartment in Montevideo is like 700€

>> No.12837366

I literally bought a beach front property (1.5 acres) for $80k USD
Its not in a major city tho.

>> No.12837381

Wait you serious? Singapore has no capital gains tax?

>> No.12837408

Not for crypto or stocks no. I turned down working in the West and China for this. Hnnng

>> No.12837672

Ordinarily resident in Ireland means you have to pay tax the first 3 years after you move abroad if eh you cashed out crypto

>> No.12837683

How hard is it to gain citizenship? How does it compare to Chile, Argentina (lol), Paraguay?

I'm looking for a backup citizenship in case I need to escape from burgerland.

>> No.12837690

I looked into this last year before everything went down the shitter, and the sad truth is that something like this is only really viable if you have high continuous income.
You can't simply move to another country (in the eu), cash out there and then move back into your country of origin.
Well you probably can and it may go unnoticed for a while, but it's not really save in the long run.
Ideally you will need to leave for a couple of years and only return for less than 183 days a year to your country of origin per year.
Checkout the ATAP CFC rules and stuff like that, these rules are imo made to fuck over small to medium sized businesses that want to optimize their taxation.

>> No.12837748

Buying property in Uruguay and just living there for 3 years gets you citizenship.
Immigration will randomly check up on you to see if you are actually living there.
You used to be able to buy property in Argentina and do the same thing as a foreigner but it doesn't work like that anymore.
Which is why Uruguay is the work around to the citizenship problem.
You can also make an investment into the country and fast track your citizenship that way as well.

Otherwise, buying citizenship in Thailand for $60k and denouncing your american citizenship would be the thing to do.
But be aware that a US passport affords you an easier citizenship transition into Uruguay.
Additionally, with a Uruguay passport you are afforded a lot of benefits with your travel liberties - dyor.

>and the sad truth is that something like this is only really viable if you have high continuous income.
Uruguay only requires that you have a payment of $1500USD or more coming into a Uruguay bank account each month for your citizenship proposal to be accepted

>> No.12837813

>Slavs subhumans are white but somehow Mediterraneans aren't

>> No.12837903

Google ordinarily resident for your country. My plan is the same but I need to live there for 3 years before I can cash out

>> No.12837914

>White latinos


>> No.12837929

yeah, but it also requires you to stay in Uruguay for 3 years
it might be nice to be on vacation there, but I probably wouldn't want to be forced to live there for 3 years

if it's just about the money than you can simply go to Panama and deposit like 5-10k$ and show up every year for a week or something, similar to how it works in the UAE
but honestly all these schemes will either force you to stay in some country for some time and/or open up a company there and/or rent an aparment
and if you are from a first world country, then you will sooner or later see that there is a reason why these countries are so cheap and can offer these services and most of the time it's simply because they can't keep their shit together

>> No.12837943


>> No.12837960

Ukrainians and Pols > rus tatar cannibalistic faggots

>> No.12837976

I have insider information that America gets completely destroyed (nukes) before 2100.
That's the main reason for my exodus from America besides the obvious money saver reasons.
Main strat right now is setting up HQ in Uruguay and just vacationing a lot of Australia and New Zealand, maybe Argentine like Patagonia, etc.

Good luck anon, but don't retire in America.

>> No.12838107

good luck to you as well
and yeah, I will probably settle down in asia in long run

>> No.12838173

What happens if I just move to another country and go non-resident of my home country then cash out my crypto in the new country? They'll have no idea how much money I'm supposed to have so will they care if I suddenly have a ton more?

>> No.12838183

Any other country I should beware of?

>> No.12838276

Well, the entire country is nuked, as in every inch of it.
So the nuclear fallout alone being in such close proximity to Canada and Mexico will likely wipe out the majority of Canadians and effect half of Mexico.
Do the computations yourself based on that scenario to get a bigger picture.
What I don't know is if America fires back, that isn't in the data group I'm basing this off of.
I wish I was larping but this insider information has been available to the public for nearly 2000 years.
Because of that, its extremely difficult for the avg normie to believe it, act on it, and leave America.

Stay out of any American territory just to be safe.
All of the islands basically.
The information reads that all of America is wiped out.
Good luck. I'm going out for lunch and will be back in a few hrs.

>> No.12838346
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Ah well, want to move out of europe anyways and relocate in south asia

>> No.12838407

Why south asia?

>one of the safest countries in south america

that's not really saying much though, is it? Granted, I've never been there and my perspective is probably incredibly biased but whenever I imagine south america I kind of picture the favelas, drug cartels etc.

Is it really that much better in Uruguay? Are there still favelas and shit like that or is it truly like a first world country?

>> No.12838418

Clif high?

What ‘data’ is this based off

>> No.12838422
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Just a hunch.
If not south asia, then probably estonia or finland

>> No.12838467

Is not like a first world country but there arent favelas, I think the good part of uruguay is that theres only 3M people, you got lots of land to isolate yourself, here nobody gives a fuck about anything so there arent riots like in argentina. Sadly we are importing America's bullshit like feminism and so

>> No.12838504

kek, sounds pretty comfy desu

>> No.12838658
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should be trying harder to import America's cryptoNEETs instead

this is south america's chance to become great again. which country will be BASED and REDPILLED enough to give up socialism and become the first crypto financial capital in the world??

>> No.12838683

watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXz-erPr8B8

I've spent 6 months fully exploring Argentina and a long time examining South American countries. Uruguay is the best candidate in South America for being a first world nation.

Research: Mystery Babylon
>Revelation 18

Good luck, it requires around 3k hours of research.

>> No.12838866

Im trying to be a cryptoneet but here almost nobody else knows about crypto, at most they heard of bitcoin but dont understand it

I lived all my life in Uruguay and havent been in first world country yet, but I imagine there's a lack of infrastructure to reach that level. I agree with you that when the real collapse starts here would be pretty safe, nobody look this way, and I think we wont be under the sea level

>> No.12838932

First, fuck off we're full.
Second, we're not white.
Third, we're going towards a socialist shithole.
Fourth, there are more and more northern sudacas by the day, so you better like Arepas if you come here.
Fifth, fuck off we're full.

>> No.12838953

I forgot that . . .

>> No.12839033


>> No.12839404

There's a very nice place to be found but you need at least 1,3m to make it worth it. If you make it however you can enjoy 0 capital taxes.

That aside
>after 183 days in country you become tax exempt internationally
is bullshit, this idea comes from you belong to the country which you stay most of the year in 385/2+1 = 183 days but many countries will get you for simple shit like still owning a home in your home country or just having the keys to your parents home. Truly getting away takes real effort.

>> No.12839441

Surely they can't try to get you for having family in your home country? I understand if you have a home or something but that's just ridicilous. If you're moving inside the EU, say to Portugal or something, can't you just take them to the EU court and say that they're trying to hinder your freedom of movement?

>> No.12839473

This shit happend in germany. I don't know how it's in all countries but i've read about a case where they got the guy cause he had parents home keys and they argued oh he still lives with them he must pay us taxes while the dude had his own home in another country.

>> No.12839491

That's fucked up but maybe it's best to wait for atleast a full year then, that'll make it look less suspicious if you do have to eventually take it up in court I guess

>> No.12839517

Important detail i forgot to mention:
He did visit them. Technically it wouldn't have been a problem if he never visited. Most people however wouldn't want to be legally exiled forever unless they are willing to pay all taxes to their old country again. Gotta see your parents&relatives sometimes after all.

>> No.12839539

Yeah that expains it. But why would you have to be exiled forever? Just chill for a year, cash out then move back. Sure, you'll have to pay taxes on any future gains but your government won't get their hands on what you've already cashed out.

Of course this is all only worthwhile if you actually have a big stack that's worth all the effort

>> No.12839584

Nukes are fake

>> No.12839605

That's your future mistake you're talking about right there.
>cashed out

The key is to never technically cash out until you absolutely spend the fiat currency same day.
By using a system like MCO, you can maximize your crypto holdings lifespans until the last minute you absolutely have to use fiat currency.
And by using MCO you can bypass even banking in a foreign country altogether.
As long as VISA is accepted (everywhere, literally) you will always have access to your money.
Cashing out via Coinbase or any other cucked service is a sure fire way to add yourself to a govt financial agencies tax ledgers.

By eliminating banks altogether via MCO you effectively eliminate this problem.
AND if you really want to make sure that its impossible for anyone to take your crypto, get your parity phrases (ciphered of course) inked on your thigh above the boxer line.
That way if you completely lose everything, ie pin drives with encrypted keys to restore access, laptops, tablets, etc etc - you never lose the keys because they are on your leg.
ie you go to jail, etc
And presumably only the women you have sex with will ever know you have that tattoo, so just make up a story that you had to get the tattoo because you lost a bet.

If that were the case then it would be impossible for an entire nation to be destroyed "in a single hour by fire".


>> No.12839622

Well that assumes you make it once in crypto and retire early. Running some stable business longterm means also having to stay away longterm. Most expats are regular people business owners or freelancers without get rich quick aspirations.

>> No.12839640

looking at the faggot at the end of the table makes me viscerally angry

>> No.12839878

He's high alright

>> No.12840048

Are you an Uruguayan linkie

>> No.12840245

Uruguay is a socialist hellhole good luck cashing out there, you'll get raped by the government one way or another. Also Uruguay is the most expensive country in latin america by far, been there it wasnt all that.

>> No.12840260

Just use XHV

>> No.12840264

>trying to fud uruguay

ur a gay

>> No.12840267

his appearance might be due to past karma and he genuinelly deserves a nice beating. So you might be onto something.

>> No.12840517

>South America

>> No.12840526

Thanks for putting this on my radar, Uruguay looks pretty dope

>> No.12840575

Uruguay looks like an amazing country why the hell haven't I heard about this place before???

>> No.12840600

You don't realize how much you're missing out on man. South America is unironically the best place to gtfo after you made it except maybe some Asian countries.

>> No.12840607


>> No.12840637
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Kind of looks like downtown Saint Paul/Minneapolis

>> No.12840660

after watching the video imma pass on this country

>> No.12840737

As an uruguayan myself, this is completely wrong, is i think the most atheist country in all south america, and one of the most advanced in gay protections laws.

About this, we are not completely white, this is not norway, but yeah, we are basically white, not fucking mexico

This, meat is not so expensive here (it's called "asado" btw, is a little bit different)

Also: if you come, be prepared for hight prices and shit-taste music

Also 2: no fucking guns, gringos del orto

>> No.12841073

t. we're full fuck off

>> No.12841277

Nice try botija. Uruguay is way depth into crime. The murder rate increases like 50% in only one year. Plus it was always a puppet for Hues and Argies.
Down there everything is fucked up.

>> No.12841304

East Asians are honorary whites

>> No.12842228

Meds are not white
You are leeching of the northern, actual white parts of "your" countries.
Tesla's work is the epitome of human scienctific knowledge.
Slavs were first to enter the space you brown monkey.

>> No.12842556


>> No.12842573

Space is fake btw