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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12834248 No.12834248 [Reply] [Original]

>see job advertisement
>spend time writing a cover letter and tailoring resume to the job
>submit application sometimes having to write a personalised essay
>months go by
>don't get an interview, don't get an interview, dont even get an automated rejection email

i just want a job bros

And boomers wonder why millennials are have a disposition to ghost their employers when they dont even take the time to send out an automated email to reject applicants

>> No.12834259

writing a cover letter to me seemed pointless. it didn't convey much because i wasn't going for any super qualified highly specialized positions.
i just shotgunned my resume out to anywhere I could, even if I had no idea how to fulfill a majority of the job responsibilities. if you really need employment i suggest you do this. wake up, just apply to whatever you can, give people calls, call a staffing agency, etc. go hard on it, a form of employment is better than nothing

>> No.12834263
File: 2.62 MB, 1280x720, how to stop depression.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going through hell, keep going.

>> No.12834305

Holy shit. I'd be morally obligated to fuck that ass raw.

>> No.12834312
File: 127 KB, 411x508, 1544934597757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she died

>> No.12834343

I had the same thing happening to me, then I realized my portfolio wasn't as strong as I thought. reworked my portfolio site and then started using indeed prime, builtin, angel list, hired.com and linkedin to get recruiters contacting me. Got 1itis over the first couple jobs that sounded like a perfect fit for me, but bombed because I was unprepared. Ended up not giving a fuck anymore, just using the same 3-sentence cover letter with my skills re-arranged depending on the position and shotgunning it out to over 100 postings. Got a bunch of phone interviews and ended up getting pretty good at delivering my schpiel. Recruiters who reach out are usually better at getting to the phone screen stage, so becoming visible is important. In major cities, standard Indeed is pajeetville on par with craigslist, Indeed Prime is slightly better because it exposes you to recruiters. Personally I liked BuiltIn and typically got responses, even if they weren't great. LinkedIn's jobs board is also pretty good if your profile isn't autistic. In the end I landed a job with a comfy startup by expanding my geographic search and moving to an area with less competition from immigrants, and ironically found that job on Indeed Standard.

>> No.12834351

this shit is comical

>> No.12834401

If you're applying to a grocery store or along those lines, I would not write a cover letter. If you're in contact with a recruiter, then I would write one to stand out and get an interview. I share your experience. However, I have gotten interviews based on cover letters and helped with my current wageslave job

>> No.12834503
File: 22 KB, 334x506, umdbq1luqfy11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I made that wojak