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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 256x256, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1283335 No.1283335 [Reply] [Original]

To those of you concerned about this Friday pump thing, i wouldnt worry.

The video is being made atm (its actually 1 of at least 3) and is being edited as I'm typing this now. I don't know why people got Friday in their heads because I never said that would be the release but rest assured its on its way

Even if it dropped today its not going to instantly change the price so everybody chill. Shill it like crazy when its out, I hope to see it spread, but in the meantime enjoy the food and beverages, the rocket will be taking off shortly

>> No.1283360

Can you post a screenshot of the video so we know we're talking to the actual video creator?

>> No.1283373


We need to get it back down to 0.012$!

>> No.1283375
File: 145 KB, 1698x1426, Screen Shot 2016-06-04 at 12.34.26 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not as dramatic as the last one
very simple, mostly 2d/3d animation what the coin is to normies

the second will be how to buy (both in bitcoin and USD).

>> No.1283376

its almost definitely going to be saturday at least mane

i genuinely dont know where folks got friday from

>> No.1283931


Great to hear. Anyway if people were buying just because of the video then they were missing the point.

Looking forward to it, take your time bro.

>> No.1284977

Glad to say, I am in on TRUMP. Waiting on more BTC to get more.

Looking forward to promo video!

>> No.1285008

Hey video creator, any updates on the videos?
When can we start enlightening the world with the first one

Also we should start compiling a list of trump related websites to put the promo vid on

>> No.1285030

hey, still polishing up the first, taking my time now that the weird friday hype thing has blown over

gotta look noice for spread

>> No.1285043

Good point. Take your time man, plenty of time until election day.

So can we expect it today/Sunday or later?

>> No.1285050

>friday hype thing has blown over

>hype thing has blown over
I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.1285082

friday specifcally, trump hype hasnt begun to peak

>> No.1285089

**hopefully sunday

there's a bit of 3d work and animation so its time consuming

>> No.1285104

I am crossing my fingers. Looking forward to the video! Keep up the good work. I'll keep on staking.

>> No.1285113

>friday specifcally
so... where is it?

>> No.1285118

what? i meant the hype about it coming out on friday (something i never said) has specifically subsided but overall trump hype is yet to explode

its being made

>> No.1285121

>trump hype is yet to explode
october. that is when the real fun will begin.


>> No.1285158

Oct? Thank you senpai, could've sworn it was supposed to be today.

or yesterday

can't remember, seems the date changes occasionally

>> No.1285167

Does it really matter? Just don't be late when it starts.

>> No.1285264

fellas, should I use yobit or c-cex.

>> No.1285325

C-cex is more trusted, although I like yobit simple layout better.

Ccex probably.

>> No.1285384

Yeah I was also seduced by the yobit layout, but after looking at the economy of TRUMP on c-cex+the more turstworthy deal I just took all my dosh out of there and stashed it in wallets, c-cex and poloniex.

>> No.1285727

I like C-Cex layout better, but normally trade on Yobit since most of the Trumpcoin volume is on there. Which is strange, because there are far more buy orders on C-Cex than on Yobit.

>> No.1285771

Just want to say thanks OP. You're doing the lords work.

>> No.1285785

This, +1. I saw your first video OP it was top notch. I have a feeling when the next few come out and people start to understand the point of Trumpcoins this thing will start to explode in popularity.

>> No.1285806

Use either it doesn't really matter. But depending on the volume you're buying you may need to use Yobit, there seem to be more sells on Yobit and more buys on C-Cex atm. Good opportunity for arbitrage actually.

>> No.1286158

SOMEONE JUST BOUGHT THE 0.65BTC TRUMP WALL on yobit. We're going to the moon today!

>> No.1286165

It just crossed 4k. Pumping like mad all of a sudden, what's going on?

>> No.1286168

People are finally waking up to the gains that trump will provide. Expect more pumping today

>> No.1286170

Can we not pump this yet I still want in lads give it a few more days

>> No.1286171

are you dockspecter on yobit?

>> No.1286175

Are you phoenix?

>> No.1286177

haha, yep.

MAGA, bro!

>> No.1286178

Nice, together we are enlightening the yobit'ors of the HUGE gains

>> No.1286179


>> No.1286181


>> No.1286183


so, High energy, baby!

>> No.1286186

I wonder if greeny is here in this thread!

>> No.1286187


>> No.1286193

Right here bro, just doing my part to help Make Crypto Great Again!!

>> No.1286282

Gained 0.00421916 Trump from staking over night! Looking forward to a pump. YUUGGEE

>> No.1286290
File: 11 KB, 411x257, bruh pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must not have too many coins in the wallet.

>> No.1286303

Lucky bugger! I'll be getting more soon hopefully. But yes on 97 Trumps. How many do you have to get those kind of profits?

>> No.1286304

new to biz. how do I buy pls.

>> No.1286315

would love to buy more.

>> No.1286316

Buy bitcoin from https://localbitcoins.com/
Or somewhere else

Put them on https://yobit.net/en/trade/TRUMP/BTC then buy trump.

Then go to http://trumpcoin.rocks/ and download the official wallet so you can store your trump

>> No.1286321

Nice! I'm waiting for a BTC process to clear, screw centralization and their week long delays.

Hoping to get a few thousand!

>> No.1286322

C-Cex.com has a pretty good layout too, just not as much volume of Trumps being traded there as yobit.

>> No.1286324

>a few thousand!
good on you.
It's not YUUGEE but a few thousand should be like minimum.

My plan is to buy a couple hundred every week until august or September. but it depends on how many are available.

>> No.1286328

Agreed, I would love 10,000+ but it may be like you said, just get a bit at a time. Hopefully the rocket to the moon just doesn't leave without me.

>> No.1286329

I've got 40k coins, to the moon boys!!!

>> No.1286357


Did Trump really acknowledge cryptocurrencies for campaign donations and Trump coin already?

>> No.1286367

nah its an april fools, BUT he may soon!

>> No.1286375

OHH, jeez. Should have known by the date.

>> No.1286558

Seemed like fucking everyone was talking about these things so I bought some. Can't decide whether to get more or hold onto my btc. You /biz/ autists made me a lot of money on eth though, I almost wanna go all in on trumps as well.

>> No.1286580

Other presidential coins have gone to +$5. This is fucking big balls trump. Its gonna be YUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuGGGGGGGEEEEEE

>> No.1286689

What is a Stealth address?

>> No.1286694

Sorry for this being stupid, but I'm willing to pay yuge trumps to anyone who wants it.

Can someone explain pumping to me?
I understand that it's raising the price, but how is this done? Buy just buying all the sell offers? By hyping it up? By doing both?
I appreciate it.

>> No.1286706

EVERYONE, get over to yobit, big trump pump in 12 minutes, 21:35 GMT. Help PUMP the trump to the moon!!!!

>> No.1286719

Is the video about to drop?

>> No.1286723

Final polishing touches are being added. Should be early tomorrow. We're pumping now though due to the really weak sell orders meaning we can get it up a couple hundred sats for really cheap

>> No.1286742

pushed it up 400sats and only just beginning good job guys keep it going

>> No.1286783

bout to get a little more

>> No.1287418

pumping is when one person, bot, or several people constantly buy.
what they do is, they start at a certain price, let's say X, and keep on buying a certain amount of coin, let's say Y, at that price.
what usually happens is the price keeps jacking up slightly.
x+2, and so on.
when the price is jacked up sufficiently high, some one just sells all of his coins in one go. it is called dumping. these huge sell orders are called sell walls. and these walls are sometimes 10 feet high! often times they are just way to YUUUUGEEE!

my wallet address - TQNtDdxMoQbzGgShBfCAPUDkEdU61hfA7Z


>> No.1287437

Re-brand to CarsonCoin when?

So sleepy, this coin is.

>> No.1287460

The sleeping giant will awake. Right now is a buying opportunity.

Some pretty big buy orders are listed on yobit right now mind you.

>> No.1287462

>Right now is a begging opportunity.

>> No.1287475

But the dump would have to be much larger than the pump right, unless it's the pumper dumping?
It's just strange, who would buy on an obvious pump, perhaps sometimes it's not so obvious?
Is the point of the cell wall that everyone else that wants to buy will have to buy all of his stuff first? Can people make cell walls before his cell wall?

>> No.1287504

>But the dump would have to be much larger than the pump right, unless it's the pumper dumping?
that's exactly the point of pump-and-dump. the pumper knows he's gonna slow down at the end, let others "wanna cash in" on the increasing prices.
It can be easily calculated how, the pumper, having started at x and taking the price at x+[*%], stands to gain several times on even the last few coins he bought at 900% more than x.
* - 100%, sometimes 1000%, i once saw more than 6000% on yobit

>who would buy on an obvious pump,
stupid people, noobs and stupid noobs.
when i started, i bought 3 coins which halved instantly and have never bounced back.
thankfully, in the learning phase, i never put in my own hard-earned money. [i'm not even ashamed to accept that i faucet-licked the first few months and invested only those satoshis. let's just say i paid way less to learn the secrets of the trade, than most other noobs]

>perhaps sometimes it's not so obvious?
it's almost always obvious to someone who has spent a week on the trading platform.
Bot - the same amount of coins and money being bought 10 times a second.
whale - ridiculously large size of the buy/sell wall.

>Is the point of the cell wall that everyone else that wants to buy will have to buy all of his stuff first?
yes, pretty much.
this is why the newer sell walls are slightly [1 satoshi] cheaper than the previous one. the cheapest deal is completed first because that is what's reached first.

>Can people make cell walls before his cell wall?
you can make your sell wall anytime and of any amount you wish to.
but do make sure you see the buy wall as well. the best is to sel only what someone is actually looking o buy.
ex - if there's a buy wall of 100 sat. then you are better off setting your sell wall at 100 rather than trying to make more profit by putting it at 105 or 110.
what sells quickly, helps you in buying something else that much quicker.

>> No.1287540

the time you spent on those faucets probably was way more than doing the equivilant thing on Mturk. So maybe you paid more.

>> No.1287546

so.. in other words.. given your definition of pump and dump, no one should believe a word that anyone says around here, because of all the lies and subterfuge going on?

>> No.1287547
File: 40 KB, 447x249, cellwallfigure1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cell wall

>> No.1287551

also the "supid people, noobs, and stupid noobs" you're talking about taking money from are infact the very same people this thread is trying to convince to buy your coin.. aren't they?

>> No.1287561

we are trying to spread Trump's free society and WALL message with a big fat cell wall as tall as mexico is wide

>> No.1287574

if you are talented, or know some shit, Mturk is indeed the best route forward.

well, if you know how to read order walls, and graphs, it doesn't matter what you are reading here.

But on exchange trollboxes, you are better of never even glancing at it.

kek. i didn't want to point out in my post.

>buy your coin
>YOUR coin
for the last time, i',m NOT Donald Trump. i mean, i wish i was. like, who doesn't?
and this >>1287561

WE just know that considering the meme status of all these name-coins, investors stand to profit several times from them come november.
Of course i also have some BLRY and CLINT. not buying BILL though, that degenerate is probably going to die before elections and kill whatever i invest in it.
But it's about what i believe in as well. A strong Nation is what i want. And strength comes from strong decisions, like walls, and muslim-ban.

>> No.1287604

>cell wall
thats my bad lol. Thanks for the explanations though man, I am surprised you answered every question. The world needs more people like you

>> No.1287607

always ready to help, bro!

Just, please, vote Trump!

>> No.1287655

There's a big beautiful buywall at 3790sat right now. Just got 0.6btc bigger since I checked too.

>> No.1287656

I've just seen, fantastic news!

Should go above 4000sats today and hold if the buywall remains

>> No.1287657

Anyone want to donate to an up and coming Trumpcoin investor?


>> No.1287667

>>1287656 I'll move dat cute 'lil wall-let up to 4k in a few hrs m80

>> No.1287680

Sounds good, to the mooooooooooon

>> No.1287813

Sent ya some Trump change to get you started

>> No.1287906

>I've just seen, fantastic news!
When's the video coming? I'm just about ready for this launch.

>> No.1288529

Where do you get the V2 wallet ? the exe says V2 but the wallet says V1.

accepting TRUMPs :

>> No.1288550

Mr Video Creator,

How long until the first video?

>> No.1288625

Just finished

Awaiting approval from the dev

>> No.1288679


anyone wanna donate some change, willing to invest, but no money atm, hope will have it in time before it blows up, hopefully

>> No.1288747

Will you link it here once it is up?

>> No.1288971

Nicee. When it's up I'll see if I can get it linked in the Trump General on /pol/

>> No.1289991

Yeah, here and in the other general
that'd be great mane, cheers

its not as aggressive or dramatic as the last, very much a cheerful, hopeful investment opportunity angle

lots of animation and simplicity to get normal folk on board

>> No.1289999

Hows the devs outlook? Seem approving?

>> No.1290057

very much so

few minor tweaks and it'll be up, likely in the next couple hours

>> No.1290172

slight delay, dev wants to play with it a little but will be up shortly

>> No.1290177 [DELETED] 

I watched it earlier. FANTASTIC! Loved the balloon to the moon animation. It accessible to 'normal folk' so very well done.

>> No.1290208

great news bro. can't wait for this.

i can think of more than a few places to link it once its up.

>> No.1290219

Do we have any high karma redditors who can put it on the Trump subreddits

>> No.1290232

I heard Milo Yianopoulis is a mod of The_Donald now. If we tweet it at him a bunch he may even link it himself.

>> No.1290236

Good Call. We'll do that when the video drops

>> No.1290279

Just pumped .5 btc into trump, to the moon!

>> No.1290293

Thats just fantastic man !

>> No.1290630
File: 52 KB, 2026x304, Screen Shot 2016-06-08 at 1.43.13 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1290642


Ready for the shill boys?

>> No.1290658

maybe trumpfund can send milo free TRUMPS in exchange for him shilling for us. We all will profit!

>> No.1290675


>> No.1290705


can someone make a guide for redditors for how to easily turn USD into TRUMP?

I'll do it when i get home from work, but if someone else can make it beforehand that'd be great

we should release this about the same time as the shilling of the video on reddit

someone should also email milo

the worst he can say is 'no'

P.S.: what's the easiest way to turn USD into Trump?

i've just used BTC i mined a long time ago

>> No.1290715

We can also link milo the video @Nero on twitter
That should at least get his attention

>> No.1290721


In 5 days i'm putting 2btc in

>> No.1290722

buy bitcoin, trade bitcoin for trump on yobit.com

getting easily bitcoin depends where you are

>> No.1290723


there's a second vid coming on the buying process

>> No.1290730



>> No.1290731

might be good if people don't spam /biz/ related memes in the comments, but instead hype it more

>> No.1290738


>> No.1290743

nice video. good convincing language used as well.

>> No.1290747

Great video!

>> No.1290753

What's a realistic expectation on return assuming someone high-profile links this video?

Let's say I just do like $100 of bitcoin into trumpcoin.

Are we talking at most a 30% return or potentially a factor of 10 or more?

>> No.1290759

check the guide on >>1288888

>> No.1290761

Lets make #MakeCryptoGreatAgain a thing people!

>> No.1290765


my goal is to make a pretty and simple step-by-step guide for posting on r/TheDonald

>> No.1290770

10 or more for sure.
You are paying cents and we can see the coin hits at least 1 USD.

>> No.1290775

And what is the worst-case scenario?

What would it take to make my $100 disappear?

Do other random cryptos just vanish?

>> No.1290776

I'm honestly pretty confident this coin could hit 20 bucks

>> No.1290782

current market cap is $150 000. over the next 5 months, it could get to $5/6million and still not be considered one of the big coins, but that would give a $1/coin value.

i think once it gets on a bigger exchange like polo it will leap.

i don't see $1 as unrealistic at all. could even be a low estimate given how different Trump the candidate is from everything else previous.

>> No.1290784

you have a very pleasing voice

>> No.1290786

Worst-case scenario is you decide to live under a rock for about 6 months and forget to cash out on your Trump coins.
Honestly if you buy trump coins now there is little to no way that this coin will not go to the moon and make you filthy rich

>> No.1290787

The worst case scenario something very fucked up happens, you get your 100$ back if you play smart and do the timing right.
But look at the big picture, you a have a chance to turn 100 into a 1000 or lose 100$. The risk is acceptable.

>> No.1290788


ron paul didnt even get the nomination and his coin got to almost 35 dollars a piece at one point

>> No.1290790

Noted, thanks.

At what point in Paul's campaign did his coin begin?

>> No.1290793

thank you buddy :)

>> No.1290797

not 100% percent on the timeline but i'm fairly sure he had run before and it was prior to the nomination as he did not receive it

>> No.1290810

Do you guys think its worth switching from c-cex to yobit seeing as the latter seems to have more active trades coming in?

>> No.1290811

I use both

>> No.1290822

Same, where should we shill this? Elsewhere on 4chan or what? How can we target the trump demographic which are hicks, and old people when they can't use a computer?

Lets get some ideas brewing here guys.

>> No.1290824

Start with the official trump reddit. We need someone with high reddit karma to do that. Get this video EVERYWHERE. /B /POL , anyone with a computer that we can reach we will shill to.

>> No.1290828

POSITIVE ATTENTION: r_thedonald, breitbart,trump related facebook pages, drudge report, conservative websites

NEGATIVE ATTENTION (Just as useful): Occupy Democrats, Hillary Campaign Staff twitters, huff post, left wing media outlets (convince them trumpcoin is criminal, vain, a scam etc.)

>> No.1290829


Anyone wanna help a poor guy out with some Trumps or Bitcoin

>> No.1290831

go ask people on /pol/ for their trump address and when they say wtf is that shill it

>> No.1290835

Is the creator going to monitor the youtube comments? If normies go to the page and see 4chan fucking written all over it, we're through

>> No.1290836

Group effort here guys lets do this shit.

Wonder if we could short it right after the election lel

>> No.1290838

i'll do what i can

need sleep now tho


>> No.1290839

Mr Video Creator with the Godly Voice,

Please can you delete any negative comments from the video, we need this to seem legitimate.
Lol i'm suggesting we censor crypo stuff, never thought i'd ask for that.

>> No.1290842

How do I buy trumpcoin, friends?

>> No.1290846

So should I buy, hold and stake, or should I keep my coins on my yobit account and buy low, sell high?

What are most of you doing?

>> No.1290848

Hold onto them and stake

>> No.1290853

Buy bitcoin at Localbitcoin.com

Then go here https://yobit.net/en/trade/TRUMP/BTC/?bonus=MspEZ and buy your ticket to the moon

>> No.1290855

Or buy from CCEX

>> No.1290856

>Buy bitcoin at Localbitcoin.com
What payment method is generally the standard?

I've got PayPal, debit, credit, etc.

Seems like PayPal prices are higher.

>> No.1290858

Paypal is the safest option, However if you find a trusted seller then debit and credit are fine too

>> No.1290862

Circle is a phone app / website that i used, super easy.

>> No.1290867

Is the video out now??

>> No.1290869

YEA!!!! look up through the thread. It's incredible!

>> No.1290872

i dont go on reddit we still need an anon to do this

>> No.1290901

need replies to my thread here >>>/pol/76419074


>> No.1290946

WE NEED A REDDIT WIZARD to shill this to the official trump sub-reddits

>> No.1290983

Agreed, we also need to dedicate bodies to keeping a thread alive and well on /pol/ at all times, can't do it alone lads.


>> No.1291018
File: 104 KB, 875x1168, WmgV844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what do we need to do to get this listed on poloniex?

>> No.1291048

Im doing my best keeping an eye on the thread

>> No.1291057


>> No.1291060

We need to get this on other Exchanges, Any ideas??

>> No.1291093

Listen you fuckin cucks.

If you can't get exposure on reddit by posting about it in the related subreddits, make a new account on reddit (it's painfully easy) and name yourself something trumpcoin related and try and organically add the discussion.

Make your name like TrumpCoin_Fan or someshit and start agreeing with top posts.

People with SEO experience need to start using it. We need to make the first page of Google for "trumpcoin" belong to websites/autoblogs/articles we have chosen, not some forum discussion on btc with broken English and retards asking "how do I buy".

Spend $3 you cheap Jews and register a .info exact match domain

Use Wix to make a free site if you are an extreme poorfag.

Everyone can start posting on the comments section of articles on major news sites .

>see wallstreetcuckle article about le politics breaking news
>post in comments "that's why I'm moving my money in/out of trumpcoin because I trust/don't trust donand trump.

send a fake email to yourself about trumpcoin and then print out 100 copies and """accidently" leave the email paper at the gym, the bookstore etc

Comment on YouTube videos relating to politics, trump, Penny stocks etc

name your vidya char "Lord trumpcoin millionaire" and spam at the bank

if we havent crowd funded buying scrapebox, xrummer, gsa search engine ranked and started auto spamming blogs with trumpcoin comments we need to do that.

I swear you fuckin pajeets want to stay poor.

You realize ronnpauls cuck coin got to $7 and his supporters prep the bull for their wife.

Take your outstanding trumpcoin balance and times it by $14, that's where you can be realistically cashing out in less than a year if you just start applying 20 minutes of effort here and there, instead of refreshing coinmarketcap and the trumpcoin general with one hand hoping to see gainz from other people's work.

Youcan spare 20 minutes away from your furry porn to make (You)r bank account great

>> No.1291175


>> No.1291195

oops forgot link https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4n19e0/trumpcoin_is_here/

>> No.1291206
File: 27 KB, 478x519, 1463032712039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody tell me what staking is.

>> No.1291211
File: 843 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to buy Bitcoins and use them to buy Trumpcoins is their a minimum amount of have to spend? I want about $300 worth.

>> No.1291224

I am also curious. I plan to buy 2k usd worth tomorrow once this wallet confirms my bank account

>> No.1291230

The minimum amount to spend is $0.06.
You needn't worry about minimums with anywhere over like $10 in 99% o places.

>> No.1291233

What websites do you recommend for a rookie who wants $300 in Bitcoin who will use them for Trump coin? Also is selling the coins easy?

>> No.1291234

I will do this. As I said on another thread I'll hire a social midia that can make a FB post have 500k likes and a lot of views from a specific group of people. I just don't know how hard is to do it outside of US.

>> No.1291248


>> No.1291256

Use this affiliate link when you sign up for yobit and I'll give you some trumps

>> No.1291263

Can someone make one of those "if you see this image while scrolling" ....you have visited by the TrumpCoin of blah blah
20 dollars a coin wI'll be guaranteed to you if you reply
"tfw high energy trumpcoin alpha"
or some shit and we all save the png for future

>> No.1291269

I will spam the fuck out of that

>> No.1291293

Upboat this. The_donald has a huge population of internet savvy memers, the ideal demographic for Trump coin.

>> No.1291295

This. Pls someone with a modicum of graphic design ability.

>> No.1291310

lol at the user
well done

>> No.1291318


>> No.1291351

10/10 video top job. I just woke up, going to start spreading this around.

>> No.1291382
File: 334 KB, 777x1000, TrumpCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's this?

>> No.1291386

Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1291388

Make crypto great again!

You should include some figure that we'll reach like '1 dollar soon' or something

>> No.1291404

I want to put my coins in the official wallet, but I have a question. If something happens to my computer would the coins be lost forever?
I encrypted the wallet and it said something about a wallet backup.
Help me shill, guys.

>> No.1291412

Click on options in top left, make a back up. Save back up file on usb, coins safe forever

>> No.1291418

Here's one way TRUMP can be GREAT.

Trade BTC/USD on https://whaleclub.co/join/CiCCMS with x10 leverage and dump all profits into TRUMP. Make A LOT of MONEY with the btc halving happening soon. Get some serious volume going and really get this ball rolling.

>> No.1291421

shoo shoo
This is a Make crypto great again thread only.
We turnin" BEETS to Chads with TeumpCoin

>> No.1291425 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 777x1000, TrumpCoinAlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this? Or did you mean change some of the text to include it?

>> No.1291427

Use the Trump fund to buy me scrapebox and a fresh set of 10 private proxies and I'll hit every AA political related blog post with a comment from here to the election

>> No.1291434


This would make crypto great again. More money into TRUMP.

>> No.1291449


>> No.1291508

just heard about this today. is it too late? has the train left the station?

>> No.1291517

It just had a small pump. Wait for a while and it should go back down again a little bit, buy then. Its projected to go up more now that there are videos being made to help explain it to normies and shit. Also, the media latches onto anything with Trump's name so it should be easy to get out there and drive demand up.

>> No.1291520

how do i mine it? are there groups (i forget what theyre called) out there like there was with dogecoin?

>> No.1291526

You don't exactly mine. Its Proof of Stake. Keep some in the official TrumpCoin Wallet, and keep it open/connected to the net and over time you will amass some amount of coins but you need some to start you don't get it from 0.

>> No.1291536

how do i get trump to start then? do i have to buy some?

also its not syncronizing with the network for some reason. i get 1-2 connections and it drops off. any way to fix this?

>> No.1291543

Yeah you'll have to buy some. I used something called the circle app to transfer some cash from my checking account into https://blockchain.info/wallet/ where I was able to convert it to move it to c-cex and buy TRUMP from there. Then move it into the official TrumpCoin wallet.

As for your other issue I got no idea, it now keeps telling me my coins are not mature and don't know what to do about that.

>> No.1291572

To buy BTC you can use CoinBase, but it takes a while to get coins because you have to link some accounts. It's what I use so, I haven't really explored other current options.
Selling is very easy, use Yobit or CCex, Yobit usually have more coins to sell/buy.
Just make sure to get a TrumpCoin wallet because it's not safe to keep coins in online wallets long term.

>> No.1291608
File: 88 KB, 385x476, 1283789336790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, can I please have some seed TRUMPS to start off my small business in the future?

You would literally make my year if you scrape couple of TRUMPS to my wallet

Thanks in advance. You're all amazing.

>> No.1291687

I use circle.com because it takes debit and credit. Coinbase also takes credit iirc.

>> No.1291691

Friendly reminder that TRUMP is
only $6 dollars away from being 9.5k Satoshi on CCEX.

>> No.1291693
File: 237 KB, 514x845, makecyrptogreatagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please donate for the shills


>> No.1291721

Please can any generous anons send me trumpcoins?

A loyal knight of the God emperor would be ever grateful

>> No.1291723

Sorry it's actually

>> No.1291802

Been grinding out the coins for a few weeks now. I am in it for the long haul buying and selling like a day trader. If Trump gets the presidency and the coin skyrockets I will come back here and make a thread giving them out. MAGA


>> No.1291823

I was just watching this coin, thinking I had time to get in at 2cents!?

yes mad

>> No.1291875
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, dwight-schrute-the-office-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will your net work be when TrumpCoin hits $14/coin?(confirmed)

>tfw when using my payout to launch my startup

>> No.1291882

So boys for the next thread, I think we need to see what kind of content we have for TRUMP coin so far.

1/3 Youtube videos + Youtube channel
Some facebook shillers
"if you see this image"

We need these, if we don't have them yet.
TrumpCoin Twitter
TrumpCoin Instagram
TrumpCoin Facebook
Various TRUMP memes, to the like of Doge coin

>> No.1291889


can someone get me started on this system as well, so i can not be left out like bit coin please biz.

>> No.1291896

Wow, marketcap has Trumps at $0.04 a piece!

>> No.1291902
File: 190 KB, 864x648, 1462523567302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's starting lads. Hold on tight.

>> No.1291925

It looks like a whale dumped today but the price is still strong on c-cex. We're closing in, boys.

>> No.1291931

When you keep Trumps in your wallet you slowly generate new Trumpcoins for yourself. Not a lot but hey, free Trumps.

>> No.1291938

They will cry over their loss one day.

>> No.1291942

Can't wait for the tears from everyone who knew about it but decided not to buy.

>Dogecoin is a meme coin guys it's going nowhere
>Eth is a scam it's not going past $1 sell now
>Trump is a joke coin its not going anywhere

Nocoiners never change.

>> No.1291944

is trumpcoin worth investing in? serious question since im a noob

>> No.1291947

well think anon, trump is a billionaire and a experienced business man, he can dump a shit load of money into the currency too boost value. It all depends on him his market and the current market

>> No.1291950

Not if it's your primary investment. I consider it gambling. I would go as far to say it's a safe bet it'll hit 3-4 times the value at least.

>> No.1291952

I dunno I swear these biz autists are onto something though. You were right about ETH /biz/, is Trump really going anywhere? Am I too late?

>> No.1291959

It pretty much went from 2 cents a coin to 4 cents a coin in the past 24 hours. Still really good to get in at

>> No.1291961

Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1291962

Noob here.

Put money on circle.com

how do I transfer this to trump coin?

>> No.1291968

whats the best way of buying the stuff with us dollars and no past experience with crypto

>> No.1291970

you need to buy it from an exchange. go find the official /biz/ crypto thread and in the OP there will be a guide with a million links to learn more. yobit.net is where most trading of TRUMP happens

>> No.1291972

Buy your BTC then send that to either C-Cex.com or YoBit.net. From there, just buy your Trump.

>> No.1291973

Try localbitcoins first, that way you won't need ID. I heard circle demands id before you get your BTC.

>> No.1291975

boys, im spending money on this trump shit, dont let me down

>> No.1291993

Where is the best way to buy btc with paypal or online method

>> No.1292000

Localbitcoins. And I doubt anyone would accept paypal for btc since paypal is reversible and btc isn't.

If you don't like Localbitcoins you can go through the circle app or one of the big exchanges, check that they don't require ID though.

>> No.1292005

Its amazing how many people are asking how to buy bitcoin so they can get TRUMP. Not how do I buy TRUMP with my bitcoin.

This means many peoples first exposure to crypto is TRUMP coin.

That's a good sign for TRUMP coin.

>> No.1292012
File: 26 KB, 337x266, Phreak-The-Phantom-Phreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread OP should have a full how to buy tutorial.
Links to all the sites/videos/reddits

>> No.1292018

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, people don't invest rationally with crypto.

Yes, TRUMP has potential to increase dramatically in price.

As with all crypto though. Don't invest anything you cant afford to lose.

>> No.1292024

Thanks man, you've been helpful on this.

>> No.1292025

That's video 2 of 3, "How to buy Trumpcoins."

Script is already complete. It'll be released sometime later on. Look out for it when it's out though.

>> No.1292026

There's an assload of that stuff already. Its all over the trump website. All over bitcoin talk. People aren't taking even the simplest steps to find out how.

Coinbase for BTC.
Transfer to YOBIT/CCEX.

Simple as that.

>> No.1292031

make crypto great again

>> No.1292049

/fit/ fag rolling thru .
If cryptoso were girls, Trumpcoin would be a high test thread.

High energy/high test, MAGA

>> No.1292071

18yC8rsahCgbqKXMcQLPGML3eM6u9mYRzL i just wanna play

>> No.1292080


Sent some seed Trumps. No big handouts with TRUMP though, head on over to the bernie rubles thread if you're looking for those.

>> No.1292084

Also just noticed your address is wrong. All Trump addresses start with a T. Try again bro.

>> No.1292096

Lmao im a neeb sorry:

>> No.1292098

TMUFjLy77MrbXzGWp2SyFBfLpX6cPz56wf sorry man

>> No.1292101

All good bro, sent some seed Trumps.

>> No.1292104

Seed trump?

>> No.1292106

based god plz donate, just got my wallet installed and blocks updated

>> No.1292107

Another /fit/bro, nice. I agree thread is high test as fuck.

>> No.1292108


>> No.1292109

If anyone feels like donating to the video creator (myself), here's the address:
(this address ONLY takes TRUMP please do not send bitcoin through this address)

cheers fellas, MAGA

>> No.1292111

Small amount of Trumps to get ya started.

Might be a good idea to post a wallet address lad.

>> No.1292116
File: 176 KB, 1332x1998, 2f8ed5d21a44b0e5886680cb9-big-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Videobro good to see you again. Saw the final version as soon as it went live, been spreading it like mad. You're helping with yuge gains for the coin that's for sure.

This thread needs more Ivanka I think.

>> No.1292127
File: 40 KB, 356x462, 6298239_gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW high energy alpha

>> No.1292204

I'm trying to accumulate bit coin so I can get Trumps, can someone recommend the best faucets with the biggest payouts, without giving me a reference link since they apparently take a cut of what I would make? (I know I'm selfish, but hey I'm here fore help) Thanks guys.

>> No.1292311


>accumulate bit coin

Don't even bother lad. Unless you enjoy 8 hours of clicking to make 0.000001btc.

>> No.1292359

Faucets are pleb tier, just buy the BTC and trade for Trump.

>> No.1292361

Can someone explain to me why there is such a huge gap between buy and sell orders on c-cex?

>> No.1292442

What's a good pool to use and has anyone got a .bat for sgminer? Everytime I try and set up a batch file it just says "Sgminer made by whatever" for like 5 minutes then blinks over to an empty console. I can't into sgminer.

>> No.1292453

No good pool to use since Trumps aren't mineable. They are proof of stake not proof of work. You can't GPU/CPU mine them.

You can always just mine the BTC and trade them for trump, effectively the same thing. But yeah gotta figure that shit out for yourself bro.

>> No.1292456

Is there a single large no-bullshit bitcoin seller?

As in, I just want to use my paypal or CC to pay a price for a bitcoin and not shop around.

>> No.1292469


hey greeny

>> No.1292475

Damn, I'm new to this and with Coinbase, I can't purchase for 2 days.

Anyone want to sell me $200 of BTC via PayPal?

>> No.1292515


low volume

>> No.1292535


If your experience is anything like mine, you will have to wait 3-4 days for circle to """review""" your account.

>> No.1292540


So why would somebody choose not to stake?

>> No.1292649

Dont want to allocate the resources, regardless of how little
Keep wallet offline in storage
keep wallet on exchange
turn computer off when not using it.. etc

>> No.1292683
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 1252288528678476983_1432937902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got on the Trump train. Can somone hook me up with a bit?


>> No.1292693

me too. at $14 i can buy a property to rent out and have money to open startup. at $20 i can buy 2.

>> No.1292721

if you were to read up on the launches of the big brand cryptos you will see a recurring pattern:
it is launched and some people deride it without understanding it,
people who get it get involved in it.
it very slowly spreads and begins to gain traction and appear more and more around the internet.
more people get involved in it, increasing its range and profile, all the while the doubters still carry on with their message of doom.
it sees a spike in value because it beginning to reach a decent sized mass of people.
critical mass is reached and it begins exponential growth. the doubters are even more salty, complain even louder.
people become rich.

Trump Coin is a fantastic opportunity for high rewards before the Republican Convention. After that date it is a great opportunity. But seize the opportunity now.

i hold a position, today i spent my daily bitcoin mining rewards on trump. they were 7000satoshi. last week i bought at 3200satoshi. buy now, buy more, make more.

>> No.1292730

i'd be a millionaire

>> No.1292747

Not really. Buy a few $$$ worth if you must but the coin will be dead in a few months. Weeks even. You could stand to make some cash as it's getting shilled to fuck right now but you're better off with more established coins if you want to invest in crypto.

>> No.1292755

Yea, basically. And don't take what is said in the exchange trollboxes seriously! Just a bunch of salty folks holding on to other coins that aren't making the gains Trump is or will see.

Also, just in case you haven't check it out.

it's up to 755 views! Lets keep it climbing!

>> No.1292803

We really need to start shilling the video, god knows how much the trumpcoin will be worth then

>> No.1292862

Feel bad for all those who sold their trump today. It'll be 10k by the end of the week. Oh well, More trump for me I guess!


>> No.1292866

>spamming your referral link

Here's a link without it - https://yobit.net/en/trade/TRUMP/BTC/

>> No.1292879
File: 3.20 MB, 1500x965, 1254953296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel bad for all those who sold their trump today
That's what I keep thinking. I could sell now and make mediocre profit, or I can just hold on and ride this rocket to the moon!

>> No.1292885

Am I not allowed to put my referral link, Maybe people want to give me a few satoshis for free. Seeing as I've been behind a few of the trump threads and Got many people to buy in at 3.2k. Charity isn't bad especially when it doesn't cost you a dime

>> No.1292898

i agree. i will have doubled my investment if i cashed out now, or i can keep going and get YUUUGE returns.

>> No.1292905

Nice cope

This is a fuckin rocketship that's still in pre launch mode and look at the stability/gainz.
All coins have pumps followed by corrections and stagnation, the key is to be at a new high each time this happens.

Please /biz/ lads, get in now - once the normie nation hits, they'll be know "discount" for being a Japanese image board lurker

>> No.1292907

It's going to be yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggeeeeeeeeee 10k by the end of the week!

>> No.1292908


>> No.1292934
File: 128 KB, 1174x700, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1292943


>> No.1292992

That's there loss. It's like kissing away a million dollars in a month for a hundred today..

>> No.1292998

>It's like kissing away a million dollars in a month for a hundred today..

I feel bad for you if you really believe that.

>> No.1293008

>not believing in the power of meme magic
>not believing in trump

>> No.1293238

I'm in. I'm all in on the God Emperor. We have to go deep waters with this. Activate those twitter bots. Tweet the video at him relentlessly. Post it on reddit. Post it on /pol/. Post it on /g/. Post it on /b/. Post it on 8ch's /pol/. Shill the fuck out of this

>> No.1293248

Post your shilling threads here so other fellow TRUMPCOIN owners can help you shill

>> No.1293269

tweeting to anyone right wing (or left wing with manufactured outrage) is the way to go

using the word shill is unwise though, might make the coin look like a scam to new buyers

gotta make like we're a business now

>> No.1293311

>gotta make it like we're a business now

Protip: we are

>> No.1293346

Look up who the editors are for CNBC, Fox, and CNN shows are. Also target smaller news sources like Breitbart and the Young Turks as they're more likely to get less personal tweets to increase visibility of your tweet

>> No.1293430

I'm on it. But try to keep it relevant to what things they report. If an editor only talks about celebrities or events not political or economics related just skip them.

>> No.1293530

thats why i said "look like"

its all image now, the infrastructure is in place

>> No.1293655

10 cents, when?

>> No.1293667

within 2 weeks depending on how well we market it.

>> No.1293714

just set up my wallet and downloaded all the blocks, can someone send me a minimal amount so i know its all working

>> No.1293724
File: 249 KB, 590x590, disregard-females-acquire-currency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went all in and got 178 memecoins.

>> No.1293733

Just bought my first .8 BTC worth of Trump, buying more tomorrow. What's the best case scenario value on this, realistically guessing? How high will the mighty eagle of TRUMP fly?

>> No.1293749

other presidential coins have gone to >$1. With the persona of Trump and decent marketing efforts from all of us, I dont see why it cant reach $1 by the election.

>> No.1293752

1$ is a realistic guess.

>> No.1293757

$1 minimum

$7 would match the peak price of the low energy cuck coin of Ron Paul (so extremely likely)

$14 would be double the peek of Ron Paul coin and many are placing $14 as the realistic top price of Trumpcoin with no involvement in any way from Mr. Trump.

>Trump mentions the coin, but doesn't endorse it.
$25 np

>Trump mentions the coin AND endorses it or says any type of positive comment
"I dunno what it is specifically folks, but let me tell you the Federal Reserve are nasty, nasty people and I don't see why competition to fiat is anything but positive"

>> No.1293771

I don't like to be too optimist about things, but HOLY SHIT. If Trump coin hits the 100$:1 I will give myself a lambo for christmas.

>> No.1293787

Literally gambling on a meme. I love it.

>> No.1293818

The profit is sure, he is just trying to guess how much it will be.

>> No.1293835

>be me
>work at a 12,000 employee company
>can email each and every employee by using allNA@mycompany.com

Thinking of sending email about trumpcoin to that address and saying I got hacked or something.

It will not inbox unless it comes from an internal email...

what do?

>> No.1293852

Do it!
Or log into someone else's account and do it

>> No.1293865

dont risk get fired over this.

ether shills spammed /r/btc few months back and that got attention. Maybe spam /r/the_donald?

>> No.1293888

Dear friends,
I haven't invested in a coin since I put a few hundred in coexist coin and got pounced in the ass.

should I try again with trumpcoin? is 200$ enough to even participate?

I'm tired of being a poor fag

>> No.1293894

$200 is a decent amount, get in quick though so you maximise your profit margin

>> No.1293895


You need to get in ASAP. $200 will get you a nice chunk; should turn into a few thousand dollars over the next few months.

>> No.1293905
File: 171 KB, 343x432, 1463922484276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got $200 in at 0.00004 rate.

I can't fucking wait. Might even put my whole paycheck into it next week. I want this meme magic to work.

>> No.1293927

I got 200$ into it aswell
Hoping to make my life as a student a lil' bit easier with trumpcoin

>> No.1293928

Based on nothing whatsoever.

>> No.1293930


Based off of the fact that it's going to $1 a coin, and it's currently $~.04 a coin.

>> No.1293971
File: 581 KB, 1680x1050, 1298746256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This Train has no brakes! We will go to a place few have gone before! WE'RE GOING TO WIN, WIN, WIN!!

>> No.1294062

trying to jump on the train, any TRUMPs will help bros. I missed both ETH and BTC, won't happen a third time.

>> No.1294091

Anyone else browsing this thread with one hand ?
So much winning

>> No.1294102

Get a Trumpcoin Wallet first.

>> No.1294125

Fucking coinbase taking their sweet time to verify my bank account

>> No.1294162
File: 297 KB, 548x358, 1462311913970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it hit $14 a coin, I'd be ecstatic.

Reasonably, I'd ~$3 per coin. The media will eventually pick this up once there's a lull in stories. And if Trump voices his approval, we'll be sitting pretty.

>> No.1294207
File: 704 KB, 300x300, 145668987974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it hits the media it will instantly go viral. One day we'll wake up and they will be up at ETH levels and rising.

Don't forget to keep spreading the word anons.

>> No.1294213

do you set coins in the wallet to stake or does that happen automatically

>> No.1294214

Do I need to ask the owners of Trumpcoin before making a twitter?

>> No.1294218

This. It takes me back to November when people started talking about ETH

>> No.1294234

Trump is on a dip now, this is your chance to get cheap TRUMP COINS !

>> No.1294239



>> No.1294267


>tfw learned about ETH from /biz/ in february and rode it to the moon
>tfw now /biz/ knows about TRUMP too at an even smaller market cap

Love you guys tbqh famalam.

>> No.1294338

dat crash.
gg trumpcoin

>> No.1294391

don't be weakminded

stick with it

>> No.1294393

are you suprised the price falls while no new buyers are being attracted to the coin?

Trump is a long term hold, you just want to be there when it really catches on and reaches a lot of people creating self sustaining demand.

The price doubled yesterday from just having a successful post on /pol/ and the new video coming out. This is nothing compared to what is to come.

>> No.1294417


>someone decides to dump at 5000
>sells still at 7000

ishiggydiggy m9

>> No.1294449

>Tfw you just buy up all of the dumps

>> No.1294455

what is the best point to buy on yobit ATM?

>> No.1294487

give me percentages

how much of a chance will this actually stick and go 1:1 with USD?

>> No.1294555
File: 217 KB, 640x756, TrumpResponds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1294574

Wtf is this? Are you new here?
Don't post great content like this and not include a wallet address man

>> No.1294576


haha thanks man

>> No.1294577


This is the shit we need

>> No.1294581

beautiful trips, and even better pic!


I have always said, when Mr. Trump hears about TrumpCoin he'll be high-energy, excited and over the moon delighted.
Someone please do something and tell him about it!

>> No.1294604

I like Coinbase but they are just a bit too slow. Use Localbitcoins or Paxful if you want it now.

>> No.1294608

Holy shit whoever made this please use a different font you autist.

>> No.1294667

To be honest, i'm sick and tired of yobit being a bottom of the rung, bullshit exchange full of bots and shills, where withdrawals are a pain in the ass most of the time.
I wish trumpcoin was listed in other bigger, better exchanges. Every time i buy trumpcoin on yobit, i send it to my desktop wallet. and i've still had some issues with yobit.

So, can anyone tell me what other better exchanges i can trust for 24/7 trading?
At this moment i am seriously considering just hoarding btc.

Also, what is the ratio i should maintain for BTC / ETH / any other coin?

>> No.1294731

No bots on c-cex if you wanna keep trading Trumps

>> No.1294820

whats the tinychat chat room called i been on tc for a long time

>> No.1295027

He exclaimed as he fapped to another trap porn set, contributing nothing himself

nice reeeee bro

>> No.1295070

He's right tho.

That image looks like shit and is totally unprofessional. The YouTube videos are good but the images are nowhere near Trump quality

>> No.1295126
File: 1.49 MB, 1890x970, huhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1295154

I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be low energy and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken back, and all I could say was “MAGA” but he kept cutting me off and going “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American flag Zebra Cakes in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1295182

Much better

>> No.1295216

is this bait?

>> No.1295323

Ok /biz/, thanks to you all I have finally given into the hype, Im sure we can all go to the moon with this.

My Trump wallet is all up and running, if any one of you would be so kind to send some pennies to check if its working as intended I would be very pleased.
Also, how many trumps i should buy in one go? Should I go guns blazing and order huge amounts or keep it low and buy small amounts periodically? Thanks bros. MAGA


>> No.1295437
File: 518 KB, 1024x651, mcga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1295458
File: 271 KB, 2560x1204, 13412182_1261257540553560_7362951302762296215_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one more

>> No.1295479


literally the worst tld extension and I'm a supporter
someone please register something new and auto redirect it to the main site so we can put a non retarded url on these images/videos

or something jesus

>> No.1295518

dot com is bad

dot trump or dot org would be much better

>> No.1295534

"cyrpto currancy"?

spellcheck and centre the text and this'll be solid

>> No.1295783

I'm going to make a (dot)info website for the normal people that don't understand the very basics of trading and need hand holding. Will post in back in /biz/ when it is done but what are some things that I could put in other than the very basics?

We need to explain in full what crypto is and using terminology anyone could understand.

>> No.1296064
File: 333 KB, 932x503, sendhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1296132

Holy fuck this could be huge