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12832303 No.12832303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i've wasted my one and only life

>> No.12832314

I know that feel man, life is cruel.

>> No.12832318
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>> No.12832319


>> No.12832322

Dear Diary, today I realized I'm a homosexual.

>> No.12832330
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cheer up anon, it's not like you had a chance with qt like this anyway

>> No.12832332

not true anons, i guarantee i'm older than you and am currently in the middle of restarting my life. don't give up. get help. you can't do it alone. even the talkspace app is a start. fix yourself and you'll get everything you want in life. good luck frens

>> No.12832337

Dude the entirety of 2018 I was sitting on my computer waiting for my cryptos to moon while they went lower and lower each day. Its like a whole lost year of my life. I am so pathetic

>> No.12832364

Thanks for caring.

>> No.12832377
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Fix what? I am already on track. I am going to spend the rest of my life sitting in a box for 8 hours a day so I can afford to go home and sleep for another 8, and I will repeat this cycle until I die, everyday praying I meet eyes with someone on the train just to share the pain.

>> No.12832391

I can beat that. I spent all of 2018 watching crypto charts and I don't even have any coins.

>> No.12832399


>> No.12832405
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Sirs , there is a Vishnu in the chain sirs . Rebirth will be yours, sir.

>> No.12832415

I want to kill myself every day. Even if BTC goes to 5 million tomorrow I wouldn't be happy.

>> No.12832416

when did merlin get those sweet tits?

>> No.12832418

I don't worry so much about my life ending because I instinctively know that I will live again.

>> No.12832436
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how is that worse? you didnt lose any money, just time. I lost both

>> No.12832438

Yeah but you won't know it, so its the same as dying. Also, theres like a 99% probability you'll respawn as someone with a much worse life than you currently have now.

>> No.12832449

I lost money on property instead. Probably about 30k. Now facing bankruptcy and actually have to get a job.

>> No.12832454

Unless you're about to die, it's not too late.
Want children, can make them on your deathbed, want to be rich, millionnaires are made overnight, want to bring about the fifth reich, the current geopolitics are the perfect opportunity.

Do it niggerkikefaggot.

>> No.12832458


>> No.12832477
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Yeah keep crying and complaining like a little bitch I'm sure thats what will finally get you out of the hole you dug yourself into

>> No.12832483

Howd you lose money on property? I thoguht real estate "only goes up!"

>> No.12832486

>one life
we're stuck in an infinite cycle of rebirth you dumb nigger, better luck next life

>> No.12832496

take some morphine and eat ice cream and it'll be alright

>> No.12832499

I thought so as well. Guess I learned the hard way that that was a meme :^)

The market is being killed in my country by the government, basically. Now I have to sell in a bad market.

>> No.12832510

But there’s 24 hours in a day faggot that leave you with 8

>> No.12832517

That may well be true. Actually, that's an inevitability because life is marked by dissatisfaction and there is reason to fear that I might reincarnate as somebody who never has the insight and metacognition to light a candle when it's easier to curse the darkness. But, even if this was a possibility, I'm sure that I could have that insight again after I die once or a thousand more times.

>> No.12832523

about 6 of those are preparing for work, commuting to work, chores such as tidying your house, cooking, preparing food, paying bills and a bit of exercise.

Enjoy your 2 hours of free time.

>> No.12832530
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>> No.12832529

So you have to have a thousand lifetimes of shit before you get one lifetime where you can be a comfy neet?

I think the thought of eternal nothingness is better than this.

>> No.12832541

Is that sum brian peppers?

>> No.12832544

Real estate does go down. But it does go up again. You should do more research into it, learn from your mistakes, and try it again. You didn't suffer such a big catastrophe that you could never do it again, afterall.

>> No.12832561

Yeah, I have definitely learned. Now I just need to get out before it dies faster.

>> No.12832596


>> No.12832680

Do you expect the salvation culminating from your long, tortuous journey through Samsara as a life of passivity and inactivity spent consuming things; accepting a meager check that comes in through no effort on your part?

>> No.12832726

It certainly would be for 99% of the planet.

>> No.12832728
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>> No.12832734

I just laughed cause you reminded me of me.

>> No.12832746

But that's why the other 1% are wealthy.

>> No.12832818

>You will never be 20 yo again

>> No.12832845

Wait, so salvation to you is being rich? I think you have this whole Buddhism thing wrong.

>> No.12832912

Well, it is for me. Being wealthy will free me from having to worry about money so I can strive to be a better and more enlightened Nietzschean Overman without having to clock in at a 9-to-5 Just Over Broke.

>> No.12832956

You can do that without money. Go live in a Buddhist temple, I guarantee you stand a better chance of finding enlightenment there than when you're blowing your money on tendies and hookers.