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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1283229 No.1283229 [Reply] [Original]

>consistently underperforms on claims made to shareholders
>"w-we'll do better next year!"
>shareholders continue to hold an already overvalued stock

How the fuck is this piece of shit company still in business? It's only kept aloof by idiots that can't get off Musk's dick.

>> No.1283236
File: 54 KB, 800x450, elon-musk-on-valley-girl-grb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck is this piece of shit company still in business? It's only kept aloof by idiots that can't get off Musk's dick.

Something retards will ask themselves until they die.

>> No.1283239


they think it will evolve into the new Model T it could take a few years tho.
nobody wants to miss that ride.

>> No.1283249

The model 3 they're coming out with into an already shit EV market won't really help though

>> No.1283290

took a long time for ford to get it.
it can take a decade and those with faith will be rewarded. or it all folds in.

that's the game, but my point is it's not gonna be definite in a few years. 10-15 years before we can pass judgment if it is shit investment now.

>> No.1283317


>> No.1283319

Hydrogen is the future. Tesla is shit.
Tesla doesnt "own" the electric car market. For them to come in to the market and sell a 150 thousand dollar car which is a piece of shit -after a few years of engineering compared to the century that most car companies have had, is hilarious.
Its like "oh, here at tesla, we will succeed because "we have THE VISION FOR THE FUTURE" and "WE TRY REALLY HARD". Its a joke. For tesla to think they are going to barge in and make a better product than the one that comes out of mb/bmw/porsche/audi/vfw, is laughable. Wanna make money? Short tesla. Short the tits off of it.

>> No.1283325

>electric cars are the future!

What people don't realize is this technology has existed since the 70s, big oil has just kept it suppressed until now. Not that it makes much of a difference, Tesla will always find a way to cuck their customers, they literally HAVE to take it to tesla for maintenance and have to sign a non-disclosure agreement saying they won't discuss the nature of the problem to anyone, so they can charge whatever the hell they want to repair it and get away with it.

Plus you can rule out ever going on a road trip with one.

Teslas are a fad that will fade out soon enough.

>> No.1283367

>Its a joke.
when it works tho it really works. if you don't believe in it don't invest in it. i think that is a very basic rule.
i don't care either way i think electric cars are awesome. and if you can make hydrogen cars work (the problem really is storing and handling hydrogen nothing else) then we can have nice electric-hydrogen hybrids.

>> No.1283451
File: 121 KB, 258x245, 1464674354051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but they're in it for the long term! wait five more years and they'll dominate the market!

>> No.1283507

>electric car with charged electrolyte fuel crashes the fuel container ruptures
nothing happens some maybe corrosive goo will spill out
>hydrogen car crashes, hydrogen containment is bust
it reacts with the oxygen so violently that the flash your car makes will be mistaken for a small nuke

yeah not sitting in that death trap thx

>> No.1284664

ITT : anons who never open a single tesla report.

a financial plan is not always MAKE DEM $$$$ ASAP.

>> No.1284676

> 70s

Electirc cars were more common in the beginnig than "conventional" cars but lost out to gas because of distance they can travel with one refill.
The same as today.

That's not to say cars in general are a pain in the ass and I would love to get rid of 80% of cars and the infrastructure that grows like a cancer.

>> No.1284677
File: 38 KB, 350x250, burden-of-dreams-original11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1284685

nobody gives a fuck about EV's in the USA, China is the nation that is the motor of the global EV production. Tesla however is a great hype maker, and people understand Musk's ideas since they are idiotproof and tend to the 70's/80's generation of "why the fuck are we stagnating as shit". The only problem I see with Musk is that he wanders off into some terminator-matrix bullshit with AI is evil and we all live in a simulation kind of crap, because with his autist face people never know if he's meaning it in an 'far future and we may never know' kind of way or he got disconnected from reality.