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12830349 No.12830349 [Reply] [Original]

redtrubution of wealth is actually quite easy, simply enforce a law that requires all vendors and retail outlets to charge for products based on income

a single working mother should only have to pay $1 for a gallon of milk, while a layer should pay $7

>> No.12830362

You spend your days shitting on streets and screeching at flies. Don't pretend you're too busy to spell check before posting your nonsense. Goddamn pajeet.

>> No.12830365
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Killing communists is quite easy. You just shoot them in the head and then bury the body in a shallow grave

>> No.12830370

3D render?

>> No.12830371

Enforce a law that requires Tyrone to buy single working mother's milk. Don't make society pay for people's irresponsibility

>> No.12830395

enforce a minimum productivity level that results in execution if fallen under instead of a penalty on the rich, penalize being poor

>> No.12830408

Single working mothers shouldn't even exist. :)

>> No.12830411

So all I have to do is be a stay at home neet and everything will be free for me since I don't make any money? Wow where do I sign up?

>> No.12830421

Socialism is the only way forward. Fuck all conservative capitalist pigs.

>> No.12830432

>Lawyer pays single mother $2 to buy him milk

>> No.12830452

This. I am 22 year old college student with 100k debt and no job. Fuck capitalism

>> No.12830458

I think the mother would even buy for him if he married her. Just marry a single mother and you have everything cheaper.

>> No.12830469

And I mean buy for him without the lawyer having to give her $2

>> No.12830486
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>be rational human
>see that the harder I try under OPs system, the more I am penalised
>stop trying, innovating, simply live a modest lifestyle
>millions of would be entrepreneurs and creators do the same
>society collapses

>> No.12830496

Why wouldn't I hire someone with a low income to buy products for me?

>> No.12830499

Then she isn't a single mother anymore she is then a lawyers wife.

>> No.12830503

Funny greentext, but I lack the imagination to picture you as a rational human.

>> No.12830505

i bet you didnt even notice that the op says "while a layer should pay 7"

>> No.12830507


>price controls

And off to Venezuela you go

>> No.12830526
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>> No.12830525

The law wouldn't need to know that if there isn't an official marriage

>> No.12830530

I just work with helping employees sue their business owners. Our entire economy rests on the federal reserve propping certain industries and screwing innovation and entrepreneurs.

Enjoy the ride down and collect as much as you can.

>> No.12830534

That's how people in soviet union performed their labour. What's the point of trying harder if you're going to get those 100 rubles at the end of the month no matter what, so why just not get drunk and call it a day?

>> No.12830537

>using capitalist "facts" and "graphs"
Enjoy the gulag

>> No.12830715

Isn't Venezuea supposed to be communist?`Why does it ahve less tax per gdp than the America?

>> No.12830810

A single mother should have made better choices in life so that she didn't end up a single mother. I'm not a fucking charity, why should I have to help a stranger? Why should I be punished for my good choices and she rewarded for her bad choices? According to evolution and the natural order, she should have to pay more to give her an even bigger disadvantage until she starves to death and is eliminated from the gene pool

>> No.12830824

yes lets destroy the middle class even more

>> No.12830872
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>> No.12830943

Cause you don't need taxes when you have inflation

>> No.12830985

Lawyers would just buy toilet paper on the street from some Walmart greeter. Walmart greeter turns a profit, lawyer avoids paying rich tax.

>> No.12831002

Is this b8?

>> No.12831016

You would instantly turn most people into criminals. They would trade the difference with the unemployed or low income effectively fucking the system over and defeating the purpose.

>Well just KILL THOSE PEOPLE or put them in jail
And now we come to the usual problem with communism and socialism. Because the system is so unnatural and against the natural way people function and desire to the only way to keep it going is by force.

>> No.12831251

>the only way to keep it going is by force
But its for your own good Anon! think how much better off all those people would be with your stuff!
think about it this way,
You have money, LeQuisha doesn't. She wants money though, so we give her yours. If you object we put you in a humane work camp until you learn the value of giving away your labor.
I dont see whats so complicated about this? just take the freedom dividend anon!

>> No.12831268

>lawyer goes bankrupt from all the price inflation

>There is no money to redistribute to him since everyone else was already paying $1

great plan op