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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12825377 No.12825377 [Reply] [Original]

Haven’t updated the one this month, but tell me biz, you do keep track of the women you associate with, yes?

>> No.12825391


wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.12825393

What do you mean?

>> No.12825409

man this is some autist shit right here

>> No.12825437

Eh, i was bullied a lot in middle and high school, so now I compensate for the emotional trauma I experienced by sleeping with 33 women by the age of 22.

It is lonely and unfulfilling, but the autist side of me enjoys updating the spreadsheet. It’s like the show Dexter when Dexter collects another blood sample from his victims. It gives me that same guttural satisfaction.

>> No.12825444

I do this as well, and my spreadsheet is even more detailed. I have checkbox columns for all the degenerate shit I've made them do.

How do you get sluts to add you on snapchat?

>> No.12825452

im so worthless and pathetic and i should be dead

>> No.12825454

One thing I kind of wish I had done is put the dates like you did, rather than just group them by year (they are in the year where I first meet them). Oh well.

>> No.12825457

What are some other categories I should add to my spreadsheet? Also, a simple “add me on snap” is what I do. I’m terrible at online dating and use social circles/cold approach for my women.

>> No.12825461


>> No.12825462

when are you getting to the stalking part with a sharp object?

>> No.12825465

we're not worthy to be in your presence

>> No.12825466

Thanks for reminding me to update the smv chart in all the 'crushes' i ever had. And no i haven't had sex with any of them and still a kissless dateless virgin at 24

>> No.12825472

Feels like something Dennis from It's Always Sunny would do.

>> No.12825477

>he used a condom, ever
>he thinks he's going to make it
Anon, I....

>> No.12825489

jesus christ..

This actually might be worse than being an incel

>> No.12825490

>/biz/ believes someone autistic enough to make this spreadsheet has ever fucked

>> No.12825493

Honestly, this stems from probably a lack of a strong father figure in my life. I feel an excessive need for validation from women.
Put yourself out there, you’ll make it :)
Truuuuust me, I really only care about the creampies anon

>> No.12825496

Keep going anon. I'm well over 100 and I can't remember most of them because I didn't keep good notes like this. You should include their Instagram so you can check in and see if they are still hot a few years later (pro tip: they are probably fat)

>> No.12825497

In addition to most of yours, I have age, race/nationality, hair color, how I met them (it's kind of useless, the last ~50 are from Tinder), and a column for every kink I like, so that's kind of up to you.

Relatedly, we are sort of opposites. I have basically no social circle and fucking a girl from cold approach strikes me as completely unfathomable. But I'm a capable writer with a powerlifter Chad body so online has served me well.

>> No.12825506

Based and larppilled

>> No.12825507

I believe him cuz I do the exact same shit kek - updating my spreadsheet after smashing some thot is something I always look forward to.

>> No.12825509

Yeah, at a glance I can tell that creampies are heavily correlated with "would smash again"

>> No.12825514

I really don’t know how else to prove it to you without doxxing myself. I’m a 6/10 white male that grew up in a hippie, “sex-positive” town. I pride myself on being heavily autistic while still getting laid. I’m pathetic.
Instagram is a great idea. Noted.
Thank you, I will be updating anon. Is it true online dating is all about the photos and writing style? How do you work it?

>> No.12825515

>wymyn tracks of men she fucked in her diary comparing dick sizes
>men keeps tracks of women he fucked even if if gets to a marriage evaluation in an unlikely scenario

The state of this board

>> No.12825518


wow i feel so fuckn sorry for all those girls...you're a serial killer in the making

>> No.12825533

It is deeply satisfying. No better feel then coming home, booting up my laptop, and filling in the next row...
Oh chit your right, good analysis anon.
At least I remember every single one. I’d hate to be one of those people that doesn’t remember every human body they’ve placed their genitalia inside.

>> No.12825558

To succeed online, you either have to be an ultra good looking giga chad who appeals to literally all women by virtue of his raw sex appeal (so like less than 1% of men), OR you can find yourself a niche, a target audience if you will, and you play a character that caters to that niche.

It goes without saying that "just be yourself bro lol" does not work and never will.

The rest is up to you.

>> No.12825577

that woman is a degenerate too, whats your point?

>> No.12825585

Add UBT to the next row

>> No.12825586

Thanks. I now have a great idea of who I can appeal to.

Do you also write stories about your victories? I have anecdotes about each of my experiences.

>> No.12825594


wait til you get to 100 and a little older bud. Even with a spreadsheet you'll have trouble remembering them

>> No.12825605

Not for all of them, but I do have a Misc Notes column for noting down things I might not want to forget.

>> No.12825611

Yeah, you’re right. How did you get to that number? My number is jack chit compared to you.

>> No.12825620

Can confirm. Even with my spreadsheet, it's happened that I've forgotten a few of them on the moment (though sometimes I'll remember them later on).

>> No.12825623

In that entire time I slept with 2 women, so yes I keep track of them.

>> No.12825659

Where does it end though anons? I feel like I always need to add to this number so I can feel better about myself. I’m not sure what it is.

>> No.12825671
File: 158 KB, 1500x1500, 793A2C11-B705-49A9-B9C1-13670DDC6409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality over quantity.

>> No.12825720

I do it too but for the escorts i fucked. Started my list this year , p cool desu

>> No.12825733


as a dude with over 100 count, this 100%. Most of those were just filling time, and the ones that were quality are the ones that have impacted my life the most. Maybe not something you're thinking of at 22, but as you get a bit older, one quality girl beats many quantity girls hands down. Of course, you always realise this after...

>> No.12825734

what are you guys proving to yourselves with this

>> No.12825747

That I can be loved and accepted. I also feel like it elevates me socially in the eyes of my peers.

>> No.12825772

Based OP

>> No.12825787

Who the hell can be so autistic as to keep a spreadsheet like this but not autistic enough to ensure formatting of values is the same for every entry in a given column?

>> No.12825799

it doesn't matter if it's "compensating"
the numbers add up . so it's all good

>> No.12825806

I have no complaints, I honestly got bored of even the little success I had hooking up when I was young. I'm all /biz and want that dual income life.

>> No.12825811

are you white?
just curious.
and how many of those girls are white or high tier asian?

>> No.12825875

Basically this, and I'm at around 80. Accumulating a large number for the sake of it used to be somewhat compelling, but it lost its appeal in the last year or so for me. I would still smash tons of sluts if they were just handed to me on a silver platter, but the juice just isn't worth the squeeze anymore. So I'm all about quality girls/quality experiences now, and will turn down or just not pursue opportunities that don't meet those criteria (eg: I'm probably never fucking a girl with a condom ever again).

>> No.12825922

I don't remember all of them exactly but my number is around yours OP. I don't make a spreadsheet though because I don't give a shit. Now, though, I'm concerned less with numbers and more with finding quality fuck buddies that are hot and can take a dick like a slut. If they're cool then we can keep it going for a while, but usually they get attached and fuck it all up so I have to start over with a new one.

>> No.12826032

You need help. There is something seriously wrong with you.

>> No.12826048
File: 191 KB, 1872x826, kwark yoghurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do this for quark and yoghurt

>> No.12826077
File: 87 KB, 994x363, Screenshot 2019-02-22 at 09.42.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do same thing

red ones are prostitutes

i currently am on a 3 year dry spell because neet

>> No.12826083

you better recalculate those averages, your first gf in row one has attractiveness written out as "six" and not "6" so your table is not taking that into account

>> No.12826093
File: 17 KB, 279x116, Screenshot 2019-02-22 at 09.48.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot table with averages and shit below main table because low iq

>> No.12826312
File: 58 KB, 800x800, 1397957631858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word "creampie" is so fucking disgusting. And that you have a section for it

>> No.12827231

lmfao thx for the lulz op

>> No.12827279

Maximum level autism. You won, godspeed.

>> No.12827318
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1550610929904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just track normal stuff like movies/anime you watched. I don't think women are worth this kind of effort. You will have something to do and you won't be as obsessed. I think obsession will destroy you, if given enough time to infest.