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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12824411 No.12824411 [Reply] [Original]

I am financially ruined.
>Fell for the gmn meme.
>Fell for the transitional cpu >gpu> asics mining meme.
>Lost over 200 k usd
>Everythiny is still being delayed till perpuitity

>at least I didn’t get scammed into buying a chink bamboowallet lol


>> No.12825261

>was under $1
>went over $40

>> No.12825273
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It might pump again

>> No.12825279

play chink games, win chink prices. Also why didn't you sell you faggot

>> No.12825527

i've sold after china mobile "partnership" and told myself i'll wait for a token swap which is always around the corner. i'm sure some wtc cuck will interpret this as people waiting on the sidelines but in reality i'm only waiting to see the dumpsterfire of that token swap. Just start over again anon. Good luck

>> No.12825572

I’ve got a few GMN and at this point they are worth so little it’s not even worth me selling. The latest delay just runs salt into the wounds. However I don’t actually think they are a scam, just incompetent as fuck. (Which is kind of the same thing) I’ll hold on and if by some sort of miracle they ever do a successful token swap and the network starts getting used I’ll evaluate it from there. Until then I’m writing it off as chinked.

>> No.12825790

I have my small holding still as suicide insurance. There is a chance albeit slim of success but if it is then it will be significant rewards and id being terribly upset to watch it go without me. But I have moved on into greener pastures for now.

>> No.12825825
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my walties stay salty forever man

>> No.12825843

This alone is reason to never touch this project ever.

Chinks have no empathy and will scam Western whites at any chance.

>> No.12825853

how much did you spend on the GMN? how much are they worth now?

>> No.12826837

>However I don’t actually think they are a scam, just incompetent as fuck
>However I don’t actually think they are a scam, just incompetent as fuck
kinda..they are incompetent, but they also don't shy away from insider trading and dumping on holders. but if you have a few GMNs you know that.

>> No.12827295

AHAHAHHHAAHAAH HAHAHASJDAJKSDABDKSBJ I fucking forgot about this shit. My god between this, that fucking guy running off to india with 300million, vechain partnering with mcdonalds and shit, the fucking dbc parking lot picture, EVERYTHING ELSE. What a fucking joke, but it's a money machine joke.

>> No.12827308
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>> No.12827325
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dont forget

>> No.12828187

Yeah I had over mid six figures with ICON and watched it crash down to next to nothing. The don't trust an asian with crossed arm meme is 100% real. I actually would talk shit on Walton because I could see the chinking from miles away and would get flamed for it (one time I got over 50 downvotes on plebbit, my most proud moment, yeah I know I have to go back)
But my dumb ass goes balls deep in ICON instead kek. Not much better.

Right now you are in the phase where you can't believe how stupid you were and blinded by greed. I honestly believe you should just sell it all, let it go. Spend a couple days not looking at crypto and reflecting on what happened. Then when you are looking at this whole market through a new lens, then hop back in. But until then, you're still stuck in that "old phase".

I can tell you with certainty this coin will never moon. That run up to $40 was based on some fabricated partnership. Nobody will ever touch Walton. Seriously, it is over.

>> No.12828288


similar situation here.

I wish I was a racist before 2018, it would have made me a rich man.

>> No.12828320

I got in really early so I paid about a doller per walty so I’m about 25% down I think. So not too bad all things considered.

>> No.12828355
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This shill sold out to Vechain

>> No.12828458

>This shill sold out to Vechain
never wanted to do anything with wtc. they beg him. he does the best and most in depth review of their shit to this day. waltys still salty.

>> No.12828555
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nigga plz, this scamming chink has shilled a ton of scamcoin for money

>> No.12828587

>This shill sold out to Vechain
You can't even compare Walton to Vechain because they are actually delivering, working with real companies and have a very working product. Walton is vaporware trash that keeps being delayed, like how fucking long does it take to do a mother fucking token swap, 2 years maybe? Jesus, Vechain is very shilly but it's not a scam

>> No.12828620

>nigga plz, this scamming chink has shilled a ton of scamcoin for money
and how exactly does this make my statements false? or were nt-s videos of guys standing in front of a whiteboard of higher production value? at least get some proper coverage if you are dumping on your holders

>> No.12828623

You should have put that 200k into safex.

>> No.12828636

No, your absolute retardation in "investing" in crypto ruined your life. Consider it an educational expense. Learn from it and move on. Maybe look into an ETF. Aggressive growth is fine and might thump that vein for you.

>> No.12829566

imagine holding this coin when they faked thier own draw
imagine holding this coin when they lied and said they are partnering up with alibaba
if you're still holding this you deserve to die of hunger not just be poor