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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12820996 No.12820996 [Reply] [Original]

Last year statoil sold one of their oil rigs for $0.2 (yes 20 cents) on the condition that the new owner took it away themselves. I’ve always had an interest in seasteading, being an ancap, which is what drew me to crypto in the first place, according to various news sites, almost 300 oil rigs of various types are due to reach the end of their serviceable lives and be scrapped. I’m musing the idea of buying or obtaining one of these rigs and using it as a base to begin a seastead.

I assume the process for obtaining one of these would be to guarantee some kind of environmental protection, then de-flag it or somehow renounce the flag status somehow. Is anyone having the same kind of thoughts along these lines? Is anyone else interested in seasteading? Comment below. If it gets enough interest I’ll drop an email to anyone who wishes to collaborate with me.

>> No.12821031
File: 356 KB, 750x631, D875363E-3624-46F2-A7C2-818AB4714386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you tolerate living on one of these permanently? Would you be able to survive on the open ocean? Some sort of agricultural greenhouse system perhaps, initially supplied from the land but if we chain enough of these old hulks together...

>> No.12821059

Shit‘s expensive to keep in place

>> No.12821069

Crazy man, I was actually thinking about this last week.

>> No.12821085
File: 84 KB, 750x451, 9485260D-1B20-4145-ACA5-3ED0EC60769C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best type of rig for high seas seasteading would be the semi-submersible platform.

This type of rig as it’s name suggests, is free floating using underwater pontoons and is relatively unaffected by ocean waves or seismic activity.

To avoid national jurisdiction it would need to be parked 200km away from the nearest land, and to avoid conflicting EEZ it would actually need to be placed 400km away from the nearest coastline so that it can eventually gain its own 200km EEZ circumference.

>> No.12821141

How much would it cost to maintain its position a few miles off the coast of southern California? Say Malibu? Have you any estimates for annual maintenance costs? Crew size?

>> No.12821178
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How do you know? Tell me more.

I think the time is ripe.

We could raise funds for a project like this using the readily available cryptocurrency format of ICO.

I have no idea what it would cost, but we would need to raise as much money as possible. We would probably need to disguise ourselves as a salvage company and jump through the legal hoops in order to get our dirty hands on the metal, then we could simply sell it on to “us” and then discard the previous company.

The main costs involved would be transport to and from the rig and towing it out in to the open ocean. Would a North Sea rig be able to withstand mid Atlantic seas? I have no idea, but I’m willing to risk my life to find out

>> No.12821202

Jesus christ i know most of you on biz are delusional but this is another level. The spread rate to run these things runs in the mid 6 figure range daily. Biz collectively could not even buy one of the gensets let alone the daily fuel cost

>> No.12821204

The thing is, a few miles off Malibu would be less than useless, we would still be subject to US jurisdiction inside the 200km EEZ. My preferred location would be 400km off the south west coast of Ireland, between ireland and the Azores. This gives us a clear 200km radius to have our own EEZ once we declare statehood. If we had 10 of these rigs as a cluster it would be the beginning of a state.

>> No.12821217
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>being an ancap

Stopped reading right there. Grow up faggot

>> No.12821232
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Most of those costs are staffing related, we would not need to run these as a working platform, some running costs would need to be paid for, perhaps some renewable energy source like wind or solar could be enough for the needs of a skeleton crew of volunteers, but you seem to know a bit about this so please could you give us a breakdown of the real running costs

>> No.12821263

It’s ok, nobody’s perfect. And some people find it hard to concentrate on reading moderately long pieces of text. Keep trying you’ll get there.


>> No.12821293

how are you planning getting desalinated water? thats a huge power consumption right there. your footprint isnt big enough to generate enough solar or wind to just cover this. You go a week without fresh water you have to call out a supply boat you're already financially ruined.

>> No.12821296
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Sorry, pressed post by accident...

Some of these rigs are enormous, even though they are probably unsafe for drilling, they are most likely good for another half century at sea. This is just the beginning to get the seasteading thing off the ground with small achievable steps.

I think at least one seasteading initiative has launched its own crypto ICO their coin is called the Vayron.

I estimate we’d probably need around £10 million pounds. The rig, is the least of our costs, if we can take it away they most likely will throw it at us to get it off their hands, the main cost would be the towing 400 km bit and then supplying it with the things needed to make it relatively self sufficient ( power generation, food production etc)

>> No.12821336
File: 243 KB, 600x400, 042CBC6A-1E2D-4AC3-BA58-A53A753E868D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Solar panels and wind turbines, I’m envisioning a skeleton crew of around 20 souls. In an emergency there would be a marine diesel powered generator on board, we would not need to power up most of the equipment, maybe some bilge pumps, water desalination, how much energy would evaoparating enough water for 20 people realistically take? Perhaps 5 or 6 moderately sized wind turbines?

>> No.12821383
File: 110 KB, 890x920, A3B703A4-4E1F-4B7C-9F22-9237AFFCD9DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure? I think an oil rig has more than enough footprint to house enough wind turbines and solar to generate enough electricity for 20 people. People live on houseboats with tiny footprint to person ratio. These rigs are designed to accommodate up to 200 people, with only 20 on board initially I think there will be more than sufficient rigging space to accommodate the necessary turbines.

>> No.12821398

>Last year statoil sold one of their oil rigs for $0.2 (yes 20 cents
why even sell it for anything? I mean is this just for fun charging it any price?

>> No.12821436

good luck buddy they need several million dollars worth of maintaining a year or they literally fall apart and sink to the bottom of the ocean, or drift away and smash into a coastline somewhere

SEALAND had a good setup, because what they squatted on was just a fucking concrete fortress sunk into the seabed. It's not floating.

what you imagine is pie in the sky stuff

>> No.12821444

sure but what happens when the sun doesnt shine or wind doesnt blow for 10 days or you have a failure in either. Btw the semi sub you want to buy has thrusters that keep it in place (regardless of your skeleton crew, a huge power consumption wind or solar couldnt meet with your footprint) otherwise your going to wash up on shore

>> No.12821449

>so that it can eventually gain its own 200km EEZ circumference.

It cannot under current international law.

>Article 60
>Artificial islands, installations and structures
>8. Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf.

So unless you get 168 countries to change their mind (and they won't, because this is exactly the conflict right now in the South-Chinese Sea where China is building artificial islands and everyone else is saying it doesn't fucking work like that) it ain't happening.

>> No.12821457
File: 20 KB, 340x340, big_boss_2_857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just carve out a new country from some failed African country?

We could then like you know create supersoldiers and stuff with like blockchains.

>> No.12821458

6'4" Big build guy that would be interested in becoming a strong member of a community like this.

As long as the currency on the rig is crypto.

>> No.12821480
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Oh and SEALAND is a failing shithole that they cant figure out how to monetize and make work, and also cannot mount panels and turbines because they cannot pay for people to maintain them or replace them due to horrible weather conditions (sea spray/salt ruins both, and wind destroys both).

Sealand has none of the operating costs of a massive oil platform, and is still rusting to ruin.

>> No.12821486

>your habitable area is smaller than a parking lot
I have never seen anyone jewed more than you op. Congrats. Seriously

>> No.12821499

Sealand was very lucky. In that era the legal limit of jurisdiction was 5 nautical miles. In this day and age you would be evicted by the coastguard.

Sealand is sitting in depth of 28m on Dogger Bank. We would need to be semisub out on the open ocean in 1000m+ depth.

>> No.12821520


thats my point, Sealand was lucky and has a "good" setup compared to what you are proposing, and even they couldn't make it work

what you "need" is practical experience in self sufficiency on land, and a practical revenue model before you try going and doing it at sea

you just don't have a clue, man

>> No.12821524
File: 66 KB, 1134x679, 4233E6C8-4E99-44C2-8D2A-C1ED40BEC13E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it not be possible to use a large anchor. It would not need to be precise because we don’t have a long tube full of oil attached to the sea floor to worry about, a bit of drifting around would be tolerable, we could do away with the thrusters entirely and just use a big fuck off anchor.

>> No.12821547

There would be no tax either. And yes it would have it’s own crypto currency which we will have pre mined. If anyone wants to trade with us it will be in our national crypto currency.

>> No.12821564

i wont critique that and just tell you that you need to look at a spar instead

>> No.12821569

That applies to existing states. We will not be a member of the United Nations so none of that bullshit will apply to us. This is a project to build a free state.

>> No.12821591

>This is a project to build a free state.

What are your relevant qualifications and experience in the subject matter?

>> No.12821594

Sealand is run by a boomer faggot that’s why. And I’m sure even his tired old boomer ass is not short of cash being a multimillionaire and everything.

>> No.12821618


What are your relevant qualifications and experience in the subject matter?

>> No.12821649
File: 274 KB, 2916x907, 9F49C00A-ED28-45A9-8A43-91B47FA4F763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely jack shit my friend. I simply really want to do it. I’ve been interested in the subject for as long as I can remember. If anyone tells you they have qualifications outside of marine engineering pertaining to seasteading their a lying cunt, this so pretty much unexplored territory. I’m good at persuasive writing I guess which is what’s needed to get this off the ground as far as fundraising goes, I’ve run my own business for a good few years, and I’ve worked in nuclear power stations and weapons plants. Nothing on sea though.

>> No.12821664


You're an idiot. Goodbye.

(This is also what any potential investor and partner will tell you. Grow yourself into a capable and responsible person, before you consider creating a free country at sea.)

>> No.12821690

>being an ancap
>automatically considered retarded

>> No.12821698

I worked on one of these for 10 years.

Just NO.

>> No.12821703

I don't know, you brought up EEZs, which are UN terminology. And under UN regime it looks pretty dire for recognition based off of an artificial structure. If you don't have an actual coast you can't have an EEZ which means it's high sea, which you can't claim.

>Invalidity of claims of sovereignty over the high seas
>No State may validly purport to subject any part of the high seas to its sovereignty.

>> No.12821712

Idea sounds dope, you have my sword

>> No.12821718


No under 18s on this board, please.

>> No.12821723

Rather dismissive of you seeing as you don’t know shit about me beyond what I’m prepared to divulge on a NSA run website. (Sadly one of the few methods I have of connecting with likeminded people)

There are many countries which are not a member of the UN, Switzerland, the Vatican and Taiwan off the top of my head.

Establishing a new state is not a matter of asking for permission it’s a matter of being a fact on the ground (or sea) that’s too expensive or awkward or irrelevant to do anything about

>> No.12821736

Tell me why

>> No.12821758

god imagine how expensive that thing is. Jesus what a waste

>> No.12821781

Ok, imagine we build up our “fleet” to 10 or more of these rigs, imagine that we are economically self sufficient, establish a free trade zone. We simply “lay claim” to a 200km radius area. We TAKE it. Basically it’s there for the taking. It’s outside of other countries EEZ’s so there will be a minimum of uproar. And if we are economically self sufficient we will be able to enforce our independence from all but the most determined aggressors. But we will not have a hostile foreign policy, we will have a policy of peace and self defence and freedom.

>> No.12821786

Basically a one time use jet airplane.

>> No.12821817
File: 63 KB, 661x120, 1C0B9926-4E82-4A34-BCBE-7927EA4C0103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no state

There you go, that applies to UN member states, we will not be a member of the UN initially. No other country will recognise our statehood initially, we will have to fight a battle for recognition either through international law or simply a brief naval standoff. Once the people of the world know hat we are a fact of life statehood will naturally be recognised.

>> No.12821849

The only country stupid and rich enough to buy these off us was Saudi Arabia. Incidently the only country with a climate where these won’t turn in to a pile of rust within 5 years. Stupid shoddy rusty fucking missiles.

>> No.12821864

this might be the most retarded thing i've read in a years. i don't even think i should continue reading this low iq thread, would only be upsetting. fuck you OP

>> No.12821898
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This is the wrong approach. The seasteading “institute” is a waste of time coming up with fantasy islands that won’t work and will never exist that will cost billions to even begin.

As the example of sealand has proven, the only reliable way of seasteading is simply to TAKE the sea, using existing marine engineering structures and simply extend their working lives, rely on redundancy by having multiple floating structures

>> No.12821936

Kek, this is just like /pol/ planning to invade Tuvalu and make it a white ethnostate using jetskis

>> No.12821940
File: 41 KB, 440x329, 8EBB3FF7-C525-4AB7-9183-6B4D56115ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I think you actually get what i’m talking about. There is no need to overcomplicate matters by trying to build some kind of luxury resort on the sea with every available facility. The clue is in the name seaSTEADING like a homestead, we need tough pioneers not people designing crazy domes and speaking at conferences achieving precisely nothing in over 3 decades.

If we get one of these rigs and just start DOING it, people will fund us and likeminded people will join us.

>> No.12821954

Sorry I missed this post, what do you mean by spar?

>> No.12821975

/pol/ is actually composed of morons mainly, and they wouldn’t have a clue how to practically get this idea off the ground.

I think if /biz/ put our heads together we could make an ICO to raise a few mil by shilling on twitter and reddit to get this idea off the ground.

>> No.12822023

This is amazingly delusional to the point where I'm wondering whether you're on drugs.

What you don't get is that by simply establishing an EEZ you are taking things of value away from other countries and they will resist that. I'm talking rights of passage, rights of fishery, rights to lay undersea cables, etc. If you don't enforce an EEZ it might as well not exist. If you start enforcing it, the first fishery boat will paddle home and tell on you and next thing you know a warship rolls up to make sure the ol' cannery doesn't go out of business.

>we will be able to enforce our independence from all but the most determined aggressors
>a brief naval standoff
What the hell are you smoking? Your average singular Destroyer (a mid-sized warship) has something along the lines of 250+ seamen and dozens of long-range missiles, not to speak of the absolute air superiority you'd be facing. The more likely attack vector is simply a single frogman with a shape charge or two (like the French did to the original Rainbow Warrior) and the whole thing goes down at night with minimal cost and no public exposure. "Well, it was old and rusty, guess they didn't know what they were doing. It's a tragic loss of life, but at least the international waters are safe to fish in again."

>> No.12822068

Chill with the ad hominems broseph. We won’t “lay claim” until we are in a powerful enough position to defend the claim. The idea isn’t to maintain an impenetrable barrier but simply claim the right to economically exploit the resources in that area. Initially we will simply be an isolated rig sitting in the middle of the ocean not bothering anybody. When we are a thriving community of 100,000 people there will be no “wiping us out” with warships because that will be a genocidal act, our people will have relatives and family members who are citizens of first world countries who will be absolutely outraged if we were all sent to the bottom of the sea in some sort of massacre.

>> No.12822092

The average age of the posters itt has to be 18

>> No.12822102

We’re not going to have a policy of destroying every fishing boat that comes near us. Obviously the first rig will need to have sufficient small arms to fight off a landing party, but the beauty of these oil rigs is they are damn hard to access from a boat, you need to either cooperate and winch people up, or land by helicopter. Sending marines in to capture us on international waters while we have the whole landing pad covered in wire and have enough guns on board to make it not worth their while it will be a problem not worth dealing with at all. Especially since we are not actually being aggressive in any kind of way.

>> No.12822117

Ad Homs from December2017-buying normies disregarded

>> No.12822178

>100,000 people
Let's say a large rig houses 100 oil drillers (2 shifts at all times, right?). That's nowhere near self-sufficient though. They are packed in there and supplied from the outside. If you need live there full-time indefinitely and produce everything you need locally, that number probably goes way down.

That's an... ambitious target. What do you think would fascinate so many people in a life of absolute poverty in the harsh, featureless environment of the high sea? It obviously can't be lawlessness as with 100k people you are well past the point where the community will absolutely *need* rules. And even then - why not pick one of the many communes on land?

>> No.12822237

>buy 2 oil rigs
>sink 1
>use sunken oil rig as anchor
>tie down floating rig to sunken anchor rig
>prosperity ensues

>> No.12822322

only question I have is does it need to be oil rigs? Why not design something out of metal for your specific needs and them design with cheap metal

>> No.12822372

t. nopants

>> No.12822532


t. "ideas guy"

>> No.12822542

So you watched Waterworld. Didn't you learn anything from it?

>> No.12822557

It’s already built to withstand high seas, they are cheap as fuck as mentioned in the OP. Building them from scratch would be far more expensive. These things cost up to a billion dollars each.

Now compare that billions of dollars with oil companies practically giving them away because they will cost so much to properly recycle.

Yes, we’d need very long cables, something which they might have lying around on...old oil rigs!

I’m not suggesting no rules at all, but a lot less rules, no tax for example, and no weighty beaureucracy. Something that might be achievable with crypto-governance. Killing people is never cool and most anti social behaviour will be punished with banishment and stripping of citizenship from the offender. It will in fact have to have quite strict rules. But less of them, for example, growing weed will be fine, but gross violations of the NAP will be either the plank or asset forfeiture and banishment. The trouble with communes on land is they are always going to be subject to the rules of whatever ruling class happens to rule over that piece of land.

>> No.12822626
File: 3.31 MB, 9609x3640, 97C794EE-A36B-4229-A0BF-D593586D0A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map shows all the existing EEZs of the world, the seastead would have to be located in any of the white area.

My personal choice is to be as close as possible to the civilised world, ie Europe and North America. The area is not as contentious geopolitically as the Pacific, the only problem I foresee is coping with the absolutely enormous 60ft freak waves that occur in the North Atlantic during winter which have actually sunk oil rigs.

>> No.12822631

Tax write off my friend
Educate yourself brainlet

>> No.12822637

DM me on 6urreal on instagram, im interested in helping organize something...

>> No.12822648

hit my messages on instagram (@6urrea) i want to help organize this

>> No.12822666

any good idea that is feasible gets done very quickly

if it was possible it would already be done hundreds of times by now

>> No.12822731

The seas get a lot calmer towards the equator but the warmer oceans are less productive in terms of fish.

>> No.12822741

Sorry mate I don’t have Instagram, you have some sort of email or reddit username?

>> No.12822753

A reddit fag
Who would have guessed it
I know /biz/ is party retarded, but not that retarded

>> No.12822794

I actually hate reddit. Only option for contact outside email, I don’t use IG.

>> No.12822852

lets sum up OP's plan

1. Acquire derelict oil rig sold for "free" with agreement to haul it away and dispose of it
2. Use massively expensive transportation ships to instead move derelict rig to open ocean and drop it there.
4. ???
5. Profit

Is that about right?

>> No.12822987


1. Raise lots of money in the ICO
2. Spend said funds on setting up the seastead and making it reasonably self sufficient
3. Create a tax-free libertarian utopia on the high seas and begin exploiting the natural resources of the ocean and ocean floor.

>> No.12823023

Okay anon
Tell me how the fuck you want to pitch it, that anybody will give you even one penny.
If you can't, tell me what drugs you're on

>> No.12823040


your number 2 and 3 is my ??? step, you absolute lunatic

best of luck, I hope you can make it to the setup phase so that we can watch bedlam unfold

it won't be funny at all if you fail to get a rig in the first place

my advice? get John McAfee in on this

>> No.12823068

what if, instead of investing in aquiring/moving a large oil rig, the plan began with initially collecting ships and anchoring them in international waters? Gradually, these ships will form a connected, floating community, serving as the ideal platform for seasteding. Once the proof of concept has been realized, it would be easier to gather support and the resources necessary to bring in larger vessels and equipment, such as an oil rig.

>> No.12823069

>get John McAfee in on this

>> No.12823083

I doubt any navy would even care if a bucnh of enthusiasts decided to start seasteading in the middle of the ocean, unless they acted as a barrier to international trade, which given their planned self-sufficiency and sheer scale of the world's oceans, seems unlikely.

>> No.12823092

This is literally the plot of metal gear solid 2

>> No.12823093

The appeal of this plan is found in the opportunity it creates for living in freedom from State and international law. From the top of my head, I can see such a venture providing an ideal base for illegal activities and parties.

>> No.12823103

What is this shit... diamond dogs?

>> No.12823113

Ships can also be used but they are far less stable to live on in high seas than a oil platform and are much more vulnerable to capsizing. They have to face in to oncoming waves to stand a chance meaning they would have to be working. A working ship is an expensive object. The oil rig plan takes advantage of the fact that a large number of older but still useable oil rigs are coming to the end of their lives and the general oversupply of oil platforms since 2010.

>> No.12823122

>what is google

>> No.12823161

Tell me how you want to pitch that shit to normies and why they should give you money, you fucking brainlet!

>> No.12823179

Ok, so we create a coin called Seacoin, basically a premined Ethereum token.

The foundation will sell 70% of the token to investors.

The token will become the legal tender and currency of the new nation, no other currency will be accepted.

Citizenship can be bought and sold, citizenship will cost x amount of the token.

That’s pretty much it, the funds from the iCO will be spent by the foundation on setting up a fake salvage shell company to give empty promises of disposing of a Transocean semisub rig tick the right boxes and then instead of recycling it we whack a load of solar panels and wind turbines on it, fill it with enough supplies and materials to enable us to catch fish to eat and grow a few vegetables, patch it up if it needs some repair, and then pay a tugboat to drag us out in to the mid-Atlantic.

Once people see it happening our Sseacoin will begin to moon and the foundation can then afford to buy rig number 2 and so on and so forth until we have a whole bunch of rigs near each other. If one gets fucked up in a storm it won’t be so bad because rescue will be right there.

>> No.12823191
File: 324 KB, 750x1210, 472F71EB-A076-4994-935B-707968F9E513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spar has many meanings.

>> No.12823215

shitcoin icos cant even keep a cubicle office in a strip mall running for a year, and you want to buy and run a seastead on a derelict drilling rig
5 second search for ocean spar reveals the obvious usage, brainlet.

>> No.12823226 [DELETED] 

i dont think ive ever seen a thread as dumb as this one on biz

>> No.12823248

Okay, thanks for elaborating anon.
That could actually work.

But you know what is even smarter? Set that shit up as a place to party fir like twice a year, for some spoiled rich kids and pitch it to them as something special and unique to party in the middle of the ocean where there are no laws and charge them 2000$ for a ticket

What's your opinion on that?

>> No.12823289
File: 20 KB, 100x440, 1241104B-2EF0-4BEF-8B6A-85E5C8DED92C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean one of these?

We won’t be spending money frivolously, hiring a tug for a couple of weeks is going to be a million dollars. The oil rig will be obtained through clever subterfuge mostly and nominal fees. And I can’t see the wind and solar costing more than half a million. Then another couple hundred thousand on supplies, and then some funds for equipment. We will work to the budget we have. No mozzarella nonsense and no hiring thots for pr and hr.

>> No.12823301

Yes, if you want. They would have to pay for their tickets in Seacoin though. None of that filthy fiat shit.

>> No.12823318

You’re a small-minded little faggot with no vision. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.12823342


>/biz/raeli NEET buys defunct oil rig
>time to start my new life!
>immediately raped and killed by Somalian pirates

>> No.12823351

Not many Somali pirates in the Atlantic. In fact there are none. hard for them to sail from the Indian Ocean in their tiny boats

>> No.12823362

We can shoot those niggers as well. I would be in for that

>> No.12823375

>Hiring a tug will be a million dollars

You could buy a tug for a quarter million, anon.

>> No.12823380
File: 126 KB, 800x769, 1540202208983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a pretty sweet spot to set up a meth lab. think of all the illegal ventures you could undertake away from prying eyes and with plenty of early warning in case of a raid

>> No.12823404

Why not just buy a small yacht and live like a sea nomad?

>> No.12823408

Apart from that we’d need to figure out a way to generate some trade. A good one would be web hosting, tourism, media (a YouTube channel would bring in some cash) aside from primary resources such as fishing, aquaculture or ocean floor mining, in the early days we would need to generate some cash through high value information based industry. We could even provide jurisdiction and banking services for crypto companies. There’s a million possibilities when you have your own country.

>> No.12823418

Looks like we just saved 3 quarters of a million bucks already

>> No.12823424

Those are quite good points
Apart from the tourism and the crypto Bullshit

>> No.12823429


>> No.12823432

I would help invest this with you guys if you find one.

>> No.12823445

I think your party idea falls under the category of tourism no?

>> No.12823465

I’m going to ring around a few companies and find out if there’s any being scrapped and what we have to do to obtain it. I expect we’ll have to show that we’ll dispose of it in some environmentally friendly way, but we’re not intending to live by their laws oh no. Once we have that rig out on the sea we’ll tell them all to fucking sue us.

>> No.12823497
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Good luck sueing literal NEET pirates.

>> No.12823514

Well, that's in the northern sea. Why would you live there instead of the Mediterranean? If you are European you would have no trouble picking nice places like Monaco, Sicily, the Greek islands, etc. UK is a shitholes anyway

>> No.12823520

Yeah well that's right. I'm a brainlet. Sorry

>> No.12823576


How are you going to get internet out there OP?

>> No.12823591

>Why not just carve out a new country from some failed African country?

Rich idiots already did this and turned them into shitty failed shanty towns.

>> No.12823630

You retarded ancap clowns wouldn’t last one week before you started killing each other

If by the .000001% chance this happens please set up a 24/7 livestream id need sum good ol lulz

>> No.12823654


We would last long than one week. We would be really close to the shore. And just ferry back to land whenever we would feel like it.

It's not hard anon, people have been living in ships for thousands of years.

>> No.12823748
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Satellite same as ships

EEZ is 200km the Mediterranean is a no go without stepping on someone’s toes.

Check out this beauty, it’s “hot stacked” in Africa whatever that means


>> No.12824288

>The token will become the legal tender and currency of the new nation, no other currency will be accepted.
And what if I transact using something else? What're you gonna do about it, violate the NAP?

>> No.12824322

It'll be the PLANK for YE

>> No.12824837

biz is my favorite board before the crypto currency. i will study the wind and become a technician for this envision ,y friends were all going to make it

>> No.12825000

I like this thread. completely delusional but OP is clearly passionate. We need more threads like this. Biz has seen some serious brain drain lately and glad to see theres someone at least thinking creatively.

>> No.12825102

It's really not that crazy of an idea. It would be uncomfortable until we get a dozen or so linked together.

I think we could realistically get a few of thse right off the bat.

We would have to have a crypto system pretty well established first.

I want blockchain voting system at least.

>> No.12825134
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Make it a rum and gold backed currency, and ye got a deal.

>> No.12825168


you're certainly an idiot, but are you enough of an idiot to pull this off?

>> No.12825175

As mentioned previously in the thread, one of the many problems, but this one especially, is simply maintenance. The wear and tear of the ocean is absolutely brutal, and even Sealand couldnt maintain their setup.

There is only one way for you to make this work, anon, and take my advice to heart. Instead of just leveraging the ICO for money, you should leverage it for ideas. There are many engineers in the cryptospace.

If you really are gonna make an ICO and a project, then DONT GO HALFWAY and buy some old rig. Fuck no. You'll have to go all the way and 100% committed to this, and raise enough money to build your own Seastead platform. These rigs were not built with longterm seasteading in mind, and you'd have to be out of your mind to just think you can take an old rig, put people on it and it will function fine out on the harsh seas.

You NEED to commission for a real Seasteading platform to be built. I have no idea of the cost, but I cant see the whole project costing any less than $100 million in total.

Before you shake your head, you have to understand that these are PEOPLES' lives at stake, and that safety will be an upmost concern. An old rig is not gonna cut it. It will have to be a state of the art platform. And trust me with that in mind, you'll attract alot more people too.

We're talking sustainability here. People are gonna want a real, realiable desalianating plant. A reliable source of food, modern tech/internet, A reliable means of returning to the mainland, etc. Not some shoddy rickety old platform.

If I were you, I would go snooping around and looking for a few mechanical and electrical engineers in the space.

>> No.12825186

The US Navy would board, arrest, and vacate you

>> No.12825224

South Africa and Rhodesia failed because of niggers, not because they were founded by "rich white idiots"

>> No.12825770

I prefer the asic mining container ship parked off the coast of Venezuela or the south georgia island ideas.

>> No.12826489

Sea steading is the future, but I'm not so sure the future is seasteading on oilrigs in particular...

The seas around the oilrigs are fucked the fuck up, my brother in law works on one of them and the chemicals they use to lube the massive earthdong drills are just BAD for ya.

I'd consider life in a seastead before retiring on Mars, but it would have to be one of them environmentally friendly seasteads with reefs hanging off the bottom of the thing, in a clean part of the sea with lots of fishes

>> No.12826554



And a colony on multiple rigging platforms don't have to worry about nigs.

Except dolphins, those are the nigs of the sea.

>> No.12826643
File: 167 KB, 717x1119, C8CC61BC-9071-48AF-A583-DF3959C03E3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what the requirements are for setting up a Shipbreaking company?
Like that bullshit company that got the contract for the Brexit ferries

Looking in to the seaworthiness of these old rigs I think the location would be better closer to the equator in the mid Atlantic off the coast of Africa. This location is out of the path of hurricanes and the very rough seas of the northern hemisphere.

That would be the ideal plan but the economics won’t work out, we need cheap real estate that will last a good few years to demonstrate feasibility, further rounds of fundraising will be far easier once there is an established seastead somewhere out there. A reverse osmosis desalination set up should be off the shelf tech, alternatively an evaporation set up could be completely passive relying on the power of the sun which should be abundant in the mid Atlantic.

>> No.12826658

They could I guess, but why? Muh world police? Come on now.
Off the coast of Venezuela is inside Venezuelan waters, South Georgia is a British territory and the Royal Marines are garrisoned not far away on the Falklands, bit of a problem there.

The idea is to tow the rig out in to the open sea not leave it in situ.

>> No.12826715
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This map shows the productivity of oceans, the dark blue area is basically a desert, we would have to construct semi sumberged reefs around our platform to provide a habitat for fish to provide our food if we locate in the tropical high seas

>> No.12826742
File: 18 KB, 509x411, frog7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to think, millennials only chance to own their own place is to fixer upper an old oil rig and battle the ocean gods and somalian pirates to stay alive just one more day

>> No.12826827

How about you idiots instead buy an island?

Would be the same price margin and we'd get a better bang for ourbucks.

>> No.12826861

At first they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win

The only thing I'm wondering, in this kind of venture, what the hell are we doing it for?

Yea we don't want to be slaves of a government, we want to do what we want and not what others tell us to do or not do, but then what?

Let's say we succeed and live a free and happy life on there, then what? We'll just die and our children will die and so on and so forth.

I guess I need some grand purpose to dedicate myself to, but every time I get enthusiastic about something I eventually end up seeing it as meaningless like everything else.

I need something that can remove the meaninglessness of it all, something bigger, but what?

If the other countries decide at some point to nuke each other you'll probably be fucked too on your rig, if we get a big ass asteroid in our face we're all fucked too.

So let's say we actually manage to change the world and everybody somehow lives in peace and freedom and happiness, then what? That's it that's the endgame? What's next, maybe explore the universe?

But this world is fucked because we spend more time fighting each other and thinking about how to beat others and fuck them over rather than making the world a good place for all.

I guess living on a rig won't solve my problems, I need another fucking planet.

>> No.12826894

Dudes i live at the West coast of Norway and know a lot of people that have worked on these.
You won't believe how luxuary these are on the inside, it's litteraly like a city or a small society in itself, picture cinemas, casinos, resturants etc. Life there when you are not on shift is fucking lavish.

>> No.12826912

Dudes i live at the West coast of Norway and know a lot of people that have worked on these.
You won't believe how luxuary these rigs are on the inside, it's litteraly like a city or a small society in itself, picture cinemas, casinos, resturants etc. Life there when you are not on shift is fucking lavish.

>> No.12826923

wtf fuck duplicates, dunno why that happened

>> No.12826930

This is far easier, in fact on canada there are lots of Islands to be sold and on Spain too.
Some guys of the biggest forum of Spain 'Forocoches' tried to buy one but there was too much burocracy.

>> No.12826936

When it sinks we'll have real life Rapture

>> No.12826937

They dont need to get on to destroy it...

>> No.12826957

Why would they destroy it? I don’t think they would go out of their way to kill us, there would be zero benefit in doing that.

>> No.12826960

FYI, there is an easy way to get money - same way as its bioshock - advertise to rich people who want a place without morales and rules. You'll have funding in no time.

See burning man as example.

>> No.12826969

Islands are existing territories of countries. Trying to declare independence would be impossible. We need to create new land area in the high seas which are not claimed by any nation. There are already thousands of privately owned islands and none have successfully declared independence.

>> No.12826987

And that’s supporting a hundred workers, we would not need so many luxuries, we would need to convert the rig to be self sustaining, renewable energy and some way to catch and process fish, a greenhouse for growing high value cash crops and some vitamin C. We could load it up with bags of fertiliser to do hydroponic farming. To begin with we’d need annual supply runs but once we have enough of these platforms we’ll be able to achieve some local modification of the biosphere to obtain nutrition. Also, creating some industries that will give us a positive balance of trade.

>> No.12827022

So how much is one exactly? What bureaucracy?

Dude, I just want a place for my family and myself where I can tell everybody to fuck off and "civilization" stays away from me. I got 20 years time. Help me.

>> No.12827141

No, it is a job for all of 4channel.

>> No.12827189

This new location is preferable IMO. Calmer seas are going to be a must to drive maintenance costs down as much as possible. I like the idea in general. In the best scenario, however, I don't see it to be anything other than a medium term project of about a couple of decades if you are going to build everything on old oil rigs. I do see the value in the proof of concept.

How much are you willing to sacrifice from the original plan? Lets say in this first phase the objective is to overcome most of the technical problems related to self-sufficiency in high seas as well as to work out some of the economics. You said you are good in persuasion. Why not try to get the sponsorship of a state like Cape Verde to set up the rig near its coast? They could give you semi-autonomous status (a la Hong-Kong) in return for some additional tourism (their economy is based on tourism). You would benefit from their protection as well as from their nearby infrastructure. They could also assist you with some of the desalinization technology since it is their main source of fresh water. It could be a symbiotic relationship while you prepare a long term plan and enginneer a rig that is able to stand high seas for long periods of time.

>> No.12827639

All of that work to make it self sustaining is a waste of time to do it on an existing rig. Theres no point. Its better to have one built from the ground up. You're out of your mind if you think you can just take some old oil rig and convert it into a seasteading platform. This aint Water World.

It would be much better and a safer option for you to build the platform from the ground up with all necessary components. There are simply too many things that you are going to need. And you might say you can build it on the old rig, sure, but people are going to want safety guarantees, or at least they want something very reliable as its the high seas.

I would put the extra energy in now to get the proper fundraising and make the right kind of platform. You're messing with peoples' lives here.

>> No.12827909

You are 100% wrong. The cost of research design and tooling for a new type of structure would be prohibitive. New oil rigs cost upward of a billion dollars. Why waste all that money when an existing proven design that’s already built can be simply and easily converted to be self sufficient in power generation and water.

The seaworthiness of these platforms is time tested. All that needs to change is the power source and a reduction in crew numbers.

Designing and building a new type of structure would run in to the billions, for too expensive.

>> No.12827974

The Seasteading Institute has decided to take your approach and after over a decade of R&d and half a billion in funding all thy have to show for it are a bunch of computer mock ups.

People will understand the risks they are undertaking, also, because these disused platforms are so cheap, if it starts to look a bit shaky we can just buy another one, and another one and so on.

By all means we can research a purpose built platform but we must not cling to the unfeasble dream.

>> No.12827987

>New oil rigs cost upward of a billion dollars.
Did I say that we should build an oil rig? Build a seasteading platform, not an oil rig.

>The seaworthiness of these platforms is time tested.
As part-time oil rigs with full support from corporations and big money.

>Designing and building a new type of structure would run in to the billions

No, rigs run from 200mil on the low end to 600mil on the high end.

>> No.12828003

>The Seasteading Institute has decided to take your approach
No...I'm not talking about something like that. What they envision would indeed run into the billions. I'm talking something scaled down that can be run by a small crew, similar to what you envision. I'm not dreaming of a floating city or anything crazy like that.

Build something practical.

>> No.12828040


It's either that or they have to get real job s

>> No.12828062

Actually, my bad, the average price is 600, 200 is on the low end.

Idk man. Seems to me like building it is the way to go, but yea, its pretty steep for an ICO. Still, you're gonna need some crazy people to go out there and convert an oil rig...

>> No.12828105
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Let's just charter a helicopter and invade the Principality of Sealand.
The Boomer isn't on his platform most of the time, so we can just walk right in.

>> No.12828147

OP, you're a NEET that can't even afford a big mac from mcdonalds, let alone the cost of fueling one of these, let alone how much it costs to make them seaworthy again. Get real.

>> No.12828167

Then we create a national cryptocurrency to gather funds per ICO. We enlarge the platform, make a multi-story building, and turn the country into a fiscal haven. We can offer all kinds of financial services like offshore-companies, crypto money laundering etc...
The money we earn with it will be used for degeneracy since there is nothing to do on the platform. We will need a constant supply of hookers and cocaine.

>> No.12828364

Best thread on /biz/ in months

>> No.12828906

what type of fishies live in the blue

>> No.12828981

They won't sell it to you. The amount of planning they will want will dumbfound even a team of 10 salaried personnel.

>> No.12829094

You can’t really, they’ve got 4 guys living on it and they have shotguns. They actually live down in the “legs” the only way would be to has them out like rats tie them up and send them off in a boat. don’t think we can actually murder them. As you can see accessing is going to be a problem, some Ruth businessman tried before so now they have the helicopter pad all covered in wire to prevent landing and getting up on to it from a boat is going to hard without catching shotgun shells with your face

>> No.12829101

*gas them out

>> No.12829162

Yeah, I’m thinking we can set up a “shipbreaking company” teehee in some dive like Pakistan, then get the required licenses by greasing the required palms. Once we are a certified shipbreaker we can just be like we’ll get rid of that crap for you, then instead of towing it to pakistan we tow it the opposite direction and park it off Cape Verde and then fit it out from a port in Ghana. Boom there you go.

>> No.12829210
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Can you please explain what you think “nesessary components” consist of that you wouldn’t be able to easily retrofit on to a semi-sub oil platform?

As far as I can see most of the work would be external, tacking some solar and wind power on to the top, plugging it in to the existing electric system. And then conversion of some of the industrial spaces in to other uses such as hydroponic farming and fish processing.

>> No.12829227
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I was mad like you once. I literally opened a factory at 19. Just stop. Get into hiking and meditation. Or good weed.

>> No.12829359

def need a garden on the rig. I could def manage the greenhouse situation.

>> No.12829415

>how are you planning getting desalinated water? thats a huge power consumption

Plastic containers and sun

>> No.12829439
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top water rigs are gay and Somali pirates will attack us
if you want this to work OP we need to go underwater

>> No.12829445

Also, rainwater, also, reverse osmosis machine. These things are available off the shelf.

>> No.12829497

That’s phase 5 mate. First we need to claim the surface.

>> No.12830008
File: 52 KB, 706x369, 8A3216E8-7EEC-4D6A-8B36-E1D7E65A8F5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do we find these people with all these “cold stacked” rigs that are costing them money to keep?

>> No.12831194


>> No.12831220

When you sober up you're going to have a lot of questions to answer, young man.

>> No.12831333

ohh this one looks nice
and we could begin drilling with it immediately

>> No.12831349

Let's shrimp farm on the rig. We can call it a shrimp rig and ironically the shrimp never touch the ocean. We can gentically modify the shrimp to be huge and delicious and make your dick bigger and sell them to Chinese.

>> No.12831354

Wait hear me out. Lab grown meat. Except instead of meat we grow tiger penises and rhino horns from Petri dishes.

>> No.12831378

Yeah, without the beaureucracy of land based nations we could do all sorts of weird medical research and cloning. Just grow genetically modified anything.

>> No.12831401

I bet we could make a shit ton of money by letting pharms corps experiment on humans on our rig. If we park next to Africa we would have plenty of 'volunteers'.

>> No.12831412

apparently cold stacking is basically just insured postponing of scrap


>> No.12831420

I've got some hydroponic experience .. mostly just tomatoes though. I'd be in for it, but I just don't see a scenario where we aren't taken out by a large storm.

>> No.12831427

I dunno man, I think we should conform to some basic ethical code, ie not violating anyone’s bodily rights and not hurting people unless they try and hurt others. Anything beyond that should be alright though.

>> No.12831481
File: 291 KB, 2953x2058, B3F09138-1E61-4CF2-9421-F051FB375AE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every rig pictured there seems to be of the jack-up type. What we need for ocean is semi-sub.

Are semi subs cold stacked too? Someone do the research and report back

>> No.12831496

Most semi sub Deepwater rigs operate in the North Sea with some of the roughest seas in the world with up to 28 meter wave height.

Where we’re planning to have it is in the relatively calm sea of the tropical atlantic off Cape Verde

>> No.12831549

semi subs dont need to be stacked because they can just be moved whenever

>> No.12831559


>> No.12831567
File: 27 KB, 400x400, CB13830C-49A8-480F-8E56-CCE899223605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh I don’t think so, cold stacking just means increased storage. A lot of the semi sub rigs are cold stacked too at the moment. We just need to find ONE poor bastard who is paying millions out the ass to keep a rig cold stacked and be like i’ll give you $10 for it and i’ll Sign for it and take it off your hands. It’s a matter of finding out who owns all the cold stacked semi subs, and calling and emailing until we find someone who’s in that situation.

>> No.12831576

Uncrewed* not increased

>> No.12831602

When does an oil rig become not an oil rig any more? When we remove the drilling equipment right? Once we remove the drilling equipment and convert it to a residential seastead it will no longer BE an oil rig and will no longer BE subject to regulations regarding oil rigs. We need to buy the rig for fuck all, knock the drilling equipment off and remove any trace of oil, then convert it to residential/business use, then rebadge it and tow it out to where we need it to be.

>> No.12831732
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Im not contributing my neetbux and shrimp farming expertise to this unless we can also do human experiments.

>> No.12831747

OP you need to make a tripcode so we recognize the ringleader for future threads.

>> No.12831762

I’m not abandoning basic human decency to achieve my goals. Human experimentation and tripfagging are out of the question

>> No.12831779

Fine. Im going to bring Somalian pirates over and come raid your shitty rig of peace and use you for MY experiments.

This is a preemptive declaration of war.

>> No.12831813
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>> No.12831836

Sounds like more Millennial bullshit. Why do you dope smoking fucks think your entitled to Boomer builds. Do something you stupid little shits... create!

>> No.12831837

Yes really, you are now at war with the Court of Xom. I am going to feed you and all of your peacenik hippies to my shrimp once you expire from human drug trials.

Anybody who isn't a pussy and wants to light this guy up let me know we are recruiting.

>> No.12831894

>Take only female refugees
>No age of consent

>> No.12831954

No rules here kiddos. You want your loli waifus? Your hard drugs? Your sweatshops? Ritual cannibalism? It's ALL GOOD in the Court of Xom. We're much cooler than this other fag. We are going to push it to the limit, full ancap full pirate full shrimp farming MADNESS.

>> No.12832184

Our value proposition is way better, and we can get funding from criminal underworld as well. We don't even need a fucking ico but we will make a shell company and have one anyways for some gay shit like beanie baby tracking on the blockchain. We're going to rope boomers with beanie baby bags into our scam. It's called TYcoin. Those are some heavy bags right boys? Finally, we can monetize gay boomers.

>> No.12832294

Yes, off the coast of venezuela. Containers are refitted to living, recreation below deck and mining above deck. The whole operation runs off cheap venezuelan marine oil. Ship is parked off isla mujeres for fun. Venezuela gives us shit we move the ship to trinidad.

>> No.12832307

You could probably buy a territory within Venezuelan waters for a few million USD.

>> No.12832320

Companies can lease land/islands.. like pyramida from Russia. We could use coal from the mountains to generate power for asic miners that give heat to housing and greenhouses.

>> No.12832844

Raising millions won't be easy.
OP needs to have an idea about what to produce there.
Of course the main thing would be tourism.
So starting with the basic
>x in the middle of the sea
>needs space for electricity/water generation or storage with boats to transport fresh water and diesel
>start small (not millions like OP wants and forget crypto, not very popular)
>propaganda, hiring people by contracts
>then the shit can keep going
>or not
Main thing OP is missing is what he can produce in that x
Forget fishing ffs
No value added = failure
Very few people would live there even less with their families, so there could be tickets to visit or live there for a while (most probably OP would have to pay people to live there, that's the start).
Basically no one could stand living there, only thing people could do is work in maintenance/fishing/hydroponics that's fucking it.
OP is ancap but probably there would be a monarchy. At least it wouldn't attract power hungry people (demagogues)

>> No.12833137

you have no technical knowledge on how to do an ICO, correct?

>> No.12833198

Here's what were gunna do. We're gunna be a degenerate sex tourist destination, and if our underage sex slaves try to unionize we'll throw em overboard. We get high profile clients to the destination by "kidnapping" them so nobody suspects what they are up to. The ransom money (paid by purchasing TYcoin) pays for their vacation in a luxury suite buried in poon, cocaine and day old McDonald's flown in by helicopter.

They are returned once their time is up and the ransom money is paid-- but here is where it gets good. We have hidden cameras in the loli harem rooms to blackmail our "clients" if they try to expose us. Once we build our client list we play them off each other.

When our lolis grow up they transition to experiment subjects, then finally shrimp food. It's like recycling.

I'm a fucking genius.

>> No.12833252

Sex tourism idea is good but if there are underage, staff will report it to authorities.

>> No.12834255

Equator = calm seas, solar heat & energy 10h a day year round.

Sea steading anywhere else is dumb.

>> No.12834309

not if we recruit from 4chan and europe

>> No.12834366

The "other half" of your generation put in too many fucking regulations you stupid fucking prick.

>> No.12834397

The biggest issue you'd have would be literal piracy.
You'd for sure eventually, on a long enough timeline, run into nigger pirates attempting to rob you.

While I will admit in that scenario it does seem like fun machine gunning down some nigger pirates, its also high risk.

Count me out on this one. But good luck, I'll come and visit for the weekend sometime.

>> No.12835078

I haven't laughed at a thread this hard in months
congrats OP

>> No.12835171

I do actually.

>> No.12835181

How many literal pirates have you heard of in the mid Atlantic you utter nincompoop. Their boats aren’t capable of getting out that far and then back again. People get their boats jacked in the INDIAN ocean, and then it’s only when they approach the coastline. You watch way too many hollywood films

>> No.12835315

I don't get you tards. Here:

1. Start a company
2. Start a fundraising ICO for a crypto mining business on an undeveloped island in the arctic
3. Use funds for a 100 year land lease and get started (you are in a remote enough area that nobody gives a fk what you do there.

>> No.12835386

Power source is what?

>> No.12835399

Also, how are “nigger pirates” planning to board the rig without a helicopter? These things are so high off the sea that you need to winch people UP from ships. A grappling hook won’t reach. Also, we’ll outnumber them and be armed as well and have the height advantage.

>> No.12835665


>> No.12835693

Snake? Snake? Snaaaaaakkkeee!!!

>> No.12835794
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>people genuinely thinking they can run and handle an oil rig as a NEET with a $400 monthly income
Jesus Christ you people are delusional, unless you're already a multimillionaire, don't even think about it. Hell even if you are, it's a quick way to go from having made it to working at McDonalds. These things are extremely expensive, complex, and also dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.

t.petroleum engineer that often works on them

>> No.12835808
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Take a look at pic related, and realise the absolute state of you crypto faggots...

>> No.12835829

Most of the cost is paying overpaid faggots like you. And actually drilling for oil. If we don’t operate the oil drilling equipment and don’t have hundreds of peoples wages to pay I think the cost of occasionally doing some welding on the floats will be minimal no?

And did you not read the plan? This will be crowdfunded by ancaps. I’m not spending my own money on it you blithering fool.

>> No.12835846

You know what? That's a great idea, you should definitely go ahead with it, don't let anyone tell you not to.

>> No.12835849

Impossible dream involving somehow seceding from the USA vs actual possible feasible plan

>> No.12835875
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Secession, when the time is right. It's a multi- generational preparatory plan for when the US inevitably disintegrates due to a complete loss of internal cohesion. We will be ready to stake our claim. Fuck the rest.

You don't need to join organizations, there are no dues to pay, no rallies to partake in. Just racially conscious people moving to the North West is enough at this point. It's up to each individual or family how involved they are going to be.

Come Home white man.


>> No.12835890

Your plan fails because to participate you need to first become a legal resident of he United States. Fuck that. You know they tax your income WORLD WIDE. Becoming an american is literally becoming a fucking slave. The idea is to become free not first submit to a bunch of fucking cucked out rules.

>> No.12835940

You are entirely missing the point my dude. I don't even consider myself "American" anymore. I'm not even joking when i'm saying that thouands of white families moved here the last 5 years or so.

A culture of networks, lodges and fraternities will do the rest. Those taxes will be paid untill it's no longer neccesary.

>> No.12835948

this thread reminds me of when /pol/ planned to invade Tuvalu

>> No.12835951

Let me know when you’ll be declaring independence from the most powerful government in the world. Lol dreamer. The ocean is UNCLAIMED. And the real estate can be obtained for 20 cents/1sqkm

>> No.12835970

Again, you are entirely missing the point. Brainlet detected. But i'll shut my mouth now, this is about your piece of metal junk in the middle of the ocean... so i'll respect that.

>> No.12835983

Your plan of stealing land from the federal government is what’s brainlet tier.

>civil war 2

Lol. Good luck with that.

>> No.12835992

>Lol. Good luck with that.

Thanks. Now go rot and waste your life on that pile of metal sea junk. Good luck.

>> No.12836014

Enjoy your gimped kibbutz for racists

>> No.12836015
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>he wants to end up hosting the experiments of a brony Mengele

>> No.12836065

Not a racist, i just love my own people and thats perfectly normal and natural. I rebuke anyone who tries to associate racism with wanting to preserve and proliferate your own kind. So here's a big fat fuck you.

And as usual, you are completely missing the point. It's a historical and future imperative that takes into account all of the factors that will inevitably lead to the fall of the USA. We'll just be there to claim our stake... untill then, we'll comfortably live amongst racially conscious white people in the middle of normal communities, banding through family networks, fraternities and lodges. The joke's on you; i'm allready extremely confortable. The plan has allready worked for me and thousands of other whites. All it requires of you is to move there and if you want to, connect to one of the many networks of likeminded people.

>> No.12836075

How do you produce the following on a rig. (Without these people will be become unhappy very quickly)
>Varied diet beyond fish and potato

I've worked in remote camps and the number one problem is getting very bored with out internet or TV. Boardgames are good but a month in you only really want to lay in your bed. Also you need good food otherwise it's miserable

>> No.12836083
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Yeah when the feds are burning you out of your homes you’ll come crying to us to let you refugees in to our futuristic anarcho utopia. Well, it’s gonna cost you a lot of Seacoin. Maybe you can use one of the old rigs we started out on for a knock down price, i’ll put it to a vote and see if the population agrees we’ll let you know.

>> No.12836084

By trading duh. We trade things we have for things we need.

>> No.12836092

As usual, you brainlet tier mind doesn't comprehend it. This has been going on for nearly 20 years now and we're doing nothing illegal. It's a multi-generational preparatory plan that will just ride the wave of disintegration, much like what the jews have been doing for hundreds of years.

We're just living our lives amonst normal likeminded people in normal communities doing everyday things without breaking any current laws.

You either lack the intelligence to understand, or you are too emotionally attached to year sea-junk. But whatever, go be your own worst enemy.

>> No.12836105

If you have the resources to maintain a decrepit oil rig, you have the resources to design and build an actually viable seastead.

>> No.12836108

oh yeah the plan of pic related was to put cement on a lagoon in french polynesia.
Hopefully fritch stopped the project.
the seasteading fundation is retarded

>> No.12836111
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Good luck :3

>> No.12836113

I’m not american, and neither are most of the people in the world. Your plan is not feasible for non Americans because it involves emigrating to America and gaining citizenship. Green card lottery only applies to third world people. It’s much easier for most people to simply get on a rig than it is to enter the United States legally. Unless you are saying I should enter the United States ILLEGALLY but your type doesn’t seem too keen on that sort of thing either.

>> No.12836114

>I’m not suggesting no rules at all, but a lot less rules

not even talking about typical lawful rules but just the societal problems you'll have in a small community like that. For example people fighting over women, or fighting over power/hierarchical position.

If there's say 100 people, 50 men, 50 women, seems great right? except what happens when a woman gets bored of her man and starts fucking around with the local Chad? now you've got a serious fucking problem.

Or what happens when you start making some decree or rule that a few people disagree with, soon people begin to whisper among themselves why you think you're fit to lead the group or make any rules whatsoever. Eventually a small group of them just come to you in the middle of the night, cut your neck, and toss your body off the edge into the water. No one ever knows.

An isolated community like this just won't work unless it's ruled with a combination of tyranny and technology (security cameras for example). If you just expect everyone to "be on their best behavior and don't do anything stupid", it'll only work for awhile, eventually it'll fall apart.

>> No.12836115
File: 27 KB, 500x500, Micaiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really interesting project you have here anon. I'm going to keep my eye on this since I'm currently investing in Link. A lot of people wouldn't ever dream what blockchain is going to accomplish so who knows? Have faith in your beliefs.

>> No.12836116

sorry concrete

>> No.12836120

That’s just like, your opinion bro. It will work if people want to make it work. You’re the type of person that probably dismissed crypto as a fad.

>> No.12836140

now instead of just being comfy sailing i will have to zig zag between all these faggot rigs

>> No.12836143

crypto is a fad, it has no mainstream adoption whatsoever and never will unless it's endorsed by the government, which would never happen

anyway your community just won't work for the reasons I stated, specifically relating to women and the power hierarchy. If you were to start this as the founder and took any sort of leadership/power position I guarantee you'd be dead and tossed off the deck within the first 1-2 years.

>> No.12836144

Again, you have no clue about how community organizing works. There are networks and we have businesses allready up and running. A few of them allready legally employ european brothers who are living in the north west right now.

I swear, you and your spineless defeatism that is so typical for white people nowadays is the root-cause of our problems. Alway whining, always moaning, always dreaming... but NEVER EVER acting.

Again, the absolute state of you all. Have fun trying to "make it" in your brazillified globohomo slum.

>> No.12836147

Opinion discarded

>> No.12836153

Again, HOW do you suggest I emigrate to the US? HOW? Come up with a method or stfu cuck.

>> No.12836160

Of fucking course the seasteader is a shitcoin enthusiast.

>> No.12836168

it's your funeral, my conscience is clear, i warned you. have fun kid

>> No.12836268

Who are you going to trade with 400km off the coast? You wont even be able to produce anything worth trading anyway

>> No.12836282

Again, get involved and make inquiries via one of the many availible channels online. Ask if there are any positions availible right now for a european that would grant a US work visa.

Or you could grow some balls and take a vacation here and simply never go back. the North west is a big place. Millions of non-whites are doing it, so why can't you?

Both ways are availible RIGHT NOW. just STOP FUCKING WHINING and grow a fucking SPINE.

>> No.12836285

>implying that matters when trading knowledge and information

The first industries will Be things like E citizenship, corporate registration with zero tax,web hosting, and then things like gene research, medical therapies. A whole long list of things that are held back by existing beareaucracy. People NEED what we provide. Read the thread, there have been quite a few suggestions

>> No.12836287

suck whale hunters dicks.

>> No.12836323

zero tax: lot of countries already do this
web hosting: you can't beat google, amazon, MS....
and then things like gene research, medical therapies: China

>> No.12836355

All three combined? China? A meme.

>> No.12836377

>triggered kike
His plan of separating when the US falls apart is by far the best and most realistic one. There won't be a government to take land from or to pay tax to when whites start dropping below 40%, as whites are the only net contributors to society (aside from Asians but they are too few to change anything). It's a much better plan than voting for cuckservatives like Trump or hoping to solve this democratically, there is no solving the demographic issue democratically, the US WILL fall apart soon, that is certain.

Also anyone who thinks any government in the world stands a chance against the armed US populace if they decide to actually use their guns has no knowledge of warfare and strategy.

>> No.12836390

>By trading duh. We trade things we have for things we need.

What do you think a bunch of untrained NEETs stuck on a metal hunk in the middle of a watery desert could produce in large enough quantities to fiance everything they need for a living? How much of your average day do you suspect you will have to invest into producive work to meet the quota?

How and to whom will you trade these mysterious goods if you cannot provide certificates of origin, export papers, compliance with health & saftey regulations, billing papers, insurance policies, etc? After all you don't want to comply with any existing laws and pay any taxes anymore. That makes trading with people who still do that quite hard.

>> No.12836435
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>> No.12836474

>untrained neets

Project much? Everyone who comes on board will have to pass BOSIET training. And the only people initially there will be the founders and contributors to the project.

We will trade with people who want what we are providing. We’ll have our own government who can issue certs for whatever we need. I think you’re just nitpicking. Trying to poke holes in a straw man.

>> No.12836492
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Landlubber ahoy! Have fun waiting for the government to stop oppressing you! I’m sure it will happen any day now

>> No.12836512

>E citizenship
You mean as a novelty gift or a joke item? Because what's the benefit for someone buying this? If it entails a right to move there, it would be super expensive or lose money. If it doesn't, it's just a fantasy paper with no use.
>corporate registration with zero tax
How would that work? You earn a bunch of money in the US. Now open Corp X on the platform. How would you get the US government to recognize your company as valid, so you can shift profits there and benefit from no taxes? The IRS just says "not a country, not a real company" and taxes your shit in the US. How would you even shift profits in practice? You don't have a bank that would be able to participate in the international banking system and make or receive wire transfers.
>web hosting
How do you get broadband internet 500km off the coast of Africa? How much would it cost? How is this a product people need if every piece of equipment would need to be flown off-shore and it would have shit latency anywhere people actually live? Do you have any idea what the initial investment or the power need of a mid-sized server farm is? OP mentioned somewhere above that he wouldn't want to sell his human decency - so if child pornography is out the window, what would be the benefit to any operator over existing services?
>gene research
Yes, because a bunch of international specialists want to live in a 4x4 steel cabin on a bunk bed. And the initial investment is now a multiple of the webhosting server farm.
>medical therapies
If rich person X has the choice between a comfy alpine resort and a rusty oil rig - where would they go?

>> No.12836552

Nice strawmen you have there, they didn’t survive your brutal onslaught.

>> No.12836566

Evade much? BOSIET is not a skill you can sell, it's a basic necessity. Fine, pick a number of inital people - 10 maybe? How will they earn money? How will you facilitate delivery?

Sure, you can issue your own certs, but that's no different than walking up to a border with a crayon drawing on napkin, telling the customs official all your papers are in order. They will laugh at you and send you packing. That's not nitpicking, that's a fundamental problem. If everyone lived on oil rigs in lawless territory - yeah, you can trade with each other all day long. Thing is, everyone you could possibly trade with right now lives within the border of an actual country and whatever you sell them would have to cross a border, as would whatever they want to pay you.

Another question: How would trade happen? You expect people to just show up or would you go buy and sell stuff on land yourself?

>> No.12836590


Initially it will be crowdfund money dude, the sheer publicity will carry the hype. You even know how these things work? Some crazy millionaire will find something. We just need to prove the concept. Oh wait, it’s already a proven concept: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principality_of_Sealand

Like that but not run by a boomer

>> No.12836593

1) Not an argument.

2) You didn't write the post I was replying to, how would you even know?

3) Quoting and replying to their literal list of "first industries" has nothing to do with me putting words into their mouth.

4) Getting defensive much, when someone asks sensible factual questions? Doesn't bode well for the future leader of a country.

>> No.12836625

Money talks. If you can provide the good/service better or cheaper than anywhere else it’s up to the importer to fill out the paperwork. These things...they are literally just pieces of paper. Have you ever imported anything in your life? Doesn’t sound like it. The importers responsible for filling out the paperwork, just tick the boxes point of origin “free state of atlantica” don’t like it deal with it. Country doesn’t let you import from free state of atlantica? Tough shit others will.

>> No.12836658

You know what they call hype-based crowdfunding projects with no fundamentals? Scams.

I want this to be solid, from start to finish. I'm asking basic questions that would have to be addressed in any business plan. Where does your revenue come from? How do you comply with existing frameworks of rules and regulations? What does your SWOT analysis look like? How does the project work logistically and technically? What is your fallback if something doesn't work out?

It's not even just basic business good sense - you're putting human lives on the line. I don't think its asking much that you should have a solid grasp of your project beyond "trust me, it's going to work out". That might be a way to lead a cult, but not a business or a country.

Considering how little you even want to engage serious questions and constantly deflect, I don't think you have a solid thing. Why not maximize your chances with preparation and planning? You have a good idea, but you seem to be leaving the execution completely up to blind luck, squandering the whole thing. That's not how I would do it, but you do you.

>> No.12836683

>If you can provide the good/service better or cheaper than anywhere else
Yes. But what are these goods/services we're talking about and how would you provide them better or cheaper than anywhere else?

>> No.12836689

or you can go to liberland. This is more doable than trashing some part of the ocean

>> No.12836699

I haven’t finished the paper I’m writing on this. These minute details are bridges we will cross. You’re strawmanning the fuck out of something you don’t really have a full picture of. The main thrust of your argument is that countries will put up barriers to trading with us, i’m Sure they will, i’m Sure they will try and shut it down or siege us out, but not everyone. Plenty of private citizens of other countries will want us to succeed, and will go out of their way to trade with us. Having us host your website will be a badge of freedom there will be value in that to a lot of people. When it’s up and running it will be cool as fuck and that will create hype.

>> No.12836713

I’m repeating myself but things you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to do because of bullshit laws and regulations and taxes.

Yep 4 km2 surrounded by hostile countries is a viable state. that won’t last long. The guy will die or be thrown out of there by the police. This plan is to claim a large portion of the unclaimed ocean.

>> No.12836749

fucking kek.

>> No.12836827

your critique on liberland can also apply here.
Any neighbouring state would attack you under false pretexts
they did this during the minerva reef affair and the REM island affair.
Legally speaking idk if you can buy chunks of sea.

>> No.12836920

There are no neighbouring states that’s the thing. We will be more than 400km away from the coast of any state. Minerva reef is the existing territory of the kingdom of Tonga. The open ocean is nobodies.

>> No.12836960

R.E.M. island very interesting but only 6km away from Holland so a very different case.

400 km is double the limit of EEZ....because we want our own EEZ of 200km radius.

>> No.12836975

yes but any state can enlarge its territorial waters to have the platform under its juridiction. I see two alternative
1 go to an unscrupulous state and ask them to build some shit in their water

2 put an rig in the international waters and use the law of the sea by categorizing it as a boat (youre not allowed to claim water for yourself nor can you buy some piece of ocean)

>> No.12836990

if you want to have a EEZ you must be an officially recognized state: that means shilling to the UN
the second part of my previous post might be more doable

>> No.12837004

apparently the motevideo convention forbid the creation of a state (and so the claim) of international waters

>> No.12837033

if you really want your own state you would have get the support of other countries (Russia, China) that would defend you if you're attacked. This could keep the other states at bay while giving you the status of partially recognized state (such as abkhazia, south ossetia for the pro russia side or kurdistan for the pro US)

>> No.12837126

Sounds like the raft from Snow Crash.

>> No.12837174

12 solar panels.

>> No.12837180
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Yes diplomacy and public relations will be a huge part of it

I’ve done some research here is a List of ALL the currently cold stacked semi submersible rigs in the world.

There are 16 on this list from bassoe offshore database. It shows the owners, these are the right type semi-sub some are harsh weather and winterised.

>> No.12837218
File: 143 KB, 692x826, 86361089-DB8E-4B95-9EF1-2493D0DD7002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sevan driller currently located malaysia

Probably not winterised or suitable for open water

>> No.12837219

in india shipbreaking is done by companies that employ slave-labour tier contracts. Mostly in state of gujrat and the other one i know of is in bangladesh. All you need is labour and machine tools.

>> No.12837224
File: 144 KB, 300x300, C1AEF70C-5A1C-471A-9841-75CF1D5D5982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this

>> No.12837241
File: 129 KB, 640x480, 90BDFB79-F6F2-44DC-9A53-C8D3B6A56EC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Pegasus

Currently being towed to norway

>> No.12837270
File: 16 KB, 200x229, EC22FC10-2F62-4302-A26C-70F6DB0ECD76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation gold star currently cold stacked in Rio Brazil

>> No.12837288
File: 44 KB, 533x400, AC293B47-08B9-4340-9026-C1BB92069D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GSF development II

Currently cold stacked in the black sea

>> No.12837308

At $150 USD per ton the scrap value of one of these things is around 1 to 1.5 million dollars.

Now we just need to offer to buy it as scrap.

>> No.12837427

...according to Sealand’s twitter feed, they all leave for Christmas. Might be a good opportunity to....

Fastrope down and kick them off.

>> No.12837466

>contending the USA
you are bound to fail.

>> No.12837492
File: 39 KB, 1024x730, IMG_20190122_170238_SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have several ideas:

1) Rather than causing friction, put on your entrepreneur hat and find a location you can claim outside EEZ's etc that is actually economically advantageous to multiple surrounding countries, and offer the place as a docking station, refueling station, emergency stop, agnostic middle-ground to broker exchange of goods between small countries, temporary storage site, and so-on. Figure out an elegant position you can take that results in countries essentially going "Hey, works for me." People are far more willing to ignore their own rules when it's mutual for them to do so.

2) Instead of any of this, buy as many of these rigs as possible, produce a very cheap self-powered propeller (solar etc.), mount it to all the rigs you bought, find a friend with coastal property you can use for a moment, and dock all of them there. Hundreds of oil rigs lined up off your friend's coastal property, temporarily of course. While doing all of this, simultaneously be advertising the sale of the scrap metal by weight. These things weight fucktons, and they costed next to nothing to propel to land, to which buyers will be more willing to travel for picking up their purchase. The profit margin would be insane.

>> No.12837529

1) Cont.
Turn it into a tourist location, theme park, etc. Loads of people like brutalist architecture and steampunk looking shit, and even more people like visiting and learning about quirky weird locations like this. Take tourists money and use it to essentially pay for the net loss you know you'll have to suffer in order for other countries to allow you to live there without going and dismantling you.

>> No.12837561

1) Cont. again:
Pick a location that bridges a very narrow strip of international waters between two EEZ's, and enter a mutual relationship with the two countries you've bridged allowing their ships to either pass through your waters without needing to go into international waters, or barring them from doing so in the case that the countries hate each other (with you acting as a shield).

>> No.12837602

EEZ are not borders in the sea, they are merely economic exploitation claims. Sailing through someone’s EEZ is a big nothing. I will set up a discord for the next thread.

>> No.12837734

this is the dumbest shit I read in a long time

>> No.12837878

consider me in. I'll bring my own weapons as long as you supply the ocean transport.

>> No.12837883

We have statoil offices here in my town.
I got one for ya smarty pants.
If you can even begin to negotiate with them to buy one of their rigs, I'll pay the full dollar from my pocket for you to buy it. Only condition is that your doing negotiations, the rig will 100% be yours I'll just be supplying the buck.
Do you even know how much it would cost to tow one of those to a scrap yard? there's a reason they sold it for 20c

>> No.12837919

>solar and wind on the open ocean
why not just use tidal power, dumbass? The ocean is a practically unlimited source of kinetic energy.
You recapture water vapour rising off the ocean using condenser units and it barely takes any energy at all.

>> No.12837940

Do you know how tidal power works? It doesn’t fucking work in the open ocean.

Wave power perhaps but it is very inefficient and takes a lot of material to set up. Wind and solar is perfectly fine.

>> No.12838048

>And I can’t see the wind and solar costing more than half a million

Perhaps initially, however in the high salinity, high humidity ocean environs your maintenance costs will be absurd (solar panels degrade, wind turbines can be destroyed by chaotic storms). You're better off anchoring to the seafloor and using tidal generation

>> No.12838057

just tap directly into the undersea cables using underwater drones

>> No.12838066

There is no way to anchor in the deep ocean and do that. Spraying the salt off a few turbines and replacing some solar panels will be cheaper than a feat of engineering that has yet to be accomplished ie. making something stand up on the deep sea bed.

>> No.12838079

Nah, it’s going to have to be satellite, or laying a fibre optic to the nearest coast

>> No.12838119

Difference is that tuvulu invasion was viable with a few motivated people. This...is not

>> No.12838167

I dont understand. How could /pol/ possibly accomplish this? What was the plan?

>> No.12838192

Another planet won't solve your problems either, desu. You have to realize that people are never going to live in complete harmony, otherwise we wouldn't be individuals.The game of life is to scrape out your piece of the world, to adopt a dream and pursue it. People don't have ideas, after all - it is Ideas which have People. People whose convictions are strong and their will stronger will see the world bend to their dreams. That, my friend, is the Meaning of Life.

>> No.12838295

you're trying to find meaning or an end goal when none exists. Think of life as a sandbox video game, there is no "winning" it's just exploring, surviving, keeping yourself occupied, that's it.

Even if you have children, and they have children, on and on for the next billion years, there's still no end game there, it's just survival for the sake of survival. We can explore, discover, and invent in order to make our lives "better" (however you define that) but that's not really accomplishing anything besides improving the quality and comfort of lives which seems to be, at least from a technological standpoint, the goal right now.

We could explore and conquer the Universe at some point, but again there's no end game to that.

The best thing to do is not think about this stuff. Just try to keep your mind occupied with hobbies and work and trivial day to day survival and embrace the small unexpected joys in life when you happen to discover them.