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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12818664 No.12818664 [Reply] [Original]

"In other words, we don't hire on merit. We hire everyone on an equal measure....unless you're a straight white male, then you can get fucked."

>> No.12818668


>> No.12818708


>> No.12818869

Just put down biracial on your application, anon. What are they going to do, check?

>> No.12818898

>I'm white but my penis is black, and I'm male but my penis is female

>> No.12818943

I like how weak white teenagers see phrases like "we respect diversity" and just assume that it means that they hate white people.

>> No.12818986

Imagine being this retarded. Must be hard

>> No.12819002

Also lol at unironically wanting to work for Oracle.

>> No.12819017

>my mom is from puerto rico

works every time

>> No.12819021

Look at it from trom the teenagers' perspective.
Are the kids wrong about their assumption of the company disliking white people for hiring?

If so, why?

>> No.12819055
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Fuck off kike

>> No.12819077


My great great grandma was filipino, and I have a cousin who lives in PH. My dad is like 5% native. I check all the diversity boxes, fuck em they cant prove shit

>> No.12819132

Why does almost every tech company promote how diverse they are? It almost seems like a cult. What business purpose does it serve?

>> No.12819394

work for a megacorp in finance, basically all the positions that pay less than ~$75k/yr are filled by minorities current year, which is most jobs at the company, but 6-figure positions have to be earned on merit still.

zoomers are fucked. luckily I was born at the right time.

>> No.12819426

Dalai Llama actually said he didn't think the flood of refugees to Europe is a good thing or that it should be supported.

>> No.12819446

There is literally a straight white male in the exact middle of the group.

If you think he's gay, the gay one is clearly the brown guy with piercings.

>> No.12819462

it's a virtue signal. tech skills are easy to buy in india and the philippines so the company can board swaths of overseas resources or pay for visas to bring them over temporarily. so the company wins because their workforce costs a fraction of what it would if they hired americans, and they can also claim an extreme diversity ratio. the important positions which are few are still filled with competent employees, american or not. white and asian males at tech companies, and the occasional brogrammer pajeet who likes to lift and crack jokes.

>> No.12819529

He looks hapa desu

>> No.12819531

>work at successful tech start up (in later stages so actual working product and turning profit)
>all white dudes at tech and dev positions
>one frizzy haired mulatto HR chick
>look at job applicants inbox a few months ago
>about 50 applicants
>90% have names like Mohammad, Adil, Farid, Rakesh, Pradeep etc
>Only white people got hired since then
Guess our hiring manager is pretty based. Also my country doesn't have diversity quotas (yet) so that helps

>> No.12819549

>5 people in pic
>80% are nonwhite
>in a white country

>> No.12819793

do crackers ever stop complaining?? Seriously, so much privilege and its never enough.

>> No.12819825

I work in HR in the silicon valley.

Honest advice for non blacks: it doesn't matter what your race is, on your job application form either identify yourself as "black" or do not identify yourself at all.

You'll be at a HUGE hiring advantage if you identify as black, and in my 20 years in HR, we have never checked a person's race/genetic history to verify if their race. There are just way too many pitfalls for lawsuits down that path, so we essentially just take their word.

IMO, everyone should self identify as "black." It's the only way to even the playing field in racist & race obsessed Silicon Valley.

>> No.12819855

>be Russian
>2/3rd of country located in Asia
>select Asian

Ni Hao Mr Alexandrovich

>> No.12819863

The future is brown white boi. That's why it's progressive to add diversity to your team.

>> No.12819880

Desu What do you recommend for an autist shitskin aka Mexican/Hispanic in SV?

>> No.12819882

>>select Asian

The last thing you want to put on your job application is "asian" especially at tech companies. You'll be massively discriminated against, have to pass harder tests, & need to be more qualified.

Again, for american companies, always identify yourself as "black."

Keep in mind Elizabeth Warren is the whitest cracker in the history of whiteness and she got into Harvard because she claimed she's "Indian" when she has zero DNA.

As I said, almost all HR don't check or validate your race. Your self identification is good enough.

>> No.12819890

>What do you recommend for an autist shitskin aka Mexican/Hispanic in SV?

Definitely identify as black. Mestizos are impossible to verify. You'll get about 20% higher interview rates than if you identify as "latino."

>> No.12819896

It just means
Fostering a non white workforce

>> No.12819956

She claimed Native American which is true

>> No.12819970

do u put hispanic or asian?

>> No.12819985

It's bullshit

>> No.12819991

"Diversity" will inevitably lead to civil war.

>> No.12819997

based Llama

>> No.12820003

>She claimed Native American which is true

She had less native american DNA than your average white and she was not recognized by any Indian tribal authorities.

But again, it just shows you that we literally don't do any background checks for candidates that self identify as the "priveliged" minorities. There are way too many legal ramifications.

>> No.12820052
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>mfw whites have to tick hispanic and hispanics have to tick black
The jew plays us all desu

>> No.12820086

>>mfw whites have to tick hispanic

Unfortunately, you're not going to get much benefit. I don't know of any companies with a "latino" hiring quota, while almost all the companies here has some directive or quota for hiring more blacks. Sorry, latinos just aren't seen as one of the priveliged minorities.

>> No.12820227

orcl is getting sued for hiring white men for years then switching to asians. The doj is salty because the workforce wasn't 50 percent basketball americans.

>> No.12820322

this is awful advice clearly coming from people who do not work in corporate america

do not identify as black... literally no one wants you... blacks and latinos in corporate america are nearly non-existant

this diversity crap is just that crap... its a pretend we are doing our best to be diverse bullshit... the only diverse people they hire are indians and asians

jesus fuck most of this thread is filled with NEETs and retards

>> No.12820338


I’m changing my name to John Hardfork.

>> No.12820352

PS im not talking about back office jobs

>> No.12820364

niggers in current year are the most pampered and privileged race in the history of the planet.
jews can't get enough of you, but only until whites are gone then you'll be discarded like the trash that you are.

>> No.12820395

What privilege, specifically, are you talking about? I would like an exact answer.

>> No.12820410

> being this proud of your ignorance

Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. Nearly all of the companies around here in the bay area have race based quotas that massively favor black candidates over every other race. It's not a secret or hidden, it's pretty public information.

>> No.12820442

>What privilege, specifically, are you talking about? I would like an exact answer.

Race based hiring quotas: companies like mine will automatically favor a black candidate over a candidate of a different race simply because we have "directives" and quotas to fill. Often, we will overlook a more qualified asian or Indian candidate to fill the role with a black person. It's literally what our management tells us to do.

And then there's Affirmative Action, where less qualified black kids get priority in school admissions over asian, indian, and white candidates simply because of the black kids skin color.

There are many, many more examples of Institutionalized Racism like this in America, and it's getting worse, not better.

>> No.12820446

in NYC this is absolutely not the case

back office is filled with scum and rejects
front office client side (sales, client help, project management) is filled with white people
technical (data science, BI, analytics) side is asians and indians
marketing/design is filled with women

this has been true of every company i have ever worked for or seen

>> No.12820483

Again, you're using anecdotal evidence to support your case when I'm telling you that there are institutionalized policies that are based on skin color which massively favor blacks. And this exists in most of corporate america, not to mention it's much, much worse in the public sector.

Now... just because they're favored, doesn't mean they're handed free jobs. You still have to have SOME qualifications, and that skills gap is why you see such discrepancies between races at the office. This might sound harsh, but it's true.

>> No.12820522

The time or meritocracy is over, the time of mediocrity is up on us.

>> No.12820550
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>> No.12820552

find me these policies you speak of - if they're policies, they are in writing

I have friends in HR and not once has this been the case - making shit up to push retarded agendas is beyond dumb

>> No.12820587

> find me these policies you speak of

Ok. It's obvious you're being willfully ignorant or trolling for info now.

>> No.12820592


>> No.12820616

no ur just trying to use buzzwords like "institutionalized policies" to make it seem like you have an idea what you are talking about - which you do not in the slightest bit

also trying to take advantage of complete morons on this board

>> No.12820698


>> No.12820709

The whole diversity agenda is based on false conclusions never challenged. If you ask seniors why their organisation should be diverse they’ll say that diverse backgrounds lead to diverse opinions and diverse opinions beget good product. No one seems to consider the fact that racial diversity does not indicate diversity of thought. In fact, most private schools here are more racially diverse than state schools but the students these schools produce have largely the same opinions.

>> No.12820741

Dont get it. Nigs, spicks, and chinks were getting paid less than whitie... so...?

>> No.12820744

Until white people start fucking back then you scream for a century about nazis.

>> No.12820758

If you honestly believe that "diversity" is being pushed as a means to get diverse opinions, I have a diverse bridge to sell you

>> No.12820770
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holy fuck what a great filename. Hasn't got me since pic related.

>> No.12820778

are you an amerimutt? he's hapa/mixed, this is obvious to real white people

>> No.12820803
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Nobody honestly believes that except maybe the room temperature fucktards that end up in HR. Management has to parrot it or they get hell. On a side note I'm finding some decent webms I forgot I had.

>> No.12820817

we actually have 100+ years of science challenging these assumptions. including recent research, but gets buried immediately. ask yourself why and if diverse opinions are really the goal here

>> No.12820853

holy shit. did that person die? that's fucking gnarly.

>> No.12820922

He's double-disabled now.

>> No.12820965
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>> No.12821129

I am visually white as a kite, is there anything stopping me from putting black on applications? I would be lying seeing as I am 100% polish. Can I make up some story about how a great grandfather emigrated from North Africa to Poland and my great grandma fell in love and got Blacked Raw?

>> No.12821431

That's not exactly white privilege though. Check the post that I was responding to.

>> No.12821484


get out of the bay area. I work in a 10% white city and nearly all professionals are white or white spics.

>> No.12821551

different points of view = different points of IQ