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12815980 No.12815980 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate going out and spending money. I don't even like paying my rent or basic utilities. When I buy groceries it sucks but I gotta eat. I don't really have any hobbies or interests. I don't buy clothes, shoes, underwear, or anything unless it wears out and gets ripped or whatever. I don't go to sporting events or own a TV.
All I use my money for is unironically buying LINK. This isn't even a shill thread I just hate spending and I'm not even sure what I'll do if LINK actually takes off. Like if I have 50 million dollars, what the fuck would I do with it? I don't have a gf or really any friends. I've never really traveled much. I don't want the hassle of home ownership or fancy cars. I'd be more than happy never working again but that's really the main benefit.
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.12815982

yes its called the fuck milking my coin tits for jews feel

>> No.12815989

As a fellow linkmarine, link is very high risk and potentially high reward.

If you have 50k then just stop. Your way overinvested .

>> No.12815993

I just had a massive fight with my wife because I don't want to go out for coffee in our overcrowded, overpoluted city center. It's not even a money thing, I just don't want to see that dungheap up close.

Consumerism and doing forced normie memes is the biggest cancer plaguing our species.

>> No.12816011

I have 100k but I don't think I'll stop
I'm gonna take maybe a one paycheck break to catch up/get ahead on some bills but I'll have some extra cash in a few weeks with nothing to spend it on. I could pay down my car note but that's $200/month and if LINK even just hits like $2 I could easily clear that by selling a small amount and come out ahead even when factoring in the interest jew.
Although I don't plan on selling for a while. I plan on staking it and riding it out. Maybe at $100 I'd sell some of the staking rewards or something I guess. I've swinged my stack multiple times and finally feel at peace that I have 100k if we take off now I'm okay with it although I still want more. I've made and lost 10k+ linkies in a day by swinging and now it's too fucking risky to try it anymore. I always wanted 100k and made it but I honetsly want 110k, 125, 150 because it's just so stupidly undervalued if anything you see here is true. Like why wouldn't I pile all into eth at $5 if I knew it would be huge? That's how I feel about link

>> No.12816028

Yeah exactly. All my peers fucking LOVE going to the bar, buying a bunch of $30 rounds of drinks for their friends. Smoking cigs. Gambling at the casino. Their daily $5 coffee. Fast food.
Me, I'd rather pay $4 for ground coffee that lasts 5 or 6 weeks and I just brew at home. I have one pair of jeans and some sweatpants, I haven't paid for shoes in 5+ years, I wear T shirts both to work and around the house or when I go out. Just plain shirts. I'm the anti consumer. It's a lot of maintenance and bullshit that goes into it all and I don't want it.
To me money spent is so often just wasted.

>> No.12816058

You sound disgusting.

>> No.12816106

A true marine. I’m using the opportunity to get in shape and because I don’t get as hungry knowing it’s going to Link I can control my diet. Why buy more food than necessary to feel disgustingly full when I can buy more stinkies? You’re not alone.

>> No.12816114



>> No.12816130

I'm on keto for a while so rarely hungry, food is a tad expensive maybe $13-15/day total for a few meals and some snacks to keep me full.
Getting fit should be a priority but I'm lazy as fuck.

>> No.12816145

There’s a fine line between asceticism and degeneracy. Not wanting to spend money on gambling, drugs, and short term pleasure doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dress well or do recreational activities. Having nice clothes is a long term strategy. Spending quality time with friends/girlfriend is a long term strategy. Money is a tool, not a goal in and of itself. If your life revolves around saving money and making it, it will be a sad life indeed. You may not realize this now, but you will.

>> No.12816176

I kinda get that now already, a little bit
Life just feels empty.
I eat the same foods, wear the same clothes, do the same job, over and over and over day after day. It's boring as fuck. But I do think that if/when LINK blasts off then I can take some time to focus more on myself. I couldn't live with myself if link ever hits $500 or 1k and I didn't buy as much as I possibly could at 47 cents.

>> No.12816343


>> No.12817097


>$5 cup of coffee vs losing half your shit

>> No.12817118
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I used to live like you for ten years and I made it. I still am not happy because I have no friends, gf, family and nothing to do.

I am now trying to pick up the pieces. The final pill is realizing normism is the path to a happy life.

>> No.12817198

>normism is the path to a happy life
Objectively false. Normies aren't happy and consumerism is just a short-term treatment of dissatisfaction with life.

OP is closer to finding happiness than normies.

>> No.12817220

I have 300k linkies and sometimes think we arent gonna make it

>> No.12817244

honk honk

>> No.12817254

hi pygmy lord

>> No.12817275

>he gave up

>> No.12817300

Same, and same total. But what if it doesn't work out....

>> No.12817319

dont worry op thats just the system keeping you down for so long forcing all of your resources into the act of escaping slavery and achieving freedom.
Once you are free the air will smell fresher, your energy will be up, pussy will navigate towards you and so on.
the life of a slave is really worse than shit, get rich or die trying

>> No.12817804

Minimalism is the way to make it. You are on the right path. Just make sure you enjoy yourself even if it means spending some money from time to time.

>> No.12818065

It's funny that you're looking at the normies who spend money on going out, socializing, enjoying life, and saying nope to that.

They look at you who puts all of his money into a chuck e cheese internet coin for mining inputs and outputs made by a guy who doesn't even change his shirt. They look at you and say nope.

I guess happiness lies somewhere in the middle.

>> No.12818344

Fellow ascetic here. Every $10 you spend a day is $300~ at the end of the month. Double digit IQ experience-driven normie marshmallow experiment failures don't understand that so they thoughtlessly chug their $5 coffee a day, their $12 pack of cigarettes, their $4 energy drinks, their $10 bowl of h'weed, their $8 six pack of beer, their $13-15 meal at a sit down restaurant and/or so on, every single day, spending thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars a year on shit they light on fire or piss out of their urethra instead of saving it up or using their surplus to entrepreneurial ends

I'm not the kind of person that's going to tell someone how to live their life but the last thing I want to hear from these people is about their fuckin' money problems. I've never made much money myself but because I've spent frugally I've always been able to afford what I really want. I'm not completely guiltless, for a long time I would drink two cans of soda a day at work (about $.50 total), we all have vices but it's up to us to manage them in a budget conscious way. I refuse to accept criticism for having a few thousand dollars in crypto from someone who spends that kind of money on their day-to-day lifestyle every couple of months.

>> No.12818405

Just to clarify: I meant that they failed the marshmallow experiment, not that they are necessarily failures themselves.

>> No.12818498

What's the best route to buy? Going through coinbase seems so high in fees so what's the alternative

>> No.12819277

Dude for real? coinbase pro. Top up your USD wallet from your bank, but then buy BTC using limit orders. Set it literally right at the spread and watch it get filled within seconds, boom 0 fees.

How do people not know this? seriously. I’ve seen it asked a billion and one times