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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 750x1144, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12812336 No.12812336 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey anon! We haven’t seen you since last year’s Christmas party! How are all those internet coins doing? You wouldn’t stop talking about them last year haha

What do you say?

>> No.12812423

ho ho ho this year i will rape you hoe ?

>> No.12812451

unexpected. which one tho

>> No.12812478

Is this a 6'0" 5'11" meme?

>> No.12812491

hey stacy hows the weight loss program going? i see you packed on some weight since the last time i saw you.

>> No.12812496

>talking about crypto irl
>with, not just girls, but thots of all people

>> No.12812512

the fat one, obviously. that's what your primal instincts should tell you because even if you rape and walk away, she has enough fat to get through a pregnancy

>> No.12812527

the red one of course, its christmas ffs, are you some kind of autist anon?

>> No.12812537
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Performing as expected, I sold them for a profit when the price was clearly plummeting and am patiently waiting for the "despair" phase of the market cycle before refilling my bags and becoming a millionaire. I haven't seen you since last year's Christmas party! How are those vapid nights going to the same bars with the same people sucking off the same guys going for ya'll? You wouldn't stop talking about them last year haha.

>> No.12812556
File: 474 KB, 636x1096, yftugy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, rough

>> No.12812567

>You wouldn’t stop talking about them last year haha
you must be thinking of someone else

>> No.12812578

"bitch lasagna"

>> No.12812597
File: 40 KB, 320x320, 1541522596306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back and forget your fellow middle school students ever told you about this place, it's for your own good.

>> No.12812623


I think you've mistaken me for someone else. I am an elite pajeet entrepreneur.

Go back to holding your filth-addled bags, stinky linky.

>> No.12812637


Also, are you an incel?

t. Dr Jordan Peterson, bucko

>> No.12812641

no need to apologize, we life, we rape and we learn, godspeed anon.
btw more pics of that hideous creature now !

>> No.12812656
File: 136 KB, 1021x1080, tyfgjhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they call her milk cow

>> No.12812659

Welcome to 4chan, when you repeatedly post from the same IP in the same thread you have something called an "ID" so that other people in the thread can tell you're a newfag from plebbit who doesn't belong here, go back and stop trying so hard.

>> No.12812689

2 posts from me, prior to this one.

Hence the 'also'. It was a follow up.

Why are you so angry at the fat girl, anon?

>> No.12812749
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1525731938161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 posts in this thread
>2 posts prior to this one
Stay in school.

>> No.12812847


You're right, I forgot about the pajeet post.

Well done for not responding to any questions. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're a run-of-the-mill autistic, screeching sperglord. 'Agnostic atheist'. Owns decorative swords.

How do you expect to talk to women if you can't even communicate effectively with someone you don't even have to look at, on a Transnistrian potholing forum?

Have you even made anything on crypto Jeb? Or did you get in 3 months ago at what you're now calling the 'accumulating' phase.

Is that why you're so angry?

P.s. you know a lot of boards don't have poster IDs, right?

>> No.12812896

This argument is neck and neck

>> No.12813220


>> No.12813301

Hey Lacey, hey Steph!
Good to see you again!

Yeah it's going alright to be honest with you, I took out enough money for a very decent house deposit and then some for when I want to go travelling. I could have taken out a Load more at the top lol, like, enough to buy an entire house! But my cash out goal was a million or nothing, so I can live with my decision.

Yeah I still have some coins in there at the moment, took a punt on the one coin that I still think is going to make me a millionaire haha! Who knows, I think it's worth the risk, yolo haha!
Yeah it's called chainlink founded by this guy called Sergey Nazaroth...

*after explaining the oracle problem*

Alright which one is going to show their vagina first for 1000 linkies

>> No.12813309


>> No.12813315

Trick question they're both unfuckable pigs.
>I choose kill, kill

>> No.12813325
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>> No.12813329

>implying youd give away $1m to see some stanky ass vag
get some standards marine or dont bother coming to yacht party with 10/10 supermodels all sucking our cocks

>> No.12813333


>> No.12813423

Sooooo what'd she spill on her toots?

>> No.12813520

To be honest I got a real job and lost 30 pounds! Check out my abs and how 'bout you show me them milkers in the bedroom upstairs? I'll take you to the moon where my coins were supposed to take me ;)

>> No.12813556
File: 61 KB, 458x934, hgvjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milkers win

>> No.12813589

went to the discount salon for that hair re coloring, huh Jenna

>> No.12813643
File: 60 KB, 850x1305, 2253437119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me

>> No.12813654

>telling anyone my private financial business

as far as anyone knows, i live under a bridge

>> No.12813679

i would let this female touch my peepee

>> No.12813694
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>> No.12813765


>> No.12813773
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>> No.12813873


>> No.12813956

lmao i just found this bitch on facebook and sent her this thread

>> No.12814088


>> No.12814109

> Look at girl on right
I wasn't sure, but I now see you've been eating them.
> Excuse me.

>> No.12814150
File: 59 KB, 421x952, 1539953177734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat what

>> No.12814815


>> No.12814823

Sorry ladies, im all in on dude weed now.

>> No.12814929

The fatty on the left

>> No.12814937

wanna earn some?

>> No.12814949


>> No.12815091


>> No.12815380

they're both ugly asf

>> No.12815415

post caps

>> No.12815431

look carefully fellow anons, this is what a sperglord looks like.

>> No.12815437

if you would had bought doge when i had told you 342 days ago, you would be 56% up.

>> No.12815443

they dumb

>> No.12815454

If you made any other realistic investment in the real world you of been up at least 56%

>> No.12815460

Wot? This isn't true at all. Plz anon.

>> No.12815469
File: 22 KB, 480x600, 1541028117796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*tips fedora*

heh, well ladies, when you're in this game as deep as i am and take the risk i've taken, you learn a lot of things about yourself...

*removes fedora, slicks hair back*

idk where the fuck im going with this lol

>> No.12815498

to bed with them, clearly

>> No.12815659


>> No.12815834


>Being triggered enough to reply from your phone.

At least we finally agree on something.

You are missing the point here though Raymond.

>> No.12816040
