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12811977 No.12811977 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else need link to blow up in order to get some self-validation?
>Inb4 kys

>> No.12812201

pretty much my last shot at life. If it tanks I will go down with the ship

>> No.12812228
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There are only 2 categories of people invested in link. Those who know, and does who don't. Which one are you?

>> No.12812241

77’s are checked

You’re will get that validation fren. You will k ow that you were right all along. The rollercoaster will be worse than btc or eth, but it will be worth it.

>> No.12812242

There are two categories of a linklet

poorfag and linklet

>> No.12812250

Don't think I know man. My head is fucked up so researching this shit is taking a long time. Just following the memes.

>> No.12812253

I see you are of the latter

>> No.12812264

>an ERC coin middleware solution somehow being more valuable than the blockchains it serves is my last shot at life

Incredibly sad and cringe.

>> No.12812277

It's a mixture of desperation and delusion that produces the best holders. Hands so strong, no one will sell. We will all make it

>> No.12812305
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All you need to know is that there are 2 certain outcomes. Either the project fails or succeeds. In the case it fails, your investment of 5,000 $ could go to zero. If it succeeds that 5,000 $ could be worth millions. That is the only question you should ask your self. You only get one decision to make.

>> No.12812348

Yup. That's how I see it too.
It's funny, I asked my friends and family if they would work for 6 months without pay for a 33% chance of getting a million dollars. All of them said no.

>> No.12812372

Unironically put everything I've got into link ~50k€ it's all or nothing

>> No.12812725

33% of 1m = 333k
For 6 months work that’s 666k in expected value salary, did they understand it this way?