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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12805693 No.12805693 [Reply] [Original]

Please stop asking Mr Nakamoto to show proof via the genesis wallet. It is an invasion of his privacy.

Thank you.

>> No.12805724

It’s already been demonstrated that Craig wright is a liar. He misunderstood what bitcoin even was for years and was proven to have edited his old blog entries to “prove” he was talking about bitcoin before. He says he lost access to the genesis wallet and forgot all his passwords to the Satoshi forum accounts and also lost his PGP key... the guy is a fucking charlatan and it says a lot about the state of this board that so many people believe him.

>> No.12805730

>hurrr why duznt he just sign a tx with the genesis block
it's either 1. sign a tx proving ownership and watch btc dump to zero because it shows a centralized party controls the supply
or 2. work quietly on the bitcoin protocol without needing to prove anything to anyone.

We already know him and Kleiman had a contract to exchange around a million bitcoin to each other. these are the satoshi keys, with 50 BTC in each wallet. That's provable because there are open court cases about the Kleiman wallets

>> No.12805759

idk im getting bored with the same shit
either he does something more entertaining in the next couple of days or im gonna ignore the shit around him

>> No.12805937

Would riding a monocycle with a dildo for seat be entertaining enough?

>> No.12806259

If he wanted to quietly work on protocol he wouldn't have called himself satoshi. By making the claim to be satoshi he put himself in the position where he needs to either prove his claim or gtfo.
He is an attention whore

>> No.12806309

>implying he exists for your amusement instead of the other way around

>> No.12806323

it does not. when someone claims he can sign it stands to reason to call them out to sign.

in the world of cryptography if you say you are Alice and can't or won't prove it you are Mallory. craig faketoshi wright is forever Mallory now. he had 5 years to sign.

>> No.12806337

also what invasion of privacy when he bragged about taking the australian irs to the shed for $54 million? by claiming ownership of said bitcoins? which he claims to own daily? what privacy? the fuck are you talking about you inbred nigger cunts and pajeets?

>> No.12806387

how dumb do you have to be to impersonate someone in a community that is based on cryptography?

blows my mind that this guy has any followers at all.

>> No.12806388

> work quietly on the bitcoin protocol

CSW , quietly work on bitcoin, FUCKING LMAO

>> No.12806411

between massive twitter and insta-whoring posting pictures of hommosexual decadence non.stop and fudding every other project it's hard to imagine he has time for any work at all.

>> No.12806432

>or 2. work quietly on the bitcoin protocol
Does constantly harping on about being Satoshi count as “quietly”?

>> No.12806437

are you new here?

/biz/ holds the opinion that's the most entertaining and pisses off the most people. Including if that opinion pisses off the most people on /biz/ itself.

With that tidbit of knowledge you should stop posting and think for a while before you out yourself again.

>> No.12806496
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>> No.12806504

what, isn't buttcoin supposed not to have that

>> No.12807477

the guy is nothing short of prolific in his content output in these fields.

>> No.12807609

This.. Most SV shills are just /biz/lets larping.

>> No.12807764
File: 152 KB, 902x611, F76476E6-6206-4786-85D9-92D0FA9806DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What proof do you have that he is not satoshi? Julian is just mad at craig because he got owned by him in the cypherpunk letter.

>> No.12807789

>Spends every day claiming he is Satoshi trying to prove in every way that doesn't matter that he is
>Spends his time attacking other projects and claiming they all owe him
If he were Satoshi he would have proved it long ago instead of trying to fake proof. He is just a massive liar.

>> No.12807818

cope. some anons troll, most anons are genuinely stupid

>> No.12807943

>work quietly on the bitcoin protocol without needing to prove anything to anyone
Except this is the opposite of what he is doing. He’s constantly claiming to be satoshi and is obviously loud and proud about it. He’s very narcissistic and claims “this time, I’m goningnto show definitive proof!” But surprise surprise, he never does. Someone as narcissistic as him would put this debate to rest just so he could say “I told you so”. But he won’t. He never will. Because he is not satoshi.

>> No.12808195

Biz is trolling. No one believes Craig is Satoshi

>> No.12808287


4chan is a literal letrine, everyone goes here and dumps their crap, it would be insane to see someone actually trying to make an omelette from a toilet and sniffing it saying its good

>> No.12808430
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1152, satoshi calculating 42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe (only maybe) Craig isn't Satoshi but that just means he is a genius on par with Satoshi that for some reason wants to pretend that he is Satoshi. Nobody else have demonstrated to have so much deep understanding about bitcoin.

Regardless it doesn't change that BSV is bitcoin and it doesn't mean they aren't trying to do exactly what they claim they are trying to do.

>> No.12808461

kek that picture of Craig always cracks me up, it’s like he’s some genius out of A Beautiful Mind.

>> No.12808503

He isn't claiming to be the creator of BTC.
His claim is that BSV is actually the real BTC.
He is in control of BSV but when he says BTC he means BSV.
Ya get it?
It's quite literally the same bullshit when he was involved with BCH.
They all call it BTC but we're talking about BCH. He's literally playing the same game by calling BSV, BTC
He may be in control of the forked BSV coins meaning he's got quite a bit of Ched under his belt but he does not own actually BTC genesis coins nor will he ever get his hands on them.
This is fraudulent along with all his claims to having patents related to blockchain.
If actual bitcoin gets recognized as it certainly is en route to being, the SEC is going to beat him with a rubber bat, then a wooden bat and finish it off with a metal bat.

He's FUUUUCKKKJED if BSV becomes the leading chain, he's FUUUUCKED if actually BTC becomes a regulated market.
The saying is, your fucked if you do and fucked if you don't.

It's actually pretty humours watching him cry like a baby and threaten just about everybody that's involved in crypto. He will literally get expedited from quite literally any country he resides in because the value of capturing him will be well into the billions.
The American gubbment will pay any country millions if not over a billion dollars to have him captured and sent back to burgerland.
I digress, hell off himself before it gets that far tho cause he's quite literally a pusssssssayyyy