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File: 103 KB, 410x580, 70b6d79e-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12803084 No.12803084 [Reply] [Original]

Where living in a society that will be replaced. Let me explain.

A lot of Chads are under false assumption that looks matter. And they do. But, scientists have getting closer and closer to unlocking the genetic key behind humans. Right now, we have born children who are immune to the aids disease in china. But dont think itll stop there.

Big Dick? Will literally be syringe to embryo away.
Full head of hair? will be GMO'd in children
chisled jaw? shockingly easy with GMO

But heres the thing, Genetic modification is not limited to birth. Doctors and researches are more likely to pursue epigentics that will alter a living being. AKA, theres more chance that will find medicen that will give a living grown man a big dick, vs having a child born that way; cause there are many more millionaires in the world willing to buy such a thing, than there are parents who are willing to pay large somes of money to make sure there child have that.

So watch out. by 2030, i garanteed will have pills and injections that will give anyone Chad-like features. And only the rich will get this.

Any person that invests in the gym right now instead of money, is going to look foolish.

>> No.12803110
File: 47 KB, 800x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asphyxia ur gay

>> No.12803124


>Any person that invests in the gym right now instead of money, is going to look foolish.

Cardio improves blood flow to brain.

Fatties feel tired all the time and are dumb.

Gym also increases willpower.

Not to mention pleb things like preventing depression.

>> No.12803128

Working out for your genetically enhanced muscles will be better for you lifespan and will cost millions of dollars less.

>> No.12803138

this is so sad, so much cope

>> No.12803152

Yeah, but that requires effort and I ain't got none

>> No.12803154

guerrilas have the bulkiest muscles in the world and they do no form excercise at all. all they need to do is consume enough protein.

this is the future

>> No.12803182

muscles will be a syringe away. and gmo children will be born with greek god muscles.

>> No.12803183

It’s only important if you don’t have it. When you have it, the rest of the items on the priority list don’t just evaporate.

>> No.12803203

poorfag bodybuilders are the true cope.

painters in the 1690s had no idea what a photograph was and thpught still painting would be the primary form of data capture

muscle fags in the 2010s had no idea what epigentically muscles were and thought going to the gym will be the primary form of bodybuilding

>> No.12803211

Chads workout 2 hours a day on a 5 day split
dicklets do jelqing

all of this will be replaced in the near future

>> No.12803216
File: 108 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this lol

>> No.12803232

Great, so instead of fat, ugly NEET shutins, the future will have ripped, big-dicked NEET shutins.

>> No.12803242
File: 247 KB, 965x977, grandpa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think having something that makes it worth while to get up in the morning is most important. unlimited money can probably accomplish that for almost all people but for many simply being "rich" won't be enough.

>> No.12803244

>too scared to pkst your own body
no worries. being lean right now shows you are aware of the future.

dont be a fool who fell for the gym meme.

i mean for fucks sake. there was a study that compared roided men who are sedantsry to men who workout. the roided men grew muscles bigger and faster.

how far do you think scientists are away from creating steroids that are safe healthy and require low maintenance friend?

>> No.12803251

you are not only ugly and fat, you are also a tard. Anybody can take a picture. Painting is still a skill.

>> No.12803261
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, main-qimg-83672c97b1f638dd8ae4798142f1822b(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly faggot.

And who do think are goimg to be the top financial heads in the world? Linkies.

it all goes back to link.
every muscle fag who spends hour in the gym instead of throwing money in Link os a fuckin fool

>> No.12803288
File: 34 KB, 350x437, dad9b50ede3d479fa03845db3edc74b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something worth to get up

bodybuilding and jelqing should be viewed as insurance. In the rare chance that epigenic muscles and big dicks dont become a thing in the next 10 years, then you should workout just in case.

but for now, you need to find more worthwile things that cant be replaced by epigentics.

wealth, art, science.

>> No.12803299

Amazing how those painters captured angels and God in their paintings, right? Fukken phaggot, painting was primarily an art form like it was today. Anything important was written down.

>> No.12803303

only stylized painting.

you are forgetting that before the photograph only .00001% people in the world had the power to capture still life


before epigentics, only .00001% of men had big muscles dick and chisled jaws.

see the parallel?

>> No.12803306
File: 41 KB, 500x375, huntress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having something to do is the point of being alive, feeling like you matter is very important

>> No.12803307

More pics of the girl in the center?

>> No.12803317

>And who do think are goimg to be the top financial heads in the world? Linkies.
why did this thread go on for this long?

>> No.12803340

you can be someone who says
>you know what, im going to carry 100 buckets of water up a mountain every day
>no reason, just gets me up
does it have a point?

>> No.12803345
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 309621-LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink is the only vhanxe to wealth anyone has rn.

the world is made of oracles. pnly decentrslized systems will be trusted

>> No.12803368


>muscles will be a syringe away

They already are bro..

>> No.12803375

Another cope thread. It's always genetics, robot waifu, and artificial womb shit. All tech that is at least 80 years away. All we have are hair plugs, tinder and anabolic steroids. Not a good look as always.

>> No.12803389
File: 145 KB, 500x517, B7188CB2-B55B-49CD-BBE0-C1313FFF3BED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blog post faggot

>> No.12803391
File: 188 KB, 720x548, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f57304656656b56734d62687252513d3d2d3535343739353230372e313532306635356536333635303635333437313736363534303933342e706e67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice who are the ones denying this fact of epigentic injections

already chads

they are in too much shock, that there only worth will be literally bought out by Linkies

>> No.12803425


lol disregard. dyel cope.

>> No.12803452

Bitch, my office has a fitness center and I don't have any meetings until 10am so I can spend my morning sleeping in, eating well, lifting to get my brain flowing and get paid the whole damn time.

>t. more successful than you

>> No.12803453

Only one flaw in your plan: all of these scientific achievements are still 100+ years away. So you're going to fade into dust before humanity achieves bodily perfection through finances

>> No.12803571

are you legit autistic? you unironically fell for the $1k eoy meme? LMAO

>> No.12803786
File: 107 KB, 625x838, it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it gives him purpose valuable to him. but if you're going to argue like that i might say that nothing has a point, including obtaining money, because from our current understanding of the universe eventually all movement will stop

>> No.12804043

names of the 3 girls?

>> No.12804068


That's Bangding Ow, Sum Ting Wong, and Wi Tu Lo

>> No.12804203

wrong. they will figure out how to reverse aging in the next 30-40 years max.

>> No.12804241

really nice puns , fren.
i would almost fall for it if i were an amerimutt and knew no better

>> No.12804999

Any time anyone actually types out the word period I imagine them with very, very fat fingers.

>> No.12805062


>trusting the first wave of genetical modification medicine
>trusting the first wave of epigenetics
>trusting the first wave of eternal life solutions

you are for a big awakening once you realize how stupid the medical world is

>> No.12805063

This is one of the most delusional posts I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.12805854

felix you are still here?
fuck man
t. xjp

>> No.12805877

How long will he wait before he an hero’s?

>> No.12806267



>steroids that are safe healthy and require low maintenance friend?
They exist. They're called SARMs. Otherwise steroids are healthy if you don't abuse and are ok with only 2x supraphysiological levels instead of 10x like bodybuildfags

>> No.12806280

they'll shrink if you don't work them