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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 526x514, 1550543958207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12802830 No.12802830 [Reply] [Original]

How was filing your taxes this year anons?
Was it as painful for you as it was for me?

>> No.12802848

Manlets, when will they learn
>tfw 5'8" manlet king

>> No.12802853
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x628, odC9LfF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he pays taxes

>> No.12802861

No deductions, fuck me. Nice that this is my first year of self employment. Last year 9k return, this year 3k owed

>> No.12802873

>fired twice and ended up making less than 10
>stack of link I haven touched since 2017

>> No.12802888


is this a shop? That looks like a literal dwarf

>> No.12802941

manlet detected

Sorry, anything sub 6' looks like a dwarf compared to the normal men you're so accustomed to seeing in print and movies. This is how you appear to women.

>> No.12802964

Not 5'7 no way in hell fuck you

>> No.12802973

Coping this hard

>> No.12802974

My effective tax rate hasn't been higher than 4% for the last ten years, and that was when I was waging full time. If you earned enough money you actually got taxed enough to bitch about your taxes, you can still go fuck yourself. Or move out of the spic-infested bluestates that are taxing you to breed welfare-dependant Democrat voters. Sorry you can't deduct your jewstate taxes from fed any more, kids.

>> No.12802986

this guy is not 5'7" lmao

>> No.12802996

Your new Wolverine.

>> No.12803004

I'm 5' 7". I feel personally attacked.

>> No.12803011

You assholes

>> No.12803034
File: 225 KB, 680x1388, brain meme sage bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to decide how I want to reply to this thread

>> No.12803116

I'm waiting for my final W-2 to come in. However that particular workplace is completely out of business and shut down.
Do i just keep waiting like a good goy or am i supposed to do something?
Its the last thing i need before i can file.

>> No.12803130

sylvester stallone is a 5'10 manlet and looks nothing like man in pic, coping lanklet

>> No.12803282

I’m 8’10” and I genuinely feel bad for short men. If you aren’t at least 7’ you’re a fucking manlet. Sorry faggots, that’s just the way it is.

>> No.12803295
File: 111 KB, 625x468, gnome saying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this dumb system anyway? must be like only one country in the world that still use it, can someone translate it to a real measurement?

>> No.12803312
File: 454 KB, 640x1136, 0D071C5A-E44F-4F43-859D-4CEC941943D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re retarded.
Also, fuck you OP. Pic related.

>> No.12803322

the good news is that i'll be able to report capital losses against my gains for years to come

>> No.12803817
File: 10 KB, 201x246, james bond2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as retarded as the only group of people still stuck with measurements belonging in the stone age.

>> No.12803834

hes more of a man than me when it comes to that glorious beard at least

>> No.12803837

>the eternal eurocuck strikes again

>> No.12803850

>5ft 7

>> No.12804237

he's clearly 5 foot 10 and a half

>> No.12804454


I am so close yet so far from being a real man.

>> No.12804487

Why not fucking wait until April like every sane person, pissfuck?

>> No.12804546

6'0" tall well loved human. I am
truly excited about my physique and despise looking at the tops of other men's heads. Wear A FUCKING HAT.

>> No.12804571

Some people actually get refunds, and can't wait to spend it on useless shit as soon as they receive it.

>> No.12804748

Employer does it for me free of charge.
Haven't had to do it myself in years lol