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12802610 No.12802610 [Reply] [Original]

Will the economically depressed, former manufacturing cities and regions in the western world ever recover or have we alreached the point of automation killing more than jobs than being created and that these regions are going to stay depressed?

>> No.12802750

automation will never really "kill" jobs. automation is a hammer or a wheelbarrow. it's a tool. automation will allow us to accomplish bigger and bigger projects. imo, we need to start traveling the stars and spread out a bit.

in my view, automation just changes labor, not take it away

>> No.12802751

This is that map from modern warfare 2

>> No.12802756
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dark times are upon us.

>> No.12802770

why are you boys so gloomy. it just takes a little effort and an open mind to learn new skills and adapt to a changing world. one of the beauties of the human mind is how we can adapt to situations.

>> No.12802813

when it become more economical to ship shit from the other side of the world than just make it here? something about this seems very wrong

>> No.12802841

#noborders #weareallcitizensoftheworld

>> No.12803539


>> No.12803634
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No, we are undergoing a process of hypercentralization, all economic growth is in large coastal cities and done by massive tech companies. Soon we will be in the stage of ultra-hypercentralization where ALL growth will be contained to silicon valley and NY/washington DC. Eventually we will reach the stage of hyper-ultrahypercentralization where ALL growth is done by a few individuals who possess IQ's greater than 200

>> No.12804089
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No because those areas gutted education and are filled with meth and opiod addicted boomers instead of experienced and educated workers.

>> No.12804103

because those damn factory workers wanted rights and not to work 16 hours a day. Gonna be a hell of a time when the Chinese with no respect for human life become our overlords because the West wanted to make everybody equal and cared more about niggers hurt feelings than a rising soulless super power.

>> No.12804127

>have we alreached the point of automation killing more than jobs than being created
Yeah like 20 years ago lmao what a retard

>> No.12804131

Really makes me think

>> No.12804146

The jobs are gone and are never coming back. New types of job may emerge with time but the type of work that kept places like that alive no longer exists in the west.

>> No.12804186

The politicians all love of talk about "infrastructure spending" but when congress is in session they never seem to get around to it. That's because they don't give a fuck. They're perfectly fine letting these areas be immensely unemployed. Some of them prefer it like that, because they rely on using the desperate sorts it creates come election day. They didn't care to protect the billions, perhaps trillions invested in the United States from being rusted to death. They don't care that a fifth of the bridges are ready to collapse. They do not care. They. Do. Not. Care.





The country could easily reindustrialize if it wanted to. We only use about 70% of our industrial capacity. If our kike overlords (who do not care) cared enough develop and protect the domestic economy and productive capital then we wouldn't be in this credit-driven global-consumerist nightmare. But they don't. Because they don't care.

>> No.12804191

Learn 2 code, amirite :)

>> No.12804236

They don't care because they are internationalists, something we've forgotten since the foundation myth of the holocaust. They belong to nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Also they hate Euros. They regard us as their mortal enemies; Romans and Germans and Ammorites. Good luck with that lmfao I'm just gonna chill in the basement and play video games. Faggots.

>> No.12804261

People should care about identity politics this is especially important to Europeans. Everybody else can care about it though just important that white people don't.

>> No.12804269

Be an online marketer. It’s a new field.

>> No.12804289

sup midgar

>> No.12804291
File: 1.41 MB, 2000x1500, amerimutt trump454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. It's why the EU and other intra-european entities are so important. As the last white people we need a bulwark against mutt aggression.

>> No.12804323
File: 37 KB, 273x374, 6542355342623452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-You feeling ok, Anon?

>> No.12804351

Honestly I think most of these places will recover within the next 10 years or less.

Even the cities hurt the most had two or three mega corporations that have been acquiring and expanding operations ever since the mills closed. For example I live in Cleveland literally the worst place for this and we still have companies like Sherwin Williams and Progressive keeping the city afloat.

Compound on that milennials all want to live downtown so they can walk to work and walk to the bar, and major cities are all experiencing a major recovery. In the end it's going to be the suburban sprawl (outside of the wealthiest suburbs in the area) that turn into wastelands as people flock back into the cities to be closer to these mega corporations and nightlife.

NYC is fucked though but that's mostly because of democratic policies ruining the city, high taxes, and becoming old and not being the "place" anymore. It's not cool to move to NY, it's cool to go to the west. There's no innovation there anymore. Obviously it's still going to be one of the stop cities in the country but nothing near the powerhouse it used to be.

>> No.12804422

This, but I think we'll see the most growth in smaller cities that are now more livable due to the interconnectivity of the world, than the already-overcrowded big cities, but the suburban areas will become ghettoes while rural areas will be mostly populated with off-the-grid farmers as blue-collar jobs become fully-automated.

>> No.12804437

NYC isn't as livable as say TX, Oregon or even Cali

>> No.12804490

Probably not
Most traffic would probably still be diverted to the West Coast and the Southern frontier.
The Rust belt and the East Coast will just continue to age and corrode.
Hick Central (Kentucky, Kansas, Colorado etc.) will remain because farming has always been a necessity.

>> No.12804520


It really depends on the city. Mid sized rust belt cities with close access to larger population centers should be fine. Cheap land and access to infrastructure will mean that the area is always suitable for development. But those small towns on the outskirts are fucked.

>> No.12804621

You can only cram so many people in Seattle and San Francisco. Sure they will be unmatched but cities like Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Detroit aren't going anywhere. They all have major fortune 500 companies still headquartered there with charters that prohibit relocation. These companies will continue to expand, and luxury apartments and condos will continue to go up as people want to live downtown by work and restaurants. These cities are being revitalized because of this, do some research. It's the outer suburbs that will get fucked.

>> No.12804706

Manufacturing is always doomed in the West because there's always some shithole country where people are fucking glad to get paid $1/month to sew shoes. . That used to be China but now everything's being outsourced to Africa

>> No.12804774

Automation isn't the problem. The problem is that workers in the developed are simply too expensive.

>> No.12805047

automation will slowly kill lower skilled jobs.

>> No.12805064


>> No.12806016

>I'm just gonna chill in the basement and play video games.

I did that until age 27-28 (last year), I've decided to start taking work seriously now. As I think its worth it.

>> No.12806277

What work is that?