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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12795064 No.12795064 [Reply] [Original]

Relex is finally moving on from the unfortunate FUD and Lies that were created in part to bring the prices down.

Relex has began partnerships with major real estate entrepreneurs and other type of entities in smaller countries.

This is rock bottom prices at this point. 200k market cap. Volume is starting to pick back up and we are finally looking at some great news on the horizon. This is the perfect time to buy.

>> No.12795104

It's a good idea. Too bad the team is comprised of a bunch of scammers. With Keith the autist at the helm, the massive team sells being the only volume for the coin, retarded and useless RLXR-N coins where N is infinity, and a telegram full of no one but sock puppets it's easy to see this is going nowhere fast.

>> No.12795132

>a whole shitload of threads for a dead shitcoin appears all at the same time

oh gee this sure seems natural, better buy some coins so I can get dumped on.

Reminder that Keith has multiple alts on telegram and reddit, and now he is infesting this board with his pajeet shillers

>> No.12795345

Fucking this. Dont touch RLX with a diseased dick. Its toxic. If you enjoy burning money be all means buy this trash. Its best to void this scam, though.

>> No.12795363

These are the same people that were spreading the FUD and want to buy cheaper

>> No.12795464

>Relex is finally moving on from the unfortunate FUD and Lies that were created in part to bring the prices down
Some FUD was definitely warranted with the CMO fucking around with alt telegram accounts + buying & selling RLX. Community members sought legal advice (kek) & were told there was no illegal activity conducted. There definitely were lies however, with a disgruntled ex-admin explicitly crying exit scam to make people sell + lot of other retarded behaviour like threats against CMO & family + bribing

>Relex has began partnerships with major real estate entrepreneurs and other type of entities in smaller countries
They mainly had existing partnerships through parent company Squawk Advisors, just dressed them up as new partnerships. They have property developments available for investment but are lacking customers

>Volume is starting to pick back up
No it’s not. They just ditched Sistemkoin for being shit & are back down to IDEX & ForkDelta

>we are finally looking at some great news on the horizon
Doesn’t poo in a loo

>massive team sells
No ICO, this has literally always happened but people latch onto this for FUD

>retarded and useless RLXR-N coins
Experimenting with SEC friendly methods of loyalty schemes which will encourage investment into the property developments and is already locking away literally millions of RLX for a year with one RLXR purchase of 26MM RLX for example

>Keith has multiple alts on telegram and reddit
Keith is the CEO and visionary who just seems to earnestly get on with it. JT Jason Toncic is the one you have a problem with. I think. It’s hard to tell when I’m correcting your fud for you

Like a lot of crypto projects that had retards buying in at the top, the bagholder community definitely is very toxic. They latch onto anything negative and ignore the positives. They also just accuse anyone being positive of being an alt account. They are the main thing hindering relex now

>> No.12795473

like i would buy anything because of a 4chan thread.......................................
Relex is not for the crypto pnd junkies though.....
its giving a real service and solution on a ready platform too bad nobody tries it because of fear and lies....

>> No.12795508

>Keith is the CEO and visionary who just seems to earnestly get on with it. JT Jason Toncic is the one you have a problem with. I think. It’s hard to tell when I’m correcting your fud for you

oh so it's just the CMO then, the guy who's still holding that position despite his laundry list of shady behavior and still the admin of the telegram

yah totally gonna invest in this LMAOOOOOOO

>> No.12795537

you don't sound like you belong here to me. the misplaced shilling of relex is almost as bad as the loser bagholders - both are a massive turn off
>too bad nobody tries it

>> No.12795548

sounds like you already did invest in this desu, sorry for your losses

>> No.12795740

A coordinated FUD campaign designed to rek this project. That’s all it was

>> No.12795826

Except he doesn't hold that position anymore. Scott does. If you're gonna fud, at least do the smallest amount of research on what you're talking about.

>> No.12795960

lol. He shouldn't hold that position anymore, but he still fucking works for Relex as an advisor, after coordinating a price dump with the CEO to buy cheaper RLX. Also, THE CEO IS AUTISTIC AS FUCK.

>> No.12795991

Dude you are a liar. Or maybe you just believe the lies that were told to you. This will x10 before anyone even realizes it moved. Stay poor

>> No.12795997

he still does the exact same shit he was doing previously, he was only ousted because he caused a shitstorm and then hired back. Keep correcting me all you want, it just makes your shitcoin look worse and worse

>> No.12796085

Proof or gtfo

Pro-tip, there's none: I'm watching JTs wallets and I'm also watching yours Jon, despite of lack of action and money. Give it up, this game's over for you

>> No.12796098


>> No.12796191

>Click here
this is also ONE BIG COORDINATED SHILL CAMPAIGN. You fucking posted 4 threads all within the space of 10 minutes.

>> No.12796192

PSA: Jon is a niggerfaggot

>> No.12797057
File: 33 KB, 310x394, dr sage and mr hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLX is going to true $0
its almost there already.
and OP is a lying faggot, volume has dropped off completely.
how do i know this? i hold about 20 million RLX and its in my watchlist that i check several times a day.

>it goes in all fields

>> No.12797092

Anon, am intrigued to understand the strategy for such a large bagholder of a token you hate. looks like you're not selling even though you think it's going to 0. Are you waiting for a random pump?