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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 97 KB, 620x359, solar-panels-australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12790555 No.12790555 [Reply] [Original]

>want to install solar panels
>have the perfect south-facing roof for it
>looking at 5-year loan
>monthly payments during those 5 years are about the same as my current monthly electricity bill
>except after 5 years I won't have any electricity bills at all anymore

This is a no-brainer, right?

>> No.12790571

unironically you could invest that money and win more, but whatever, you are a bainlet and you would probably lose it all so yes, buy the sonal panels

>> No.12790573

Only thing I'm kind of worried about is the fact that all of the companies that supply and install these things are shady little no-name entities that come attached to a much bigger name.
Like Ikea with something called "Solarcentury".

People are lured in with the big Ikea name, but when push comes to shove, Solarcentury is simply allowed to go under and nobody gets any warranty anymore.

>> No.12790584

Except I have to pay monthly electricity bills anyway.
Nothing changes in terms of monthly expenses.

>> No.12790590
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what if its cloudy

>> No.12790608

Well for one I’m doubtful you can actually go off grid with $5k worth of panels as that’s barely enough to run a fridge and certainly not a fridge, stove, ac, hot water heater, dryer, etc.. Second I bet they shit the bed within a week of the warranty running out. Renewable energy is a meme.

>> No.12790607

They work with indirect light too.

And on really sunny days, the excess power you generate goes to the grid, spinning back the electricity counter in your house. This means that on darker days, you get to consume the same total amount of power you've been feeding back into the grid for free.

>> No.12790620

I have a relative that has huge solar panels in his backyard. He has paid them off.
It is a great investment.
He also sells his extra electricity.

>> No.12790623

Read your contract carefully as power companies screw people on this.

>> No.12790634

>I’m doubtful you can actually go off grid with $5k worth of panels
It would be around 13k for me.
That would be enough for 13k kwh per year.

>Second I bet they shit the bed within a week of the warranty running out.
The panels from my quote have 20 years of hardware and yield guarantee.
Only thing that isn't guaranteed for that long, is the actual installation.

>> No.12790647

>solar will cover your total electricity bill
>there won't be repair bills almost (or actually) every year
>they don't expire
>they don't increase your house insurance cost drastically due insurance companies lobbying for regulation calling it a fire risk

>> No.12790650
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>> No.12790657

panels aren't the most expensive part. it's the inverter that's gonna ass-rape you.

>> No.12790659

Op in 5 years solar gonna be way cheaper .

>> No.12790660

the companies selling that shit make their money with service, anon. meme panels are only useful if your house is in the middle of nowhere and you need a few kilowatt to cool your insuline.

>> No.12790662

We have these state-mandated power counters, which simply have a spinning disk in them.
When you generate excess power, you spin back the disk, when you have to use grid power, you spin the disk the normal way again.

>> No.12790671
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>be solar company
>sell cheap Chinese panels will stop working in 2 years
>include free "lifetime warranty"
>tfw our company won't exist in 1 year forget 5 years
made my fortune starting these companies up and down the coast of CA. Im cashed out now I only collect dividend checks now moved to another state undisclosed kek

>> No.12790686

>>solar will cover your total electricity bill
I'm looking at about 45 panels, good for about 13k kwh.

>>there won't be repair bills almost (or actually) every year
Well there are warranties.

>>they don't expire
Again, warranties.

>> No.12790689

I work with a guy who had to leave a solar panel and associated electronics company that went tits up because of this. Ask yourself: how can they warranty a product for 20 years if it was only developed 5 years ago? The answer may surprise you.

>> No.12790693

>>sell cheap Chinese panels will stop working in 2 years
I'm looking at LGs with 20 years of yield guarantee.

>> No.12790700
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>> No.12790701

>how can they warranty a product for 20 years if it was only developed 5 years ago?
Well these are LG panels we're talking about.

>> No.12790713
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>20 years of yield guarantee
good luck with finding someone to pay up friendo

>> No.12790715

These are LG panels.

>> No.12790729

If you’re going to do it, definitely go with a bigger manufacturer. It seems like you’ve made your decision so I wish you luck with it.

>> No.12790740

Please read >>12790689 for your safety. The warranties are not real, they're managed through a small LLC that will have no problem going bankrupt. Solar panel sales companies are always owned by someone bigger, because the sale (and thus warrantee contract) company are designed to be closed if too many people need their money back.

>> No.12790741

I still have to figure some things out, like if the yield guarantee is from LG itself (the hardware guarantee is).
Not about to let myself get fucked up the ass, fren.

>> No.12790746


My parents spent a fortune for a massive solar installation that not only would cover their electricity costs during sunny days but also feed back into the power grid. Their ROE depended on “net metering” to amortize the cost of the install and this is after the federal tax credits.

Net metering is going away.. for everyone. Sooner or later. This is because of the destabilizing effect it has on the power grid and the additional costs it places on customers without solar. The electric meter will never go backwards. This will make it financially infeasible to run solar for 95% of the USA.

>> No.12790751
File: 153 KB, 800x593, 1495211641604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-w-what does the warranty say if the panels were not installed properly I wonder hahahahahahahah

no I'm kidding breh. It's cool. You showed me. You're totally right tho. 4srs. good job. LG Corporate will probably write you a manufacturer's warranty check when the panels stop working. They'll probably fly the check to you personally in a helicopter

>> No.12790752

I have a relative who set up huge solar panels iun his backyard and so far has had no problems with them.
He sells of the extra electricity he generates from them.
Dont understand why everyone here is shitting on them.

>> No.12790761

>Net metering is going away.. for everyone. Sooner or later.
Yeah, there are plans in my country for something called "intelligent meter", which actually keeps track of exactly when you generate/consume what. This will obviously fuck over solar panel owners.

For now, it's a "dumb meter"; i.e. a disk that just spins back or forth depending on whether you feed/consume power.
If I get the solar panels this year, I'm guaranteed 15 more years of this dumb meter.

>> No.12790784

>tfw our company won't exist in 1 year forget 5 years
This, this is exactly why you have all these no-name shady little solar installation companies. It's so they can sell you a warranty they'll never have to fulfill. They just roll over their assets and employees into a new LLC every year which has zero obligation to honor warranties issued under the old company name.

So you buy some panels with 10-year warranties and when you amortize the cost over 10 years and look at the power you'll generate over 10 years you think it's a steal. Then the shit breaks 2 years in, long before you've even hit break-even on them, and the company that sold the chink panels to you no longer exists.

If crypto has taught me anything, it's that anything that looks like a scam is a scam, and most things that don't look like scams are also scams. Stay canny OP and don't let the solar cartels sell you their bags. This shit isn't even 'sustainable', there are whole villages in china that are completely uninhabitable because factories have dumped so much of the toxic byproducts of solar panel manufacturing there. Energy production always has an environmental cost, solar companies are just really good at hiding it from suburban boomers.

>> No.12790793
File: 33 KB, 500x585, 25785695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any details on running a solor powered mining farm?

>> No.12790817

>1. buy and install solar panels
>2. use electricity to mine crypto
>3. lose money because both steps have a negative ROI

>> No.12790824

I know I might very well get Chinked on these panels, but it does look promising.

And remember that I'm getting fucked in the ass by my current electricity bills anyway.

My actual power consumption is about 500 Euros per year, but I end up paying 3,000 per year because of all kinds of additional costs.

So I either continue to get assfucked by the power company, or get throatfucked by Chink solar panel suppliers.

>> No.12790830

aside from the last point which i don't know about.. you are dead wrong. family has solar - a lot and they pay zero across the span of a year and have pnly had one maintenance issue in 12 years. you are a fucking retard

>> No.12790839

Chink dick is the size of toothpick Option 2 is better.

>> No.12790840

We're on /biz/, these people probably don't see the actual sun more than 30 days a year and yet somehow they're qualified to chime in on technology that is literally powered by the sun.

>Hello sir, I have rickets but good luck on getting a warranty check from LG, never fucking ever

>> No.12790849

Those Chinks own Africa, they can very easily get some bick-dick Dieudonné from Kinshasa to do the honors.

>> No.12790852

The ancient greeks considered assfuckery to be no big deal, because you're putting something disgusting (a penis) into something else disgusting (a butt). Whereas throatfucking was considered a despoilment of the spirit, because the mouth is the orifice from which one's voice, which is an expression of the soul, is expressed. Something to think about.

>> No.12790853

Can you guarantee net metering for your install?

>If Y,
Think very hard about your install and do you research.
>If N,
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.12790872

your biggest problem is if they get dirty (dirty rain or bird poop or something) you have to clean them to get maximum power, to reduce the probability of getting dirty you should use steeper angle, but then that might not be optimal

also some component might break

>> No.12790877

>The ancient greeks considered assfuckery to be no big deal
They were mostly thinking of intercrural "assfuckery"; rubbing your penis between someone's thighs.

>> No.12790888

I'll have to do some research, but afaik I'm guaranteed at least 15 years of net metering if I install the panels this year

>> No.12790964

what is a hose and water

>> No.12790967

True, but they "own" africa just like britbongs owned commowealth. Few chink families have say in those matters and they all work for bigger dawg.

>> No.12790987

You're in the EU, not some backwater third-world economy like the US. Companies can't just walk away in the EU like the burgers in this thread are claiming.


Burger logic doesn't even make sense. If the payment period is 5 years and the company ceases to exist in 2 years because of some "scam" then it works out even better for you.

>> No.12791052

There are actually non crypto solar farms inTexas. They buy up cheap desert and put solar panels all over it or rent it to a solar company. But again sneaky tactics there as well with bankrupt companies and fine print.

>> No.12791054

>Companies can't just walk away in the EU like the burgers in this thread are claiming.
I really hope so.
This solar panel shit is looking so tempting on paper.

>> No.12791127

You think these shady companies are going to do the financing for this shit directly?

>> No.12791176

reminder that dividends are your fren.

but you're one of the mindless retards who tells people to increase their W-4 exemptions so you can invest the extra money in a vanguard index fund so you are a dumb mouth breather.

>> No.12791200


I have one word for OP if he goes solar.


>> No.12791218

You're welcome Chang.

>> No.12791309

solar panels just supplement your electricity bill. The take forever before they actually pay for themselves

>> No.12791323

The real hidden cost is the nnEMF damage to Ones health.

>> No.12791331

sellin solar systems for 5+ years (EU).
If you stick with the big manufacturers most of the panels will work just fine (even Chinese ones).
Inverters will die every 2-7 years.
Panels can work even 20+ years

What kind of Inverter do they wanna use?
What s the price of the total setup?

>> No.12791418

Price of the total setup ranges from 12k to about 15k

One supplier uses "Axitec" panels and either SMA or Solaredge inverters.

Other supplier uses "JA Solar", Benq/AUO, or LG panels and Omnik inverters.

I'm looking to generate about 13-14,000 kwh per year, so they're quoting me around 50 panels depending on the make.

Do the hardware and yield guarantees all come from the installer company, or are they guaranteed by the panel manufacturer (like LG)?

>> No.12791423

Well after 5-10 years solar panels drastically loss efficiency

>> No.12791449

Apparently they're guaranteed to have a 80-85% yield after 25 years.

>> No.12791470

If you can sell your watt hours to the grid at a good price, it's worth looking into net metering. Find a good place that's looking south and put up a whole array

>> No.12791485

i dont know about your country or hows it dealt there but here you dont (cant) use your produced power yourself but it gets spliced into the power network for which you get paid €/kwh

thing is, the price you get for your input is lower than what you are paying for your use, so depending on how much you draw you very well will have to pay to bills

>> No.12791506

>thing is, the price you get for your input is lower than what you are paying for your use
This only applies with the "intelligent" meter.

My meter simply has a spinning disk that either spins forwards if you're buying power, or backwards when you're inputting your solar power.
So there's no price differential, it's just a matter of power in vs power out.

>> No.12791528

but after 5 years panel drastically loss efficiency. they will loss drastically.

>> No.12791541

If their yield is still 85% after 25 years, then I wouldn't call that a "drastic" loss of efficiency.

>> No.12791613

all of the systems will work fine i guess.
I would go for the most trustworthy Installer and not really care about guarantees.
Use Panels with Standard size so you could replace them in case there should be a problem with one panel (there prob wont)
Expect the Inverter to break and have money prepared.
Price seems fine
Whats the cost per kWh for you buyin?

>> No.12791664

>I would go for the most trustworthy Installer and not really care about guarantees.
They all seem so shady.
One company I talked to is actually an offshoot of a roofer company, so I guess the installation itself might be a little more professional.
But then again they're probably going to use a bunch of Poles.
Biggest company is Sungevity, which is an international company, but they had to be bought out and downsized in 2017.
They're all attached to big names, but themselves are really tiny and shady.

>Whats the cost per kWh for you buyin?
I paid about 3k Euros (all inclusive) for 11.3k kwh last year.

>> No.12791712
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How can you be so sure that you'll stay put there for the next 20 something years to let that cost break even?

>> No.12791745

I can sell them with the house, or take them down and move them to my new house.

>> No.12791804

>reminder that dividends are your fren.
>but you're one of the mindless retards who tells people to increase their W-4 exemptions so you can invest the extra money in a vanguard index fund so you are a dumb mouth breather.
I'm not a normie but I thought Vanguard index funds were good. Can you lead me in the right direction?

>> No.12791839

>I’ll take government subsidies for $1000 please Alex

>> No.12792024

so thats about .27€/kWh
Since you spin your meter backwards all your production should be worth .27€
13000kwh x .27€ =3500€
Installation cost 15000 €
Paid of in 5
Free Power afterwards....
Great Deal in my book
Roof company should be ok
Try askin for a wiring plan of the roof.
You wanna have long series of modules (16-21)

>> No.12792076

U can basically store your produced energy in the net..... This is great.
German Boomers are buyin battery banks for many k€ to get what u have.
And you can even "preproduce" in Summer.
Whichkirgistan u livin in?

>> No.12792091

Crunch those numbers again you half witt

>> No.12792103

that's genius
fucking chink jews

>> No.12792124

>so thats about .27€/kWh
The specific rate is of course far less than that.
I paid about 5-600 Euros for the actual electricity.
The rest is network fees (1.5k) and other shit.

But yeah, it boils down to .27/kWh

>You wanna have long series of modules (16-21)
You mean literally lengthwise? As in I want as many panels side by side as possible?
Because I happen to have a long-ass roof, so that would be good.

>German Boomers are buyin battery banks for many k€ to get what u have.
Yeah, shit is going to change in that direction over here too once the "smart meter" becomes mandatory.

If I buy the panels this year, I will keep the old system for at least 15 years.
After that, I'll have to install the smart meter and it's battery time for me too.
Belgium btw.

The numbers check out.
A 5 year loan of 15k Euros means monthly payments of about 255.
For my 3k Euros worth of power over 11 months I paid over 270 Euros per month.

>> No.12792258

15years...... do it asap.
What u get for surplus energy?
Maybe one could think about maxing it out.

>> No.12792277

>What u get for surplus energy?
You mean if I still have surplus at the end of the year?
No idea, I'll have to check into that.

>> No.12792652
