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File: 704 KB, 300x300, TRUMPCOIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1279041 No.1279041 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the plan? We marketing TRUMPCOIN on Friday?

>> No.1279083


>> No.1279095
File: 159 KB, 1345x611, dididungoof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in aLOT of money into trump, hence the volatility of the market in the past day. Im really betting on trump acknowledging us and making me a millionaire.

>> No.1279105
File: 3.95 MB, 1900x1336, A True American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>฿1283 = $680,533
Mate you are going all in. Goddamn. Looks like you already are a millionaire.

>> No.1279111

Nah bro, I dont even think there are enough Trumps to fulfill my order, I got the bitcoins when they were 120 a pop. Bought around 500, sold high and bought more on the dip. Maybe I should just cash out but I really think trumps going to be president. 1 acknowledgment is all I need.

>> No.1279120



You are my hero.

>> No.1279122

hope so, already bought 100 btc worth of trumpcoins this week

>> No.1279130
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, zoey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just placed an order for ~2300 TRUMP and put buy price higher than what most were selling for and I think I influenced the price of trump on Yobit single handedly. lol.

>> No.1279132
File: 50 KB, 491x377, 1448233060148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls gib chimp change for fellow Trumpwaffe.


The HYPE behind this coin will be yuuuuuge

>> No.1279136
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>> No.1279153


Help me pls fuhrer

>> No.1279157
File: 338 KB, 599x839, 1464384723178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, sent you some pennies.

>> No.1279174
File: 18 KB, 255x255, 1448326955802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ohh SHIIIT fucking based anons!

We're gonna do it boys, we're gonna make cryptos FUCKING GREAT again!

Spread that HYPE far and wide

>> No.1279186


ayy mane

made this, if you've got a trump excess would love a few



>> No.1279212
File: 38 KB, 1175x541, screen 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word on the street is a video explaining Trumpcoin is coming out on Friday, the price of TRUMP will get big. People spread the word about the coin and the price will rise. This has happened before and apparently this time is gonna be bigger than last time.

Pic related, that peak was what was achieved last marketing campaign, this time we need to go harder.

>> No.1279227


7K sat Friday = Confirmed.

However if you trumpcoiners are weak willed and start dumping at the potential 100% profit, it will be difficult to muster a rally. If we can maintain a 7k price for one weekend thats it, all our trumps are guaranteed to sell for 6k+ and if anyones been listening to my shilling, they shouldve bought at 4k.

I want you guys to be the ones who push it to 6k and not be the ones pushing 7-8k so I'll drop in a time when we need to gogogo.

Inb4 pump and dump, only a retard would pump and dump trump now, when it has the least potential.

Also spread the word that trump coin = 7k on friday, people will dismiss it/laugh at you, and then shit themselves with regret, which will be key for the summer campaign. Humans psychologically prone to regret previous loss more than potential loss.

So hit up those troll boxes and start spamming friday = 7k confirmed. worst case scenario nothing happens and no one knows it was you.

>> No.1279248

I have an order for $100 of bitcoin for the sole purpose of buying Trumpcoin but it won't come through for 5 days. First time getting involved in crypto. Hope I don't miss out huge.


>> No.1279251

Dude cancel that order and do it through Circle.

>> No.1279252

Yeah? I'm using coinbase, but I'm new to all this so I'll look at circle

>> No.1279256

Circle is instant and only requires a cell phone, no ID.

>> No.1279262

just made my account. thanks for the heads up m8, now I can get in on trump before friday.

is this Friday=huge day for trump coin meme real?

>> No.1279265
File: 9 KB, 273x185, 1457380224085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that or germancucks are really pulling something over us. But well see, I have quite alot invested. gib sheckle plx xd ;V

>> No.1279269


Friday is NOT going to be a huge day for trump. because if any of you cryptocucks sell trump coin will be doomed. Friday is the BEGINNING of the start of trump coin.

Friday is the last day to board the train. Trump coin is going to YUGE. It's going to be terrific. 1USD =1 trump in November. It's amazing.

>> No.1279271

Oh I see you're talking like Donald Trump. So it is fake?

>> No.1279276
File: 18 KB, 60x51, bestcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way I see it being 1 USD is if just talks about it. Otherwise, I only see it slowely growing as the election continues.

>> No.1279278


>> No.1279281

someone get a press pass into a press conference and ask about trumpcoin

>> No.1279282

there's one person only on 4chan that is spouting the friday shit and he obviously knows nothing about marketing etc.

This coin will rise when it draws in new money or gets pumped, it's that simple. Drawing in new money takes hard work and skill, just buy up TRUMP now and hold until it rises and don't worry about time.

Do not buy into trump if you're forced to sell it again quick or get impatient within a week or a month, there's no guarantee for it to rise that quickly.

>> No.1279289


Ron Paul reached 10 USD.

Don't forget normalcy bias, nothing about this presidency has been predictable for 99% of people. Read things like Scott Adams blog, trump has a very peculiar effect on people this year. Many of his supporters (I do support him, but I think I am the rational minority) are irrational. They'll see a coin with his name on it, they'll hear some fluff piece about campaign donations and they'll go apeshit over it.

MSM will demonise it, talk about how trumpcoin and "cryptocurrencies" are all about tax evasion and these "chinese hackers called anonymous" and how their "leader 4chan" created trumpcoins.

Then there will be speculation that trump uses trumpcoins to avoid paying taxes.

It's like do you watch american tv? It's a literal shitshow of retards.

>> No.1279305

you have no idea what money/connections is needed to reach the right people or get any of this rolling. It's obviously possible, but it doesn't happen just because someone wishes it to.

I own 30k trump as a fun aside in my portifolio, noone should buy trump unless they are ready to hold them for 3+ months without profiting. Some people just get things done, you can sort of tell by the way they are, I have not encountered any such people amongst current trump owners/devs.

Time will pass, devs will get more panicky and work harder, smarter people will pick up amounts worth working to appreciate. Or it just stays mediocre. Every crypto is a risk of losing everything, Eth would've rolled over and died late last year, but microsoft came in and gave them the boost that made them survive. Now eth is the second largest crypto. That is how crazy these markets are.

>> No.1279307

Theres more volume on Yobit ya know.

>> No.1279308


but there is a guarantee for a long term rise?

>> No.1279312

Friday is when the how-to video gets released to explain to all the nocoiner Trump fans how to support the Trump campaign by buying Trumpcoins.

That's when we spread it around like wildfire. If you want in I highly suggest you get in before Friday.

>> No.1279336

i just told you that eth the current second largest crypto was basically ready to roll over and die 6 months ago. There are no guarantees in cryptos.

You are retarded though if you can't find spots to exit TRUMP at atleast even money over the next 5 months. So yeah you're pretty much guaranteed to not lose money if you have the patience.

you have no idea how the real world works. just because you post a video around on reddit/4chan/bct nothing much will happen. A real marketing campaign would cost a couple grand at the lowest and that is with volunteer work and contacts.

afaik 0 competent people are currently working on promoting the coin properly and unless something lights a fire under the devs/big holders asses it won't happen for a while.

>> No.1279370


>> No.1279379
File: 689 KB, 1600x1125, where ur maga m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1279399

i'm the one making the video

i don't remember saying friday but it'll likely be out around then

there are going to be at least 5 videos also all with seperate purposes and linking into one

>> No.1279418

>"a real marketing campaign would cost a couple grand at the lowest"

>what is viral marketing

>> No.1279423


You overestimate the american media.

All it takes is one NEETbux autismo posting racist shit on facebook/posting pics holding a gun and they find out he has trumpcoin.

The MSM in America is a literal meme factory.

Just a handful of headlines I've seen on CNN in the past few weeks and a few I made up

>Trump supporter doesn't tip waitress
>White girl doesn't sit next to black man on train
>X person tweeted something about female gamers
>Are XBOX Kinects racist?

>Yfw you can't tell which ones are real.
>Hint: it's all of them.

>> No.1279441
File: 258 KB, 1080x1920, 1461261981186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can most likely get this pretty broad attention, though I cannot reveal how for various reasons. I'm not really invested in any cryptos, but I am invested in making America great again. If some based anon wants to make it worth my while, I'll see what I can do.


>> No.1279622

This. When the media finally catches on this will be bigger than any of us can imagine.

It has all the ingredients to become a giganic story. It's about Trump, to do with campaign finance, it's a crypto.

Once this media wildfire starts I doubt it'll stop.

>> No.1279750
File: 4 KB, 511x42, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought 8€ worth of TRUMP!
help me buying my boat: TJjLWm1PfyRrpWUMZHDZKQqxAjQVL9XymQ

>> No.1279755
File: 176 KB, 572x511, cmon bernie you can do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will double your money if you buy before 7k satoshi. your going from 0.000034 to 0.00007 BTC

>> No.1279780

Can anyone go shilling this on other language boards? I think that would be a big well to tap, someone speak chinese?

>> No.1279821


We can start getting in investors from Japan, Chyna, Mexico.

Trumpcoin will go global. It will replace the US dollar as world reserve currency.

>> No.1279854

M8 your lying you just edit the source code on the page and changed the variables there isn't even that many btc in trump atm

>> No.1279880

is trumpcoin a scam?


>> No.1279892


that guy is a mentally ill person who has been trolling in chatboxes etc for a long time.

>> No.1279893
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, breaking-news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn on the tv!

>> No.1279905

I've got no clue how cryptocurrencies work but I'd love to get some startup trumpcoins just so I can learn how it works. How do I buy them with money? I'm willing to put in 100 dollars.

>> No.1279908

Forgot my address.

>> No.1279909

you create an account on blockchain then you buy BTC on localbitcoins and then you put your BTC on your C-CEX account and buy TRUMP. It took me like 1 hour to do the whole process.
If you have a big compooter you can also mine trumpcoin but you'll not get a lot of it

>> No.1279920

About to pledge $80 to our lord and saviour.

OP please help feed my hunger for luxury boats


>> No.1279925

cheers matey. My PC is pretty good but my internet is absolute shit. How do I mine trumpcoin? Sorry for the many questions but there are not a lot of helpful guides online.

>> No.1279936

Already have 5500 Trumps. MAGA fellow coiners, MAGA!

>> No.1279953


>> No.1279961

I'll be there soon

About to buy 4k I'll buy more before the big pump on friday

>> No.1279962


>> No.1279966

cheers m8

>> No.1279973

Where can I trade cryptocurrency?

>> No.1279986

trumpcoin is offered on yobit.net and c-rex.com

other exchanges that do not include trumpcoin are poloniex.com, bter.com, kraken.com and bittrex.com

>> No.1280003


Thanks man!
Gonna shill $30 on trump coin in your honor.

>> No.1280039

Just bought a few thousand. If it gets to 25 cents, I'll vote Trump.

>> No.1280058

if someone bought a few thou for 0.25 the price would change to 0.25, I've upped the price single handedly twice so far ~5K each time and bought for more than most were selling for.

>> No.1280085

Pump again please

>> No.1280093

17k @ 3500
i'm just going to set a ridiculously high sell order and sit it out for the summer

>> No.1280105

why is my trump coin wallet out of sync? how would i go about fixing that?

>> No.1280107

can someday send me a small amount as a test to see if I'll receive it?

>> No.1280111

sending 0.12345 TRUMP now

>> No.1280124
File: 24 KB, 969x459, trumoo coin out of sync.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you good sir but I still got nothing any idea why it would be out of sync?

>> No.1280138
File: 19 KB, 562x139, still out of sync.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still hasn't moved I've check windows fire wall and set the priority high as well

>> No.1280145

never mind it's moving slowly but surely now

>> No.1280163


Try leaving it for a few hrs / restarting it.

If it still isn't working you can delete the roaming files by opening explorer and going to %appdata%\trumpcoin v2. Backup your wallet.dat file, delete the whole folder and then run trumpcoin-qt again. It should recreate the folder automatically and start working.

^ Nb if you do this and you have Trumpcoins in your wallet don't forget to backup your wallet.dat file

>> No.1280180

Im gonna leave it for a few hours it is moving now just slowly but i take it this takes some time for everyone then?

>> No.1280223

can i still mine TRUMP?
do you know good pools?
also i see only 3 peers on the wallet, i'm starting to wonder if the only trumpcoiners in the world are in this thread?

>> No.1280270

when people say Trump = 7k Friday. What is the 7k referring to?

Sorry new to crypto, have 10k trump though

>> No.1280275

1 TRUMP = 7,000 U$D

Kiding, 7k satoshi.

>> No.1280300

7k Satoshi http://www.btcsatoshi.com

>> No.1280335
File: 129 KB, 260x391, 160417204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys. I'm fucking down to learn about crypto currencies. A few questions:

What exactly causes the price to rise or fall?

Is there a way to short altcoins?

>> No.1280398

I had my Trump wallet running in the background, and I got 2 incoming transactions, says they are mined trumpcoin. How does this work? I literally did nothing and coin is being generated into my wallet.

>> No.1280406

Does any of you know why I cant open the Trump wallet? I get this error: "insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service"

>> No.1280551
File: 66 KB, 296x640, 1439157342708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot mine TRUMP, leave that to the mexicans trying to dig through this glorious WALL. The market cap for it has went up to 275k USD during V2 launch. It is around 120k USD now. We'll be looking at 1million USD cap in a few weeks time.

You're staking. Your coins are used to keep the network running smoothly and securely - rewarding you with interest. Good goyim.

Stop trying to run it on a literal toaster

>> No.1280556

>marketing campaign

no, that was a small cartel of /biz/nessmen and a few whales on CCT. A real campaign would have us sailing luxury yachts on the methane seas of Titan by now.

>> No.1280557

I got 5 active connections in the wallet, so yeah I have no idea what's going on with that. Still, its basically free coins even if its very few.

>> No.1280563

your PC is a potato lamp
Oh cool thanks, where did you learn that?
when is a/the real campaign gonna start?
where do you see your connections? what wallet are you using?

>> No.1280564

I'm using the official TrumpCoin Wallet off their site. I see the number of connections when I hover my mouse over the wifi signal in the bottom right corner of the wallet.

>> No.1280568

oh sweet thanks.

My weight is 477, the trumpcoin network weight is 2010.
Does that mean I own 23.7% of all the Trumpcoins in existence or what.

>> No.1280570

That is not at all what it means. What it actually means I have no fucking idea. I just let the shit run and earn me coins to cash out later.

>> No.1281306

My trump wallet went out of sync 3 days ago and has not updated since. It does say that i have 5 connections but shit is just not moving!

>> No.1281348



You are my hero, as well.


>> No.1281355
File: 94 KB, 1366x738, V2 where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V2 launch
i can't find the V2 version of the QT.

>> No.1281370

>what causes the price to rise or fall

People buying and selling

>is there any way to short altcoins

Yes, usually there is

>> No.1281594


hahahaha, no. Lisk is hitting that dollar mark pretty soon. Investing half of my ETH in that.

>> No.1281650
File: 268 KB, 500x529, 14647466535530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1281690

I just inherited £500, not a lot I know, but is this worth a punt?

>> No.1281699

have 12k trump ready for the big pump on friday. Going to 7k!!!

>> No.1281724

Absolutely! Theres only upside!

>> No.1281768

Help a brother out


>> No.1281788


Can you please release them after 12pm EST?

>> No.1281815

Amazing how many big wallets are sitting tight.

>> No.1281828

help a poorfag make america great again

>> No.1281882

why don't they indicate YoBit on trumcoin.rocks?

>> No.1281915

TRUMP PUMP IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW. get in quick before we reach 4.5k sats. Already up 20% in 5 minutes

>> No.1281917

i looked at this, but i don't quite understand it. my exchange address isn't on it and isn't searchable. my address and total don't appear under the list. i have 1/4%. must i make a wallet to appear? do the exchanges appear as one of the mega-wallets.

on a side-note. i could sell now for a 20% profit, but i'll hold on. nothing really to lose. MAGA.

>> No.1281927

jesus christ kids

stop wasting your parents' money

>> No.1281940

You just can't handle these gains

>> No.1281965

it's not a release thing i was only recently commissioned to do them so they're still getting put together

>> No.1281997

The exchanges are the top 2 mega wallets.

>> No.1282010

Oh no! Trump Dump is now scheduled for 0500 Friday! Don't be last person holding!

>> No.1282014

Two questions:

What time will the mega pump happen and how much in usd are we talking about when it comes to trump coin price at peak.

2) I saw that yobit is not on the trump coin website, will that affect my bottom line?

>> No.1282019

Isn't Friday when the new video comes out? Why would it dump?

>> No.1282035

i'd advise not buying into everything you read here, and I'm saying that as the person who's making the videos

even if the video drops on friday (it may well not, i'd rather it look good than come out on some arbitrary hype schedule) its not going to be instantly viral and people won't be instantaneously convinced to buy. In time it should spread but as of right now folks are just hyping it up as a new "event" to pump and cash out on. Thats where the rise will come from and it may well rise Friday, but its the next week I'd say where more attention on the coin will begin to be seen.

I will be holding regardless but I would consider the next week to be more important than this friday (I am making between 3-5 videos with separate purposes, at least one of which should be coming out AROUND friday).

all the best

>> No.1282048

mini trump pump happening

>> No.1282131

I just initiated another pump on yobit. I'm gonna do it again later today so people have faith in Friday pump rumor. So buy now before I jack up the price even more.

>> No.1282147
File: 1.14 MB, 250x188, 1410575218963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to mine TRUMPCOIN?

>> No.1282164

Holy fuck. Every single thread at least two people ask this.

>> No.1282166
File: 73 KB, 958x550, minetrump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep your wallet open and let your coins become stake. pic related

>> No.1282250

This sounds like a meme though

>> No.1282253

When the video comes out (take your time, make it look good) that's when the proper marketing campaign for this coin begins. We can begin to spread it to the Trump supporters, the election campaign people, the media, Reddit etc.

The biggest problem I see with the coin right now is nobody know what it is, what it's for or how to get it. Once people can start to understand all that, that's when the coin really takes off.

>> No.1282256

How do I even buy trumpcoin?

>> No.1282260

Jesus christ, is it any way to make it go faster? It says "synchronizing with network 183754 blocks to go"

>> No.1282262

You only need the wallet if you want to stake. If you don't want to wait for wallet to sync you can just buy Trump on the exchanges and store it there.

>> No.1282269

Am I using CPU or GPU to solve problems or something? Is that the thing here? Also how does this help trump?

>> No.1282275

There are 200,000 TRUMP set aside my the creator of trumpcoin to use as donation money. Did you even read the website?

>> No.1282284

is in reply to

>> No.1282292

ye sorry, I did, but I don't really understand these cryptocurrencies.
I just dont get how me "mining" and getting trumpcoin for free will create any value.

>> No.1282311
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Are you guys seriously putting your money into this?

Look at the official Trump Coin website . . . it's riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, as if an idiot child put it together.

Good luck on your pump and dump and other related ancient Jewish traditions.

>> No.1282332

want some free trumps?

>> No.1282334

Mr Trump doesn't have time for apostrophes.

>> No.1282338


Anon, thank you but I have to concentrate on other investments.

Also, I'm sorry I called you guys Jewish. I didn't mean that, I love you guys. Good luck. MAGA

>> No.1282339

Yea, TLy5wJHVKXts1swxnvE6RHViGhAWCxemE8

>> No.1282341

I do. How the fuck do I get into this? How do I cash out? Also, where do I know my address? The fuck?

Someone step me through this nonsense. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.1282346

Thanks bro!

But I know that you secretly want those Trump gibs :)

>> No.1282349


Download the wallet, and under "Receive" you'll find your address.

To cash out first you need Trumpcoins, don't get ahead of yourself lol. But tl;dr you buy and sell them on a crypto exchange e.g. yobit.

>> No.1282356

Gotcha. So I can convert them to say, bitcoin, then bitcoin => USD?

I've got the wallet. It's synchronizing right now.

>> No.1282382

Pretty much yeah. All cryptos are traded in BTC. And if you are looking for an easy way to sell BTC for USD or vice versa I recommend localbitcoins.com

>> No.1282385

So tomorrow is supposed to be the 7k hype, but is that the most TRUMP has ever gone for? What is the current record for TRUMP prices?

>> No.1282387

If I remember right it hit 16000 at one point.

>> No.1282398

Really? Damn, that's fucking insane. Why are we all getting excited about 7k then? Clearly it has potential to do much better.

>> No.1282400

Can you explain to me what 7k and 16k mean? I'm a newb to this.

>> No.1282402

Ignore the decimal in bitcoin and count from the right

>> No.1282403

they say trumpcoin price is going to be 7000 satoshis
1 satoshi = 0.00000001 bitcoin

>> No.1282404

The amount of Satoshi's the coin is going for. Its just another fairly standardized metric for cheap coins.

>> No.1282503

>Really? Damn, that's fucking insane. Why are we all getting excited about 7k then? Clearly it has potential to do much better.
Damn striaght. And it has the potential to do much better than that. We give it a few months and get the word out, it could be 100k+.

Don't forget RonPaulCoin got to $10 a coin. Trumps are at $0.02 right now. Still a long way to go up.

>> No.1282507


>> No.1282531

Nah real price is closer to $0.02. It says 1c cause someone on yobit decided to dump all theirs down to 2000sat. The sells are still at 3500, and buys on c-cex also at 3300.

So that was just some idiot throwing away btc by selling for below market value.

>> No.1282591

Trumpcoin is created by signal7 I'm Germany 13 people with 10 btc each are going to dump for the third time on you sorry fucks look at the head and shoulders patter it's a pump and dump bear market might as we get in at a lower price and sell your trump now

>> No.1282604


pls bro poor as fuck over here

>> No.1282606

yes, thank you please!



>> No.1282615

Please help a poorfag trying to get his /biz/ on after growing up with no financial education due to lack of a father.


>> No.1282659

13 people are going to collude to lose money. Hasn't ever been enough volume for that kind of money to exit without crashing the price to nothing.

Get real fuck head.

TRUMP Lunar edition, coming soon.

>> No.1282681

LordD, gtfo pls

>> No.1282694
File: 28 KB, 738x206, Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 10.19.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, retard here. What does this even mean??

I'm assuming there's no possibility to mine with this yet?

>> No.1282704

seriously I get that it's a joke but wtf, no one is using this shit to buy stuff. It's literally a zero sum game, just make sure someone else's loss is your profit.

>> No.1282715

Worried I missed out due to bitcoin transfer delays, 13CBxvQtzg4YmM31uXfvcxmA2jgyw7m6eh

if any of you beautiful centipedes can spare anything


>> No.1282717

It's still cheap atm. Pump coming soon

>> No.1282720

Meh, you could say that about half the shit people invest in.

Derivatives, shorts, penny stocks

>> No.1282721

So many non believers, you can't stump the trump!!!

>> No.1282775
File: 44 KB, 807x1107, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google trends shows a huge increase in interest for trump coins, this will only inrease massively when the marketing videos come out

>> No.1282802

they're looking great, much better than i originally expected

>> No.1282817

damn, i need to get my hands on some trump coins, i guess.

umm, could i request for some friendly gift of trumpcoins?


thanks in advance, guys.

>> No.1282935

>every other ID

What is all this shit about Trumpcoin?

Why are all these threads about Trumpcoin if the trading volume litteraly is almost zero on both c-cex and yobit?

Please, somebody with half a brain explain it to me why this should be worth my time.

Give me some factual arguments or whatever no shills. Why, based on what grounds, should I invest $2000 in this?

>> No.1282937

WTF is all this?

Al gore! Are you using random global waring graphs again? The peak on the right is a 100.

So there were a 100 hits...that's nothing

>> No.1282938

The bet is that the only link to Trump (it's name) will get it picked up by reddit and used for donations to his campaign.

The most optimistic people expect it to be recognized at some point by the campaign itself.

All the shilling is trying to fuel the theoretical shuttle.

>> No.1282942

Ok, and what is your opinion on that bet? Also, what is happening this friday that makes it go to da moon?

>> No.1282947


>what is your opinion on that bet
idk, it was posted on the trump subreddit and gained 0 traction back then

>what is happening this friday
apparently a new advertising video will get posted and that "will" spark interest
but the last video posted a week ago only has 5 000 views so far

>> No.1282949

That's a real shitty video, my eyes hurt. Not that I don't like Donald but the video is poop.

Anyway, sounds like a farfetched bet to me, sounds to me like almost everyone on this board is shilling for life because the coin is inherently worthless.

>> No.1282993


The only people who shill trump here are literal 15 year olds who own $1 worth of trumpcoin bought from bitcoins they've begged or mined.

Plenty of reasons to own trump, but disregard everything you read by posters on this board, especially 9/10 people who talk about trumpcoin. Currently it's a coin held back by its community more than anything, most likely many of these people are anti trump in disguise.

If you google trump coin i'm sure the first result is the bct thread, and the people posting in there are so fucking stupid it hurts. They're actively discussing shilling trumpcoin in the thread, when a successful shill means people googling trump coin and being directed immediately to the thread where they're discussing their actions. Like how dumb can you be?

There is 0 reason to invest in trump if you're looking for a pay off within a months time, no competent individuals are currently doing productive shit to attract buyers. That said, this might change at any point, and the coin is extremely cheap compared to its potential. Nothing will probably happen with this coin before a lot of retards sell their stake, lets just put it that way. I'm pretty sure the only vocal part of the trump community right now are the people who hold under $25 worth, the rest are staying silent and waiting.

>> No.1282997

fools, the only coin you could reasonably shill and earn massive gains is Lisk coin. It is cheap, it has a relatively low supply, and it is nearing the psychological 1 dollar boarder, also, the makrket cap is 34 million. Jump in before it hits 1$, then 10$.

>> No.1283003

We will see. I own $4000 worth of lisk, so we will find out.

Ah I understand what you are saying. You know it's more a principal problem of me not wanting to buy Trumpcoins.

I mean speculating in crypto is already glorified gambling but buying trump if next level gambling and I don't like that. I hate gambiling when it comes to 'investing', but maybe I'll buy a few btc worth, I don't know.

>> No.1283014

>6x the supply of trump
>already 40x the price
Lisk is significantly overvalued compared to trump.

>> No.1283018

or trumpcoin is undervalued.
what should be the middle ground here?
trump at 150k?

>> No.1283024


>> No.1283030


Lol lisk? Did mommy and daddy never teach you about first mover advantage? Also do you have any understanding of how dumb running financial contracts on Javascript and node.js is?

>> No.1283031


yeah lisk is defunct tech. They need a miracle to stay even remotely relevant in the coming years.

>> No.1283037

do you kids know what lisk does?

>> No.1283041

Drop 95% of its value on launch?

>> No.1283044

3 weeks ago trump threads got a dozen replies and disappeared. The volume was in the hundreds.

This week they get over 100 and there's always one on the front page. Volume is in the thousands.

It's the most talked about crypto on the board. Think that over no trumpers.

>> No.1283059

It's a proof of stake coin that's essentially designed to do what Ethereum already does, except 1) it was late to market, 2) has had numerous delays in the core platform, 3) has very little in the way of viable development opportunities attached to it, and 4) generates relatively little excitement from the community since it has used the proof of stake model from the get-go, so there's no way to leverage community involvement/mining to develop more interest in development of the core & scaling of the platform.

>> No.1283073

It was proof of work for 2 months bro. There was plenty of time to mine this coin.

Sounds like you were the one late to the market.

>> No.1283120
File: 7 KB, 937x223, 6d6sSST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I dont get continous transactions like you do?

>> No.1283165


Are you autistic? It's a percentage of max search volume, not the actual count you tard.

>> No.1283184



And LSK is built on baby's first programming language.

>> No.1283203

It is kind of odd. I seriously thought trumpcoin was going to die off. I bought 5000 trumps at 10k and still kind of consider it loss. Hopefully it turns around.

>> No.1283205

I see you're right, then I even care less about that graph since there aren't even absolute number so the entire graph is useless.

>going from 1 to 2 is the same percentage increase as going from 100 to 200

>> No.1283230

Damn, when did it hit 10K?
I bought it at 3k

>> No.1283235

>designed to do what Ethereum already does

Vague, that's like saying Javascript was created to do what Java already does.

Lisk makes apps that would be used to replace Ebay, Amazon, Walmart online and implement a review system that won't be compromised by the retailer or site.

It will also make apps that will combat Amazon Echo and Google's Nesta

It wants to implement other apps that do work for a contract and as work is being done the reward is Lisk

Eth is a kickstarter/indiegogo replacement that makes dapps that ,for now, only serve as an unbiased intermediary.

For instance, if you invested in a kickstarted and they decide to just up and leave for some reason there's little chance you'll get your money, but with Eth your "money" is stored in escrow and when the terms of a contract is filled the Eth is permanently the retailers. Once the company is made, eth makes a bot that acts as the "CEO" and based on votes from investors, managers will be enacted by that ceo-bot.

Eth is more business/finance oriented, it's closest competitor is Factom.

Lisk is more commercial oriented and it's biggest competitor is Rise(which is based on Lisk).

Things are in the dark now because finding ways to solve real world problems takes creativity but there have been thousands of "next big" apps flunking for various reasons.

>> No.1283238

>Eth is more business/finance oriented, it's closest competitor is Factom.

But I should note that they're similar in that they (and Sia) target businesses but really Eth is unique and Factom's biggest competitor is Sia

>> No.1283241

There's no way a crypto app will replace Ebay. Amazon or Walmart. Read the names again, they are BIG and more people know real money than a crypto named Lisk. It will never replace anything.

>> No.1283264

In sitting in the space ship ready for this... Where is liftoff

>> No.1283289

independently? Sure.

With Chinese/Nordic adoption? Who's to say?

Regardless, Lisk is doing well atm.

>> No.1283294
File: 70 KB, 882x738, Trump compared to Lisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no scale on graph

Wow. Congrats, you're a tool.

Pic related: "Trumpcoin" search volume compared to "Lisk" search volume.

>> No.1283303

lol Lisk was just released on May 24, and has always been pitched as a proof-of-stake concept. You're retarded. If you're going to try to discredit me, you could at least try to use facts.


>> No.1283310

it's not friday yet, la

>> No.1283315

>Vague, that's like saying Javascript was created to do what Java already does.
No, it's like me saying that Java was created to do what C# already does.

Ultimately, Lisk is built on an inferior programming language, is insecure, and has way less volume and viability than Ethereum. It's an inferior coin, and it's an inferior platform, with less development behind it, and nothing to intrigue the layman into attempting to invest. Its ICO was delayed, they've had multiple issues with meeting dates, and they're currently on a path to crash & burn.

I get it, you're invested, and that's fine, go ahead and shill away, but Lisk as a platform and a commodity is inferior to Ethereum.

>> No.1283322


It is most definitely Friday, in just about every populated time zone around the world.

>> No.1283326

scratch that, it's Saturday in China. Which means this "great awakening" that was supposed to happen today with Trumpcoin has officially been a bust for the largest population of cryptocurrency users in the world.

>> No.1283329

Thats because people hyped a date I never specified

The video (the first of three actually) comes out this weekend

I'm not sure why people got friday in their heads but even if it came out today on the dot, it wouldnt be viral for at least a day or two

this friday 7k thing is nothing to get worked up over, take it easy

>> No.1283331

it's been higher than 7k in the past anyway, i dont quite understand why people got this worked up, hype shit when its ready not prior (i'd rather it look decent than abide by some arbitrary deadline)

>> No.1283358

>the banking on a propaganda video coin

> and nothing to intrigue the layman into attempting to invest

It's not supposed to appeal to laymans, it's not a fiat replacement after all, it's suppose to attract interest

and no, I've invested 0 on Lisk. I was informing you on why currencies like Lisk, Sia, Factom and rise would do better than simple fiat replacements like Trump.

I'm not saying that Lisk is competing with/will ever match eth. I'm explaining why they're different by outlaying their goals.

Any idiot can see why Lisk is inferior to Eth especially since Eth is 2 YEARS older with more development


>> No.1283368
File: 122 KB, 1956x1010, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe spell trump coin correctly
It's about a tenth of Lisk

>> No.1283369

k. I built my argument on eth being the superior coin, and everything you initially said appeared to attempt to contradict what I was saying.

That being said, I wouldn't invest in Lisk, not simply because it's an inferior coin, but more importantly, the dapp environment they've built is insecure. They are currently unable to secure the dapp environment, and as a result, have suggested that it would be a mistake to build any dapps on the mainnet at this point.

So, as of right now, Lisk's grand vision is pretty much dead in the water.

>> No.1283379
File: 23 KB, 577x428, 1458997599666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blessed be Trump, have a good day

>> No.1283383

m8, the thing is still in beta. I remember when people thought Eth would be dead in the water.

and yet it's value has gone up significantly for the last 2 days now

chill, I'm being neutral to this but you sound like when/if it sinks you'll pop a bottle.

>> No.1283396

>you sound like when/if it sinks you'll pop a bottle.

...I will. I don't like the way the dev team has handled the ICO or the mainnet launch, and their dapps are built on an insecure platform. It may improve, but without the security concerns addressed, I'd rather pay straight cash for everything than use Lisk to buy anything.

>> No.1283408

yeah, literally 1/2 acquisitions of a db and encryption buff and you're putting that bottle up on ebay.

Like one trip to the Pwnies to snipe one of the best hackers to work for them.

Of course it has the capacity to sink, but I've seen much vaguer, inane projects get hyped and sunk. This year there are at least 4/5 projects that want to do more than be edgy fiat replacements.

>> No.1283453

Any trump whales in here? I own 5%

>> No.1283466

>tfw 500 coins only
>ashamed but i'm young and don't earn enough to save or invest much.


MAGA anyways, guys.

>> No.1283478

500 is still a good start. Can't stump the trump

>> No.1283517

About to get some TRUMP. What wallets support Trump Coin? Or is it only browser based wallets?

>> No.1283522

download the official one.

>> No.1283627

I hate being a beggar but I am having trouble getting trump coins. Can somebody send to TG8ZjxCfckwwqTc1wu43877G6UVyDgSWbt

>> No.1283633

I've honestly been interested in these for awhile but I can never get ccex to work so how do I mine these?

>> No.1283655

You don't. Proof of stake model requires you to have trumps to earn more trumps.

>> No.1283661

>12 results just in this thread
Holy fuck, MODS should ban you.

>> No.1283719

So im military deployed overseas. Trying to buy some btc but coinbase and circle wont let me buy instant because of where I am. Anyone know another way?

or if you want to be nice

>> No.1283741

Guys buy some Trumps quick it looks like it might be pumping (I expect a 3x pump)

>> No.1283768

17NQogwCpRN6Ck2bQGX7JV9KY9QSEzTSj6 plz

but hoping trump coin fucking blitz's all others

>> No.1283776

Some strong buy support building for TRUMP. 1st video should be released tomorrow/sunday according to the creator. Should see our Trumps go up,at least, to 6.5k sats

>> No.1283778

Trumpcoin: the retarded 5 year old nephew of other shitcoins.

>> No.1283781

Shitting it's way to the moon though

>> No.1283884

Well, I'm up $100 on TRUMP today.

Not the 7k sat ya'll were saying but not complaining.

>> No.1283924

Friday isn't over. Still a way to go up.

>> No.1283943
File: 115 KB, 960x742, 1456800485927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody tell me how the trumpcoin wallet works?

>> No.1284011

Whats the better option, Megasync or browser download?

>> No.1284023

How do you mean? You have a wallet that stores your Trumpcoins. You can receive Trumps at your Receive address and you can send Trumps to anyone else's receive address.

Theyre both the same but go to the official website for official link, and also for Mac/Linux wallets.

>> No.1284039

Whats the official trump coin website? trumpcoin.rocks?

>> No.1284092

Yup. Links are all on there.

>> No.1284290

Are the 189k blocks all the transactions made with Trump Coin?

>> No.1284363

Yep that's the blockchain you're downloading. Wait for it to sync up and then you're good to go making crypto great again.

>> No.1284537

Just watched this cross 4000 satoshi. To the moon lads!

>> No.1284592

You guys are so fucking stupid. These coins provide NO VALUE to a commoner and will not last.

"Russia also wouldn’t be the first country to try a bitcoin knockoff. Bitcoin’s protocol is open source, allowing thousands of aspiring developers to tweak and introduce their own versions, which have been branded with such disparate images as JuggaloCoin and TrumpCoin. There have even been previous attempts to make a national cryptocurrency, like Iceland’s once vaunted, now failed Auroracoin."

You guys are fools they only people who are gonna be rich are the people scheming this. Telling you when to buy and sell.
You are being played.

>> No.1284604

It's always a gamble, a ponzi scheme. Some people will get out in time, some wont.
But we're early. It would be very difficult to lose.

>> No.1284658

TRUMP going big up 30% already and still increasing.


>> No.1284745

>Telling you when to buy and sell.
Yes your right, if this is how you trade you will get played.

Keep getting your information from sources that slurp on Keynesian koolaid all day is a sure fire way to lose your money.

On another note, iv'e noticed Trump coin is spiking in price, up 25% right not. My question is when does a "new day" start for the percentages base mark and is the market open on weekends?

>> No.1284750

>"new day"
probably 00:00 UTC

>is the market open on weekends
crypto markets are open for sure.

>> No.1284754

>crypto markets are open for sure.
Okay yes, this is what I mean't. Thanks.

Finally got ~2800 Trump! Lets go! Adding more soon.

>> No.1284770

2800 nice! currently sitting on around 4.9%

>> No.1284777


Any philanthropists in here?

>> No.1284789

I think it's a rolling 24h that they show the percent gain/lost, and also the volume. And yeah markets are open on 24/7 incl weekends.

>> No.1284850

Thats what I hear!

If I sent some Trump to my Trump wallet before is finished sync should the Trump coins show up once it is finished or did I just lose those coin?

>> No.1284852

the Trump coins show up once it is finished.
it's the last transaction so it shows in the last.

>> No.1284861

My trump wallet is staking less and less these days.
The amount of coins hasn't changed.
what do?

>> No.1284862

Does it take long to show up? The sync just completed but the Trump coin hasn't showed up yet. All you should have to do is copy the receive address and send the coin there right?

>> No.1284865

right and right.
just wait a bit. i bet it'll show up soon.

double check your wallet's address and what address you used to receive the coins.
human error is the most likely issue most of the time.

>> No.1285162

Trump holding steady at a 2cent coin lads

>> No.1285166

some people tried to dump, Trump held strong. We have a strong support at 2cent, its only going to go up from here!

>> No.1285181

>tfw trying to sync the trumpcoin wallet to buy trump coin over paypal right now

>> No.1285190

I assume you're the $20 guy from the other thread? I'll withhold buying for 45 minutes so you have time to get in at a cheaper price.

>> No.1285193

Haha yeah that's me, this damn trump wallet is taking months to sync though.
Maybe my internet is even shittier than I previously believed.

>> No.1285198

Took me about 4 hours to sync my wallet.

>> No.1285223

I'm probably looking at something similar then.
>32.77% done

You might not want to wait too long to buy then, as I still have a while to go.

>> No.1285235

I'm only buying a little bit (£60)
I'll probably buy tomorrow, bump your coins up a percentage or two

>> No.1285248

Thanks anon.

>> No.1285260

All those people dumping trump stocks.

>> No.1285263

Not a serious dumb yet, a couple of low sellers. only 100s of trump. Not much

Trump always bounces back to 2cent. The support at that level is consistent

>> No.1285272

i've made around $15 in the last few hours buying and selling between the high and lows. the volume is very low though. there's been 10-15% swings, but there is very little happening to be honest.
i can't imagine why people are selling at such a low price. if you bought 100@$0.01, why sell them at $0.02?

if trumpcoin can get on a better exchange then we'll see some decent rises. i suppose that will happen in time.

>> No.1285302

Will write poetry for $1 usd worth of trump coin... Can't figure out why c-cex won't accept paypal

>> No.1285306

>still no linux wallet

>> No.1285326

>implying Trump would ever touch crypto currency shit


>> No.1285343

Write me something about making bank and i'll help you out

>> No.1285354


the cash flows bank to bank, fund to fund
exchange to exchange
waiting for you to find it.

cup your hands and listen, friend;
the capital will grow as the river does run
if you listen to the soft murmurs of its heart.

do not let yourself give in.
it is true that many have failed.
you are not those men; you have learned from their mistakes.

wealth beyond all measure awaits you.


>> No.1285361

I'm sufficiently motivated

>> No.1285488
File: 43 KB, 720x783, 1441491603722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any plans to get trump onto a somewhat relevant exchange?

>> No.1285535

How do people pay tax on money earned through cryptocurrency?

>> No.1285543

Hahaha! Such a good little prol.

>> No.1285574

Is this not something that's usually done?

>> No.1285582

How can we accomplish that

>> No.1286663

With this volume and lack of movement, should be called CarsonCoin.

So sleepy

>> No.1286695

Marketing videos are nearly complete. Once those have been shilled to all trump supports the interest/support will shoot up

>> No.1286704

EVERYONE, get over to yobit, big trump pump in 12 minutes, 21:35 GMT. Help PUMP the trump to the moon

>> No.1286741

pushed it up 400sats and only just beginning good job guys keep it going. YUUUUUUGGGGEEEE

>> No.1286877

Pump fail.
so sleepy, this coin

>> No.1286916

Does it normally take awhile for the Trump coin orders to be filled on YoBit.net?

>> No.1286931

Depends what price. At market value it'll be instant. The majority of trump buyers are Americans so when it's early hours in the USA the market is mostly inactive

>> No.1286940

I just put in an order at the default price when the page loaded up. Only received 5 trump so far though.

>> No.1286962

You can raise your price slightly, look at the sell orders, when your price matches one of those you will get trump. Alternatively you can wait for someone to sell to you at your current, presumably lower, price

>> No.1286984

But my price was a few hundred sits higher than the current sell order at the time. How can I cancel and raise the price if I have too.

>> No.1287005

on yobit you just press the X next to your order.

>> No.1287031

Got it, beautiful. Thanks

>> No.1287140
File: 14 KB, 250x239, 1453392410611s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I doing this right ?

>> No.1287158

If you put a buy order above the current sell price it should've already filled I would've thought.

>> No.1287169

Yes, I had to increase my buy price higher to fill it faster. I realize now that if I set it at a lower price and buy up all the trump being sold up to that price I'm just creating a wall to prevent price drops past the set price with the remaining trumps on order.

>> No.1287389

Trump thread is biggest thread on /biz/ right now. Big things afoot.

>> No.1287404

Ha, thread's been here for a week and trumpcoin hasn't done shit. Protip: that's not a positive, especially when all the other coins have been rallying.

>> No.1288784
File: 275 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the other coins have been rallying

>> No.1288801


can I have some trump, will invest later when i have some money

>> No.1288816 [DELETED] 

>huge by support around 4k sats.
>Very weak sell pebbles, 0.3btc to jump 500sats.
>Marketing videos coming out soon so massive increase in demand
>Trump going to reach 10k Sats by the end of this week, Screencap this

>> No.1288824

Alt coins rallying?! Nice bait

>Trump coin massive buy support at 4k
>Steady at 4k sats today and still moving upwards
>Very little sell walls(0.4btc to jump 800sats)
>Top 100 wallets all holding or increasing their position
>Marketing video coming out soon which will lead to massive influx in demand for Trump'goodness

Trump will reach 10k sats by the end of this week, Screencap this!

>> No.1288833

Shout out to the guy with the 1 btc buy wall at 4016sats on yobit.

You're doing gods work!

>> No.1288838

Don't we have the best money?


>> No.1288957

4200 now with yuge buy support. It's starting lads.

>> No.1289023

4500! In seconds.

>> No.1289108

TRUMP is almost 5500 at yobit.

>> No.1289120

still holding 20k in my wallet. Not even phased.

Been holding for a month, and will hold until it quadruples at least. There is not a single coin with more potential for upside over the 5month range than this one.

>> No.1289140

i pumped c-cex to 6k on c-cex. hopefully demand will increase soon.

>> No.1289204

wew lads

>> No.1289345
File: 415 KB, 1500x965, 126549998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we really just hit 6400?

>> No.1289356

yes we are going to the moon

>> No.1289384
File: 160 KB, 1216x1600, 205552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6500 now lad. YUUUGE.

>> No.1289390
File: 440 KB, 2048x1532, 1254956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saddle up! Gains are looking good!

>> No.1289426

Looking great guys! Let's build some buy support around the 5k sats mark now and consolidate our position whilst the rocket refuels

>> No.1289434

Up 70%!!!!! Nearly 7k sats

>> No.1289470

Been trying to get in contact with Trump coin on Skype for like 4 days now to purchase some but he hasn't gotten back to me since the first time i got ahold of him

>> No.1289472

Autism: the post

>> No.1289487

Probably best to go the Bitcoin route then. Do so quickly though, we'll be 10k sats soon

>> No.1289512

Why does my trump wallet only stake literally 1/10th of all of my coins?

>> No.1289520


>> No.1289553

Lol it dipping back and staying at around 4.8k. TIME TO BUY, 10k by the end of the week.

Marketing video is complete, just waiting for dev's approval so we all have that to look forward to and SHILL THE FUCK out of when it releases

>> No.1289562

Just use localbitcoins to get the BTC and then get them on yobit/c-cex

>> No.1289566
File: 431 KB, 620x592, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1289574
File: 253 KB, 434x528, 1458352685607.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time trump supporter but first time crypto buyer here.

Just got a trumpcoin wallet and it's syncing pretty slowly. Am I still able to send/receive coins while this happens?


I'll just leave this here...for testing purposes.

>> No.1289577

>Am I still able to send/receive coins while this happens?
yes, but it'll show in the end, when the wallet has synced completely.
have fun and MAGA!

>> No.1289618
File: 171 KB, 490x445, shill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fund my shilling operations


>> No.1289670

Ya don't need to post it twice m9.

Sent. Good to see people doing their part to Make Crypto Great Again!!

>> No.1289677

Hey, if you are still in the mood.


thanks a lot.

>> No.1289703
File: 176 KB, 1332x1998, 2f8ed5d21a44b0e5886680cb9-big-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it fellow Trump fan.

>> No.1289708

thanks, man.

TrumpCoin to the moon!!!

>> No.1289721

boys we're going to 6k sats today!

Any new people there is still plenty of time to jump in and get your space on the rocketship!

I've been behind quite a few of the trump Q & A threads so if any of you would like to use my Yobit referral link i'd appreciate it, I'll even send you some trumps once you're set up

>sign up, I get trumps, I send you trumps


>> No.1289843

Hey /biz/
Help a fellow trumpsupporter out, eh?


>> No.1290248

How can I buy bitcoin with paypal (my only option right now)

>> No.1290277

>be me
>be trolling 4chan between fap sessions
>see all these trumpcoin posts
>believe in meme magic, buy 50k worth for 150$
>now worth 20x what I paid
>hold til November
> retire

or sell now?

>> No.1290297


i'll tell you why

scenario 1 -
Trump becomes POTUS
your 20x is going to become 200x, then you retire, and live off selling 1 or 2 coin every month.

scenario 2
even IF Trump loses, trumpcoins are going to be converted to teth tokens, which are, inevitably going to have some value. Possibly at least giving you the same which you are getting already.
Trade a bit more, earn a bit more. may be retire a few years later.

Trumpcoin is literally, no-loss coin.

>> No.1290301

spot on

>> No.1290302

If this dips back to previously stable levels then I will buy.

I see this recent pump as a show of force, it shows that it can still be pumped ( I don't even know if this pump was organized or not , volume was still low compared to April pumps)

This pump will undoubtedly build interest in the coin for those looking at charts

>> No.1290315

Fuck it lads, I'm in.
Not worried about buying a dip, this feels like it will at least hit Ron Paul coin levels, so whenever my bitcoins clear I'm grabbing muh trumps.

>> No.1290319


>> No.1290323


>> No.1290340

>they haven't started utilizing SEO/IM
>they haven't used scrapebox to comment on blogs
>they haven't started generating auto blogs reviewing the coin
>nobody has used free bing coupons to launch PPC campaigns

I think I'll stick with Eth.
Enjoy the low volume pump, LOL

>> No.1290711

Nice cope.


>> No.1290779
