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File: 483 KB, 1894x2048, IMG_20190217_165327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12784064 No.12784064 [Reply] [Original]

I think one of the common misconceptions is that Chainlink is itself is an oracle. I don’t believe this to be the case, at least at its core. As Sergey alluded to on the recent oracle panel discussion at EthDenver, it’s a general framework for connecting oracles with smart contracts. This is why it is called a decentralized oracle network not an actual oracle. I’m not calling Chainlink the next Amazon or Uber, but the general framework of Amazon and Uber is similar to Chainlink. Amazon doesn’t sell anything, but it provides a general framework for people to sell their goods. Uber doesn’t buy cars or pay drivers either. They both match buyers/passengers and sellers/drivers and keep a reputation system so people can use when trying to figure out who provides good products and who doesn’t. They also provide the framework for facilitating the contract between the two. Chainlink in that regard provides a general framework for some entity with data to sell it directly or for an oracle service to facilitate it for you. The reputation system keeps track of metrics so users can judge oracles and the service agreement contract makes sure they can both trust each other. Chainlink is not just providing basic oracles, but allowing people to offer a wide range of features, such as direct API connection, usage of TEEs, requiring deposits, multiple data sources, multiple oracles, added off-chain computation, and much more that is probably not even announced yet. So in conclusion, I think it’s important we start to visualize Chainlink as a framework for facilitating oracles and smart contracts as opposed to an actual oracle. I think when we look at it like this, most oracle competitors would chose to build on Chainlink if the network effects become large. Just like Amazon, you can chose to sell you oracle on your own website, but Amazon network effect are so big that you simply have to use it today if you want to succeed

>> No.12784081

>Israel has no right to exist.
And that's where I stopped reading.

>> No.12784095

You can also call it a library or archives of oracles.

>> No.12784099

chad alert the chad in the back got a finely chiseled jaw

>> No.12784105

Sergeys alpha aura gave that Chinese Indian the courage to drop the hand. Truly he was blessed.

>> No.12784109

Based. The only other thing to add is that it looks like they will offer one oracle, Town Crier, which happens to be the best implementation of TEEs to date.

>> No.12784110

>tfw no qt 3.14 gf who wears a chainlink t shirt and personally knows Sergey
Why even fucking live

>> No.12784113

Sergey permanently looks like a cardboard cutout

>> No.12784130

your loose butthole looks like a cardboard cutout.

>> No.12784131

Sergey is the same width as 2 of his work collegues

>> No.12784143

you shut up@!!!!@@^^^

>> No.12784151

Good write up marine. You’ve been thinking a lot about cl

>> No.12784157

almost 3

>> No.12784159
File: 28 KB, 320x221, -jChcjgPbPlMlczAIi4v_N5j07dDGTayP5l67TMsPyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else notice this is NOT the infamous lucky brand shirt?

>> No.12784173

Based and linkpilled. Thanks OP, this is legit the right perspective to have on what chainlink brings to the table

>> No.12784225

They look identical, what are you talking about

>> No.12784331


>> No.12784414

At this point u might as well start a trip code. A lot of the link gold that u Twit, may want to give some credit to the biz community. Sergey may not like biz, but it’s unironically the earliest and strongest link supporter since the IOC days

>> No.12784423


>> No.12784449

Why does Sergey keep a distance between him and the rest of the team ? What is he trying to say there ?

>> No.12784464
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay out of my personal space.

>> No.12784485
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, E8C6F5E9-030C-4FEA-AFA7-448DA71B454A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Distancing himself from a TRULY STINKY linky

>> No.12784509

Imagine not having autism. He hasn't worn lucky brand for months.

>> No.12784937
File: 1.39 MB, 1894x2048, steves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12784974


>> No.12784978

> Amazon doesn’t sell anything

I know you have read all the fba Amazon shit but zon sells products itself as well. In fact it buys successful "brands"and continues selling the products. Your analogy is dumb

>> No.12784996

What do you expect from the_crypto_oracle twitter namefag rlc shill?

>> No.12785005
File: 34 KB, 321x474, BBD55069-6AE4-49E7-AEF5-430308B1F8CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better

>> No.12785042

Sorry I don't follow faggots.

>> No.12785090

God I wish crypto oracle would stop the endless shills on twitter

>> No.12785109

in awe of the size of this lad

>> No.12785885 [DELETED] 

fuck off xaM

>> No.12785940

Go build something

>> No.12785978

Chainlink is like a toilet store, where you can select your choice from dozens of different toilets.

>> No.12786005

The crypto oracle tweeter is awesome. I’m a fan and bag holder of both LINK and RLC.
When Lambos and hookers

>> No.12786169

Don't make sweeping generalization fallacies, Amazon sells stuff they have their own brands, Amazon Studios, Amazon Web Services, and more.

>> No.12786380

Here he is again, I'm so sick of your go build something attitude. You act like all you do all day is build shit and that makes you better than everyone. I build shit too motherfucker all the fucking time.

>> No.12786499

Funny. The crypto Oracle stole that shit from me when I posted it on biz in another thread that day.

>> No.12786509

Who is to say that Chainlink won't offer outlying, surrounding products other than this oracle network? It's the central focal point right now. If they see an opportunity to build out something that supports the oracle network and monitize it, I bet they will.

>> No.12786559

You are correct OP, the network effect is immensely important.

Chainlink provides a platform and service to connect market makers with consumers at scale with little intervention comparatively to traditional businesses.
If they get it right, which they appear to be doing a great job - chainlink will be a wildfire.

In the 4th industrial revolution this is called exponential growth. Mind you, this will take time for the network effect to build and for it to gain momentum. I am not expecting $1000 upon main net but we should see healthy growth as blockchain is now starting to provide real value.

>> No.12786594

Wow we have a smarty here, holy shit you needed 2 years to figure that out?

>> No.12786616

jesus christ, this is insanely delusional. why would 'market makers' support a product with 1) a coin that doesn't do anything on its own 2) no mainnet 3) a service that is only capable of (exploitably) validating smart contracts, which have no real world proven use case? i'm a business owner, why would i integrate my payments with LINK rather than something with a decent product and UI normies can understand like REQ? how many fucking paid LINK shills post here?

>> No.12786812

You're right, chainlink is another shitcoin and it won't succeed. Request will go at least 1000x from here.

>> No.12786829


>> No.12786840

Im tired of holding since 2017.

>> No.12786848

nice refutation of any of those three points. link moon confirmed

>> No.12787500

He had to buy a new similar one because he was getting too fat for the original one and others were sold out.

>> No.12787582


Amazon sells almost half the items sold in the platform bozo. Go check a few random Amazon listings right now and tell me if amazon is in the buybox

>> No.12787587

Nice b8 m8, here’s a (you)

>> No.12788213

>1) a coin that doesn't do anything on its own
The token itself doesn't need any special properties, it just dictates a certain amount of utility on the network itself.

>i'm a business owner, why would i integrate my payments with LINK
Ok, well lets say you create a business. Lets make something off the top of our heads as an example: you create a business that pays out stock dividends using Bitcoin/Ethereum. Your business is handling millions of dollars and you want to make sure the payments take advantage of the security provided by smart contracts. Because you're business needs information outside of Bitcoins/Ethereums block chain (how much $ your customer has invested in a stock) you need a stream of data to enter into your smart contracts. You already came to the conclusion that you want your transactions to benefit from the security of smart contracts, you would need to ensure that the data entering into the smart contract is guaranteed by the same mechanism of security as the smart contract itself. You realize there is a network called "chainlink" which guarantees this level of security by allowing your data to be entered into your contract in a decentralized manner. At this stage of business, you don't care about a fancy UI because your customers arent operating on the transaction side of your business, you just want to ensure the dividends are being payed out in a secure manner to prevent settlement failure. You can still create a fancy GUI but the backbone of your business will incorporate chainlink oracles.

>> No.12788287

>The token itself doesn't need any special properties
nice cope

>as an example: you create a business that pays out stock dividends using Bitcoin/Ethereum
your example for a shitcoin usecase is 'you can gamble cryptocurrencies'. cool sounds like every toy project that aborted on launch in 2017. this is not 2017.

>You can still create a fancy GUI but the backbone of your business will incorporate chainlink oracles.
or you can use REQ and get the UI for free. you will need some REQ as a CODB though since a little is burned with each transaction. good thing the coin has actual value

>> No.12788364

are you the same anon I replied to? Id change?

>nice cope
Its not cope. Why are you shilling REQ then? Do you not realize REQ is an erc20 token just like LINK? Is every erc20 token worthless because they have no special properties? Unfortunately none of the tokens itself comes with magical properties to solve world hunger they are just tokens that dictate utility on a network. If you have trouble understanding this concept maybe this market is not for you.

>your example for a shitcoin usecase is 'you can gamble cryptocurrencies'. cool sounds like every toy project that aborted on launch in 2017. this is not 2017.
my example was payments of dividends with Bitcoin and Ethereum. At no point did I mention gambling, and it was just one simple example I quickly came up with. Other examples could be payments of insurance, cross border real estate, supply chain, tax records etc. We are talking about an area of the financial world totaling hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars. Unless you want to build giant chains around these markets (which is not feasibly scale-able on a decentralized network) you would need to connect them to legacy systems using oracles.

>or you can use REQ and get the UI for free. you will need some REQ as a CODB though since a little is burned with each transaction. good thing the coin has actual value
The token economics of REQ is wonky at best and any project advertising a token burn is one I generally stay away from as it cannot derive token value from network utility but rather relies on a state of artificially enforced deflation.

>> No.12788488

So what's the best platform to invest in crypto? I'm hoping for an easy cheap way to withdraw incase my country collapses and I have to flee to Europe.

>> No.12788492

depends what you're looking to invest in.

>> No.12788584

Link, holo and bitcoin. That's all really. Haven't looked into much else I'd trust.
Though that's just crypto. I've got other stocks I'd like to invest in but I'd keep that desperate for convenience if need be.

>> No.12788614

put FIAT into coinbase. Hold your bitcoin there.
LINK and HOLO use binance. I would suggest storing your investment off exchanges with either a physical wallet (ledger nano) or bare minimum using metamask

>> No.12788786


that girl is a real qt

>> No.12788986

>no tits

>> No.12789021

>he genuinely beleieves in REQ

>> No.12789203

Why not leave it in the exchanges? Isn't that basically a wallet in itself?
Safety reasons?

>> No.12789207

chinese indian? you mean Indonesian you dumb fuck? Burgers, surrounded by retards

>> No.12789219

>fusion ching chong island diarrhea.
satisfied, zipperhead?

>> No.12789221

>He's the height of a Chinese woman


>> No.12789317


>> No.12789318

you dont really "own" your investment if its sitting in an exchange. Your assets are at the complete mercy of that exchange.
I've been around this market long enough to see people getting fucked over. You are most likely safe keeping them on an exchange, but why risk it?

>> No.12789366

goddamn whos the qt

>> No.12789369

Security and in my opinion value. I believe exchanges like brokerages will loan out coins to people trying to short them for profit. So the platforms will make money by charging interest to lenders to lower the value of your investment.

>> No.12789400



>> No.12789402

I don't see how that means of brokerage is any different than if I take it into my private wallet. The market is still getting

>> No.12789439

That's Steve, the CTO

>> No.12789464

Taking it off the exchange/brokerage would decrease available amount so I'd imagine that would increase value

>> No.12789596

I tried not to kek, but in the end I keked

>> No.12789644


>> No.12790014
File: 12 KB, 472x472, 35DE9EEF-1B8C-441E-97B4-3FD7C22D8A7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When no one cares about our implementation :(

>> No.12790145
File: 233 KB, 1053x1092, We're all gonna make it - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12790300


>> No.12790684



>> No.12790717

where can i get the infamous sergey shirt?

>> No.12790726


>> No.12790728

is seergs the slenderman
his arm long af
must be because of bagholding