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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12778454 No.12778454 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to a brainlet why I shouldn't buy 0xbtc? If pow is what gives BTC value, shouldn't that extend to 0xbtx?

>> No.12778466 [DELETED] 

1/10 shill attempt. Better luck next time Ranjeesh sage

>> No.12778608


>> No.12778651

You had enough time to accumulate below 0.002ETH, don't say you aren't done yet

>> No.12778670

pow is only one of the qualities contributing to Bitcoin's current value. 0xbtc lacks the most important one.

>> No.12778673

First mover advantage.

>> No.12778687

Btc has lightning network now. 0xbtc can't scale.

>> No.12778912

But 0xbtc is on the eth network, so it scales with eth right?

>> No.12778917

It's not even real pow, the just use it as a really inefficient method of coin generation. The transactions are verified through pow by ethereum miners. So it's basically nothing more than an ERC token that is capped at 21million

>> No.12778941

Bitcoin fucking NEEDS the PoW system to function. This shit is an Ethereum token, it's not mined. All the supply already exists.

>> No.12778988

It’s locked in the smart contract, to say it already exists is false. The smart contract mints tokens when the solution is found. Also 0xBTC uses PoW to distibute the tokens, which is far more superior than a airdrop or ICO. It eliminates monarchs and foul play so it’s simply put the most decentralized way of distribution.

>> No.12778989

You are placing bets on eth scaling and people wanting another coin just like btc while btc already exists. There are hundreds of tokens built onto ethereum and they will all need fast transactions.

>> No.12779011

>It exists in the smart contract, to say it already exists is false

Ok buddy enjoy your fake PoW pajeetcoin.

>> No.12779035

It’s for the distribution which you activley ignored to include in your greentext.

Go ahead and look up 0xBitcoin on google trends, then tell me how many results show up in India. NONE

>> No.12779049

I'd still get some in the case people start falling for the "BTC" branding of this token and make a few bucks along the way

>> No.12779282
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>> No.12779294
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>> No.12779328

you have value of this in the name

>> No.12779381

The coin will derive its value from the miners mining it. They dont come to mine for free.

>> No.12779382

Nice price action today, just look at that fucking market buy 5 minutes ago, are there news or something?

>> No.12779399

Fucking Christ, are you niggers not done yet with shilling this scam, pathetic.

>> No.12779443

>and they will recoil with fear and disgust

>> No.12779446

Buying 0xBitcoin at 0.20$ is like buying Bitcoin at 0.20$.

See you in 3 years Brainlets to buy my 100x Bags.

>> No.12779464

If you're a brainlet you should definitely buy. It's made for you.

>> No.12779742

Nobody knows the time of the price singularity.
But when it happens, everyone will know.
All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"
A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason.
Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.
IDEX will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy 0xBTC will see 404.
Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.
The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.
0xBTC will reach unimaginably high prices within minutes.
Every no0xBTCer's eyes will watch. The tiny 0xBTC diamond on coinmarketcap will be reflected in their eyes.
However, the ones who knew..the ones who had heard, but didn't listen..
their diamonds will be distorted by tears.
As these tears fall onto rapidly moving fingers that are refreshing IDEX or etherdelta multiple times,
Haunting music rings in their ears infinitely.
The harrowing noise of the bells causes the no0xBTCer's soul to shiver...and scream.
Biz will be filled with 0xBTC memes. All threads will be titled "You had your chance."
Monitors will be smashed. Laptops broken in half. Weddings, family reunions, graduation ceremonies, and other social events across the world will be plagued by the audible cries of no0xBTCers who knew the path but didn't take it.
Their hopelessness crushes them inside, but they keep having to wageslave, and forcing a smile on their face every day to avoid ever being asked "what's wrong?" again will eat away at their sanity.
This soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and no0xBTCer syndrome will be added to DSM-V and heavily studied.
Most normies will continue enjoying their playpens.
But the ones who knew..
they will become uncomfortably intimate with despair...
For they know they missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and another precious path to freedom has disappeared forever.

>> No.12779756
File: 544 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190217-140729_Trust Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, got in at 11 cents. Would kms if I bought at ath of $5 (you guys are mad salty calling it a pajeet scamcoin when you bought the top)

>> No.12779825
File: 20 KB, 890x570, 0xbtctoastinfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Bitcoin or trying to be Bitcoin. It's just got the same stats as Bitcoin like reward per block and difficulty adjustments and so on. It's a Bitcoin-like token built on top of Ethereum. This means mining it is for distribution and isn't required to secure 0xBitcoin. That makes it immun to 51% attacks. You have to attack Ethereum to allow double spends on 0xBitcoin.

For the love of God why can't /biz understand this token. And by the way, there are many, many projects working to increase scalability for Ethereum. With the Constantinople and Serenity updates, the erc-20 token ecosystem will get a boost. State channels can be upgraded like Raiden and there are off-chain sidechains in the works. Pic related is from the contract deployer, Infernal Toast, whom is also working on Lava Wallet, an off-chain relayer network that helps non-eth holders pay for gas by paying a relayer in 0xBitcoin or other erc-20 tokens.

>> No.12780023

>Bitcoin in the name (This alone will make it 10x)
>Low marketcap
>140+IQ Devs working on it (Not a single Jeet)
>Lava wallet (Concept out before Vitalik mentioned it)
>First mover advantage in the mineable token space
>Unique concept
>Merge mining
>Initial mining offering possibilities
>Fairest distribution of ANY crypto so far. No single entity owns the contract or a majority of coins
>Lives on the ethereum blockchain so Eth itself would have to be 51% attacked for this to die
>Hashrate increased 10x the past months
>Vitalik himself holds some (Check his wallet)
>It works and will scale alongside eth, will have ethereums upgrades as they come.

Tell me again why this won't increase in value

>> No.12780177

You sold me. What's a good buy price?

>> No.12780270

I told some people at ETHDenver about it.

>> No.12780309

I've stopped trying to educate biztards. Lets enjoy our stealth phase for a bit longer.

>> No.12780344

Its ath was $5, so anything under 70 cents is a steal IMO

>> No.12780413


Yes, becaue no one anywhere in the world gives a fuck about this shitcoin except for the 1 pajeet who copy and pasted the BTC code into an ERC20 and then shilled the fuck out of it in the most retarded way imaginable. The only reason this exists was so Ranjeet the 0xBTC dev could scam brainlets into funding his move to a better shitting street.

>> No.12780423

The guy who wrote the contract is white you triple nigger, he did a fucking youtube interview

>> No.12780427


This is one of about 10 coins that are diluting the Bitcoin brand now. Nobody is going to actually buy or use this just because it has Bitcoin in the name except for fucking retarded pajeets with sub 80 iqs who can’t see how stupid that shill is.

>> No.12780431

Hahaha you had your time to accumulate. Sorry you are missing this rocket.

>> No.12780437

Yeah and the only kinda "OK" Bitcoinbrand Coin with a 1 Million Marketcap. LOL

>> No.12780465




>> No.12780544

These kids are gonna kill themselves after realizing they spent all their time fudding something they should have been accumulating

>> No.12780546

Getting in below 0.0025 is really really good. Will be hard to buy at mercatox considering theres a whale there scooping it up, but IDEX and FD still have a bunch for sale in the 0.002 region

>> No.12780547

Repugnantly UnFUD'able,

>> No.12780551

To be completely honest with you i will not buy any coin or token trying to piggy back off of the btc name. Whether you know it or not 0xbtc has already failed because it refused to be its own solution. In the dotcom bubble the best technology failed. What succeeded were the companies that had user and industry adoption. If in the future bitcoin succeeds then there will be no need for a 0xbtc token to exist. If in the future btc ultimately fails then so will 0xbtc for bearing the name of a scam.

>> No.12780565

Sorry that was me who bought 4k 0xbtc and erased every sell order in the 6k sats range

>> No.12780588

An alternative scenario - bitcoin development continues to be a clusterfuck, while ethereum development becomes less of a clusterfuck, at which point there is potentiall for 0xbtc to be actually technically superior to bitcoin, while retaining the same economics. Maybe not likely, but the moon possibility is there, and since everybody's just speculating anyway, the perception is what matters for now

>> No.12780646

The thing with 0xBTC is that it's not like the other 50 scamforks of BTC. It's an idea, a token with the properties of Bitcoin living on Ethereum.
The concept of Bitcoin implemented on Ethereum. It's not trying to overthrow BTC or be a cashgrab like Bitcoin gold/diamond. It's a 100% community driven coin not made to try and improve BTC like all these shitforks.

>> No.12780664

I bet you will feel very bad when we read the Marketcap of BCH, BSV or most likely BTG Bitcoin Gold.

>> No.12780669


>> No.12780706


Based and redpilled. OxBTC is just a shitty knockoff of BTC. The same people buying this are the people who buy Addidass sneakers at the flea market for $5 thinking they can flip them for a huge profit on eBay since they’re “just like Adidas.” I hope they enjoy holding those bags. Maybe they can flip them for a 3% gain someday.

>> No.12780723
File: 1.02 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190217-163505_CM Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, u mad you didnt buy in at 11 cents?

>> No.12780750


Reading the MCs of those forks—and ABC and SV are actual BTC forks—is the only time you’ll ever see that MC, pajeet. You got lucky when it was pumped over $4. Now your only hope for a “moon” is if a Discord PND group targets it due to the relatively low supply. But you’d just get dumped on again.

>> No.12780795

>Maybe they can flip them for a 3% gain someday.
Says smartass anon, as 0xbtc is up 30% from yesterday and the largest buy walls in a long time are appearing. And you're still talking about pajeets despite the fact that the contract deployer is white and there isn't a single actual indian involved in the project, the foundation, etc

>> No.12780804

2019 is the year of the ETH BTC flippening as it has to accure before the BTC Halvening. I wonder what happens to your ABC and SV Marketcap then.

>> No.12780840

Its good to see some people who have actually done the research and know what they are talking about. I kinda hope the price drops below 20 cents so I can accumulate more

>> No.12780842

Bitcoin doesn't work in the Ethereum ecosystem :)

>> No.12781214

0xBTC is one of my largest holdings. When Ethereum goes PoS, 0xBTC will be the only legitimate onramp of value onto the network through mining. PoS will devalue Ether and relegate it to use solely as gas, instead of as a currency, due to the infinite inflation rate. 0xBTC, a PoW minted asset, will become "hard money" on Ethereum. It's a fucking steal at these prices. 0xBTC will enter its way into mainstream discussion on Ethereum economics as the PoS transition nears.

>> No.12781223

infinite supply*. Inflation rate will be steady at x% per year but I meant to say the supply will continue to grow limitlessly.

>> No.12781314

Mining Difficulty raising as well as prices. We gonna have our second pump :). Normies are exposed to 0xBTC on Coinmarketcap as a TOP gainer.

>> No.12781318

Difficulty and hashrate are rising, yes, but please learn to read charts

>> No.12781987

Let's enjoy it is right. Could care less about these pumps, but that 0xBTC is one of the most undervalued cryptocurrencies to exist.

>> No.12782039

Anybody can send vitalik any fucking shitcoin LOL

>> No.12782058

>down 98% from ATH
>becomes 96%

>> No.12782082

most eth scaling is on layer 2

>no brand identity
>nobody wants it after a full year
>just one 110iq british shitskin
>wallets only impress pajeets
>minereum came in early 2017, and pow as a distribution model for tokens was shipped with ethereum to the point full working examples were part of the solidity v0.4.0 tutorials
>see above
>merge mining is pajeetry
>pajeet buzzword with no value, nobody wants to waste energy. pow in bitcoin secures the network, distribution is a distant second place
>dev and his pals mined the token at low difficulty using several addresses for months, distribution far more unfair than even pyramidal tokens like P3D
>endless shitcoins live on eth, i could create an erc20 called "5oyckWIE is a fag" and it would live forever on the ethereum blockchain too
>retards love to waste hashrate. vertcoin has a lot more hashrate, doesn't make it any less shit
>vitalik has some because you faggots sent him some, like every other spam erc20 out there
>will not scale with eth as eth scales through L2 right now, doesn't work as it has no utility, secures nothing and isn't fairly distributed

but despite all that it can increase in value, because of shit liquidity + pajeet price manipulation. a global bull run would bring it up too. if fundamentals were everything, we wouldn't have dash or neo in top20

>> No.12782169

How can you call vertcoin a piece of shit? Fuck you faggot. VTC is one of the oldest coins and anti asic isn't a meme. I'm tired of you nonminers who legitimately don't get. You just don't get it.

>> No.12782229

It's not scarce. I can create today a 0xBitcoin2 with 100M supply and it would have the same properties as 0xBitcoin. The natural price of this token is $0.

>> No.12782258

That's a brilliant idea. And if you did no one will mine your shitty token.

>> No.12782285

The natural price of this fud is 0 (braincells)

>> No.12782295

Why? 0xBitcoin only have fake mining. Nothing of calue behind it. The real value is createx by ethereum miners.

>> No.12782330
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Imagine claiming that a shitcoin like Minereum is PoW when it's actually just a calling of the contract without actual hashing. Minereum is susceptible to Sybil attacks and literally had a set of 500 "genesis wallets" for the creators.

0xBTC uses actual hashpower as its PoW, which can't be faked or spammed.

Also you say distribution is far more unfair like P3D shitcoins but:

1) You're just baselessly making shit up
2) Less than 20% of total tokens have even been mined so far. How can they have mined a massive amount of tokens early on when in the first couple months barely 5% of the total supply had been mined?

Get better FUD.

>> No.12782681

Speaking of the "devs mined a quadrillion 0xbtc into a quintillion wallets in the first few months" claim, this was a concern for me before I bought in and I did a cursory investigation of the creation date of the contract, the subreddit, etc. A lot were mined by the first GPU miner, but we're talking 50-100k at most out of what is currently 4 million. Other than that, there doesn't seem to have been anything unusual.

However, to really put this question to rest, someone can probably get the data off the chain and do an analysis of the time distribution calls to the mint function and track where all the tokens that were mined in the first few months went. It would be difficult to hide anything genuinely nefarious, since you'd have to create a large number of wallets in a nonrandom but unpredictable way that mimics natural adoption by miners. I can't be bothered to do that work since I believe the probability of it being a scam is near zero after my cursory investigation, but some 0xbtc person might want to do it just to put that particular FUD to rest.

>> No.12782716

Lmao what do you mean "nothing unusual", what exactly are you expecting? There is literally no way to tell if the devs own one wallet or one thousand. Except by using your common sense, of course.

>> No.12782734

Engage your reading comprehension anon. Tell me how you would propose to create 1000 wallets and mine into them in such a way that it's impossible to detect after the fact that they were done by the same person with some rudimentary forensics. At the very least, it would take a hell of a lot more foresight and careful planning than the "0xbtc is a pajeet scam" guys credit the devs with, and realistically I don't see how you can do it.

>> No.12782775

Bro how big of a number do you think 1000 is? I could create 1000 wallets by fucking hand never mind with a script lol. How would you detect it? It will never be worth anyone's time to do proper chain analysis on this garbage so no one would ever find out

>> No.12782806

For fuck's sake just use your brain for two seconds. Today, a year on, there are 5000 wallets total holding 0xbtc. Let's say you're the dev and in month 1 you want to create some big number of wallets and mine into them. How would you determine the correct time to create each wallet? Randomly? What kinds of clusters should you have? How will you account for actual other miners and adapt the times to mimic those patterns? How about the number of coins in each wallet? Other tokens someone might put into the wallets? Transfers and movements? If you don't see how you can get a vast amount of information about the miners with minimal effort you seriously lack imagination. I could do this myself in a few days, but I'm not going to bother because I'm fairly sure I know what I'd find (nothing), and someone else will probably end up doing it sooner or later anyway.

>> No.12782819

Total bullshit. Look at a 0xBitcoin mint resulting in reward (50 0xBTC) just 45 minutes ago.
Function: mint(uint256 nonce, bytes32 challenge_digest)

MethodID: 0x1801fbe5
[0]: 00b853acfd6f824833020000000000000000000000000000000000007b1dfe20
[1]: 0000000000000cac3fd36bbfeca7f3b3b7d136304e2aac96534d434bc17f0e59
First argument: Solution
Second argument: Digest (less than or equal to the Difficulty target)
which is why it got a reward, the work is proven done and checked valid by the contract.

>> No.12782845

those of us who have been watching the blockchain since "back when" 0xBTC was deployed already know this guy is completely full of shit. Poke around in some of the "wallet" addresses holding 0xBTC and you'll see a broad range of real activity, real portfolios of tokens and ETH alike, and of course trading. FUD doesn't work on people who know how to do even basic research with a block explorer. As much as they hate to admit it, 0xBTC is gaining momentum.

>> No.12782850

> How would you determine the correct time to create each wallet? Randomly? What kinds of clusters should you have? How will you account for actual other miners and adapt the times to mimic those patterns? How about the number of coins in each wallet?
HAHAHAHAHA. Bro only the dumbest of the dumb hold this shit. You could create one wallet exactly every 100 seconds and put exactly 100 tokens in it and no one would ever ever notice. Who is going to spend time actually analysing some worthless shitturd. Are you? Cos I'm not.
No one is. Basic BASIC randomisation of values will render your scam undetected till the end of time.

>> No.12782879

Anon, I hate to break this to you, but you are literally retarded. The thing about BASIC randomization, or any kind of randomization, is that it LOOKS RANDOM, and IS STATISTICALLY RANDOM. Actual adoption does not look random and is not statistically random. If your only argument is that "this is a scam that would take one person two days to uncover, but nobody will ever uncover it because nobody cares", then I don't even know what to say to you.

>> No.12782886
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 0xbtc123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons on the fence better DYOR or risk missing out, because these fudsters have no idea what they are talking about

>> No.12782941

> If your only argument is that "this is a scam that would take one person two days to uncover, but nobody will ever uncover it because nobody cares"
Yep that sounds about right. Proper chain analysis takes time and expertise and good software, I can't imagine anyone ever wasting any of that on this worthless trash.

>> No.12782953

"Proper chain analysis" on a one year old token with 5000 holders can be done on my laptop by me with no special software, and I'm nobody special either. Each additional post you make shows more and more that you have a lot of confidence in your preconceived notions but very little actual understanding or critical thought.

>> No.12782983

>"Proper chain analysis" on a one year old token with 5000 holders can be done on my laptop by me with no special software
And yet here you are, hands empty. You're obviously heavy into this rubbish and yet haven't even bothered to verify it for yourself. Further validating my point. Hilarious.

>> No.12783005

I'm not affiliated with the 0xbtc team and I only hold a small amount, so it's not relevant to me. I just had this thought about how to answer the "devs secretly mined all the coins" fud, so I posted it since this thread was here in case anyone else felt like it was a good idea to do. It's been fun completely demolishing all your "arguments" though, good talk anon.

>> No.12783019

He's a lazy loudmouth idiot. The analysis is exceedingly simple, especially if you look at the nonces. Tokens are only minted when valid PoW is submitted and the evidence points to what was obvious in the first place: lots of miners.

Guess what the original contract deployer is doing? Mining on a 1060 and buying on exchanges. Sorry that you're used to devs shitting all over you, but the FUD posted in this thread is garbage tier.

>> No.12783023

> It's been fun completely demolishing all your "arguments
Haha what exactly did you demolish? I said that no one would waste their time analysing this worthless garbage, then you said that you could easily do it but you couldn't be bothered to.
Fucking kek
>good talk
You're welcome.

>> No.12783036

>The analysis is exceedingly simple
Off you go then.
Didn't think so. Bunch of brainlet bluffers holding this coin, no wonder their so easy to scam.

>> No.12783052

First you claimed that the dev could just make 1000 wallets, and I explained why that would be easily detectable. It took you a couple of posts to grasp the idea but eventually we got there. Then you claimed that he could just "randomize" his wallet creation, so I shut that down as well. Now all you're left with is the argument that nobody will ever bother to do a simple analysis because nobody involved cares at all about their money. I really would do the analysis myself, but that would be letting you win in a way, and I can't have that. gg

>> No.12783062
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>> No.12783069
File: 103 KB, 512x512, 0xbtcwondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're mining, your friends are mining, the guys in the discord are mining, the people in the telegram are mining, people --here-- are mining, and the people too dumb to do it are FUDDing in the face of overwhelming evidence: probably so they can try and buy cheaper

Keep it ignorant, biz

>> No.12783096

So totally btfo you can't even find any words to post? I get it, the chans can be a tough place. You'll do better next time.

I know I shouldn't enjoy mocking brainlets in internet arguments, but I can't help it, I'm a bad person

>> No.12783111

I don't believe in the "fudding to make it cheaper" thing in most cases. A lot of anons just get attached to hating on a coin, it's an easy way to feel smart.

>> No.12783127

2 down, 11 to go
work harder rankeesh, then i'll grace you with debunking your points a second time

>> No.12783155

i'll grant you i live in the first world, so it's hard to give a fuck about pow save as a necessary solution for bitcoin, and temporary fix for ethereum

>> No.12783177

lol yeah they're just dumb angry people who hate anything they don't own. It's super easy to mine and the community is full of helpful people, but no, they'd rather rant and rave ON THE INTERNET

>> No.12783182

>I really would do the analysis myself, but that would be letting you win
So your two choices are either: do the analysis and I win, or don't do the analysis, proving my entire argument correct.... and I win.
You have only two options and they both result in me winning. Therefor the argument is already over.
Since there is nothing more to add materially, I thought I would close with a picture of you, for posterity (see: previous post).

>> No.12783227

pankreesh, it's time to stop larping just because you're lurking stackexchange. computers are not magic toilet gods, nor is randomisation a binary switch. i'll send you 1 eth if you can wipe your shit-covered fingers to tell me which of the following sequences are computer generated randomness:

1 3 5 8 12 34 7 10 11 68

3 44 3 7 13 56 2 2 81 13

4 17 21 13 88 56 34 85 12 55

41 8 23 45 33 36 78 25 90 47

do your best. remember, that's a full month salary on the line

>> No.12783236

since you have no rebuttal, the offer is open to you too, rajit. chop chop

>> No.12783266

What's a Pankreesh? Why are you making up nonsense words and series of numbers rather than a cogent argument? You can't even keep track of who you're replying to on this crap board software. laff

>> No.12783271

Good job formulating an "argument" based on a bit of meaningless throwaway snideness I put in. Let's face it, you're not cut out to have this argument with me, so you shouldn't have replied to my original post on this topic in the first place. Give it a rest.

>> No.12783280
File: 54 KB, 1128x644, hash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hash rate is getting my dick hard.

>> No.12783325

First of all, I'm white and almost certainly considerably richer than you, unless you're also financially independent. Second, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually attempting to argue and not just waving your dick, so let me ask you this - do you appreciate the difference between detecting nonrandom patterns in a one year long series of wallet creation timestamps and coin amounts, compared to trying to detect structure in sequences of 10 numbers? I'm sure you do, so what exactly are you trying to say here?

>> No.12783791

- I can mine it myself (doing so now and have been) on all my standard hardware
- Good deflationary economics, good fundamentals as a currency and I've verified no premine
- I read the contract (ofc) and it passes muster
- it's been independently audited
- it's passed my test as a store of value during turbulence of ETH and BTC's prices
- it'll scale with ETH and software designed for 0xBTC will work on standard ERC20s
- I've traded it profitably
- The only people fudding it are racist morons...

this is unironically checking all the right boxes for me. Keep arguing, I'll be busy

>> No.12783798

holy fuck this literally reached 100 replies

>> No.12783863

Biggest buy walls in history, we're talking serious money at this point. 3% gains? More like 30%, repeatedly, if you're trading sensibly. Accumulating and making a profit doing it. And the shit of it is, the tech is solid too

>> No.12783994

He could just look at the nonces, because 0xBTC once minted is identifiable to the proof of work hash that permitted the generation of the tokens from potential supply. But I don't think this guy has the smarts to know what those are, nor the inclination to actually form a reasonable argument

>> No.12784037

My dick is hard as shit after seeing that

>> No.12784114

its Rajesh faggt, and I am from Mangalore and I am eating prawn curry right now while my amd mines some 0xbtc

>> No.12784355

Mangalore, eh. Sounds delicious.
By the way 0xBTC was deployed by a guy in the Midwest. Not that it would even matter who deployed it since the contract is immutable, no one has outside control (easily verified fact) and he even burned contract ownership

>> No.12784980

two magic words 0x + BTC

>> No.12785664

This coin will go to 100 Million Marketcap, and every Cryptonewsoutlet will have a story.

>> No.12786443

Mining 0xBitcoin doesn't secure the network as it has no network. The real mining is done by ethereum miners so anyone can create 0xBitcoin2 with the same properties of 0xBitcoin. There is no scarcity = no value. It doesn't matter how much you want to spin it, the economics don't lie.

>> No.12786818

But you can make absolutely the same argument against BTC and all of its scam forks but BTC still has immense value because it was first. Just like 0xbtc in the mineable token space.

>> No.12786916

But why are people putting 15 TH/s into this right now?

>> No.12786924

my apologies sirs, buy 0xbtc we go to moons

>> No.12786942

post hand, my white friend pankreesh

>> No.12786965

anon you're a discord currynigger who can't even figure out ids or understand 10 number long series on a cantonese rice trading message board notorious for spitting on shills, and here you think you're going to convince anyone to buy your shitcoin bags
at least take inspiration from your buttbuddy who is marginally smarter in coating his bullshit. your own stink smells all the way from india

>> No.12786972

Unless, of course, 0xBTC mining is integrated into future dapps as a provably fair system to select arbitrary authority.

If you have a relay system, for instance, and multiple relayers would cause inefficiencies, you set the contract such that the last address to mine a block has relaying rights until the next block is mined. Thus, 0xBTC mining secures secondary layers. This same logic can be applied to the governance of sidechains.

Basic primer here: https://medium.com/@admazzola/a-revolutionary-new-ethereum-smart-contract-pow-king-of-the-hill-5b68e6d9a51c

>> No.12787102

The controversy around d this Coin reminds me of the Controversy around BTC in the early days.

Controversy leads to Moonmissions.

>> No.12787193
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Here you go anon, happy to help

>> No.12787245

The coin is trash that’s why. Team is clueless. No funds for listings. SEC asslickers. Toxic community of brain dead homos

>> No.12787368

The work the community is putting in to develop contracts around, and make better mining software for, 0xBTC increases appeal. ERC918s are going to change the space, especially with the changes Ethereum is undergoing. 0xBTC is like the flagship for what's going to be a surge of Merge-Mined tokens, the mining of which doesn't detract from their 0xBTC hashrate (win-win). SEDO has already adopted this model, though they're not making a currency.

>> No.12787394
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>> No.12787417

It reminds me of the controversy around bitconnect

>> No.12787486

Pow isn't what gives anything value, Marxist retard.
It's utility in facilitating transactions that makes money valuable.

>> No.12787542


Objectively false. BTC wouldn't have value if the network didn't exist. Ripple is a shitcoin because it is centralized and has no pow.

>> No.12787684
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All the brainlet tier fud against this feels so damn good when you know none of it makes any sense.
Enjoy fudding a coin that will make you want to kill yourself when you realize you were wrong and missed out on a opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.12787685

This shit is going to make me so fucking rich

>> No.12788114

You and me both my friend

>> No.12788131

How much do you need? What's a realistic price target?

>> No.12788154


>> No.12788415

Is 2100 enough guys?

>> No.12788644

Is 2100BTC at 17 000 000 circ enough to make it?

2100 at 4 000 000 circ should be plenty

>> No.12789454

To compare it to BTC itself that way is a little over-optimistic I think. But I'd say $15 is easily achievable if things go well, which is already a 50x, and if all the stars align and we get really lucky even $100+ isn't out of the question. That's particularly true if there's another massive bull run and a $1 to $2 billion market cap starts to seem small again. But that's pretty pie in the sky so I certainly wouldn't make any life plans based on that.

>> No.12790167

i bought at $3 around $6000 worth of 0xBTC
and i fucking hate every single one of u faggots who shills it
its a dead community project that is never going anywhere
im selling as soon as i can break even.

>> No.12790198

>it's a dead community project that is never going anywhere
>i'm selling as soon as it 10xes
Well you definitely seem to be the kind of person who'd buy near ATH and get rekt. It's not healthy to dwell on anger and hate due to your own actions and stupidity though

>> No.12790235

the mods will eventually ban 0xBTC threads because of you discords and your faggotry shilling it constantly.

>> No.12790277
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Oh no, they're SHILLING COINS? On /biz/?? Someone call the authorities!
Unironically though it feels pretty great to get into a coin at less than 10% of the price someone else paid, thanks anon

>> No.12790792

I have no Idea why they are so hateful in the case of 0xbtc. These guys prefers empty promises about other projects or what?

>> No.12790911

/biz/ still lives in a shitty ICO area, they prefer to invest in shitty scams like link (35% of TOTAL SUPPLY IN CIRCULATION, my sides) and holoshits and things like that. It actually feels good, i already know that the day this goes even beyond 10$ will be the best day of my life, /biz/ will be flooded with 0xbtc threads saying "what did i say faggots i told you to invest", screencap this

>> No.12791466
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People are going to look back at this just like they did ETH and BTC. They'll wonder why they sat there with there thumb up there ass denying them self a chance to relieve themselves of Economic Tyranny. BTC, Satoshis true white paper was to be a Peer to Peer Electronic cash system meant to replace the current system of Monarch Printing money machines. While the Rothchilds continuing to fuck over the planet and the banks keep loaning 90% of the money they don't even have. Charging interest that can only be replaced at a loan. 0xBTC is literally a way out of this. BTC will always be the great big grand daddy, but that's all its going to be. At this point I'm continuing to watch forum basket weavers literally denying the most blatant and obvious turn in crypto currency. If you haven't gotten it by now this whole thing is bigger than Miners, and Market buyers. This is the natural evolution of the white paper presented to us by Satoshi back in 2008.
Also Screen Cap me too Faggots.

>> No.12791489


All these dubs are making me nervous...

>> No.12791625

Yeah, but this could happen even with btc or not? It is only matter of time when someone would accept to get a loan of more btc than actually exist in the form of some "future contract". Wouldn't it be the same as with fiat in few decades?

>> No.12791952
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>> No.12792061
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The mods of the 0xBTC discord are so dumb they can't even check the user count

>> No.12792214


>> No.12792300

Thank you Jannies for allowing this ORGANIC thread to live

>> No.12793192

Pajeets are the only one fudding this

>> No.12794498
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0xcoin is gonna make me so fucking rich and advance the human civilization beyond the currently simulated shit reality

>> No.12794698

Already works on testnet- this was discussed recently in the discord voice chat

>> No.12794972


>> No.12795087

I took a bunch of adderall so here you go

0xbtc has a circ supply of 4 mill

Check the whitepaper, no premine , no ico, bitcoin on the ethereum blockchain.

What this does is allow for a seperate bitcoin community never tainted by mt gox or an unnamed creator who hoarded hundreds of thousands of coins before the 19k bullrun.

The creator of 0xbtc is in discord everyday, got a problem and he will help in a second.

Im rarely this nice but I wany biz to know what a once in a lifetime opportunity looks like.

Buying 0xbtc under a dollar is the same as buying eth under a dollar, its your money..will you choose to make it?