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File: 780 KB, 1157x708, house8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12778090 No.12778090 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't individuals between the ages of 22 and 36 buying homes anymore?

>> No.12778099
File: 10 KB, 190x207, 1548963124527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u buy a car bitch
rather living in chicago than that shithole

>> No.12778102

35 boomer here. I own a home, but its worth $40k less than I got it for right now, so negative equity and I’m upside down. Got for $180k, now its $140k.

>> No.12778119

>3 bathrooms
Why would you need more than 2?

>> No.12778177
File: 796 B, 20x20, 81F8539B-0117-446C-8E75-A694A7BA6FAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individuals throughout time traditionally did not buy houses at that age group, couples and growing families did. Anyone with two brain cells working in the same direction knows (as a percentage in the West) fewer people in that age group are coupling as an income pair (marriage or pseudo-marriage) and even fewer are having children. Add to that more people are migrating to large cities where the demand for apartments is greater.
Plus, niggers.

>> No.12778180

So you're bad at buying real estate?

>> No.12778181

I'm 28, will be buying a house in the next few months. AMA

>> No.12778186
File: 18 KB, 112x112, GWqlabsDuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times are u going to make this thread nigger

>> No.12778209

cute house

>> No.12778249 [DELETED] 

im waiting for the next big crash. i want to buy some fag boomers mc mansion that was worth 4 million for 200k

>> No.12778277

How is that even possible when everything keeps going up?
Yeah you and everyone else. Don't hold your breath.

>> No.12778282

Don't forget mexicans taking the cheaper housing rather than young americans starting families.

>> No.12778290 [DELETED] 

you underestimate how many boomers there are compared to youngsters dude. there will be too many houses once these boomers croak for the market to not crash

>> No.12778473

Dear millennials

Thank you for not buying homes, it's much better to rent and stay flexible. Besides, you don't want to be in big scary debt all your life, do you? I didn't think so.

- T. Landlord

>> No.12778567
File: 626 KB, 652x562, 1548621104423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are 100% sure that you will be gainfully employed in your same city for the next 10+ years, buying a house isn't worth it.

I have a friend who bought a house, got fired from his job ~6 months later, had to move across the country for the only new job he could find, and now he's paying rent in his new city plus the mortgage payment on the house he bought in the previous city.

He tries to rent out rooms in the old house to cover the mortgage payments, but basically every time a potential tenant wants to do a tour, he has to spend his whole weekend and $500 on plane tickets just to fly over and give the potential tenant a tour.

Between the house constantly being less than 100% occupied, the money he spends flying back and forth, and the opportunity cost, this friend is losing insane amounts of money and the house purchase was one of the worst financial decisions he ever made.

Just rent, unless you're 100% sure you'll have a job in the same city forever.

>> No.12778587

> flying to give property tours
> what is a property management company?

>> No.12778606

why would I buy property when I can just put my excess savings into a mix of US equities and high yield savings accounts.

>> No.12778615

time to block all housing references still this thread comes up every day

>> No.12778767

Multiply property tax by 40. Add that to the interest you'll pay on a 40 year loan.

Everyone just needs to stop paying their mortgage and let the banks do the rest.

>> No.12778794

This. Im from spain and it's impossible to move on your own without a girl that also is a waggie. The only people living on their own come from rich parents, got lucky with an internet entrepeneurship meme, or are autistic high IQ STEMcels or something.

Buy and hold Bitcoin and move into a McMansion in 2030, meanwhile just take pills to sleep all day.

>> No.12778797

Do we really need this same thread everyday?

>> No.12778803

The bubble is popping, albeit slowly.

>> No.12778808

Two of them are obviously en suite you fucking plebeian.

>> No.12778812

"real state" is retarded, everyone doing that comes from boomer bubble rich parents, who the fuck wants a mortgage in an unstable as fuck waggie economy

more expenses

>> No.12778814

That’s absolutely adorable. Fucking kill me please.

>> No.12778816

yea this "friend" sounds like hes dumber then a bag of rocks

>> No.12778880

>Posts one of the most expensive areas in the world to live
>"Hur thur why aren't-"

Fuck you. You can get a similar house in Winsor for 200k

>> No.12778916

newfag detected

>> No.12778930

At this rate anybody who will buy this house will become a meme. Good investment for e-thot.

>> No.12778949

I live in southern California and if you make under 150K you are lower class and will never afford a home in a area that isn't a fucking favela

>> No.12779131

Go to North California, Redding or so. How bad is there?