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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12760454 No.12760454 [Reply] [Original]

>never gonna make it.
>31 years old
>Turbine Mechanic, started as a millwright at age 18
>1M net worth, just bought my 2nd home.
>50/hr, time and a half for every hour after 8 in a day, time and a half for every hour on saturday, double time for sundays.
>Welding side job when not working
>Legit drowning in pussy.
>buying $400 in BTC per week while it's this fucking low.
>Retire at 35, fuck and do blow for the rest of my life



>> No.12760480
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How do

>> No.12760483

sorry but theres no way youre making over $100k a yr as a turbine mechanic. i went to purdue for aviation technology and the average salary for airplane mechanics is $60k or less. fuck you

>> No.12760516


You dumb dipshit cuck, you clearly don't understand that I made 60k when I fucking started. you don't understand that I work in fucking nuclear plants on HP STEAM TURBINES and clearly don't understand that it takes YEARS OF WORK IN THE SAME FIELD to earn 100k plus without a college degree. AIRPLANE MECHANICS ARE DIPSHIT KEKS. I push a crew for 91 hour weeks for sometimes months at a time. this job is dangerous. rigging, changing conditions, constant heat and environmental stress, plus radiological safety in bwr plants.

seriously, kill yourself because I'm 31 with a high school diploma and fucking made 200k for the first time in my life last year. (I worked 7 months out of the year, 84-91 hour weeks)


>> No.12760520

talk to your local union. get in as a millwright. fucking work your way up. PUT IN THE GOD DAMN WORK.

or get a college degree and be a field engineer. they are always bitching about how they make less thanus though.

>> No.12760633

Just got in with my local union hall, think I'll have a good rep if I have experience in Excel programming and PLC projects? I'm good with my hands and can weld too but also like the computer aspect of industrial plants.

>> No.12760645


>drowning in pussy

this bear market sure has people coping

>> No.12760650

Prove it then else you're a larping cuck. Any Nigerian niglet and his aids wank monkey can access the internet and type words now.

Youre just a little HIV positive dropped meat pie until proven otherwise you cum gargling fuckwit

>> No.12760672
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>works nightshift for years on end
>is being irradiated
>expects to maintain his health and get his dick up without meds in a few years

>> No.12760677

Laborer here. 20 years old, $20.5/hr base pay. I get Friday and Saturday night time and a half/double time 3rd shift. I’m currently doing tunneling work 250 feet underground. Will I make it?

Where do you live? I live in Indiana

>> No.12760697

Yeah no thanks. I was going to get an engineering job with them but I didn’t want to live out of a hotel for 300 days of the year

>> No.12760860
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lol you're a pussy. You can get per diem and stay in shitty motels and make like 4k a week AFTER TAXES and get insane bonuses for extra work. FE on my job got a 20k bonus for ONE WEEK of extra work. It's all profit sharing for FE's and higher.

Me, I just looked over my time and I got 5 months off last year and averaged $55.60 an hour straight time.

My last job last spring ended May 05 and I didn't go back to work until august and then I ended my fall season in october and didn't go back to work until last week of January

$200k working 2100 hours for the year. get fucked. I stay in $250/wk motels so every time im on site I get about an extra $900 a week in per diem


Also, I get like 0.1-0.3 mrem per night working in a bwr. in pwr's you dont even need a doscimeter.

I'm not posting any of the pictures ive snapped in nukes but heres one I got in the last paper mill I worked a few years ago.

get fucked bitches. I'm sobering up and have to be up at 345PM.

traveling the world and fucking tinder thots while making bank is amazing.

I own two homes, one 30 mins from theocean and just bought a cabin in asheville, nc.

fuck all of you cucks and especially fuck mods, fuck jannies and fuck niggers and fuck kikes.

I will retire from crypto by 35. my crypto portfolio is 175k rn. I'm balls deep in btc, nano, decred, eos, monero, and fucking EFEREIUM

>> No.12761079

Ask me how I know you hate your family

>> No.12761135

105 hour a weeker here, you'll toughen up eventually op.

>> No.12761156

I've worked 60 hours a couple of times and still felt like I had plenty of free time

>> No.12761174

This rage

I'm 19 and have a networth of 700k

>> No.12761181

Congrats on becoming a NEET

>> No.12761220

Anyone else have no desire to be working 90hrs per week?
I don't even want to work 40hrs because my time is more valuable.
Just imagine grinding so hard you turn in to a Stalker and have to convince yourself it was worth it?
Ever notice these people speak about working like this to break free eventually?
Well I make 1/10 that and am free.

>> No.12761249

>move numbers around on a computer from home in my pajamas for 7.5 hours a day
>made $204k gross

hey I still win OP.

>> No.12761487

yeah I have been doing average of 70+ hours a week for years
>t.controls engineer
I get to sit on a laptop in a factory browsing biz all day and trading crypto and stocks
>gonna drop 200k into BTC/ETH when BTC goes sub 2k, hopefully sometime in the summer or fall potentially

>> No.12761699

Nice job, OP. Can I become a Chad Welder at 31 after being a NEET from 18 to 30?

>> No.12761762

>I worked 7 months out of the year, 84-91 hour weeks
why not just work 12 months and reduce your hours massively?

>> No.12761782

What are you angry about? Relax.

>> No.12761806

and you made at least 10 times that for your boss. Kek stay slave

>> No.12761823

When the world monetary system switches to crypto you'll be a rich man, but do you think it will be good for the world? I think it'll be a bit mad as in, suddenly, government actually needs a balanced budget. There is no debt on the blockchain, right?
Most states will have to significantly cut costs

>> No.12761837

Post proof you larping faggot get back to wrenching you grease monkey cuck making $20/hr

>> No.12761900

>Well I make 1/10 that and am free.
his goal is financial independence, you are not free

>> No.12761946

im a waiter, in a 12 hour day i make about 350 450 dollars with tips and hours included on the weekeend

>> No.12761961

this is redpilled if you're a burger, but in most other countries you'll be lucky to make $20/h, and you'll need to suck cock for state certs as well, no "earning your way" through starting at the bottom
if you ever wonder why the gilets jaunes movement is a thing...

>> No.12762070

He has brain damage from lack of sleep, causing him to have uncontrollable rage.

>> No.12762073

It's the same in burgerland. the reason op is making so much money in a no skill labor position is because it's long hours and it's HIGHLY dangerous. His saving are going to be spent on health bills.

>> No.12762095
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i'm not sure what is funnier - this guy working a million hours a week, breaking his body and spirit to make less than most small business owners.... or people on biz wanting proof that someone in their 30's earns 200k working tons of overtime in a hazardous field

never change biz, always stay poor

>> No.12762172

>he doesn’t put $2500 in crypto when he’s 18 and retire when he’s 24
Good luck with all that though, sounds like a blast

>> No.12762195

god anon please fuck em in the asshole and let me part of your crew.a non

>> No.12762311

Go figure, the guy without a college degree who works 100 hour weeks is a raging faggot

>> No.12762786

Honest answer? Federal Reserve will create a digital stablecoin called something stupid like eUSD and to withdraw from bank to get actual paper cash, it will be converted at exchange rate against that electronic cash. While this is being forced onto people, the Fed will start to go into negative interest rates, like -1.5% which will punish people sitting on cash ( see savers getting screwed over even more ). When people try to take out their cash, it will be converted against the eUSD, so for example if the Fed decides to implement negative interest rates, when you try to take out cash to just hold onto it for 0% rate instead of getting it taken, whenever you need to convert it back into eUSD ( for most transactions and bills and new laws that limit transactions over certain amount of dollars to "combat terrorism" ) you will convert 100 cash into 98.5 eUSD into your Bank account.
This is how they will screw people over even more than they already screw people right now for the past 10 nears basically 0% interest on money.
Trying to force people into investments, equity, etc to "spur" the economy, welcome to hell.

>> No.12762807


>> No.12762837

I don’t know what planet you’re living on OP but male smv peaks between 26-30

>> No.12763079

Enjoy your heart attack at 35

>> No.12763609


>> No.12763773

Nah, fuck that. Just be smart and its pretty low effort to retire early. I'm on track to retire in 10 years and I'm only 23.

>> No.12763785
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Im 36, own 2 homes 15 mins from the ocean have zero debt and work for the gov.
Ive lived life on easy mode and scored only the best non-thot pussy with little or no effort. They gravitate to me because they want to live my lazy carefree lifestyle.
Youve fucked up. Youve worked for your money whilst the jews whipped you and demanded more hours from you. My boss is the US tax payer and they arent even looking. Im shitposting from my A/c office right now 20 mins from the ocean with music blaring from my desktop radio in my office.
Ive already made it. Gov employees work until theyre 75 because its not even work, its just something to do to not get bored whilst collecting a check. I can take as much vaction as I want.
Work smart not hard.

>> No.12763822

>wageslave and proud
kek, don't cry too hard when you get your shit confiscated to pay for our NEETgibs™

>> No.12763871

I’d rather be a wageslave than a poor neet. Rich neet>>>>>wagecuck>>welfare neet

>> No.12763876

with what amount of money and what monthly expenses? are you having kids? you are in for a rude fucking surprise

>> No.12763941

Make about 50k after taxes in a flyover state. No kids, no plans for kids. Bought a house as soon as I could find a 3 bdrm under 70k, been living in it for 2 years now with a couple tenants. My monthly expenses are just under 600$. I'm also in the process of leveraging a few tax deeds for some properties. I make the maximum contributions to my IRA and max allowable for my 401k which is matched 50% to 1st 5% contributed. I've been working and saving since I was 16 but its never ruled my life.

>> No.12764084

Additionally, I try to spend as little as I can on fun things, so I had to learn to be handy and this has helped me keep maintenance costs on my car down. I almost never hire contractors if the work can be done with a few weeks of research. I try to do as much as I can myself. It has saved me so much in the long run and I have learned a lot. This all also excludes my dads(RIP) properties which I don't make a cent from because a few relatives live in them and I don't like making money off family. I'm sure I'm a kid in your eyes but with patience and planning, barring bad luck, most things can be reasonably accomplished.

>> No.12764118
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what a good little wagie you are! keep working hard for Daddy!

>> No.12764250

>Flyover state
Breh, idk how youre making 50k there, however you really should plan for the day that source of income ends. Are you self employed?

>> No.12764292

>Bought a house as soon as I could find a 3 bdrm under 70k, been living in it for 2 years now with a couple tenants.
A grown man living with roommates in his own house.


>> No.12764307

Based as FUCK

>> No.12764310

No, my title is SysAdmin but I'm basically a glorified helpdesk tech with all the responsibilities of a systems engineer. My manager wants me to specialize but I want to keep my horizons open. So long as I keep doing what I'm doing, I'll be the Sr. SysAdmin in 3-4 more years. Lot of vertical growth in the place I'm at but I'm not really shooting high.

>> No.12764339

They basically pay my mortgage and utilities. Their a bit older than me and their responsible and reliable. Never any bullshit. They don't bother me at all and they both have their utility in terms of handiness.

>> No.12764352

fucked up they're twice. I blame me being sick.

>> No.12764400

That's cool and all but the stress you are putting on your body is going to take years off your life and destroy your insides.


I work a trade and the most I'll put in is 30 hours a week. But I'm in great shape and have no pain. My pay rate is $50/hr and obviously I could work 90 hour weeks and make fat cash quick but what you're doing to your body is not worth the price.

>> No.12764478
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>$200k working 2100 hours for the year.
>I own two homes, one 30 mins from theocean and just bought a cabin in asheville, nc.
>I will retire from crypto by 35. my crypto portfolio is 175k rn. I'm balls deep in btc, nano, decred, eos, monero, and fucking EFEREIUM
And the cream
>fuck all of you cucks and especially fuck mods, fuck jannies and fuck niggers and fuck kikes.
Absolutely fucking based wtf I love OP now??? but cut out the degeneracy and allow God to save your soul. How do I make it as an undergrad civil engineer, OP?

>> No.12764553

If you work 91 hours a week at $25 an hour your making 100k a year

>> No.12764578

Hey if you don't eat sleep or do anything that is required by humans and you earn an average US salary, it will take you around 14 years just to be able to afford the downpayment for a house.

Just let that sink in.

>> No.12764592

the funny meme of life is all of your days past the age of 35 are barley worth living

>> No.12764593
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>If you work 91 hours a week at $25 an hour your making 100k a year
so all these time you've been talking about pretax income? pathetic

>> No.12764687
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... wow, dude you and I have two totally different expectations for our retirements. You're kidding yourself if you think you can save an adequate amount of money to retire by 33. For example - if you paid NO BILLS and NO TAXES, you would save $500,000 in 10 years. If you planned to live until 75 - that gives you $11,900 a year to live on. This doesn't even account for inflation. You're either going to live a life of poverty, or you're going to need a LOT more cash.

>> No.12764744

it's a shame /biz/ is polluted with zoomers that will never understand how based this mindset is

>> No.12765382

I want to lick her. I want to lick her feet and suckle them. Holy shit.

>> No.12765408
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Based ragie wagie

>> No.12765565


excuse me Sir. Kek is not a dipshit!

>> No.12765833
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It’s true, millwrights can make a lot, and work long hours. I did a little here and there with them as a welder, now I just do pipe welding in food plants / cold storage. Tig and stick. Anyhow there’s a lot of good paying construction type jobs out there that pay well and have massive overtime potential. You just have to sacrifice comfort and and the daily routine most jobs offer. A good way to make money sure, but a lot of these workers abuse substances and have shaky relationships, night shifts and traveling after money will do that I guess.

>> No.12766088

This is some serious crab bucket mentality

>> No.12766459

>There is no debt on the blockchain, right?
>the government will surely adopt a currency which it cannot regulate!

>> No.12766672

Sometimes I work up to 112 hours a week at 34 per hour. OT after 8 epr day. Drowning in nothing really. I'm married and have a family. But things could be worse. Kek

>> No.12766748

Sounds like a miserable empty life desu. I hope you find something that gives your life meaning.

>> No.12767148


Sounds like the type of guy who would work with turbines.

>> No.12767168

> I work 90 hours a week!
> Not including my side job!
> And I'm drowning in pussy!
The worst invention ever was the larp