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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12757163 No.12757163 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do? How would you find meaning? What would make you happy?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.12757185

i would get balls deep into mountaineering and get an initiative going to bring kids from the hood out climbing. it's a great discipline that forces accountability and cooperation. plus nice views.

>> No.12757190

i would travel the world and partake in everything i could.

>> No.12757196

Start a for-profit 4chan business school called the Business Innovation Zone or BIZ

6month online MBA program taught by only the best posters in the world

BTC is just the beginning for my students

>> No.12757205

Lay on my deck and read a lot, also hike a lot more since I live in the blue ridge mountains.

>> No.12757214

what if u encounter a bear or mountain lion? unironically one of my biggest fears

>> No.12757223

Is six figure 100k or 1mm?

>> No.12757240


I'd work casually on things like Youtube videos, doing them exactly the way I want them to be done, without concern for results. If these projects worked out, cool. If not, ah well, I still have the 6 figures a year.

>> No.12757254

bears are actually very non threatening in my experience. predictable to behave and generally amicable, i mean people have even been able to keep them as pets in many cases. the only sketchy animal encounter i've had was with a bull moose. i'm probably more anxious around people than wild animals t b h

>> No.12757263
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Travel the world and eat as much female ass as humanly possible.

>> No.12757273

Travel the world living in each country one month at a time and then moving to the next. Currently at $4k/mo passive income once I get that up to $10k I'm doing it.

>> No.12757277

enjoy your parasites

>> No.12757279

Help my aging mother who is being taken advantage of by shitty company owners. She always tells me about how much she wants to move to Newfoundland. Buying her a home there so she can retired comfortably would make me happy.

>> No.12757281

Also this

>> No.12757288


Not if the woman bathes.

>> No.12757294

fuck bitches

>> No.12757297

Can't wait for the ass eating meme to expire.

>> No.12757331

Play video games, lift weights, work at fast food places to seduce fresh teen pussy that are old enough to legally fuck but naive enough to impress with cars and money.

>> No.12757401


Wew lad you should use yours to take some math classes

>> No.12757449


>> No.12758691

I’d attend university and try to earn as many degrees as I can. On the weekends, maybe I’ll partake in geek conventions.

>> No.12758749

Write a novel

>> No.12758791
File: 120 KB, 524x900, DuUclfXUYAAT4bl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed anon
Go with God

>> No.12758899

What's your way for passive income anon? Thanks

>> No.12758911

i'd probably stream vidya games more, and donate money to anti-racism programs
I live in seattle and those chinese niggas are racist as fuck, its a real problem

>> No.12758918

Flipping houses and hotels

>> No.12759572

I would buy and shoot so many damn guns. also probably spend an equal amount of time outdoors and playing video games

>> No.12759607

i would get into politics with half of that income i could make a hell of a difference here.

>> No.12759652

>Not if the woman bathes.

Anon, does not understand how parasites work.

>> No.12759703

Same but for music, I wouldn't care about the saturated market and just create what I like to create

>> No.12759811

I would get limb lengthening surgery because being short sucks ass. Enjoying life is the easiest when you're average in all your features. I would visit friends that live far from me. Eat at a highly reviewed restaurant lol. I like fishing/hunting animals I love to eat e.g lobster, duck shit like that. Treat my family where nice. I've always wanted to develop an education system sorta like khan academy but actual shit that you'd use practically like trade skills for third world countries. cliche as it sounds only you can give your life meaning. it's ok if you don't know, it's ok to not have anything figured out. it's ok. if you want to know what makes you happy or gives you meaning or purpose, you'll only find it if you look for it.

people often think you're supposed to be happy but you're not. happiness comes and goes, same with sadness or any other emotion. the only question you should ask yourself regarding your well being is whether you are content or not. accepting the present and being peace at every moment is the true key to 'happiness'