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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 500x500, 1550173506425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12756462 No.12756462 [Reply] [Original]

*tink tink tink*
hope you bought the dip, anon
LTO had top volume on IDEX yesterday, nearly double what QNT was
if you followed how everything went with HOT, CHX, QNT, then you already should know how this is going to go

>> No.12756480

nobody gives a shit about your shitcoin fuck off

>> No.12756512
File: 117 KB, 931x624, 1550174051184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in here frobros

>> No.12756528
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughingsluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna make it anon

>> No.12756553


>> No.12756595

don't let the fudjeets keep sliding this thread

>> No.12756603
File: 26 KB, 804x292, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at 1.16.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get lost with your workflow erc-20 shitcoin

You ain't fooling no one with that stupid maximum supply and with the fact that the devs own 300M coins out of 460M

Fucking faggot missed the QNT and CHX train and now thinks that every shitcoin might do the same moon mission

>> No.12756611

lazy FUD, yawn...

>> No.12756620

when youre coping so hard you have to post 10 times and still no one cares. be sure to follow up with the obligatory post in a few days when it goes up 2%

>> No.12756631


And what exactly was FUD in my post, retard ?

By the way, all of these workflow shitcoins are microcaps because nobody gives a shit about them

I mean, look at Unibright and its clients (siemens, lufthansa etc), yet it's at $3M lol...and it doesn't even have the retarded maximum supply of 10x higher than the circulating supply.

You fucked up with this investment

>> No.12756640

not gonna make it

>> No.12756660
File: 32 KB, 500x334, 35-og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny that you said that, since i actually made it with LTO until yesterday when i dumped that shit until i was at 0 LTO with my balance.

It pumped because noobs weren't sure of the circulating supply and the maximum supply

I fucking dumped right after CMC updated the stats. You will not convince anyone to buy a shitcoin that will keep diluting for years due to mainnet tokens (460M tokens) being continuously converted to erc-20 (41M circulating)

It already pumped by 5x until yesterday. Yet another shitcoin you bought at the top and now looking for newbs to dump your bags on

>> No.12756661

How many to make it? Accumulated 32k of these bad boys.

>> No.12756675

why are you so angry? are you by chance a virgin?

>> No.12756721


This is your seventh message and the thread has just started. You seem to be a little desperate, isn't it?

Those bags must weight a ton after the OG's dumped this forever diluting shitcoin on your head

>> No.12756724

you wont make it by buying this coin. the MC is less than 10% of what its supposed to be, the other 90%+ are in the hands of the devs waiting to dump to 0.

>> No.12756757
File: 18 KB, 180x200, 1550171032032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fudjeets really need to come up with some new fud, this is so stale
>they forgot about the 3 youtube ubershills releasing videos soon

>> No.12756764


This is what i'm trying to tell them. Wait for 6-12 months until the shitshow dissipates a little and then think about investing.

The trollbridge fee has a curved path and it's accelerating towards 0 very fast and making it affordable for the mainnet holders to convert to erc-20. The big problem with this is that at one point the buy book won't consolidate anymore to absorb all the dumping that comes from the mainnet. Check famous shitcoins like "lbry" and synereo (now hyperspace) that have ridiculous high maximum supplies and see how they rekt all their investors

You have to be legit retarded to try to convince me to buy this forever diluting shitcoin

>> No.12756833
File: 82 KB, 962x1152, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at 1.48.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These retards are trying to get you buy at this point


>> No.12756901

u need to realize no1 cares about some dumb ass youtuber with like 5k subs. plus I'm sure if the youtuber is respectable they'd also expose LTO for the scam that it is.

>> No.12757310
File: 121 KB, 673x680, 1550176818238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are already breaking out... what did I tell you?

>> No.12757651


Great you linked the site. Now you can see the marketcap is 12.7m putting this coin at rank 170ish.

Also in 6 months troll bridge fee is 0%

Anyone argueing against this point is a retard in math and probably a coping bag holders. Have to say genius token model to fool pajeets.

So no token is not ranked 400. Ask yourself if its still worth investing since its a rank 170ish

>> No.12757867

people pretty much exclusively look at the numbers coinmarketcap shows outside of autistic websites like here

>> No.12759005
File: 610 KB, 591x587, LTOnujackpet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working with netherlands, belgium, heineken, and deloitte

not fucking selling until 40m

>> No.12759232


Funny because 40M means actually $400M since there are 10x more coins in maximum supply than in circulation

This pump is just a desperate one to cover the losses of all the youtube shills that got dumped at the top LMAO

Unibright, another workflow shitcoin works with lufthansa, siemens, shell, nestle etc and is valued at 3M marketcap

These are shitcoins and you're in because you think that they will pull a CHX and QNT.

Get fucking REKT

>> No.12759276

>11 posts by OP
kek these nigger shills are getting desperate
btw if you think taking a /biz/ meme and slapping your shitcoin logo on it is going to go over well....think again
dumbass nigger shill

>> No.12759278

Also these youtubers make twitter polls to decide their next shill video so it's already priced in kek.