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File: 53 KB, 597x397, E74F223F-20EF-4AA9-9DD2-08E7A78BF980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12755071 No.12755071 [Reply] [Original]

Biztards may or may not steal it, post at your own risk

>> No.12755090

Create an app to

>> No.12755108

This might be a dumb idea, but I think there could be money in selling pictures of women in various states of undress for the purpose of inciting sexual arousal in men. Think about it. The sex drive is among the most powerful a human experiences. If we could tap into that there must be a lot of money to be made.

>> No.12755190

Russian Roulette Coin (RRC).
Run by a smart contract which randomly deletes 1% of all wallets every week.

>> No.12755313

Im working on some affiliate-marketing websites and focus on this. You can focus on selling and marketing actually without need of having own product

>> No.12755458

Wear underwear, leather tanga etc and sell it to gay customers. I am short and overweight, but will just take some photos of a chad. Maybe some jobless actor and take tons of pictures so it looks super amateur. But I will wear them and sell them. My Jewish Middle Eastern genes gave me much testosterone and competitiveness, so I sweat and have this masculine smell a lot, but I shower regularly. If straight men buy used underwear, why should not gay men buy used underwear? Especially elderly gay gentlemen that are not longer in the market, but still miss the action. What do you think?

>> No.12755480

Sell dead flowers to goths/emos/"dark" edgy people/whatever

>> No.12755482

how you gonna target facebook ads for this?

>> No.12755528

I have done market research, they have their own gay magazines. A friend works in a very large social company and can give me emails to gays for some money.

>> No.12755648

you are not afraid that you gonna turn gay cause of this?

>> No.12755742
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everyone gives me mone

>> No.12755757

My father is a landlord, so when student girls can pay their rent, we bang them. I have had more blonde pussy than most chads. So I am definitely not gay. Having new underwear every day and get paid for it, while banging blonde girls for free is a great life. The girls still have to pay the rent later, but we don't kick them out on the streets right before exams etc, we just bang them and help them relax. So for us it is all free banging. Student girls now do so much drugs that we more girls willing to bang than we can bang, so we kick out the ugly ones and keep the deposit,due to contract breach. Win - win for us. Life is good.

>> No.12755817

"Eco-friendly" jeweller. You capture carbon from the atmosphere, turn it into a """sky diamond""" which you sell to rich ecofags at massively inflated prices as an engagement ring

>> No.12755918

Your family runs a father son rent-rape investment trust? You should sell $2000 guru seminars on YouTube for that.

>> No.12755937
File: 786 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-12-12-10-44-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw metoo kicks in
Top kek.

>> No.12755943

t. larping pajeet incel

>> No.12755960 [DELETED] 

It's not rape as it is volunteerism. These white girls will fuck for whatever. Not like they feel they lost something. It's also not prostitution, as no money is involved, we just look more friendly at their breach of contract, that's all. Most landlord stay away from poor students, have to deal with all the drugs and their deadbeat boyfriends etc. We don't care, we bang and get money. We also have some connections to the niggers if we have some problems that only violence can make go away. So I don't believe this is right for youtube. Not family friendly enough, even tough it has been super friendly to our family.

>> No.12755967

Everyone should crowd fund me to bang escorts then I’ll give investors the research result

>> No.12755980

It's not rape as it is volunteerism. These white girls will fuck for whatever. Not like they feel they lost something. It's also not prostitution, as no money is involved, we just look more friendly at their breach of contract, that's all. Most landlord stay away from poor students, have to deal with all the drugs and their deadbeat boyfriends etc. We don't care, we bang and get money. We also have some connections to shvartze if we have some problems that only violence can make go away. So I don't believe this is right for youtube. Not family friendly enough, even tough it has been super friendly to our family.

>> No.12755994

I have a patent I’m working on for an invention that is made of padded material that protects the kneecaps of aspiring entrepreneurs.

>> No.12756001

t. Jelous shabbat goy. Was it your girl I banged yesterday. She moaned a lot.

>> No.12756020

Why would you use blacks to self help evict when you can just send a contractor in to remove their plumbing fixtures or front door under the guise of repairs that take several months???

>> No.12756027

You said that you are ugly, fat little jew so how is this not rape/prostitution? They dont suck you cock cause of love

>> No.12756028

just met a dude off craigs list with a multi million dollar idea, he was looking for help marketing
hes already had success reaching nearly one million in sales last year i believe
just got him to give me an honest monthly salary plus 10% of any deal i ink
hes just old and the opposite of tech savy
god literally just blessed me

>> No.12756037

And yes, I'm aware that they could bring suit for constructive eviction, but who would ever bother with that headache.

>> No.12756057

As I said, there are some problems only violence or threat of violence can fix. Just kicking someone out is not one of them.

>> No.12756068

FUCK YOU! I am normal built, and normal looking. Not ugly at all! You are so fucking naive. Only a small percentage of women give their pussy to one they love. Most of them trade their pussy for money or benefits one way or another. Especially white girls, they have no shame.

>> No.12756076

You shouldn't really care about ideas being stolen. The world is so big. You should choose a very niche market either way. It's not about idea's it's about execution.

>> No.12756107

You're over playing your larp and going a bit too gonzo with the super Jew shtick.

>> No.12756154

Im a young bodybuilder (23). How would i go about finding gay men that throw money at me for pics/vids etc..

>> No.12756164

Manufacturing solar panels because I live near an area that mines quartzite, an essential part of making the silicates involved, then acquiring all my small competitors, selling out and broing down

>> No.12756187
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sex doll brothel

>> No.12756192

>super Jew shtick
You don't know too many Jews, do you anti-Semite? Do we really frighten you that much? This has nothing to do with Jew or not, just humans trying to make a life.

>> No.12756196


The internet's already been invented by Al Gore

>> No.12756271

You've referenced being Jewish, used Yiddish words, or made over the top anti white statements in every post. I don't actually believe you're Jewish desu, but I'm not going use a bunch of time going back and forth with you.
Good luck with your smelly gay man thong idea through!

>> No.12756335

I just stated facts. Asian girls, Hispanic first and second generation, and not at all Muslim girls, they are not as slutty and easy to give their pussy as white girls. I am just stating facts. Why do you bother me for the state of the world?

>> No.12756341

ok sorry for calling you ugly. Misunderstanding.

What your father thinks about your gay business idea?

>> No.12756366

Something I can help you with, bro? I wished you luck on your mail order thong business. Don't know what else I can do for you. You wanna take our shirts off and wrestle or something?

>> No.12756367

and about girls. White girls gives pussy to foreigners as much as Asian or Hispanic to whites. I lived in japan for 8 months and I felt like Rocco (Im white). Same was in Brazil I was there for one month only but I've got so much attention from the girls. Its more like we are curious about exotics

>> No.12757244

here's a freebie
something about divorce asset protection on the blockchain
incels will buy it to infinity

>> No.12758553

What about an app where you plug in your financial information and it automatically goes through the process of exploiting credit card and checking account perks? Create your own "credit card" to work with it. You use that card to buy stuff, and it will bill it to other cards it applied for, or through one of your checking accounts. The average normie could probably get at least $1,000 from these bonuses; so I would charge $10 a month for the program subscription, as well as a $25 annual fee for the credit card.

>> No.12758664

I'm waiting for someone someone to use block chain for ledger keeping rather than as currency
food safety, legal record, project management, there's a whole world of application for an unbreakable re-traceable ledger

>> No.12759170

Two words: Brapp Store