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12752389 No.12752389 [Reply] [Original]

How should I go about applying for jobs that require a generic bachelor's degree in any subject when I don't have one?

How do they verify such claims? Do they check, or is it just a quick way to separate the wheat from the chaff?

>> No.12752828

Usually they do not check. Use their laziness against them.

Before retiring from the 2017 bull run, I lied about having a bachelor's in Econ (most versatile) and worked various higher paying tech jobs that I would not have been able to otherwise. I feel a small sense of pride in having done this.

>> No.12752850

so you just learned on the job?

>> No.12752924

Yes, just like a degree-holder would.

You do not actually learn any job-specific skills in school unless you're in STEM and the curriculum is kept up to date with reality.

There is no special cognitive difference between someone with a degree and someone without.

>> No.12752980

The degree requirement system is an artificial and poorly-constructed mechanism to limit access to upward mobility in society.

The problem is that people like me, who call society's bluff, can easily game it and gain an advantage.

There is always a cost to imposing arbitrary restrictions, and that cost, for example, can manifest as people gaining an advantage completely for free by simply not complying with expectations of truthfulness.

>> No.12753536

>works for the jews
>thinks he's "gaming" the system
top kek

>> No.12753565


How did you advance your career? Did having an initial job that required a degree provide enough proof that you got a permanent foothold, or were there ever situations where you were under pressure to produce apostilled documents or something like that?

I've seen enough of the world to know that there are truly ridiculous amounts of money going around, and it couldn't possibly be all watertight and precisely doled out according to exact specifications. That would require almost superhuman management skills, and reality falls short of that.

>> No.12754563


>> No.12755825

Depends. Sometimes they'll check, sometimes they dont check.
If it's an overseas job it's usually for visa reasons. You usually cant bullshit your way through it if this is the case.
If it's just a generic job in your home country though it's like other posters say, just a way to separate filter out peasant scum.
I mean hell, you could print off an online diploma or photoshop yourself one and IF they check 9/10 they'll just briefly glance at it assuming it's real. It's not like they're going to call up the University to ask "hey, just wanna make sure, did a guy called Bob graduate from here 12 years ago?"