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12751658 No.12751658 [Reply] [Original]

>We will be going with the staking of LP approach, so rather than needing to take a snapshot, you stake your LP in the pool contracts and get your staking limit. If you withdraw your LP after staked, it will also withdraw the equivalent amount in LINK based on how much LP you're withdrawing.
>The staking of LP tokens will be a permanent addition, giving larger staking allowances to those who purchase them. When we want to offer LinkPool to the general public, they will have a separate staking allowance outside the allowance of LP owners. For example, in the future we could have a 10mil LINK limit for LP owners and a 2mil limit for the general public, totalling a possible 12mil to be staked onto the platform.
>This means there will always be a utility to the LP token, as if you buy LP, you can always use it to stake into the pool to gain yourself an allowance. The general public will always be able to purchase LP to gain more of a staking allowance in the future.
>In-terms of voting in the future DAO, it will not be 1 person 1 vote. The voting will come from what LP you have staked in the pool. So for example if you have 10LP staked in LinkPool and you vote, that will add 10LP to the option you chose. You cannot vote if you don't have an active staking position on the platform.
>We will be writing this up in more detail soon in a Medium article. Happy to answer any questions.

tl;dr: There won't be a snapshot. Initial staking priority will remain the same for LP shareholders. After they open to the general public people will be able to increase their staking room by buying lp shares

>> No.12751664


>kek, he's still holding scampool

>> No.12751666


Interesting, but there's one super important part:

From whom do they buy the LP, the dex (so buy from the current/ICO holders?) or from LP itself

>> No.12751681

From me

>> No.12751688

Will this ever be lagal for a burgerland cuck to buy?

>> No.12751738

You are mentally challenged or very new, Satan.

>> No.12751753

From the DEx. The team won't have any other source of revenue than their own shares. If they sell it there is no incentive in working on Linkpool anymore.

>> No.12751988

you can buy it any time you like. it's just "suggested" you don't own any.

>> No.12752544

Wow, 248 addresses with shares at at new years to 275 addresses with shares now, good job shills.
Even better job to the 27 who bought in.

>> No.12752570

i like johnny but this is a fucking scam from the start. the price today is idiotic and the structure guarantees anything but decentralization. add the stupid fees, and jewpool needs to be shutdown.
We need a much (much) better competition. This is a speculative shit that adds nothing to the link network.

>> No.12752707

>So for example if you have 10LP staked in LinkPool and you vote, that will add 10LP to the option you chose

centralization wen?

>> No.12752739

Why would they do this. Wasnt it enough that lp is used to get a percent return? Fuck, I really don't want to buy lp. Seems scammy.

>> No.12752755

I don't even care about staking anymore, if you have 5k link and just hold til 2022 you'll be a billionaire anyway

>> No.12752772

Actually, how would they even enforce this? Can't I just get a new address and stake from there? Unless they're going kyc.

>> No.12752805

what the fuck are you talking about? This just changes linkpool from a share to a utility token

>> No.12752837

It means that there will be staking thresholds based on how much lp you stake on your account. Which means at some point you will have to purchase and hold lp in order to stake more of your link. Didn't this gated design only apply to lp priority staking after mainnet launch? Now it's permanent?

>> No.12752952

This means burgers are permanently cucked.

>> No.12753703

It means the LP on the dex are on sale atm

>> No.12753900


>> No.12753936

Do they mean a 10mil limit for each LP holder, or for the whole Linkpool?

If for each individual, why bother when I can have up to 2mil without LP anyways?

>> No.12753968

10mil was an example for the whole LP

>> No.12753977

These changes only affect people with shares (positively). People without shares will still have to wait for LP to open to the public.

>> No.12754042

I still think LP is about 10x overvalued. Completely reliant on Chainlink mainnet, which probs isn't for another year at least.

>> No.12754062

Truth is that staking for public was always meant to happen at a very later stage anyways

>> No.12754165


So Chainlink is 10x overvalued too then? Or doesn't it work that work that way in your tiny brain because you own LINK and no LP?

>> No.12754211

No, I just don't think a service that's completely reliant on another should have an 8mil+ market cap in such early stages.

>> No.12754324

Internet relies on electricity
Amazon relies on the internet

>> No.12754377

Really trying to understand your logic. If Chainlink launched yesterday, what should the value be of LP be today in your opinion?

>> No.12754441

I bought in the crowdsale and put every dollar I could last year into chianlink. I'm moving out of my apartment next month and don't have a job or place to go. I curse the day I ever learned about LINKPOOL and CHAINLINK

>> No.12754455

why did you quit your job before the price boomed? your suppose to do that after dumbass

>> No.12754474

> made my own problem, blame other people
thats millennials for you

>> No.12754493

quit your yapping. i have fiat. i'll but your linkpool and link so you can shut the fuck up.

>> No.12754541

are you retarded? read the fucking OP post again

>> No.12755078

Learn to greentext fuckhead

>> No.12755214

My post has no logic. I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about, or what LP should be worth.

>> No.12755284

This is soooo overpriced, 1 share currently about 16 eth, which is 2000$.. buy 5k LINK instead, if it goes even to 5$, you will make much more than you ever get from Linkpool.

There will be hundreds of free-to-join linkpools if this will be a success..

>> No.12755371

Im willing to bet most of us bough LP shares and long time ago. I bought some when they were about 7eth each in Nov/dec. I definitely wouldn't buy any now.. unless you have none ofc

>> No.12755614

This is a good realization. Here is a tip. Research the Dividend Discount Model, and understand how it applies to Linkpool and the token valuation. Do this and you'll immediately be ahead of the crowd - not that its tough when people like >>12755214 are the competition.

>> No.12755769

ffs ...when people like >>12755284 are the competition.